who signs interrogatories, the lawyer of client

by Mrs. Imelda Pacocha III 3 min read

Every lawyer knows that interrogatory answers are to be signed by the client, the party with substantive knowledge (Rule 33 (b) (2)), not by the lawyer, who separately signs as to the objections (id.) and thereby certifies that the answers are true to the best of the lawyer’s knowledge, information and belief (Rule 26 (g) (2)).

Each interrogatory must, to the extent it is not objected to, be answered separately and fully in writing under oath. (5) Signature. The person who makes the answers must sign them, and the attorney who objects must sign any objections.Aug 6, 2014

Full Answer

Do interrogatories have to be signed by an attorney?

El Chile, Inc., 266 F.R.D. 207 (N.D. Ill. 2010): Under Rule 33, answers to interrogatories must be verified and must be signed by the person answering the interrogatory, not only by the party’s attorney.

Who is required to sign the objections to interrogatories?

Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 33 (b) (5) requires the attorney to sign the objections and the client to sign the answers. Do not make a habit or practice of sending interrogatory responses without verifications. Such practice invites potentially sanctionable conduct.

Can lawyers obstruct discovery by responding to interrogatories themselves?

This time, let’s talk about lawyers obstructing discovery by responding to discovery interrogatories themselves, rather than by having their client answer. It’s a common progression of events: 1. Lawyer A serves a bunch of interrogatories on Lawyer B. 2. Lawyer B responds with a bunch of boilerplate objections. (See my prior post for more.) 3.

What do I do if my adversary refuses to answer interrogatories?

If your adversary will not consent, write to the judge and explain why additional time is needed. Have your client verify the interrogatories. Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 33 (b) (5) requires the attorney to sign the objections and the client to sign the answers.


What does it mean to verify interrogatories?

A written statement in which a party attests under oath to the truth and accuracy of its submission, such as answers to interrogatories or a complaint.

Who is allowed to use the process of discovery?

According to Rule 26(b)(1), "Parties may obtain discovery regarding any nonprivileged matter that is relevant to any party's claim or defense." The federal rules also provide several tools that can be used to get information from other parties, including interrogatories, depositions, and requests for admission.

How do you answer interrogatories?

Your answers to the interrogatories should usually be short, clear, and direct and should answer only the question that is being asked. This is not the time to set out your entire case or defense to the other side. Take the time to make sure your answers are correct and truthful.

What is the difference between discovery and interrogatories?

During discovery, the parties request and exchange information and documents. Interrogatories and depositions form the bulk of the discovery process. Unlike many legal documents, interrogatories do not need to be filed with the court. They're sent back and forth from one party to another.

What happens after interrogatories are answered?

What happens once you receive an interrogatory? All of the questions must be responded to in writing and it must be done under oath. Often, once you answer the questions, the other side will use the answers to gather more information.

What types of evidence can be legally obtained during the discovery process?

Discovery, in the law of common law jurisdictions, is a pre-trial procedure in a lawsuit in which each party, through the law of civil procedure, can obtain evidence from the other party or parties by means of discovery devices such as interrogatories, requests for production of documents, requests for admissions and ...

How do you make interrogatories?

Step 1: Write Your Interrogatories. There is no Judicial Council form specifically for this procedure. ... Step 2: Make Photocopies. Make one photocopy of your special interrogatories for each party (other than you) in the case.Step 3: Have Your Requests Served. ... Step 4: Retain Your Originals for Your Records.

Are Form interrogatories objection proof?

Their use was usually the first volley in the discovery battle. For years the Courts had found that the Form Interrogatories were objection proof as to form with minor exceptions.

How many days after the service of a response to interrogatories does a party have to compel further responses to those interrogatories in California?

The motion to compel further responses has to be brought within 45 days of service of the response. (C.C.P.

Why are interrogatories important?

The purpose of interrogatories is to learn a great deal of general information about a party in a lawsuit. For example, the defendant in a personal injury lawsuit about a car accident might send you interrogatories asking you to disclose things like: Where you live.

What if the plaintiff does not answer the interrogatories?

If the plaintiff does not respond, you can file a motion for order compelling discovery. In the motion: Explain to the judge that you asked the plaintiff to give you documents and, they did not.

What is an advantage to using interrogatories?

Interrogatories are a helpful discovery tool for obtaining written answers to questions directed to your opponent — which you can use to support your claims or defenses in a lawsuit.

What can be used in discovery?

Here are some of the things lawyers often ask for in discovery: anything a witness or party saw, heard, or did in connection with the dispute. anything anyone said at a particular time and place (for example, in a business meeting related to the dispute or after a car accident that turned into a lawsuit)

What is the process of discovery?

To begin preparing for trial, both sides engage in discovery . This is the formal process of exchanging information between the parties about the witnesses and evidence they ll present at trial. Discovery enables the parties to know before the trial begins what evidence may be presented.

What are the three types of discovery?

That disclosure is accomplished through a methodical process called "discovery." Discovery takes three basic forms: written discovery, document production and depositions.

What are the two key elements of discovery?

The Discovery phase consists of two key elements:Planning for collection to ensure that information is collected, managed, and shared in a systematic and deliberate manner.Collecting data using a variety of methods.

What to do when you run up against a discovery deadline?

When running up against a discovery deadline, seek an extension if your client needs time to search for documents, review the responses for accuracy, or sign the verification. If your adversary will not consent, write to the judge and explain why additional time is needed. Have your client verify the interrogatories.

Can an attorney forge a signature?

An attorney should never forge a client’s signature or use a client’s digital signature without authorization. Doing so invites sanctions ranging from attorney fees and expense for re-opening the deposition, attorney fees in connection with the sanctions motion, sanctions paid into the court, or any combination of these.

Did LLF take Wisser's signature?

At his deposition, however, Wisser testified that he had never seen the interrogatory responses and that the signature on the verification page was not his. In actuality, LLF never had Wisser review the interrogatory responses nor asked him to review his records. After completing the discovery responses, LLF took Wisser’s digital signature ...

Is a power of attorney a forgery?

Verifying the responses is also a good opportunity to update your client on the case. Power of attorney isn’t a forgery license. Possessing power of attorney does not excuse forging the client’s signature. State law generally requires the principal-agent relationship be disclosed.

Did Wisser read the interrogatory responses?

Despite indicating otherwise, Wisser had not read the interrogatory responses and did not verify he knew the contents to be true and accurate. LLF did not attempt to rectify the error by having Wisser review the response retroactively. The district court imposed sanctions.

3 attorney answers

Raise this issue with your attorney. What s/he did here is not the norm. It is customary for experienced litigators to draft answers with their client and the client swears to the contents. The attorney also makes objections to the interrogatory and assists the client in answering based on the objections.

Alexander Nicholas Loftus

Interrogatories are to be answered by the party. Some attorneys will present answers to Interrogatories just as they are prepared and other attorneys will have them typed. Either way, the answers are those of the litigant and not the legal representative.

Judy A. Goldstein

The answers are those of the party. It is sworn testimony by the litigant.

Who must sign a discovery request?

Every disclosure under Rule 26 (a) (1) or (a) (3) and every discovery request, response, or objection must be signed by at least one attorney of record in the attorney ’s own name—or by the party personally, if unrepresented—and must state the signer’s address, e-mail address, and telephone number.

What is Rule 34?

In short, Rule 34 allows a lawyer to stand in for their client in responding to discovery, but, when a lawyer does so, they are representing to the opposing party and to the court that they have done a reasonable investigation to assure that their clients have provided all available responsive information and documents.

Can a lawyer sign a response to a document request?

Thus, a lawyer may indeed sign responses to document requests.

Can a lawyer be sanctioned for obstructing the proceedings?

Unlike § 1927, which says a court may sanction a lawyer for obstructing the proceedings, Rule 26 (g) (3) says the court must sanction a lawyer for filing an improper certification. There’s also no “bad faith” requirement, either.
