which character trait does mitchell stephens think makes him a good lawyer

by Brooklyn Schmitt 6 min read

What character traits make a good lawyer?

In contrast to Billy, Mitchell is driven by anger, not the desire to feel numb. He says that witnessing negligence makes him angry, which makes him an excellent negligence lawyer.

What makes a good trial lawyer?

He uses all of his professional skills to inspire his clients, whom he cares about, with moral vengeance and visions of huge monetary settlements. At first the community seems to fall apart after the accident but in the end it is shown to be just as strong as it was before, gaining its own sense of closure even though it lost the case.

What are the character traits of a good person?

Jan 14, 2015 · In my opinion he portrays himself to be very violent, frustrated, and angry due to the death of his children. Each person has different character traits. Mitchell Stephens, a lawyer who arrives to the town of Sam Dent tries to attain a lawsuit against the school board for the bus accident that happened.

How can you tell if a lawyer is trustworthy?

Here are my own Most Desirable Character Traits for Lawyers, all of which overlap and contribute to each other: Honesty. The lawyer is scrupulously honest and candid in all her dealings with the client, the court, and opposing counsel. There is never a question of the lawyer’s integrity. Professionalism. The lawyer is civil with opposing counsel, and candid and respectful of the …

Lawyers and Character

Somebody once said that character is how you behave when you think no one is watching. It’s the way you really are, without pretense or appearances. It can reflect nobility or brutishness, generosity or avidity, honesty or mendacity.

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What character trait was the character displaying when he/she ________?


Based on his character traits, explain why the character acted the way he did.


Give an example of when a character was ______ (kind, selfish, generous, etc.).


If you could assign the main character a different trait, what trait would you give him? Why?


Write a story where the main character is jealous (or loyal, friendly, etc.)

What are the traits of a good character?

Cultivate this list of 21 personality traits that form the basis of a good character: 1. Generosity: Generosity is the opposite of miserliness or cheapness. Generous people are giving towards others financially and interpersonally. Generous people are charitable.

What is the best macro level world view for a person of good character to have?

Idealism: Idealism is the best macro level world view for a person of good character to have. It is certainly possible to be a pessimist and still have a good character as long as you adhere to a moral code.

What is assertiveness in psychology?

Assertiveness is the result of humble confidence and self respect. When humble confidence is your typical mental state, assertiveness should be your modus opperendi. Assertive people don't place an inappropriate emphasis on their own needs, but they do speak up for themselves while still allowing others to have their say. Assertiveness is a balanced approach to communication between passivity and aggressiveness. When you are assertive, you don't allow people to walk all over you, but you also don't act in an aggressive or insulting manner whilst asserting your rights or expressing your wishes. When you cultivate assertiveness as a character trait, you speak up for yourself in a way that preserves the integrity of others.

Why is empathy important?

Empathy is the ability to see yourself in the emotions and actions of others. Empathy is essential for being able to sympathize with the suffering of others and wanting to help when others are in need. Empaths have compassion for others who are less fortunate than they themselves are. You can be empathetic with other people's failings and foibles, while simultaneously acknowledging that they bear the responsibility and moral consequences of their own actions.

What is integrity in psychology?

Integrity means the state of being whole and undivided. Personal integrity is a state of internal non-divison within yourself which can be archived by bringing your thoughts, emotions, and actions into harmony with each other. For example, you understand the necessity for virtue, you have a sincere desire to act virtuously, and so you choose to take virtuous actions. The external result of integrity is honor. Honor means doing the right thing even when it does not benefit you, because you refuse to betray your principles, your moral code, and yourself.

What happens if you don't follow a code of conduct?

The result of not following a code of personal conduct, is that your actions are completely inconsistent at best and hurtful to others at worst. You may laugh with someone today, only to scream at them tomorrow because you are in a bad mood.

Do people of character have a moral code?

People of poor character either do not have a set of standards for their own person conduct, or they choose to ignore their moral code whenever it suits them.