who is the lawyer that represents scientologists

by Lonie Schultz 5 min read

Kendrick Moxon

Lawyer Buys Rights to Anti-Cult Organization

Scientologist member from L.A. owns name, other assets of bankrupt group that tried to 'deprogram' the church's members.

Distaste for CAN

Last week its name, logo, post office box and telephone number were sold to the highest bidder: a Los Angeles lawyer named Steven L. Hayes, who is a Scientologist. Hayes says he is working with a group of people "united in their distaste for CAN" who plan to reopen the group so it "disseminates the truth about all religions."

Barrage of Lawsuits

Beginning in 1991, CAN and its local affiliates and staff were hit with a series of lawsuits filed by several dozen members of the Church of Scientology and others. In one week in 1992, Scientologists filed 12 suits against CAN, Kisser said.

What would the SEC require lawyers to do?

Proposed SEC rules would require lawyers to make an immediate “noisy withdrawal” representing a public corporation when corporate officials do not appropriately address reported material violations. This change would raise additional conflicts issues. Nearly as problematic is an alternative proposal that would require the lawyer to withdraw and the corporation (but not the lawyer) to disclose the withdrawal.

What is the role of a lawyer in a client relationship?

jurisdictions is that the creation of a lawyer-client relationship entitles the client to the full pano­ply of pro­tections under professional conduct rules. Chief among these are the lawyer’s obligations to represent the client competently, to protect the confidentiality of all information relating to the representation and to avoid impermissible conflicts of interest.

What is Rule 1.18?

As for conflicts of interest, Rule 1.18 imposes duties on the lawyer that offer substantial protection to the pro­spective client. Unlike the approach that Rule 1.9 takes toward duties to former clients, however, Rule 1.18 provides greater flexibility for the lawyer. For example, a lawyer who had discussions with a pro­spective client is ...

What is a prospective client?

Recognizing that possibility, Rule 1.18 defines a pro­spective client as “a person who discusses with a lawyer the possibility of forming a client-lawyer relationship.”. The comment to the rule clarifies that a person who communicates unilaterally with a lawyer must have a “reasonable expectation that the lawyer is willing to discuss ...

Is insurance liability a case?

Insurance liability claims occur so frequently that one would think all the underlying legal and ethics issues involved in defending them would have been resolved long ago. But that isn’t the case.

Is an insured only client?

a few judicial opinions conclude that the insured is the lawyer’s only client or require parties to give special consent to dual representation of both insured and insurer. Most decisions, however, have found that, absent a conflict of interest, the lawyer ordinarily represents both the insured and the insurance company. (Some qualify this by saying the insured is the “primary” client.)
