when should i get a social security lawyer

by Dr. Damien Kuhlman 10 min read

What are the chances of getting approved for disability?

On average, 35% of claimants get approved on the first application, 10% get approved if they appeal a denial of their application which is called a reconsideration, and approximately 50% get approved during an Administrative Law Judge hearing.

How long does it take Social Security to make a decision on your case?

Generally, it takes about 3 to 5 months to get a decision. However, the exact time depends on how long it takes to get your medical records and any other evidence needed to make a decision. * How does Social Security make the decision? We send your application to a state agency that makes disability decisions.

When can you be denied Social Security?

If we recently denied your Social Security benefits or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) application, you may request an appeal. Generally, you have 60 days after you receive the notice of our decision to ask for any type of appeal. There are four levels of appeal: Reconsideration.

What should you not say in a disability interview?

Do not say things like, “I want to work” or “If I could work, I would.” By saying such statements, a judge may get the picture that you could possibly work. The point is that there are some people with extreme disabilities who do work but this is not the point that you should be making at your hearing.

What should you not tell a disability doctor?

Limit yourself to only talk about your condition and not opinions. Do not tell a disability doctor you think you are dying, that you think the examination is unnecessary, that you do not trust doctors, or that you believe your current medical treatment is not good.Nov 11, 2020

What disqualifies Social Security?

Some government and railroad employees are not eligible for Social Security. American expatriates retiring in certain countries—and some retired immigrants to the U.S.—can't collect Social Security benefits. Divorced spouses married for fewer than 10 years cannot claim benefits based on the earnings of their ex-spouse.

What makes you not eligible for Social Security?

About 4 percent of the aged population never receives Social Security benefits. These never-beneficiaries include higher proportions of women, Hispanics, immigrants, the never-married, and the widowed than the beneficiary population; never-beneficiaries are also comparatively less educated.

How do I know if I have 40 credits for Social Security?

You can work all year to earn four credits, or you can earn enough for all four in a much shorter length of time. If you earn four credits a year, then you will earn 40 credits after 10 years of work. Each year the amount of earnings needed to earn one credit goes up slightly as average wages increase.

How long do you have to wait to get a disability hearing?

And if you don't want to wait upwards of two years for a hearing date, you might try to hire an attorney for help with the initial application.

What to do if denied Social Security disability?

If you're denied at the application level, it becomes more important to hire a lawyer. Disability lawyers know how to prepare a disability case for a hearing and they have the necessary expertise with Social Security rules and regulations to win at the hearing. Your lawyer may want to practice asking you questions that the judge might ask so that you aren't nervous at the hearing and so that you can testify (honestly) in a way that's helpful to your case.

Can a claimant file a lawsuit without an attorney?

Without an attorney, it's difficult for a claimant to do this successfully. In addition, your lawyer will likely be familiar with how the particular judge likes to run hearings, and will be able to present evidence according to what the judge likes—and does not like—to hear.

Does disability affect Social Security?

While the severity of your disability doesn't affect the amount of money you get, the date that Social Security thinks you became disabled does matter.

Why do I need an attorney for Social Security?

However, applying for Social Security is a task that should not be underestimated because many forms and documents need to be completed and verified.

What does an attorney do for a disability?

An attorney representing you will assist you with the application, and when presenting the case, they can focus on the factors of the disability that support your need for compensation. In addition, the attorney will make sure that you have all of the current medical information that supports your disability claim, ...

Why is my disability denied?

This denial is usually because the applicant did not complete the paperwork correctly or they failed to provide the medical information asked for on the application.

How long did you have to work to get unemployment benefits?

Everyone who reached the age of 62 could apply for these benefits as long as they had worked at least ten years and had paid into the system.

Is an attorney always user friendly?

However, the application is not always user-friendly, and in addition the applicant needs to provide a lot of information and documentation that they may find hard to uncover. That is when the attorney can assist the applicant and move the process ahead.

Who is Tristan Thompson?

Tristan is a professional writer and had careers as a teacher of English, school administrator, and as a broker in real estate sales. He has gained a great deal of legal experience through his service as the president of a teacher’s union, a member of the board for a real estate association, and as the chairman of the Government Affairs Committee for the real estate board of directors. Before beginning a full-time job as a freelance writer, he was the Executive Director of the Global Business Alliance for a local Chamber of Commerce and sat on the Government Affairs Committee for the Chamber.

Can I apply for Social Security with a lawyer?

The application process for Social Security can look simple, but if you have special circumstances or you are trying to organize a more comprehensive retirement plan, a Social Security Benefits Lawyer is prepared to assist you.

Who can fill out the SSDI application?

A lawyer or advocate can fill out the SSDI or SSI application on your behalf and help gather medical records and other evidence for your claim. They can review your application for mistakes or omissions that could hurt your chances of success and can join you for meetings or conferences with Social Security officials.

What happens if you claim Social Security?

If your claim is successful, Social Security pays your representative directly out of your “back pay” — past-due benefits the SSA can award if it determines after the fact that you were medically qualified to receive benefits while still awaiting a ruling on your case.

How does the SSA work?

The SSA will work directly with your representative and provide access to information from your Social Security file. Having an attorney or advocate can be especially important if you disagree with Social Security's initial decision on your claim and file an appeal.

Where can I get SSA-1696 form?

Download an SSA-1696 form from the Social Security website and send the completed version to your local Social Security office. Alternatively, your representative can file it for you electronically. Both you and your representative will need to provide an electronic signature for verification.

Can you verbally appoint a representative for Social Security?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Social Security is also permitting claimants to verbally appoint a representative during a telephone hearing with an administrative law judge. You must still submit the written notice afterward.

Does having a representative help with disability?

But research has shown that having a professional representative can boost your chances of getting Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), the two SSA-run programs that pay benefits to people with disabilities.

The Advantages of Hiring a Social Security Disability Lawyer Before You Apply

If you hire an experienced Social Security disability lawyer before you apply for Social Security disability benefits, then you can be confident that your attorney will:

The Advantages of Hiring a Social Security Disability Lawyer If You Need to Reapply

You may not have hired a lawyer the first time you applied for Social Security disability benefits and your application may have been denied. However, you can benefit from a Social Security disability lawyer if you need to reapply. Specifically, you should consider that:

What Does it Cost to Hire a Social Security Disability Lawyer?

If you decide to hire a lawyer to represent you at any stage of the SSA disability process, you should know how that lawyer is paid. First and foremost, you do not pay the lawyer any fees that are not part of your settlement. Federal law regulates this. You only pay if the lawyer succeeds in getting your benefits for you.

Brian S Wayson

My opinion is yes, you should get an attorney at the start, due to the nature of your impairments (typically changeable, sometimes more painful and/or disabling than other times) and that there are specific things which need to be shown in the medical evidence to prove the existence of fibromyalgia.

Marilyn Hamilton

You should consult with a local attorney who specializes in Social Security Disability claims and have him or her review the medical records in the file to determine if your case is strong enough to win at the application level, or if there is a need to garner further medical reports to make the case stronger.

Anthony Christopher Saline

Social Security will find fibromaylgia disabling if the medical records document a significant problem. Social Security recognizes the American College of Rheumatology criteria for a proper diagnosis. So it is important to be treated by a rheumatologist. There is no listing for fibromyalgia in the Listing of Impairment.

Suzanne Villalon

To be honest I don't believe you need an attorney yet. While being helpful having an attorney at the early stages just may not be as useful as you would think. It takes about four months for the initial decision and you can always get an attorney at that time. Good luck!

What can a disability lawyer do for you?

Having a disability lawyer or disability representative will do the following for you: 1. You probably won't miss deadlines, such as for filing an appeal or going to a consultative medical exam. This is because your representative will know about your appointments and remind you. 2.

Why is the Social Security system receiving more claims than ever before?

This is because the social security system is now receiving more claims than ever before (the U.S. population is growing, getting older, and the social security administration, with its budget constraints, is not able to keep its workforce at a level that would allow for fast processing of claims). 4.

How long does it take to file a disability claim?

It can be filed within 60 days of the denial on the disability application, though, for the sake of common sense, it should be filed immediately after the first denial is received so that time can be saved. Reconsiderations are nearly always denied.

What happens if a disability case goes to a hearing?

If your case goes to a hearing, it will be prepared properly and argued before the administrative law judge with appropriate knowledge of disability rules and regulations. An example of procrastination and how getting a lawyer would have saved time.

How long does it take to get a disability?

1. Apply for disability - On average, a disability application filed with the social security administration will take 3-4 months for a decision. 2. File a reconsideration appeal - This is the first appeal in the social security system.

Why is Social Security put on notice?

3. Social Security will be put on notice to notify your representative of everything that happens on your case, helping to ensure that everything proceeds properly.

Do people benefit from filing a claim?

Answer: some individuals will clearly benefit from doing so, especially if the thought of filing a claim makes them anxious to the point that they would not get the process started. There are other examples of this type of anxiety at work.
