which of the following is not a factor of production the legal skills of a lawyer

by Prof. Amos Jacobi II 5 min read

Which of the following are not factors of production?

Apr 30, 2018 · The option D is correct. Goods and services are not a factor of production. Further Explanation: The factor of production is defined as the factors that are necessary to manufacture the goods and services. The factor of production is important for producing the goods. It includes labor, capital, and land but does not include goods and services.

What are the most important laws that affect businesses?

Dec 13, 2019 · There are various legal factors that affect businesses, including laws and regulations on taxation, employment, contract, securities, immigration and more. The law affects the way businesses operate and customers behave. That is why any business should have a clear understanding of the legal environment in which it has to function because these ...

What are the legal factors that affect business?

C. same thing as technological knowledge. D. total number of hours worked in an economy. 16. Which of the following is an example of human capital? A. the amount you get paid each week to work at the library B. the comfortable chair in your dorm room where you read economics texts C. the things you have learned this semester D. any capital goods that require a human to be …

Why do businesses need a clear understanding of the legal environment?

Ans) Physical goods are one of the three main factors of production (i.e. la …. View the full answer. Transcribed image text: Determine which of the following would be considered physical capital as the term is used in economics. Money Stocks and Bonds Education and Skills Man-made goods used in the production of goods and services.


Which of following is not a factor of production?

Money is not considered as a factor of production. Money is medium of exchange and hence it cannot help to increase the productivity of an economy like other factors of production, thus the factors of production are Land, Labour, Capital and Entrepreneurship. Was this answer helpful?

What are the 4 factors of production and examples?

Factors of production are the inputs needed for creating a good or service, and the factors of production include land, labor, entrepreneurship, and capital.

Which of the following is not considered a factor of production quizlet?

Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship are the factors of production. Money does not fall under any category of the factors of production.

Which of the following is not one of the four factors of production?

The four factors of production are land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship. They are said to be the building blocks of the economy. Expenditure does not come under the four main factors of production.

What are the 5 factors of production?

Factors of production are all the things used to produce goods and services — land, labor, capital, and enterprise.Jan 29, 2021

What are the 6 factors of production?

Terms in this set (6)natural resources. everything that is made of natural materials.raw materials. any good used in manufactoring other goods.labour. all physical and mental work needed to produce goods or services.capital. ... information. ... entrepreneurship.

Which of the following is not a factor of production Brainly?

"Agriculture is NOT a factor of production"Aug 12, 2020

Which is considered a factor of production quizlet?

The factors of production include land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship.

Which of the following is considered a factor of production?

The factors of production are resources that are the building blocks of the economy; they are what people use to produce goods and services. Economists divide the factors of production into four categories: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.

Which of the following is NOT factor of production Mcq?

The correct answer is Working capital.

What are the factors of production?

Factors of production are inputs that are needed to provide goods or services. They include, land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.

What is the reward of being an entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is therefore an individual who combines the other factors of production to build a business and add the supply in the economy. The reward or income earned by entrepreneurs is profit.

What is capital goods?

This refers to the capital goods, that is, man-made objects that are used for production of goods and services such as machinery, equipment and chemicals. They also include industries and commercial buildings. The reward or income earned from capital goods is interest.

Why is capital important?

The capital is also an important factor to manufacture goods and services. Money is needed to start the production of goods and services. The raw material is purchased with the money. So, this is the incorrect option. C.

What are the factors that affect a business?

There are various legal factors that affect businesses, including laws and regulations on taxation, employment, contract, securities, immigration and more. The law affects the way businesses operate and customers behave. That is why any business should have a clear understanding of the legal environment in which it has to function ...

What is securities law?

Securities law is a group of laws that regulate the issuance of securities. Security is a financial instrument designed to raise money for business from investors. In other words, securities law regulates investments in a business.

Which states have no corporate income tax?

Wyoming, for example, has no corporate or individual income tax. Montana has no sales tax. Florida has no individual income tax. In a nutshell, what profits a business will make, how consumers will behave are largely determined by the legal factors. Since these factors are external to businesses, they are several times more important ...

Which state has no sales tax?

For instance, some states are more tax-friendly than others. Wyoming, for example, has no corporate or individual income tax. Montana has no sales tax.

How can growing demands for legal services be satisfied?

Growing demands for legal services can be satisfied by using approaches that scale, which in turn manages the problem of growing complexity by applying structure. This typically means providing services that deliver adequate quality, faster, using techniques that consume fewer scarce resources, such as the time of experts.

Why did attorneys go to law school?

They wanted to be intellectually stimulated and produce work that creates a beneficial impact. They did not seek a practice of repetitive tasks, acting as human information routers and middleware, and otherwise spending their time on the realm of known-knowns that do not demand their analytical skills.

What is legal infrastructure?

Legal infrastructure is built upon institutions, systems, and culture that change slowly. This inertia insulates the participants from capricious change. It also limits the system’s ability to react to necessary beneficial change. Society’s accelerating evolution makes systemic non-reactivity to change more of a liability than an asset. These systemic traits devolve from us as legal professionals.

Why is delegation important?

Delegation is critical. But the delegation must happen in a way that supports the future practice. Work and information must land in a machine-supported state that creates shared knowledge. When we transact information solely with humans, we are subject to the limits of our collective human cognition.

What is VUCA in legal?

The environments in which legal services will be delivered are increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous ( VUCA ). Building upon the Bennett and Lemoine VUCA approach, we can create an investment framework that helps our organizations and institutions systematically adapt

What is future practice?

The future practice will support organizations that systematically adapt to pursue ambiguous opportunities using experimentation. Indeed, these experiments are, in essence, how the organization (i.e., our client) gathers the data necessary to develop a high-value/low-risk strategy. Below is a graphic that illustrates the competitive advantage inherent in this approach.

What is unsupervised learning?

Unsupervised learning (a specific type of machine learning) offers promise for the future, but without help, current off-the-shelf models may not work well in these specialized environments.
