who is the disability lawyer on tv

by Jarrell Spinka 4 min read

Full Answer

Who is the host of the disability law show?

Airing weekly in Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta, the Disability Law Show is hosted by disability lawyer Sivan Tumarkin, who uses his past experience working for insurance companies to force them to pay what they owe. Don’t miss a minute of the long-term disability show that the insurance company doesn’t want you to watch.

Who is the best disability lawyer in Ontario?

Sivan has used his in-depth knowledge of how insurance companies operate – and the tactics they use to deny legitimate claims in an effort to increase their quarterly profits – to bring success and results to his clients. Samfiru Tumarkin LLP has quickly established itself as a leading disability law and personal injury law firm in Ontario.

Should I hire a disability lawyer for medical evidence?

If you hire a disability lawyer, the burden of compiling the necessary evidence to support your claim will fall largely on them. You won’t have to stress yourself talking to your doctors or thinking about what type of medical evidence you need to get.

How important are disability attorneys when fighting for your disability benefits?

But based on the results of a survey conducted by a private firm, about 60% of those who got their SSDI or SSI benefit did so with the help of a lawyer. This gives us an idea of how important disability attorneys are when fighting for your disability benefits.


What happens if you hire a disability lawyer?

If you hire a disability lawyer, the burden of compiling the necessary evidence to support your claim will fall largely on them. You won’t have to stress yourself talking to your doctors or thinking about what type of medical evidence you need to get.

How to get disability if you have never applied?

1. Conduct an Initial Review of Your Case. When you first get in touch with a disability lawyer, they will conduct an initial review of your case. If you’ve never applied for disability benefits, they will assess your eligibility for disability. But if you’ve already been denied, they will look at what went wrong with your application.

What is the SSA disability determination process?

The SSA’s disability determinations process uses an evidence-based approach in granting disability benefits. They will want you to prove that your disability really prevents you from going back to work or doing any type of income-generating activity.

What to do if your disability is denied?

If your claim gets denied at the initial application stage, you have the right to appeal the SSA’s decision. This is where an experienced disability lawyer can help you too. They can help you navigate the appeals process and file a request for reconsideration.

Does an advocate get paid if you win a disability case?

7. Doesn’t Get Paid Unless You Win. If you’ve been on the fence about hiring a disability lawyer because of monetary concerns, worry not. In most states, an attorney or advocate cannot collect fees unless you win the case. The attorney’s fee will be deducted from your total benefits once it’s released.

Who is Judy Ponio?

Judy Ponio is a writer for Victor Malca Law P.A. and enjoys helping people with questions about social security, workers compensation, and other serious matters involving people’s livelihood. She is not an attorney and her writing should not be considered legal advice.

Is a disability lawyer required for Social Security in 2021?

June 17, 2021. When you’re applying for social security disability benefits, hiring a disability lawyer is not required by law. But doing so can be very beneficial for your case. According to the SSA, denied social security disability claims average at 53%. Most of them got denied during the initial application stage.

When did lawyers start appearing on TV?

The history of attorneys on TV dates back to the 1950s with the appearance of “Mr. Malone” on NBC in 1951. The genre is alive and well today with more than a dozen law-related shows on broadcast television at any one time, not to mention the shows available on cable and streaming networks.

Who is the only lawyer to have Attorney at Law?

20. Harvey Birdman, “Harvey Birdman, “Attorney at Law”. The first thing that should be noted is that Harvey Birdman is the only lawyer that has “Attorney at Law” in the title of his show.

Who is Ben Matlock?

Ben Matlock, “Matlock”. A gentlemanly Southern lawyer , Matlock may have moved slow and was tight with a buck, but he always got his man or woman. The homespun philosophy that you received every episode was a bonus as was the ability to watch Andy Griffith continue to ply his trade. 6. Jackie Chiles, “Seinfeld”.

Who gave us the dancing baby?

Ally McBeal, “Ally McBeal”. If nothing else, “Ally McBeal” gave us the “Dancing Baby,” which was a reference to the biological clock ticking away for McBeal. Again, McBeal doesn’t really make the list because of her prowess in the courtroom, which wasn’t seen all that often — even though she did graduate from Harvard.

What is the process of hiring a disability attorney?

If you hire a Social Security Disability attorney to help with your claim, he or she will guide you through the following process: Preparation: Preparing your claim, which will include gathering documents and other required information is an essential part of the claims process.

What does an attorney do for Social Security?

Communication: An attorney can keep track of the status of your claim, alert you to any requests for new information, and speak with Social Security Administration (SSA) representatives on your behalf to answer questions that may arise regarding your application.

How many years of work before disability?

Eligible applicants include those who have worked a total of at least five of the 10 years before developing their disabilities.

How long do you have to be married to receive disabled widower benefits?

The widow or widower is required to have been married to the deceased for a minimum of 10 years.

What to do if your claim is denied?

Your attorney can respond on your behalf to any questions posed by the claims examiner during this stage. Hearing: If your claim is repeatedly denied, or if you do not agree with the results, the next step is to request a hearing by an administrative law judge.

What to do if judge's decision does not suit your needs?

Appeals Council: If the judge's determination does not suit your needs, and you are dissatisfied, you could ask to be reviewed by the Social Security Appeals Council. However, know that the Council is not required to grant you another hearing.

Can you apply for SSD and LTD?

LTD has its own set of complicated rules and tests that determine eligibility and payout amounts, and, oftentimes, claimants are required to apply for SSD and LTD simultaneously. While SSD policies have a set of standardized rules and procedures, those which govern LTD policies can vary.
