which of the following techniques would a lawyer employ if she were using the story order method?

by Martine Kessler 9 min read

What does Jeremy love about Carol?

Jeremy is in love with Carol and views her temper as an endearing example of her "feistiness.". Her coworkers, however, interpret Carol's temper as rude and insensitive. The difference between Jeremy and the coworkers illustrates the power of love to influence our.

What is representativeness heuristic?

representativeness heuristic. Karen is so used to driving to her boyfriend's house that when she is taking her little brother to softball practice early one morning, before she is fully awake, she finds herself driving to her boyfriend's house instead. This is an example of. automatic thinking.

Who compared photographs of city scenes in the U.S. and Japan?

Researchers Miyamoto, Nisbett, and Masuda compared photographs of city scenes in the U.S. and Japan. They found that on average, city scenes in the U.S. were not as busy. Nisbett and his colleagues conducted a study on graduate students in different disciplines to determine factors related to statistical reasoning.

Who won the 2000 presidential election?

In the 2000 presidential election, the polls of upper-middle-class Americans tended to show Bush leading Gore by a landslide. When election night came, the final results were closer than had been predicted, and it turned out that Gore won the popular vote while Bush won the more critical Electoral College vote.

Does evolution catch up?

evolution occurs very slowly, and thus genetic adaptations have not "caught up.". In a study of frustration and aggression, some participants were exposed to an accomplice who insulted them, and others were exposed to no such insult. Participants were then allowed to recommend whether the accomplice should be fired.

What is the meaning of "misattribution"?

misattribution. - misremembering the time, place, person, or circumstances of a memory. - Source amnesia is a form of misattribution where one cannot recall where one learned information; cryptomnesia is a form of misattribution where one believes someone else's idea is their own. memory bias.

Why does Benat make silly sentences?

Benat made up a silly sentence, where each word started with the same letter as a word he was trying to remember, to remind him of the order of operations in mathematics. suggestibility (EXAMPLE) The teenager is told that a neighbor has a vicious dog, then mistakenly recalls a time when the dog chased him.

What is the drug that blocks memories called?

When the memories are unwanted, their continued presence is called (BLANK). A drug called propranolol, given just before or after a traumatic experience, blocks receptors for the neurotransmitter (BLANK), thereby reducing the strength of the memories formed during the event.

What causes vivid memories?

Highly emotional experiences, such as the sudden loss of a loved one or a brush with death , can produce unusually vivid memories. Emotional events are associated with activity in the (BLANK), which researchers suspect causes a release of hormones that strengthens memory (BLANK) When the memories are unwanted, their continued presence is called ...

What is short term memory?

short-term memory (EXAMPLE) During an argument, a person recalls something the other person said a few minutes earlier. long term memory (EXAMPLE) After two weeks of self-testing, a student recalls information for a cumulative final exam. sensory memory (EXAMPLE.

Why does Maria use flash cards?

Maria repeatedly uses flash cards to learn vocabulary definitions. Jason made index cards on a textbook chapter and always studied them in the same order. During the exam, he was able to recall the information on his first and last index cards, but not the ones in the middle.

Did Carolyn change her password?

Carolyn recently changed her computer password and could not recall her old password. tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon (EXAMPLE) Catherine could picture the movie actress and the first letter of her name, but she temporarily forgot her name. memory bias.

What is social learning?

According to the text, the social process approach has two independent branches; each branch has its own assumption. These assumptions are (1) that youth are born good and learn to be bad, and (2) that youth are born bad and must be controlled to be good.

What is the MTF?

MTF. The University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research annual survey of 2,500 high school seniors, which is considered to be the national standard to measure substance abuse trends among American teens, is known as the: Data mining.

What is the term for young people who are extremely vulnerable to the negative consequences of school, failure, substance abuse, and

Young people who are extremely vulnerable to the negative consequences of school, failure, substance abuse, and early sexuality are often referred to as: Miller v. Alabama.

Who killed the child in the movie "The Last Jedi"?

Leo and Lila, high school students, were bored and wanted some excitement; they abducted an 8-year-old child from the playground, later killing the child. When Leo and Lila were arrested a few days later, they testified that killing the child was an "awesome thrill.".

Is Jack susceptible to environmental influences?

Jack is susceptible to environmental influences; consequently, whenever Jack encounters hostile social environments he becomes aggressive. Conversely, when Jack encounters supportive environments he is less aggressive than someone who is not susceptible to environmental influences.

Who was Amy's neighbor in the movie "The Last Jedi"?

Paul. In August, Amy and Seth decided they wanted to go on vacation. They asked their neighbor, Paul, to keep an eye on their home and Sasha, their watchdog and family pet, while they were away. Paul agreed but forgot to tell them that he would be out of town one of the days to attend a conference. During this time, two local teenagers, Jay ...

How many steps are there in the Reid interrogation technique?

There are nine steps to the Reid interrogation technique, briefly described below. 1. The positive confrontation. The investigator tells the suspect that the evidence demonstrates the person's guilt. If the person's guilt seems clear to the investigator, the statement should be unequivocal. 2. Theme development.

What is the Reid approach?

Discerning truth or deception. One aspect of the Reid approach is to train investigators to discern when a suspect is lying (e.g., by analyzing nonverbal behavior during the initial interview). Critics question whether training can actually lead investigators to do so, and point to.

What is the Reid method?

The Reid method is a system of interviewing and interrogation widely used by police departments in the United States. The term “The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation” is a registered trademark of John E. Reid and Associates, Inc.

What should the investigator respond to after the suspect accepts one side of the alternative?

After the suspect accepts one side of the alternative (thus admitting guilt), the investigator should immediately respond with a statement of reinforcement acknowledging that admission.

What should be included in a written interview plan?

Among other things, the plan should include the time a suspect has been in custody, the topics to be covered, and points necessary to prove the offense or provide a defense.

What is the purpose of procuring the suspect's attention?

The investigator must procure the suspect's attention so that the suspect focuses on the investigator's theme rather than on punishment. One way the investigator can do this is to close the physical distance between himself or herself and the suspect.

What are the two methods of interrogation?

Two alternative interrogation techniques are (1) Preparation and Planning, Engage and Explain, Account, Closure and Evaluate (PEACE), a less confrontational method used in England, and (2) the Kinesic Interview, a method that focuses on recognizing deception.

What should an officer expect from a victim?

First of all, an officer should expect reluctance and not becomeimpatient, frustrated or hostile when confronted with a victim’sconfusion or hesitation. In other areas of crime where the suspectknows the victim, the victim’s whereabouts and the victim’sfamily (crimes such as gang or drug-related violence),victim/witness reluctance is expected and taken into account inthe investigation and handling of the case.

What happens after domestic violence?

After an episode of domestic violence, the victim will often experiencefeelings that might hinder a police investigation. This is especially true incases where there is a history of domestic violence. Feelings that mayinhibit the victim’s willingness to cooperate include:
