who is the best brain injury lawyer

by Bret Hoeger 5 min read

Here are the Picks:

  • Diller Law, P.C.
  • KJC Law Firm, LLC
  • O'Donnell Law Firm
  • Parker Scheer LLP
  • Reilly Law & Associates
  • Schulze Law
  • Sobczak Law

Full Answer

What is the law for brain injury?

You need to understand the different types of brain injuries and what kinds of treatment and life changes will occur. If someone you love suffered a brain injury in an accident due to someone else’s negligence, you may have legal grounds to bring a personal injury claim.

Will brain heal itself after a severe brain injury?

During the first six months after a brain injury, the brain enters a heightened state of plasticity. This means that the brain will spontaneously repair itself, and therapy will have a visible impact. Therefore, you might make rapid progress in your recovery. However, after about six months, plasticity will decrease.

How serious is a brain injury?

Since traumatic brain injuries involve direct physical damage to the brain there are terrible consequences both physical and mental. In addition to the serious health risk physical damage to the brain can put someone in, cognitive function, personality, and mental state, in general, can suffer from serious impairment.

How to recognize a traumatic brain injury?

  • Have any of the danger signs for adults listed above
  • Will not stop crying and are inconsolable
  • Will not nurse or eat


What is a brain injury worth?

The California-based Centre for Neuro Skills tells us that over a lifetime, a mild brain injury may cost over $85,000, a moderate TBI can cost $900,000, and a severe brain injury can cost $3 million. Most victims are going to need the maximum compensation amount that's available.

How do you prove brain damage?

A CT scan uses a series of X-rays to create a detailed view of the brain. A CT scan can quickly visualize fractures and uncover evidence of bleeding in the brain (hemorrhage), blood clots (hematomas), bruised brain tissue (contusions), and brain tissue swelling. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

What percentage do most injury lawyers take?

33-55%Unlike many other lawsuits, attorneys in personal injury cases are most often paid through a contingency fee agreement. If you're asking what percentage do lawyers take for personal injury services, the answer is they usually receive 33-55% of the award as payment fees.

Which is the most serious type of brain injury?

Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) Diffuse axonal injuries are one of the most severe types of traumatic brain injury. They occur when the brain is shaken or twisted inside the skull. As the brain twists, the cerebral tissue slides back and forth until the long connecting fibers in the brain (called axons) tear.

How do you win a TBI claim?

To file a VA claim for a TBI, you'll be required to prove these three elements:You have a current medical diagnosis of TBI.Your TBI was caused by a traumatic event during your military service, AND.You have a medical nexus that links your TBI to the trauma.

Can MRI show old brain injury?

MRI might show brain atrophy long after the injury, which results when injured or dead brain tissue is reabsorbed after TBI. Since injured brain tissue might not fully recover after TBI, doctors might detect TBI-related changes many years following an injury.

What is the most a lawyer can charge?

Attorneys practicing in rural areas or small towns might charge $100-$200 per hour. A lawyer in a big city could charge $200-$400 per hour. Specialized lawyers with a lot of expertise in a specific area of law, such as patent or intellectual property law, could charge $500-$1,000 per hour.

How much does a lawyer take from a settlement?

Typically, the percentage is between 15% and 33% including VAT.

When an attorney's fee is a percentage of the recovery?

To put it another way, with a contingency fee, payment for your attorney's services is "contingent upon" your receiving some amount of compensation. Your attorney will take an agreed-upon percentage of your recovery. This percentage is often around 1/3 or 33%.

Do brain injuries get worse over time?

The short answer is yes. Some brain injuries do get worse over time. Secondary brain injuries are complications that arise after the initial injury, such as hematomas or infections. Sometimes these injuries cut off blood circulation to certain portions of the brain, killing neurons.

What are the 7 types of TBI?

Following are common types of traumatic brain injury:Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury. ... Brain Contusion. ... Second Impact Syndrome. ... Shaken Baby Syndrome. ... Penetrating Injury.

How long can you live with severe brain damage?

Despite initial hospitalization and inpatient rehabilitation services, about 50% of people with TBI will experience further decline in their daily lives or die within 5 years of their injury. Some of the health consequences of TBI can be prevented or reduced.

Can a brain scan show brain damage?

These newer, specialized types of MRI scans can now look and assess damage to the brains structure, or measure brain function to detect changes in the brains structure and function due to TBI and concussions.

Can you see traumatic brain injury on MRI?

About 80 percent of TBIs cannot be seen on an MRI or CT scan. The only other way to discover a TBI used to be neuropsychological or psychological testing - a fancy way of saying doctors ask patients questions or give them tasks to complete.

Does brain damage show on CT scan?

X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans can detect fractures, hemorrhages, swelling, and certain kinds of tissue damage, but they do not always detect traumatic brain injury.

Can brain damage be repaired?

No, you cannot heal a damaged brain. Medical treatments can just help to stop further damage and limit the functional loss from the damage. The healing process of the brain is not the same as the skin.

Narrow results by city

In-Depth Experience in Brain Injury Law in the State of Washington. Call 877-684-1530

Washington brain injury attorneys

Brain damage can be caused by many different factors which can be difficult to pinpoint, as symptoms do not always surface right away. Brain injury lawyers know the medical factors causing these injuries and the best medical experts for a particular case.

What to do if you have a brain injury?

You've come to the right place. If you or someone you know has suffered a head injury causing a traumatic brain injury, a concussion, or other brain injury, an experienced brain injury lawyer can help. Head injuries can be serious physically, emotionally, and financially. An experienced brain injury lawyer may be able to help.

Can a brain injury lawyer help you?

Head injuries can be serious physically, emotionally, and financially. An experienced brain injury lawyer may be able to help. Use FindLaw to hire a local brain injury lawyer who can help you recover money and other damages for injuries, economic losses (lost wages), emotional distress, and loss of companionship.

Kamelia Jalilvand

Dedicated to improving the lives and obtaining justice for brain injury victims. We aggressively fight for your rights.

Tina Odjaghian

Traumatic brain injuries are life changing occurrences requiring super personalized care and attention.

Ayk Dikijian

A Brain Injury firm representing clients in the Los Angeles-Long Beach Metro area.

Michael Verna

Michael has the manpower to handle the most complicated lawsuits - even those crossing international lines and laws!

Anna Okhovat

Caring, Dedicated and Passionate. Let Us Help You Build a Strong Case.

Stephen Ball

A Premier Firm of Approachable Attorneys Aggressively Pursuing Justice for All Our Clients.

Brain Injury Law

Were you recently involved in an accident that caused injury to your skull or brain?

Look at their experience

Look for their expertise and track record in traumatic brain injury proceedings. You need an experienced professional who understands the complexity of brain damage. They need to know how to bring the case to court and win to get the compensation and care their client deserves in the case of a brain injury.

Consider feedback from other customers

Reviews are not deceptive. Before hiring a traumatic brain injury lawyer, it’s a good idea to spend some time reading reviews from previous clients. You can find reviews using local legal websites, websites, and social media.

Talk to multiple lawyers before settling into one to handle your case of traumatic brain injury

When you are suffering from life-changing brain trauma, you need an experienced traumatic brain injury lawyer or TBI lawyer who understands what you are experiencing. They should know how to use all the legal and medical resources available to help them recover the compensation. You can measure their legal skills by meeting lawyers in person.

Hire a lawyer who is fluent in your dialect

The success of the proceedings depends on effective communication between the lawyer and the client. Choosing a lawyer who speaks the language you speak will ensure that there are no misunderstandings as your case progresses.

Choose a lawyer who has a clear understanding of the effects of traumatic brain injury and its long-term consequences

Traumatic brain injury lawyers need to listen carefully to your fears and symptoms. They also need to understand how serious brain trauma affects your daily life. They need to know how brain damage affects your daily life.

What are the usual TBI symptoms?

Due to the severity of the injury, signs may include momentary loss of consciousness, memory problems, and sensitivity to light and noise. In severe cases, the victim may fall into a coma, suffer from epilepsy, or have dilated pupils.

What kind of head injury do you have?

It can be divided into two types: traumatic and acquired brain injury. The former could be a penetrating injury problem, and structural brain fractures are obvious. The latter could be as delicate as respiratory arrest.
