who is the best va lawyer

by Prof. Lonny Weimann 8 min read

How to become a lawyer in Virginia?

  • The attorney must have actively engaged in the full-time general practice of law for at least ten of the past twelve years in Virginia. ...
  • The attorney must have the time to devote to the student's needs for the term of study required. ...
  • The attorney must have the facilities to accommodate the student's study. ...

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How are the best lawyers found?

This includes:

  • Eligible practice / metro areas
  • Law Firm Survey
  • Instructions on how to send lists of clients and/or professional references to be surveyed

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How many lawyers in VA?

Many veterans will receive VA disability denials on their initial application. According to the VA, “in the past four years alone, VA has added more than 940,000 Veterans to the VA compensation rolls, more than the active-duty Army and Navy combined.”

What is the best college for lawyers?

The following is the list from National Jurist for their best value lawyer colleges:

  • University of Nebraska
  • University of Kentucky
  • University of Florida
  • Georgia State University
  • University of Arkansas
  • University of New Mexico
  • University of Idaho
  • Florida State University
  • University of Georgia
  • Louisiana State University

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What are the highest rated VA claims?

According to VA's 2020 Annual Benefits Report, the following are the top 20 VA disability claims.Tinnitus VA Claims. ... Hearing Loss VA Claims. ... Limitation of Flexion of the Knee VA Disability Claims. ... Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) VA Claims. ... Lumbosacral and Cervical Strain VA Claims. ... VA Disability Claims for Scars.More items...•

What are the chances of winning an appeal with the VA?

Without representation, veterans have a roughly one in four chance of receiving benefits on appeal: 2017 - 24.42% of appeals were approved with no representative. 2018 - 27.22% of appeals were approved with no representative. 2019 - 26.18% of appeals were approved with no representative.

How do I get a 100% VA rating?

Qualifying for 100 Percent VA Disability Veterans who have a service-connected illness or injury must meet several requirements in order to receive VA benefits. The most basic prerequisites require that veterans have: Sustained their injury or illness during active duty, active duty training, or inactive duty training.

How do I fight VA benefits?

To file an appeal with the VA Regional Office that denied you benefits, you will need to submit a Notice of Disagreement (NOD). The VA doesn't have an NOD form, so you can use Statement in Support of Claim form. You can find this form at www.va.gov/vaforms/.

How long do VA appeals take in 2021?

The Veterans Benefits Administration usually takes 12-18 months to review new appeals and decide whether to grant some or all of the appeal.

How often do VA claims get denied?

The VA denies around 30% of disability claims each year. It can be frustrating to learn that your claim for VA compensation was denied. You may feel like you did everything they asked of you and provided all the evidence necessary to get the disability compensation you deserve.

What is the VA 5 year rule?

The VA disability rating 5-year rule states that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) cannot reduce a veteran's disability rating if it has been in place for five years or more unless the condition shows sustained improvement over time. In this situation, the veteran's rating is considered a stabilized rating.

What happens to my VA disability when I turn 65?

Even after veterans reach full retirement age, VA's disability payments continue at the same level. By contrast, the income that people receive after they retire (from Social Security or private pensions) usually is less than their earnings from wages and salary before retirement.

Is VA disability for life?

If VA assigns you a 100% rating, it has the option of also designating you permanently and totally disabled. If you receive this designation, your benefits are safe for the rest of your life.

Can Congressman help with VA claim?

If you need assistance with a benefits claim or other casework, you can contact your Member Of Congress for assistance. You can also reach out the VA's office in Congress at (202) 225-2280.

What are the easiest VA claims?

According to a recent Veterans Administration report to Congress, the ten most commonly awarded medical conditions that are getting approved for benefits are as follows:Tinnitus.Limitation of flexion (knee)Hearing loss.Lumbosacral or cervical strain (back and neck strains)Limitation of arm motion.General scars.More items...•

Who reviews VA disability claims?

In Step 2 of the VA claim process, a Veteran Service Representative (VSR) will review your claim. It'll move to Step 3 if the VA doesn't need any more evidence to support it. This is unlikely unless you submit a Fully Developed Claim, which is highly recommended.

What do I do if my VA claim is denied?

You have the right to appeal. The appeals process is a review process that allows you to choose from three decision review options: Supplemental Cl...

Why are VA claims denied?

The top three reasons for a VA disability claim denial: No medical diagnosis of a disability No clear “nexus” to prove a service connection No evid...

What percentage of VA disability claims are denied?

Today, 31% of disability claims are denied—and 60% of those denials are in error.

Does the VA try to deny claims?

The VA has no mandate to deny claims. However, they will deny your request if it is not filed using the correct form.

How long does a VA appeal take?

The average wait time for a VA decision is around 107 days. The VA’s goal is to issue all decisions within 125 days.

How long does it take for a BVA decision?

The estimated time it takes to decide appeals to the BVA is 365 days. However, if a hearing is requested, it will take more than 365 days.

What Is the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA)?

The BVA is the appellate body of the VA and has the ability to overrule decisions made by a regional VA office.

Can you receive VA disability benefits for life?

Yes. VA benefits are granted to veterans as long as they remain disabled at the same level of impairment and even until their death.

Where is Vetlaw located?

VetLaw is the law firm of choice for veterans in all 50 states. Our main office is located one block from VA’s Regional Office in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The Winston-Salem office was founded for the sole purpose of representing veterans and their families struggling to obtain VA benefits. Our practice still follows the initial principles set forth by our Founding Attorney, Marine Corps veteran Brendan Garcia.

What is a BVA hearing?

A BVA hearing is a request to present your disability claims case before a Veterans Law Judge. With this process, you can request a video conference hearing where you can present testimony about your disability claim to a judge. This hearing will be translated and becomes a part of your appeal file.

What are the requirements to be eligible for VA disability?

To be eligible for VA disability compensation, you must have a current diagnosed physical or mental condition that meets the following requirements: You served on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training— AND. You have a disability rating for your service-connected condition.

What is VA disability?

VA disability compensation may include financial payments and/or other benefits, such as health care and job training. Once you receive a decision notice with a disability rating (more about this later), you will be able to receive your compensation and/or other benefits.

Is VA disability cumulative?

Here is where you have to deal with the VA’s mystifying math. Multiple disabilities are NOT cumulative. They are factored into each other in numerical order from highest VA rating to the lowest, then multiplied against each other to determine your overall combined VA disability rate.

Can you list your disability on the VA schedule?

Your particular disability may not be listed on the Schedule of Rating Disability. If this is the case, the VA will find a disability on the schedule that is closest to the one you have. You will then be evaluated based on the diagnostic code for the related disability.

Does the VA pay for mental health?

VA Disability Benefits. The VA offers a tax-free monthly compensation (payment) to veterans with physical conditions (such as chronic illness or injury) and mental health conditions (such as PTSD) that occur before, during, or after service.

What are the rights of a disabled veteran?

Learn Your Rights: As a veteran with disabilities, you have rights. These rights include compensation for your service-connected disabilities. The military promised to take care of you if injury from service occurred. Talk to a VA accredited veterans benefits lawyer about your rights as a disabled veteran.

Can a veteran claim a tiny law?

There are many old cases that are relevant to veterans’ claims today. Citing a tiny law or legal case from 1987 could be a determining factor in your claim. This is where hiring a qualified VA certified disability attorney can make the difference in your claim.

Should veterans appeal a flat out denial?

Some veterans should focus on VA mistakes, some should appeal a flat-out denial, and others should try increasing their veterans disability benefits rating. A VA certified disability attorney can help you decide what is the best of course of action for your claim.

OUR DUTY: Helping disabled veterans win maximum benefits for their total disability claim

As a wounded warrior, you’re entitled to compensation for your service-connected disabilities. Working with a trusted veterans disability lawyer is your best chance for getting more benefits from the earliest effective date possible. Have you been denied compensation by the VA for your claim? We can help you fight back.

For each case, we are able to provide

We represent cases at all levels – Regional Offices, Board of Veteran’s Appeals, Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, Federal Circuit, and even the Supreme Court.


Get the most up-to-date information about filing & arguing cases to get the most benefits for your veterans.

The Veterans Law Group

The Veterans Law Group (VLG) is a law firm which has successfully represented disabled veterans and their dependents for more than sixteen years. Mark Lippman is a well-established and trusted practitioner of veterans law, having represented thousands of claimants with physical and psychological disabilities. With his experienced staff, Mr.

How to contact a veteran law school?

Call them at (877) 447-4487. Law School Clinics . Some law schools offer veterans free legal assistance from law students who are supervised by attorneys and/or paralegals. Check if a law school in your area has a free legal clinic for veterans.

How to choose a lawyer?

When choosing a lawyer you should talk to at least 2 or 3 before you sign any contract. Choose someone who is prompt to respond to your questions and eager to discuss your case. If you are shuffled from one paralegal to the next and you aren't able to speak with the lawyer, move on to someone else.

Can a lawyer charge for disability?

Secondly, current law prevents a lawyer from charging you for any assistance in filing an initial claim for VA disability benefits. The lawyer can only charge you for help when you challenge a VA decision on your disability claim. So, most likely, a reputable lawyer won't even touch your case until you have filed for disability compensation ...

Do VA lawyers get paid?

The lawyer only gets paid if they win your case. But, be sure to read your contract with the lawyer before signing it so you understand all the details. A lawyer on the up-and-up is no problem, others can rip you off. Make sure you choose a lawyer who is VA accredited. First, that means they know what they are doing.

Do lawyers work for free?

Most lawyers won't work for free. Any lawyer who says they will help you file a claim and then charge you for it is breaking the law. If you do need help filing your claim, for whatever reason, you should contact a veterans service organization for free help.

Can a VA lawyer rip you off?

First, that means they know what they are doing. Secondly, if the lawyer is VA accredited they most likely won't rip you off. Any lawyer who does business nationwide by representing veterans versus the VA isn't about to lose their accreditation by trying to rip off one veteran.
