who is the lawyer in the good samaritan

by Christop Purdy 10 min read

Why can’t the lawyer say the Good Samaritan?

The obvious answer is that the Samaritan proved to be the “neighbor” to the wounded man. But the lawyer couldn’t bring himself to say the good Samaritan. That was an oxymoron. He answered, “The one who showed mercy toward him.”

Who was the true Good Samaritan?

Instead, it pointed the lawyer to the One, the despised One... the Lord Jesus, who was the true good Samaritan who went out of His way to save mankind. Jesus didn't cross over to the other side of the road.

What does Jesus tell the lawyer in the parable of Samaritan?

After this question, Jesus tells the lawyer the parable of the Good Samaritan. To summarize the parable, the man is traveling between two cities. On his journey, he is mugged, stripped, and left for dead.

Who helped the dying man in the parable of the Good Samaritan?

Now, let’s focus more on the parable of the good Samaritan this time. In the story given by Christ, we have seen three men who saw the dying man: When you look into this list, you would normally expect that the priest and Levite would readily help the victim.


What is the law in Luke 10?

In Luke 10 the lawyer is an individual “learned in the law.”. However, he is learned in holy law. The Torah, or Five Books of Moses, is the core of that Law. Here’s where it gets tricky, though. A lawyer who was also a Pharisee – as many of them were – would regard the oral law as equally binding. (This oral law eventually became ...

Did the Pharisees separate themselves from the law?

As noted above, the Pharisees separated themselves from any potential source of defilement. They refused to associate with anyone who did not observe the law as scrupulously as they did. Fellow Pharisees were their principal associates, and they viewed their group as a community, calling themselves neighbors.

Why was the Samaritan's actions a true demonstration of love?

The Samaritan’s actions were a true demonstration of love because he had no prior relationship with the wounded man, he would not gain anything materially from his actions. He would instead lose time and money. And the wounded man probably would not have done the same for him if the situation were reversed.

What is the attitude of the lawyer in the parable?

Another thing we see about the lawyer is his self-righteousness. Remember that most parables answer a question and deal with an attitude. The attitude being dealt with in the parable is self-righteousness. The text says the lawyer was “seeking to justify himself.”. That by the way was the problem with the nation.

What does the parable verse 30 mean?

Verse 30 says, “Jesus replied...”. The Greek word means to “take up.”. The man had thrown down a challenge and Jesus took him up on it. This is not simply, “Jesus answered him.”. The parable is primarily answering the question asked by the lawyer “who is my neighbor?”. ( Luke 10:29 ), but Jesus also indicates in a subtle way the true answer to ...

What race were the Samaritans?

Samaritans were an inferior mixed race in the Jewish mind. He was considered to be less than human, but look at his actions: Compassion - In the Greek this stands out because of the prepositions. While the priest and Levite passed by ajntiparh'lqen, the Samaritan passed by proselqwVn.

What does Jesus say in Matt 22?

In Matt 22 Jesus was probably saying that you are not applying the very thing which you understand. (That is a common theme - people are held responsible for what they know! Jesus did not condemn them for what they did not understand. He condemned them for what they did understand, but did not do!)

What are the points in the parable of the Samaritan?

If this is true, then the following points might correspond to the characters in this parable: Point 1: Even our enemies are our neighbors . Point 2: Ethnic and social standing are no guarantee of right standing before God. Point 3: The Samaritan’s actions are an example of what it means to love.

What does the Priest say about his refusal to love his neighbor?

His refusal to love his neighbor casts doubt on his love for God. The Priest was an expert in the law and undoubtedly knew of laws like those in Ex 23:4-5 which commanded that you help your enemy’s donkey if he was lost or overburdened, but he was unwilling to help a human in distress.

What does the Samaritan say about the wounded man?

When it is time for him to leave, if he cannot pay the debt he can be arrested, Matthew 18:23-35. The Samaritan knows this and volunteers money (two denarii is two days wages) and whatever else is needed to see to the needs of this unidentified man.

What does Jesus ask the lawyer about?

Jesus asks the lawyer about what he knows best: the law. He knows that keeping the law is the appropriate answer. He brings the issue out into the open. This is probably best since the Jewish leadership were probably concerned about Jesus’ teachings on the Law. 27.

What was the relationship between the Jews and the Samaritans?

The relationship between the Jews and Samaritans was one of hostility because of some bad things that happened in the past.

Was Jesus like the Samaritan?

Jesus was like the Samaritan. He was willing to touch the unclean. He was willing to go to the lost, the outcast, and the needy. And, like the Samaritan, Jesus was an outcast in the eyes of the Lawyers, Priests, Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees. 36.

Is the Samaritan a gentile?

Specifically, it is the collection of these traditions. The Samaritan is not a gentile. He is bound by the same law as the Jews. The Samaritan would not be naturally from that area, so the half-dead man would certainly not qualify as his neighbor.

What is the Good Samaritan Law?

Picture this: you are driving your car through a city at night. It just finished pouring rain about a half-hour ago, and the wet city streets are reflecting lights from all over. As you pass through a busy intersection, a truck driver thinks he has a green light, but it’s actually yours. The truck driver ends up crashing into your car.

History of Good Samaritan Laws

Good Samaritan laws allow everyday people to help those in crisis situations. The idea and importance of the average person helping another in need is a concept that is thousands of years old and often taught in a variety of religious practices.

Why Good Samaritan Laws are Important

In general, Good Samaritan laws are important because they empower everyday citizens to provide assistance to those in need. Without these laws, countless members of a society would suffer. Without immediate help, a person’s injuries from an accident can worsen, or they may even die.

Limitations of Good Samaritan Laws

Although Good Samaritan laws are important and promote a more helpful society, there are certain limitations for those acting under Good Samaritan laws. While they do empower everyday citizens to take action, they do limit the kinds of actions a person can take and why they can or cannot act.

How to Operate Under Good Samaritan Laws

While Good Samaritan laws often vary by state, country, and more, there are a couple tips a person can follow in order to ensure they will more than likely be protected under them. These tips include:

The Good Samaritan Law and Addiction

Good Samaritan laws empower people to help others in crisis and in peril. This can also extend to those trying to help individuals with addictions who are overdosing on a substance. Overdoses are serious medical emergencies that need to be treated as quickly as possible.

What is the meaning of the parable of the Good Samaritan?

The parable of the Good Samaritan is one of the most famous parables Jesus ever told. The term, good samaritan, has become synonymous with someone who shows mercy. It’s a positive name. Even many organizations use it to show how they care for people. But the good samaritan meaning would have been much different to Jesus 1st century audience.

Does Jesus stop with the Samaritan?

Jesus doesn’t stop with the Samaritan just checking on the guy; he goes above and beyond (Luke 10:34-35). The good Samaritan not only has compassion but his compassion moves him to action. He cleans and binds up his wounds, brings him to an inn, cared for him, and paid for his stay.

Is the Good Samaritan real?

The story of the Good Samaritan is fictional, but the details are pulled from real life. Luke 10:30 starts off with a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. This road was known to be dangerous. Thieves would often hide in the many caves, curves, and cliffs and ambush unsuspecting travelers. It’s not a route you would travel alone.

What is the parable of the Good Samaritan?

After this question, Jesus tells the lawyer the parable of the Good Samaritan. To summarize the parable, the man is traveling between two cities. On his journey, he is mugged, stripped, and left for dead. Three people encounter the wounded man: a priest, a Levite, and a Samaritan.

What did the Samaritan decide to do?

The Samaritan decided to be proactive and help. This immediate interpretation of the story definitely appears to be the gist of what Jesus is preaching. The story was initially delivered in the context of the first and second greatest commandments, the second of which is to love others.

What does Jesus say to the lawyer after telling the parable?

After telling the parable, Jesus gives the lawyer a command, “Go and do the same.”. ( Luke 10:37 ). At face value, this is a story about treating others with love. The priest and Levite did not show love for the man. With no compassion, they passed by leaving the traveler to whatever fate would befall him.

What is Jesus' idea of neighbor?

Jesus’ idea of neighbor then seems to be all-encompassing of humanity in its entirety. This makes sense considering Jesus died for the sins of all ( John 3:16 ). Now that we understand the word neighbor more like Jesus and less like the lawyer, we can examine 3 things to know about the parable of the Good Samaritan.

What is the second commandment?

The second greatest commandment is to love others as we love ourselves. Notice that the Bible does not have to encourage us to love ourselves in the way it admonishes us to love others. Loving ourselves comes natural, but taking care of others does not. The Jewish man traveling to Jericho was robbed and almost died.

Who were the three people who encountered the wounded man?

Three people encounter the wounded man: a priest, a Levite, and a Samaritan. The first two avoided the dying man and actually went to the other side of the road to pass by him. Only the last man drew close and aided him. After telling the parable, Jesus gives the lawyer a command, “Go and do the same.”. ( Luke 10:37 ).

Who is Aaron Brown?

Aaron Brown is a freelance writer, dance teacher, and visual artist. He currently contributes articles to GodUpdates, GodTube, iBelieve, and Crosswalk. Aaron also supports clients through the freelance platform Upwork. NEXT: The Beautiful Significance of “Words of My Mouth and Meditation of My Heart” in Psalm 19:14.

What is the parable of the good Samaritan?

The parable of the good Samaritan is a parable given by Jesus Christ (Yahshua the Messiah). You can read the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37.

5 Bible verses About the Parable of the Good Samaritan

As mentioned above, the good Samaritan parable is found in Luke 10:25-37.

Parable of the Good Samaritan Summary

The parable of the Good Samaritan is found in Luke 10:25-37. Yahshua gave this parable as part of his discussion with a lawyer.

Biblical background of the parable of the good Samaritan

To better understand the context of the parable of the good Samaritan, we must first realize what it is all about by looking at history and its immediate situation.

The Road to Jericho

Jerusalem is of higher elevation compared to Jerusalem. Thus, Christ said, “A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho” (Luke 10:30). Many of the rich priestly families live in Jericho.

The Samaritan

According to historians, the Samaritans are the people who live in Samaria after the Northern Kingdom of Israel was banished from their homeland.

The hatred between the Jews and Samaritans

The Jews and Samaritans hated each other. The division between the two groups of people started way back in the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem under the leadership of Nehemiah.


The Problem

A lawyer approaches Jesus and asks a question. There are really two questions being asked and answered in the parable. Jesus answers the first question with a question. What does the law say? The lawyer, a man skilled in the Mosaic law, answered and summed up the teaching of the law by saying one must love God w…
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The Parameters

  • The historical context is that Samaritans were despised and hated by Jews. The story which follows would have seemed impossible to a Jewish audience. To the Jew, the above diagram represents the social hierarchy within the society. It was so ingrained in the culture that even in synagogue the priest read first, then the levite and then the regular Jew. It is important to understand this, because the lawyer is asking how far out in that diagram do I …
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The Progression

  • The best way to organize the parable is around the major players. In the story there are the robbers, the victim, the priest, the levite, the Samaritan and the innkeeper. Of these, the major players are the victim, the priest and levite (which represent the same attitude) and the Samaritan. Notice that Jesus says, “A certain man, a certain priest, a certain levite.” There are no names; parables are representative of real life. The road between Jerusalem and Jeri…
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The Point

  • How you love people shows your relationship with God. And Israel had failed to keep the elementary principle of the law which was to love. I believe this is the main message of the whole Bible. Craig Blomberg teaches that parables have as many points as they do major characters. If this is true, then the following points might correspond to the characters in this parable: Point 1: Even our enemies are our neighbors. Point 2: Ethnic and so…
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Relation of Parable to The Kingdom of God

  • The parable relates to the kingdom program of God by demonstrating what it means to fulfill the ethic of the law which is summed up in the command to love one’s neighbor. The man is asking, what must I do to get in? Jesus tells him what one who is on the inside looks like. This is so important to understand. What Jesus is doing here is showing the difference between works and fruit. “Works” has the idea of what must I do to get in. But “Fruit” - wh…
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  • Three Attitudes displayed: 1. We must not think that our “membership” in the body of Christ or rituals in our church services satisfy the commands to love God and love our neighbor. 2. When we love our neighbor, we show that we love God. 3. Biblical love transcends boundaries of geography, race, religion, socio-economic status and even convenience. We must love all men equally and well. 4. My neighbor is anyone with a legitimate need for which G…
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