when to get lawyer if.injured at work

by Miss Cassidy Schowalter Sr. 8 min read

If your injuries are not clearly work-related, require extensive medical treatment, involve long periods of time off work, or result in permanent disability, you should call a workers' compensation lawyer. Please answer a few questions to help us match you with attorneys in your area.

Why Should You Hire a Workers' Comp Lawyer?
  1. You Have a Pre-Existing Condition. ...
  2. Your Employer Denies an Injury Occurred in the Workplace. ...
  3. Your Benefits Are Denied or Delayed. ...
  4. Your Benefits Do Not Cover All of Your Medical Bills and Lost Wages.

Full Answer

What should you do if you get injured at work?

You may receive any or all of these benefits:

  • compensation for loss of earnings;
  • medical, hospital and related services;
  • rehabilitation services;
  • a lump sum or a pension if you are permanently disabled.

When should I get a work injury lawyer?

If you experience any of the situations described above, a workers’ compensation attorney can:

  • Secure evidence that your injury or condition is caused by your work
  • Secure medical documentation to prove your injury
  • Help you understand what you need to do to file a claim
  • Ensure you fill out paperwork correctly and on time to qualify for benefits
  • Help you understand which doctors you need to visit and when

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What to do after an employee is injured at work?

What To Do After An Accident At Work

  • If you were injured on the job, there are a few things you should do to protect your legal rights to workers' compensation benefits. ...
  • File an Accident Report. ...
  • Lawsuits Generally Barred Under Workers' Comp Laws. ...
  • Injuries Not Covered if Drugs or Alcohol Involved. ...
  • Consult a Doctor. ...
  • Report Injuries as Soon as Possible. ...

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What to do after getting injured at work?

Did you know?

  • You can attend a free seminar on workers’ compensation or contact the Information and Assistance Unit if you have questions. You can also call 1-800-736-7401 for recorded information
  • Medical care must be paid for by your employer if you get hurt on the job — whether or not you miss time from work
  • You may be eligible to receive benefits even if you are a temporary or part-time worker

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What happens if you are hurt injured on the job or at work?

The most important thing for employees to know is that any time you are injured on the job, you should report the injury immediately to a supervisor, in writing if possible. Some states require that notice to the employer be made in writing, while others allow a verbal notice.

What is the employer's responsibility when a worker is injured?

After an injury or illness occurs, your employer must: Provide a workers' compensation claim form to you within one working day a work-related injury or illness is reported. Return a completed copy of the claim form to you within one working day of receipt.

When an employee is injured they should immediately?

For emergencies, immediately call 911. For non-emergency situations, contact and coordinate care with pre-arranged medical facilities as established with your workers' compensation insurance carrier's medical provider network. In-network care helps ensure prompt and efficient care for the employee.

What happens if you get injured in the workplace?

If it's an emergency, call 911 or go to an emergency room right away. Tell the medical staff that your injury or illness is job-related. If you can safely do so, contact your employer for further instructions. If you don't need emergency treatment, make sure you get first aid and see a doctor if necessary.

Should I get full pay if injured at work?

While you do have some rights after being injured at work, there is no obligation on any employer to pay a staff member their full standard salary if they are off work due to illness or injury – even if it was caused by an accident at work, or materials used at work.

What are my rights after an accident at work?

You are well within your rights to claim for any injuries sustained at work where your accident was caused by your employer's negligence. That means it is illegal to be dismissed after an accident at work, disciplined, or treated differently because of your compensation claim.

When you are injured at work what are the steps you should take?

3 Key Steps to Take if You Are Injured at WorkStep 1 – Report the injury and get an accident report. ... Step 2 – Record any significant interactions with company or insurance representatives. ... Step 3 – Get necessary medical care and follow your doctor's instructions.

How do you handle work related injuries?

As soon as an accident or injury happens, business owners should follow these steps:Get workers to a safe place. Move any injured workers away from an area if it is dangerous and make sure other employees stay clear.Assess the situation. ... Assist the injured. ... Gather information and keep evidence.

What should a supervisor do when an injury is reported?

Complete and Forward Injury/Illness Report Fill out the Supervisor's Injury and Illness Incident Report form with the employee within eight (8) hours of injury. Reporting promptly helps prevent problems and delays in providing benefits, including medical care the employee may need to avoid further injury.

How much do I get paid for injury on duty?

If the employee is booked off due to an IOD for 4 days or longer, but less than 3 months, the employer must pay the injured employee at a rate of at least 75% of his earnings, from the first day, until the employee returns to work.

What is the most common workplace injury?

The most common work injuries are slips, trips, and falls, overexertion, and contact with equipment. All of these injuries are mostly preventable by taking the proper precautions and adhering to OSHA's guidelines.

What happens if you don't work again?

If you can never work again, you'll need to maximize your workers' comp benefits and structure them in a way to last well into the future.

Why do insurance companies deny workers compensation claims?

For example, the insurance company might claim that your injury wasn't work-related or that you filed your claim too late. (To learn more, see our article on common reasons workers' comp claims are denied .)

How to appeal a disability denial?

You can appeal the denial through the workers' compensation system. While the appeals process varies from state to state, it generally requires you to file formal paperwork, use legal tools to gather evidence, and present your case at a hearing. Your permanent disability rating is disputed.

How much is a workers comp contingency fee?

Additionally, many states place caps on contingency fees in workers' comp cases. The percentage varies from state to state, but is generally between 15% and 25%. However, the fee can be as low as 10% and as high as 33% in some states.

Can you reduce your Social Security benefits?

You're receiving other government benefits. If you're receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, these benefits may be reduced if you receive workers' compensation benefits. A lawyer can help you minimize how much your SSDI benefits will be reduced.

How long does it take for an ankle to heal after a desk job?

However, because you work a desk job, you were able to return to work fairly quickly and your ankle healed within a few weeks. In this case, your trip to the doctor would be covered.

Do I need to set aside a portion of my workers comp?

If you are eligible for Medicare, you may also need to set aside a portion of your workers' comp benefits to pay for future medical treatment. A lawyer can help you do this in the most advantageous way. You are having a workers' comp hearing.

What happens if an injured worker does not return to work?

Often, if an injured worker does not return to work in what the employer or insurance carrier deems to be a reasonable time, the carrier will file a petition to stop or modify his benefits.

How long does an employer have to accept an injury?

After an employee is injured, the employer must either accept or deny an injury within 21 days. Once an injury is accepted as work related, the insurance carrier is liable for medical bills and/or wage loss benefits as long as that employee continues to be disabled under the PA Workers’ Compensation Act.

What happens if you break your leg at work?

Generally, if you fall down at work and break your leg, most likely, you will receive workers’ compensation benefits for time missed for work and your medical bills will be paid by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company. However, not all injuries are quite as obvious as a broken leg.

What are some examples of work injuries?

For instance, some injuries happen over time – a repetitive trauma. Carpal tunnel, aggravation of pre-existing asthma, or thoracic outlet syndrome are a few examples of work injuries whose causation may not be so obvious. If someone uses her hands at work all day, perhaps the repetitive use caused carpal tunnel over time, perhaps not.

Can insurance companies accept medical bills?

However, the payment of medical bills is not an acceptance of liability. In fact, insurance companies will often simply pay for some of the medical bills and simply never accept or deny the claim at all. The injured worker goes back to work and that is the end of the claim.

Can carpal tunnel be caused by repetitive use?

If someone uses her hands at work all day, perhaps the repetitive use caused carpal tunnel over time, perhaps not. These are the cases where legal help is a must, because these are the cases that insurance companies can easily deny as being not work-related.

Can you be fired for workers compensation?

The short answer is absolutely “yes.”. These are the very situations that naturally happen when a hard worker does not want to look like a crybaby or seek medical treatment, or is afraid of missing work or being fired for pursuing his workers’ compensation rights.

So You Were Hurt At Work-What Happens Next?

After you are injured at work, you must report your injury immediately to a supervisor. In most cases, your supervisor will require you to fill out an incident report and will tell you that you have to go see one of the company doctors.

Honey Do You Think I Need To Get An Attorney About My Work Injury?

Honey, should I call an attorney to discuss my workers’ compensation claim? That is the question you ask your significant other when you return home for the evening.

Yes, You Need To Call A Lawyer Immediately If You Have Been Hurt At Work!

If you have been injured at work you should contact an experienced workers’ compensation attorney immediately. Your employer and its insurance company are not looking out for you. They will not tell you that you don’t have to see a physician chosen by your employer.

What happens if an employer doesn't cooperate with you?

Employer Cooperation#N#If your employer seems to be angry at you for getting hurt or refuses to send you to a doctor, this may be a warning they do not plan to cooperate to get your benefits started. The employer is supposed to report the injury to their insurance company right away. The insurance company then "adjusts" the claim - investigates to determine if the injury is compensable and what benefits are owed. If the employer does not report the claim, the insurance company won't know about it and will not be processing the claim for benefits. This can cause all sorts of problems and delays. Many employers try to do the right thing, but with a non-cooperative employer it is probably a good idea for an injured worker to consult a lawyer.

What to do if your claim is denied by your employer?

Denied Claim#N#If your claim is denied by your employer or their insurance carrier, you will most likely need a lawyer to help you prove you case. Some denied cases involve complicated legal issues best handled by an attorney.

What to do if you refuse to pay weekly benefits?

Refusal to Pay Weekly Benefits#N#If you are unable to work and are not getting paid weekly benefits, you should consult a lawyer. Important tip: Always get your work status in writing from the doctor, provide a copy to your employer and keep a copy for your records!

What is permanent disability?

Permanent Disability, Permanent Restrictions , or Inability to Return to Previous Employment#N# If you have a permanent problem as a result of your injury, permanent restrictions, or are unable to return to the type of work you usually do, a lawyer can help you secure fair compensation.

Report The Injury

The first thing you need to do if you were injured at work is to formally report the injury. Whether it be a slip and fall case or something larger then don’t hesitate to report it. If possible, do the formal injury report on the same day that the injury was sustained. If not, then report the injury within seven days maximum.

See A Doctor For Injuries

The next step in what to do if you get injured at work is to see a doctor for the injuries sustained. Be sure to ask your employer which doctors you can see. However, if your employer denies you to get medical advice for the injury then consider a second opinion.

Get Medical Treatment For Injuries

The last step and important step for anyone that’s been injured is to follow the doctor’s orders. Whether you need to do an MRI, take prescription drugs or possibly get surgery then follow their orders. It’s best that you follow the doctor’s orders otherwise this can hurt your case for worker’s compensation.

Get Legal Help For Work Injuries

If you believe that your injury at work was a result of foul-play or misguided judgment then consider getting legal representation. Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer to get the settlement you deserve.
