when to hire a lawyer after blood test

by Prof. Bradley Howe 3 min read

Your attorney can use the time waiting for the blood sample to do scene investigation. Your attorney can also be using this time to get to know you and build a relationship with you. With this relationship, the attorney can better understand your life and what you need during your case and in the result of your case.

Full Answer

How long does it take to get DUI blood test results?

May 29, 2020 · If you want your best chance at a good result in your Michigan DUI case, you should hire an attorney who will request preservation of this evidence immediately upon being hired. Proactive Measures : Evidence that shows the court that you’re not going to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs ever again can be a very powerful tool for your attorney in …

How long does it take to get blood test results back?

A good lawyer can reduce your charge to a misdemeanor, dismiss it or get you probation. If your case is DUI, a good lawyer might show that your stop and arrest lacked probable cause or your blood test was unreliable. Not hiring a criminal defense lawyer is a crime, and the consequences can affect you for life.

Will the police show up after a drunk driving arrest?

Contact Grabel & Associates if your blood alcohol content has tested above the legal limit of 0.08%. Michigan drunk driving cases are not based solely on blood test results, and your quick action to hire a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer for your DUI, OWI, or OUIL charge could result in avoiding jail time, fines, or driver’s license suspension.


How long after getting blood drawn do you get results?

According to Regional Medical Laboratory, most in-hospital results can be obtained within three to six hours after taking the blood. Sometimes blood drawn at other, non-hospital facilities can take several days to get results.

How long does it take to get DUI blood test results in Texas?

Test results may be available within ten days of arrest, or they may take a couple of weeks. In extraordinary cases, test results have taken months. You will hear, but you don't necessarily know when. The point, then, is to make the best use of your time while awaiting blood test results on your DWI charge.

What should you do after a blood test?

What To Expect After Blood Tests. When the needle is withdrawn, you'll be asked to apply gentle pressure with a piece of gauze bandage to the site. This helps to stop the bleeding and may help prevent swelling and bruising. Make sure that you do not bend your arm, as this may cause bruising.

What can cause a false positive blood alcohol level?

If the sample was taken after alcohol swabs were applied to the skin or if the sample was mixed improperly with a solvent, this could cause a false positive on the test. Other substance in the blood such as lactic acid can sometimes produce a positive result.

How accurate are blood alcohol tests?

Blood alcohol tests are very accurate in determining BAC levels, but in some cases, the results may be misleading. These cases may involve: People with diabetes or high blood ketones. People taking cough medicines or herbal supplements.Nov 3, 2016

Who can draw blood for DWI in Texas?

In Texas, a new law has recently been passed that could have a major impact on those individuals accused of DWI. The law gives law enforcement officers the power to order paramedics to draw blood if the officers suspect that alcohol may have played a role in a traffic accident.

What should I avoid after a blood test?

Recommendations After Blood CollectionAvoid tight or restrictive clothing on the arm.If bleeding occurs, apply firm pressure with your fingers directly over the needle site.Avoid strenuous use of the arm eg sports or heavy lifting.More items...

What should you not do after a blood test?

1) Rest your arm 2) Do not lift anything heavy 3) Do not wear tight or restrictive clothing above or around the puncture site 4) Avoid strenuous activities or exercise 5) Avoid carrying heavy objects or parcels A few people do bruise easily after blood tests.

Does your arm ache after blood test?

Pain in the arm after blood draw Pain at the site of needle insertion is the most common side effect of venipuncture. The degree of pain varies from person to person, but it tends to be most noticeable when the needle initially pierces the surface of the skin and then subsides once the syringe is docked into the vein.Apr 16, 2019

Can alcohol swab affect blood alcohol test?

Alcohol will not negatively affect the blood analysis in DUI drug cases. Two things must occur for the swab to affect the test results. First, liquid from the swab would have to enter the needle and contaminate the sample as a result of the draw sight not being allowed to completely dry.

Can you fail a breathalyzer 12 hours after drinking?

Generally, a breathalyzer test can test positive for alcohol for up to 12 hours after consuming one alcoholic drink. The average urine test can also detect alcohol 12-48 hours later. If your BAC is 0.08, it will take approximately 5 hours to metabolize the alcohol completely before you can become “sober” again.Dec 19, 2019

Can energy drinks make you test positive for alcohol?

The recent consumption of certain energy drinks can give a slight but positive response on a breath alcohol test taken shortly after consumption. This is due to the mouth alcohol effect the beverages cause on the individuals consuming them.

What test do you take if you are arrested for OWI in Michigan?

If you are arrested for an OWI in Michigan, you are required to take a blood alcohol content test. If a police officer has probable cause to believe you are under the influence of alcohol and lawfully stops your vehicle, you automatically consent to a chemical test of your blood, breath, or urine. The officer determines the type of test administered, though medical exceptions can be made for blood tests. Even if you have not yet been arrested, an officer can test you in order to determine probable cause to suspect you are driving under the influence of alcohol.

What happens if you don't label blood?

If the blood is not properly obtained, labeled, or preserved, the test results will be subject to challenge. The condition of the sample when it reaches a lab must also be considered, as naturally occurring processes can result in alcohol appearing in the results. If the technician notes any flaws in the condition of the blood sample, it may be invalid and inadmissible in court. The preservation of a sample and proper procedures could be the difference between a guilty verdict, jail sentence, fines, and restricted freedom, or a beneficial case outcome.

Can you take a blood test in Michigan?

In the state of Michigan, you can be ordered to take a blood alcohol content test if an officer has reason to suspect you are driving under the influence of alcohol. An improperly administered blood test could help you avoid criminal charges, and working with a lawyer who understands how to best challenge drunk driving evidence will be crucial to obtaining a great case result. Grabel & Associates is a recognized criminal defense firm in Michigan with abundant experience in drunk driving cases. Our team of DUI lawyers can protect you from a wrongful conviction due to flawed evidence, and we will ensure that an improperly calibrated testing device or any other procedural mistake does not affect your case result.

Rhidian David Watson Orr

Under Colorado law, you do not have the right to consult with an attorney before being required to choose a blood test, breath test or to refuse testing because of suspicion of driving while impaired.

R. Jason de Groot

No, the cop was actually right, you do not have the right to ask an attorney whether you should take a blood test. When you got into the car to drive, you impliedly consented to having your breath or blood tested. You can refuse. Now you need to get an attorney and hope that things work out OK. Good Luck...

Dane Eric Torbenson

Under Colorado law, you don't have the right to consult with an attorney before choosing the type of test. If the officer considered your answer or your conduct to be a refusal to take a test, that can have important consequences in both the DMV action and the criminal case.

Ashley Whittington McMahan

Mr. Bohren is absolutely correct. Unfortunately the way these implied consent warnings are worded, most citizens do not realize they have the right to refuse any tests or that everything you do is VOLUNTARY. While you do have the right to speak with an attorney regarding your test, it sounds like you were referring to your miranda rights.

John Christian Bohren

Generally, most if not all states have what is called "implied consent" laws- basically, if you are driving on the roads, you are consenting to being stopped for things such as suspicion of DUI which include the administering of field sobriety tests, breathalyzers, blood tests...

The Problems with DUI Blood Tests

Blood tests are susceptible to a number of problems. For this reason, the California Code of Regulations sets forth particular rules that must be adhered to when law enforcement is testing your blood. 1 If these rules are not followed, the results of your test could be compromised.

Call the DUI Defense Attorneys at Wallin & Klarich Today

If you have been arrested for DUI, you need to contact a skilled criminal defense attorney immediately. There are a number of valid arguments that can be made on your behalf to defend you against DUI charges, and our DUI lawyers understand how to use these defenses.

Who can assess if an employer acted legally in drug testing?

An employment lawyer familiar with drug testing laws in your state can assess whether or not your employer acted legally in testing you and in its response to the test results. And, the lawyer will analyze whether or not the employer conducted the drug test properly.

What happens if you fail a drug test?

If you fail one of those drug tests, you can be suspended or even fired in many states. In some circumstances, it makes sense to hire a lawyer if you experience any adverse employment action as a result of failing a drug test, particularly because drug testing law is complicated and varies from state to state.

What happens if you don't get hired?

If you weren't hired or were fired because you failed an employer’s drug test, you may have legal challenges to the test or to any actions the employer took based on the test results.

Why is Gina used for drug testing?

Because drug tests take samples from a person's body that may contain genetic information that would reveal disabilities, susceptibility to certain diseases, and other confidential medical information, GINA bars employers from gathering and using genetic information to screen out certain employees or applicants.

Why are drug tests not able to distinguish between intoxication, current drug use, and drug use in the recent

As noted above, drug tests are not able to distinguish between intoxication, current drug use, and drug use in the recent past because the tests simply show some marker that the person tested has ingested a drug at some time. Markers for certain drugs stay in the blood stream longer than others.

Can an employer refuse to hire someone who tests positive for THC?

As of this writing, most courts have decided that employers can refuse to hire an applicant who tests positive for THC. But because legalization of marijuana is a relatively new development, employees and employers will undoubtedly be filing new lawsuits to ask courts to determine if an employer can fire or otherwise punish an employee ...

Do drug tests show current intoxication?

Drug tests do not merely explore a person's drug intoxication: Tests themselves are invasive (often involving the taking of a urine sample), and the results do not merely show current drug intoxication but can reveal off-duty drug use. Some states view such measures as possible violations of employees' and applicants' right to privacy. An employment lawyer in your state should be up to speed on all of these aspects of the law that may be implicated in your drug test.

Can you get a CDL if you have a second conviction?

Yes. If convicted of Driving Under the Influence, First Offense, your commercial driver’s license (CDL) will be suspended for one year. After a second conviction, which could occur anytime in your life, your CDL is lost forever. Furthermore, you are not eligible to obtain a restricted commercial driver’s license under any circumstance.

Can a DUI lawyer be a witness?

Rule 3.7 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct (Ethical Rules for Lawyers) provides that “ a lawyer shall not act as advocate at a trial in which the lawyer is likely to be a necessary witness.” Although this rule also provides a few exceptions, it is prudent for your DUI attorney to not put himself in a position where he may be a witness in your case. Accordingly, employment of an investigator is essential for gathering information that may be used in court, such as witness statements, photographs, measurements, etc.

Can you refuse a field sobriety test in Tennessee?

Tennessee law does not require you to agree to perform field sobriety tests when requested by an officer. Nor is there any legal penalty for refusing a field sobriety test. However, the investigating officer has no duty to advise you of this right to refuse the FSTs.
