where should my child support lawyer be located

by Dolores Gottlieb 5 min read

How do I hire a child support lawyer near me?

Use FindLaw to hire a local child support lawyer near you to set child support obligations, enforce child support orders, and resolve other child support issues.

Where can I get help with a child support case?

If you need help with a child support case, call us 800 990 7763. Our initial consultation is free and can be done over the phone for your convenience.

Can a family lawyer help with child support?

For example, a family lawyer could be skilled in handling divorce, but may not have as much experience changing the amount of child support awarded. You may need to have a criminal lawyer if you are currently incarcerated in addition to help you navigate the system. Can the lawyer provide references?

Do I need a lawyer for child support negotiation?

An attorney can objectively negotiate on your behalf to protect your child's interest. Child support lawyers can: File a petition for support and request a child support order. Answer a child support petition. Establish paternity. Prove income. Locate the other parent. Subpoena the other parent's financial information.


What is the minimum child support amount in Texas?

Texas child support laws provide the following Guideline calculations: one child= 20% of Net Monthly Income (discussed further below); two children = 25% of Net Monthly Income; three children = 30% of Net Monthly Income; four children = 35% of Net Monthly Income; five children = 40% of Net Monthly Income; and six ...

What state has the cheapest child support?

Child support payments vary wildly from state to stateThe Northeast has highest child support payments, while Rocky Mountain states are the lowest.Child support is $100 more in states that don't consider a mother's income.Mississippi, North Dakota and Texas still don't compute mothers' income into their calculations.

How can I avoid paying child support in Texas?

Typically, to stop child support payments, a petition to terminate child support withholding must be filed in the same court that established your original child support payments.

Can I go after my ex husband's new wife for child support in Texas?

A New Spouse's Income Won't Affect Child Support in Texas But there's been a growing trend to allow courts to look at a new spouse's income to see if it affects your ability to pay child support. The reasoning is that your new spouse's income may offset some of your expenses.

Which states are toughest on child support?

In state-by-state rankings, Massachusetts ranks highest with the most expensive child support payments, averaging $1,187 per month. Virginia mandates the least support at $402 per month.

What's the most child support can take?

Is there a limit to the amount of money that can be taken from my paycheck for child support?50 percent of disposable income if an obligated parent has a second family.60 percent if there is no second family.

What is the average child support payment in Texas?

1 child = 20% of income. 2 children = 25% of income. 3 children = 30% of income. 4 children = 35% of income.

Can a father refuse to pay child support?

Offences and Penalties if you don't pay child maintenance A parent is therefore fully entitled to lay a criminal charge against a person who is obliged to pay maintenance in terms of a court order if he/she fails to stick to the terms of the order.

How much can child support take from paycheck in Texas?

50%(15 U.S.C. ยง 1673). In Texas, up to 50% of your disposable earnings may be garnished to pay domestic support obligations such as child support or alimony.

What questions are asked in a child support hearing?

Questions related to a child's needs are mandatory, and you must give accurate data and information to the court. The parents should prepare for the hearing with exact and verifiable answers to the following questions: How old is your child/children? How much do you spend on child's clothing, food, and education?

Is Texas child support fair?

Fairness under Texas Family Law And sometimes, the Texas child support guidelines do not seem fair, either. There are caps on the amount of child support that is required to be paid in Texas, unless facts are presented that support a claim for child support above the guidelines.

When can you deny visitation to the non custodial parent Texas?

The court can restrict or deny a noncustodial parent visitation grounds on the flowing grounds: If the parent has a history of molesting the child. If the court believes that the parent can kidnap the child. If the parent is likely to abuse drugs while taking care of the child.