who is paying for kim davis lawyer

by Prof. Reyes O'Conner 8 min read

Full Answer

Should Kentucky taxpayers have to pay for Kim Davis’ legal fees?

But four years later, after a court ordered Kentucky taxpayers to pay more than $222,000 in legal fees for the gay and straight couples who sued, outside lawyers for now Gov. Bevin say former Rowan County clerk Kim Davis broke the law and taxpayers “should not have to collectively bear the financial responsibility for Davis’ intransigence.”

Should taxpayers pay for Kim Davis'intransigence?

Gov. Matt Bevin's lawyers say taxpayers “should not have to collectively bear the financial responsibility for Davis' intransigence." Kim Davis, a former Kentucky county clerk, refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the Supreme Court's 2015 ruling on marriage equality.

Who is Kim Davis and what did she do?

Kim Davis, a former Kentucky county clerk, refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the Supreme Court's 2015 ruling on marriage equality.

Did Kim Davis sue for denying a man a license to marry?

"Kim Davis Facing Lawsuit for Denying a Man a License to Marry His Laptop Computer". The Christian Post. Washington D.C. Retrieved September 27, 2017. ^ "Kim Davis sued for denying man license to marry his laptop". Lexington, Kentucky: WKYT-TV. July 5, 2017. Retrieved September 27, 2017. ^ "Florida judge won't let man marry porn-filled computer".

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How long was Mary Davis in jail?

A federal judge ordered her to issue the licenses, but Davis refused. The judge then found her in contempt of court and jailed her for five days. The case was resolved when the state legislature passed a law removing the names of county clerks from Kentucky marriage licenses. In 2017, a federal judge ruled that Davis was acting as an agent for ...

Who is Bevin's attorney?

Bevin’s in-house attorney, Steve Pitt, also noted the lawyers were hired by Beshear, and said they “have taken no position as to whether Ms. Davis acted unconstitutionally.”. “Governor Bevin does not believe that she has done so and continues to support Ms. Davis’s actions,” Pitt said. “Our outside counsel have only argued, ...

Who refused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples?

Gov. Matt Bevin’s lawyers say taxpayers “should not have to collectively bear the financial responsibility for Davis’ intransigence.”. Kim Davis, a former Kentucky county clerk, refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the Supreme Court’s 2015 ruling on marriage equality.

Did Bevin Davis pay the legal fees?

Bevin objected. His lawyers argue no one should have to pay the legal fees, because the gay and straight couples did not technically win the lawsuit since it was dismissed. However, Bevin’s lawyers also argued if legal fees are awarded, either Rowan County or Davis herself should be responsible to pay them.

Who is Kim Davis?

Hodges. Kimberly Jean Davis ( née Bailey; born September 17, 1965) is a former county clerk for Rowan County, Kentucky, who gained international attention in August 2015 ...

Why did Davis deny marriage licenses?

Citing personal religious objections to same-sex marriage, Davis began denying marriage licenses to all couples to avoid issuing them to same-sex couples. A lawsuit, Miller v. Davis, was filed, and Davis was ordered by the U.S. District Court to start issuing marriage licenses.

What is Kim Davis's satire?

A Twitter account which once had more than 90,000 followers and is run by comedian Dave Colan trolled Davis with mocking tweets purporting to be from a woman who "Sits Next to Kim Davis". Funny or Die made a Mashup video featuring characters from Parks and Recreation that spoofs Davis's refusal to issue marriage licenses and parodies her meeting with Pope Francis. La Strega Entertainment created a satirical music video sung to the tune of the " Major-General's Song " from Gilbert and Sullivan 's Pirates of Penzance. Saturday Night Live cast member Aidy Bryant portrayed Davis during the show's season 41 premiere. Actress Jennifer Lawrence, in the December 2015 issue of Vogue, told Jonathan Van Meter that Kim Davis is a "lady that makes me embarrassed to be from Kentucky."

When was Davis released from jail?

Davis § Release from custody. Five days later, on Tuesday, September 8 , Bunning ordered Davis released from jail. The order stated: "Defendant Davis shall not interfere in any way, directly or indirectly, with the efforts of her deputy clerks to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples.

When did the Supreme Court deny Davis marriage license?

Liberty Counsel and Davis filed an emergency application to appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court. On August 31, 2015, in a one-line order, the Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal, preventing Davis from legally continuing to deny marriage licenses.

Who ordered the Davis family to appear before the judge?

Bunning ordered Davis and her six deputy clerks to appear before him on September 3 after the six couples sought to have her held in contempt of court. Bunning ruled in the plaintiffs' favor and held Davis in contempt. The ACLU asked the court to fine Davis, but Bunning ordered her remanded in custody after the hearing. The judge said Davis would remain there until she complied with the court's order to issue marriage licenses. Bunning then spoke with each of the deputy clerks who reported to Davis. Only her son, Nathan Davis, told the judge he refused to comply with the court's order to start issuing marriage licenses; Bunning declined to hold him in contempt. After the hearing, U.S. Marshals transported Davis to the Carter County Detention Center in Grayson.

Did Kentucky issue same sex marriage licenses?

Local reporting acknowledged that Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin had previously backed her refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses. On August 23, 2019, the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati upheld Bunning's decision ordering Kentucky to pay the $225,000 legal bill from the Kim Davis case.
