when should i hire lawyer for my divorce

by Mr. Amir Roob 8 min read

Up until your case is finalized, you have the option of hiring a lawyer for your divorce. The short answer as to when you should hire a lawyer is as soon as possible, maybe even before you ever file for divorce. Here’s how a divorce lawyer like one from The Mckinney Law Group can help you throughout the divorce process.

Full Answer

How do you become a divorce attorney?

Jun 16, 2021 · Up until your case is finalized, you have the option of hiring a lawyer for your divorce. The short answer as to when you should hire a lawyer is as soon as possible, maybe even before you ever file for divorce. Here’s how a divorce lawyer like one from The Mckinney Law Group can help you throughout the divorce process.

What to look for in a good divorce lawyer?

May 10, 2022 · The agreement you made with your ex-spouse when you first separated may have worked for some time, but situations can change. You might be ready to move towns, move in with a new spouse, or remarry. These significant events can impact previous legal agreements, so hiring a divorce lawyer might be in your best interest.

What questions should you ask a divorce attorney?

Jul 27, 2021 · If you and your ex need to equally divide business or personal assets, hire an divorce lawyer to help you. He or she can work with appraisers and consultants to determine the value of your shared estate, decide how to split it evenly, and consider whether alimony payments should be part of the divorce terms.

How to find a good divorce lawyer?

Let’s take a look at how to recognize you should get in touch with the divorce lawyer. 1. You Discover Infidelity. If your spouse has been unfaithful, you may be considering a divorce. However, before you take this step, it’s important to consult with an experienced divorce lawyer in …


Litigated Divorce Versus Divorce Mediation

As a first step in weighing your options, it's helpful to understand the differences between arguing ("litigating") your case in court and trying to resolve it through mediation.

Do I Need a Lawyer If I Mediate My Divorce?

Litigating a divorce is complicated, so most spouses involved in a contested divorce will hire a lawyer to help them navigate the court system and present their best case at trial.

What can a lawyer do to support a divorce?

Your lawyer can help you support your claim with evidence if you are proving fault grounds. If your spouse wants to establish that the divorce is your fault, a lawyer can help you defend against their claim.

Can my spouse hire an attorney?

Your spouse has hired an attorney. If your spouse hires an attorney, you should also seriously consider hiring an attorney to avoid any disadvantage. In addition, if you and your spouse do not have a good relationship and you think there is ...

What to do if your spouse is resisting divorce?

Maybe one spouse is resisting divorce completely and refuses to discuss terms. A contested divorce involves negotiations between you and your spouse. You may even have to present your cases in front of a judge. If you and your spouse are getting a contested divorce, you should hire a divorce lawyer. A lawyer will know what your rights are in your ...

Why is divorce contested?

Another reason a divorce may be contested is because one spouse wants to prove fault grounds for the divorce. Most divorces are no-fault; you don’t have to explain the reason for your divorce. But a fault divorce occurs when one spouse proves that the marriage fell apart because of the actions of the other spouse.

What is fault divorce?

But a fault divorce occurs when one spouse proves that the marriage fell apart because of the actions of the other spouse. Reasons justifying a fault divorce vary by state but often include things like cheating, cruelty, or abandonment. If you or your spouse intends to prove fault grounds, you should get a lawyer.

What to do if you don't have a good relationship with your spouse?

In addition, if you and your spouse do not have a good relationship and you think there is a possibility that an uncontested divorce can quickly develop into a series of difficult issues, it is a good idea to talk to an attorney.

What is contested divorce?

A contested divorce involves negotiations between you and your spouse. You may even have to present your cases in front of a judge. If you and your spouse are getting a contested divorce, you should hire a divorce lawyer. A lawyer will know what your rights are in your specific situation and can help you reach the best possible agreement ...

What to do when your spouse is lawyered up?

Once your spouse has lawyered up, you need to hire an experienced attorney, who can explain your rights and responsibilities, use specialized knowledge to advocate on your behalf, and obtain the best possible result for you and your family.

Why does a divorce take longer to resolve?

Fault cases typically take longer to resolve in court because you have to provide admissible evidence and prove to a judge the misconduct occurred and that it caused the divorce.

Can a spouse file for divorce based on a no fault ground?

All states and the District of Columbia allow spouses to file for divorce based on a no-fault ground, meaning no one is to blame for the breakup. Spouses can simply cite "irreconcilable differences," which is also referred to as the "irretrievable" or "irremediable breakdown of the marriage," depending on where you live.

What are the common fault grounds for divorce?

These vary from state to state, but the most common fault grounds include adultery, abandonment, abuse, and addiction to alcohol or drugs.

Is collaborative divorce the same as mediation?

It's similar to mediation in that the goal is to avoid court, but the specific process is quite different. With collaborative divorce, you and your spouse must both hire attorneys who are specially trained in collaborative law, and you have to commit to avoiding court.

What is collaborative divorce?

With collaborative divorce, you and your spouse must both hire attorneys who are specially trained in collaborative law, and you have to commit to avoiding court. This process can be expensive, so it's important to do some research and learn all you can about collaborative divorce before you choose this path.

Is family law a specialized field?

Family law is a specialized field and a simple mistake on your paperwork can have life-long ramifications or unintended consequences. Because the stakes are so high and personal in a divorce, it's best not to try and take on an experienced family law attorney. Once your spouse has lawyered up, you need to hire an experienced attorney, ...

Can a lawyer give advice on divorce?

He or she will not give you legal advice. A simple divorce might be fine for a single lawyer situation, but be very sure you know your legal rights if you are the one who is unrepresented. If you want to be sure, you should hire your own lawyer to read and explain the divorce agreement before you sign it.

Can you get angry during a divorce?

It’s easy for you, your spouse, or both of you to get angry and even emotionally distraught during the divorce process. Simply handing the responsibility for handling your divorce to your divorce lawyer might seem like a welcome relief. However, it might actually complicate things for you more than simplify them.

Is divorce scary?

The prospect of divorce is a frightening one in its own right. The marriage and union you had hoped would last, and likely worked hard to accomplish, is coming to an end. The last thing you need is your spouse’s attorney intimidating you in the courtroom . Even despite this, some people make the choice to represent themselves in divorce hearings, even if their husband has personally hired a lawyer.

What is mediation in divorce?

Divorce mediation typically involves a neutral mediator – usually a divorce lawyer – so he or she can assist you and your spouse to reach an agreement that both of you can live with. A divorce mediator will not represent you or your husband, and as such can’t give either of you legal advice. Rather, a mediator will help you identify the issues that need resolution and assist in creating a divorce agreement that is in compliance and alignment with applicable laws.

Can a divorce mediator represent you?

A divorce mediator will not represent you or your husband, and as such can’t give either of you legal advice. Rather, a mediator will help you identify the issues that need resolution and assist in creating a divorce agreement that is in compliance and alignment with applicable laws.

What is the primary goal of a lawyer?

Lawyers are supposed to work under one primary goal: the relentless pursuit of their clients’ interests. If you convey to a lawyer that your interest is specifically an amicable divorce, then that’s just what you should expect.

Do lawyers work for a flat fee?

Some lawyers work for a flat fee or even on a limited basis, if your budget is tight. Also, consider the possibility of free legal aid, should you live either at or below the regional poverty level. It can also be possible in cases of disability or if you are personally a victim of your spouse’s domestic abuse.
