when my disability comes for review should i have a lawyer

by Asa Marvin 8 min read

A disability attorney will be able to review the details of your claim and will read through your medical records to determine if you would qualify for disability benefits. Studies have shown that claimants who are represented by a lawyer are three times more likely to have their disability claim approved and be awarded disability benefits.

The SSA will work directly with your representative and provide access to information from your Social Security file. Having an attorney or advocate can be especially important if you disagree with Social Security's initial decision on your claim and file an appeal.

Full Answer

How can a disability lawyer help you get approved for disability benefits?

Working with a disability lawyer who has may help you get approved for disability benefits faster. A disability lawyer can help you prepare your claim and make sure that you have all of the right paperwork and medical records to speed up the determination process.

When can I talk to my lawyer about my disability case?

It is not unusual for attorneys to wait until a month or two before a disability hearing to first speak to a client. Up to that point, your only contact with the law firm may be with paralegals or administrative assistants.

Can a disability attorney request a social security exam?

If necessary, a disability attorney can request that Social Security schedule (and pay for) an exam with a doctor or psychologist.


What happens when your disability is reviewed?

An experienced disability examiner and a medical consultant, will carefully review all the information received for your case. Next, we'll look at what your medical condition was when we last reviewed your case. We'll also look at any new health problems you may have. allow you to work.

What does it mean when your disability claim is in quality review?

The Disability Quality Branch review is a process engaged by the Social Security Administration to ensure that examiners assessing disability claims follow policies and procedures when making a decision whether to approve or deny a Social Security Disability Insurance claim.

How long does a quality of review take for Social Security disability?

Quality reviews at the SSA Regional Offices are done by regional Disability Quality Branches (DQB) and can sometimes take six to eight weeks to complete before a case is returned to the DDS for corrective action.

How long does it take for a disability determination decision to be under review?

about three to four monthsIt takes Disability Determination Services (DDS), the state agency that makes the initial disability determination, about three to four months to decide an initial application, from the application date.

What is quality review process?

A key part of Academic Quality Services' integrated Quality Review Process is the Quality Review itself, which consist of self-analysis and a discussion meeting between the Subject Area and a Review Team. There is an optimised and graded approach to Quality Reviews depending on how the process is triggered.

What does it mean when Social Security says benefit application under review?

Once you have filed an appeal, you may receive a letter stating that you have an “appeal under review.” This is a point in the SSA's decision-making process that is neither good nor bad, but rather it means that your case is being reviewed to ensure that the decision on your eligibility for benefits was made correctly.

How do I pass a continuing disability review?

If you want to keep yours, here are some tips on how to pass a continuing disability review:Follow Your Treatment Protocol. ... Learn More About Your Condition. ... Answer the Short Form Honestly. ... Keep Copies of Your Medical Records. ... Inform the SSA of Any Change in Address.

Who makes the final decision on Social Security disability?

While the DDS office reviews applications and makes recommendations to the SSA, it is the SSA which makes the final decision to accept or reject claims for disability benefits.

How often is disability reviewed?

Expected, we'll normally review your medical condition within six to 18 months after our decision. Possible, we'll normally review your medical condition about every three years. Not expected, we'll normally review your medical condition about every seven years.

What are the stages of disability determination?

4 Steps to the Social Security Disability Determination ProcessStep 1: Initial Application. To be awarded disability benefits, you first have to assert your right to them. ... Step 2: Reconsideration. ... Step #3: Hearing. ... Step #4: Appeals Council and Beyond.

What should you not say in a disability interview?

Making Statements That Can Hurt Your Claim – Unless you are specifically asked pertinent questions, do not talk about alcohol or drug use, criminal history, family members getting disability or unemployment, or similar topics. However, if you are asked directly about any of those topics, answer them truthfully.

What is the most approved disability?

1. Arthritis. Arthritis and other musculoskeletal disabilities are the most commonly approved conditions for disability benefits. If you are unable to walk due to arthritis, or unable to perform dexterous movements like typing or writing, you will qualify.

How long do you have to wait to get a disability hearing?

And if you don't want to wait upwards of two years for a hearing date, you might try to hire an attorney for help with the initial application.

What to do if denied Social Security disability?

If you're denied at the application level, it becomes more important to hire a lawyer. Disability lawyers know how to prepare a disability case for a hearing and they have the necessary expertise with Social Security rules and regulations to win at the hearing. Your lawyer may want to practice asking you questions that the judge might ask so that you aren't nervous at the hearing and so that you can testify (honestly) in a way that's helpful to your case.

Can a claimant file a lawsuit without an attorney?

Without an attorney, it's difficult for a claimant to do this successfully. In addition, your lawyer will likely be familiar with how the particular judge likes to run hearings, and will be able to present evidence according to what the judge likes—and does not like—to hear.

Does disability affect Social Security?

While the severity of your disability doesn't affect the amount of money you get, the date that Social Security thinks you became disabled does matter.

What happens if you get denied Social Security?

When you apply for Social Security and your claim is denied, there are several levels of appeal that you can go through. Reconsideration is the first level of the appeals process in most states. You can request this reconsideration in writing by contacting the Social Security Administration.

Do I need a lawyer to appeal a reconsideration?

You don't need a lawyer to file a reconsideration appeal, although an attorney can help you to determine why your original application was denied and can help you strengthen your application so that it can be approved in the reconsideration.

Should I hire a lawyer for a reconsideration hearing?

If you los e the reconsideration, you should definitely consider hiring a lawyer for the appeal hearing. To learn more, read our article on how ...

What happens if you hire a disability lawyer?

If you hire a disability lawyer, the burden of compiling the necessary evidence to support your claim will fall largely on them. You won’t have to stress yourself talking to your doctors or thinking about what type of medical evidence you need to get.

How to get disability if you have never applied?

1. Conduct an Initial Review of Your Case. When you first get in touch with a disability lawyer, they will conduct an initial review of your case. If you’ve never applied for disability benefits, they will assess your eligibility for disability. But if you’ve already been denied, they will look at what went wrong with your application.

What is the SSA disability determination process?

The SSA’s disability determinations process uses an evidence-based approach in granting disability benefits. They will want you to prove that your disability really prevents you from going back to work or doing any type of income-generating activity.

What to do if your disability is denied?

If your claim gets denied at the initial application stage, you have the right to appeal the SSA’s decision. This is where an experienced disability lawyer can help you too. They can help you navigate the appeals process and file a request for reconsideration.

Does an advocate get paid if you win a disability case?

7. Doesn’t Get Paid Unless You Win. If you’ve been on the fence about hiring a disability lawyer because of monetary concerns, worry not. In most states, an attorney or advocate cannot collect fees unless you win the case. The attorney’s fee will be deducted from your total benefits once it’s released.

Is a disability lawyer required for Social Security in 2021?

June 17, 2021. When you’re applying for social security disability benefits, hiring a disability lawyer is not required by law. But doing so can be very beneficial for your case. According to the SSA, denied social security disability claims average at 53%. Most of them got denied during the initial application stage.

How long does it take for Social Security to review a medical record?

If Social Security found that it was possible, though not necessarily likely, that your medical condition could improve, then your file would have been set for a three-year review. If Social Security didn't expect your condition to improve, your file would have been set for a seven-year review.

Do you have to prove disability over again?

You won't have to prove your disability over again. Instead, to terminate your benefits, Social Security would have to prove that there has been medical improvement in your condition – that is, that the severity of your impairment has become less severe. Also, the medical improvement in your condition must relate to your ability to work.

Is Social Security a continuing disability review?

When Benefits May Be Terminated. Unless your condition has improved enough for you to work, a continuing disability review is not much to worry about.

How to get a disability attorney?

An attorney in disability can provide the following services: 1 Prepare the initial application 2 Attend disability hearings 3 Attend reconsideration hearings 4 Collect the necessary medical evidence 5 Obtain medical opinion from doctors 6 Contest Social Security Administration decisions 7 Advise clients on the law 8 Prepare and draft legal briefs for the Administrative Law Judge 9 Examine and cross-examine witnesses 10 Examine and cross-examine Vocational Experts or Medical Experts 11 Attend appears before the Appeals Council or Federal Court

Why do I need a disability lawyer?

If you decide that you need a disability lawyer, it will also give you an opportunity to evaluate the competence and motivation of the attorney. Another benefit of choosing a lawyer early on (before the filing of an initial disability application) is that if your application is approved, your corresponding legal fees will also be lower.

How does legal representation help with disability?

Having legal representation will allow you to increase your chances of winning as your disability attorneys will evaluate the medical evidence, identify gaps, focus on the strengths, and avoid over-complicating the application.

How much does a disability lawyer charge?

Disability lawyers can charge legal fees equal to the lesser of either 25% of your disability backpay or $6,000. There may be no initial payment (or very little) and the lawyer will receive the legal fees when you win your case.

What is the impact of disability on a case?

In a disability claim, a crucial factor impacting the overall success of the case is to have the right medical evidence in support of a claim. Submitting too much evidence, irrelevant evidence, contradictory evidence, or other can certainly lead to the denial of an application.

Is it mandatory to have a lawyer for Social Security?

Having a lawyer is not mandatory. However, having an experienced lawyer who has seen many applications in the past and has dealt with the Social Security Office does bring value in structuring your claim in the best possible manner.

Can a disability lawyer help with a disability claim?

It’s not easy for a person and his or her family to go through a disability event. There may be many legal questions and confusion about the process, what are the disabled person’s rights and remedies, and so on. That’s when a disability lawyer can help clarify disability questions and help prepare a disability claim in the best possible way.

How much can a disability lawyer charge?

The maximum amount a disability lawyer can charge is 25 percent of your backpay. The maximum an attorney can receive from your backpay is $6,000. As an example, if your backpay is $12,000, your attorney will receive $3,000 and you will receive the remaining $9,000. Your attorney can advance you the expenses associated with your case.

How to file a disability claim if you can't work?

The claim can be filed online at www.ssa.gov, or you can call 1-800-772-1213 and speak with a representative.

What does an attorney do during a subpoena hearing?

If so, your lawyer will handle the process of subpoenaing witnesses to testify on your behalf during the hearing.

What to do if your medical claim is denied?

If your original claim is denied, your attorney will represent you at any necessary appeals, such as reconsideration and hearing proceedings. He or she can collect and submit key medical evidence, communicate with your doctor and any other medical professionals who have treated you, and prepare you for any questions that the administrative law judge may ask. They may also be able to move your case forward more quickly, especially if you are in dire financial need or your condition is terminal.

What is administrative law hearing?

An administrative law judge hearing is just like any case in court. You will testify before a judge, and medical and vocational experts may be called to testify. You should be prepared to respond to the questions, and your attorney will be able to help you get ready for this.

What does a lawyer know about a claim?

Based on the notice, your lawyer will know what evidence is lacking. Your attorney will know what kind of evidence is needed to help you get your claim approved. Your lawyer will gather the documentation that he or she believes will help you get your claim approved.

How long does it take to get a disability claim?

For a new disability claim, the average processing time can vary from 3 months to 9 months. For claims that are appealed following the initial denial, the processing varies from 8 to 16 months in most cases.

What can a disability lawyer do for you?

Having a disability lawyer or disability representative will do the following for you: 1. You probably won't miss deadlines, such as for filing an appeal or going to a consultative medical exam. This is because your representative will know about your appointments and remind you. 2.

What happens if a disability case goes to a hearing?

If your case goes to a hearing, it will be prepared properly and argued before the administrative law judge with appropriate knowledge of disability rules and regulations. An example of procrastination and how getting a lawyer would have saved time.

How long does it take to file a disability claim?

It can be filed within 60 days of the denial on the disability application, though, for the sake of common sense, it should be filed immediately after the first denial is received so that time can be saved. Reconsiderations are nearly always denied.

How long does it take to get a disability?

1. Apply for disability - On average, a disability application filed with the social security administration will take 3-4 months for a decision. 2. File a reconsideration appeal - This is the first appeal in the social security system.

Why is the Social Security system receiving more claims than ever before?

This is because the social security system is now receiving more claims than ever before (the U.S. population is growing, getting older, and the social security administration, with its budget constraints, is not able to keep its workforce at a level that would allow for fast processing of claims). 4.

Why is Social Security put on notice?

3. Social Security will be put on notice to notify your representative of everything that happens on your case, helping to ensure that everything proceeds properly.

Do people benefit from filing a claim?

Answer: some individuals will clearly benefit from doing so, especially if the thought of filing a claim makes them anxious to the point that they would not get the process started. There are other examples of this type of anxiety at work.

What can an attorney do to prove a disability?

There are three main possible "theories" an attorney can use to do this. Your lawyer can: prove that your condition meets a disability "listing". prove that you "grid" out of all work (including not being able to do your past work) prove that your non-exertional limitations prevent you from working, or.

How to prove you are not capable of sedentary work?

To prove you are not capable of sedentary work, your attorney will use the documented symptoms of your illness, the opinions of your treating doctors, your testimony, and any other objective medical evidence in your file to show why you can't do various sit-down jobs.

What is an initial interview with an attorney?

When you first contact an attorney or law firm for representation, either the attorney or a firm staff member will conduct an initial interview with you to gather the basic facts of the case. These facts are used to help determine if the firm will take your case. The interviews are usually done by phone; however, ...

Can you testify about your disability?

The SSA allows you to bring a witness to testify about your disability , but because witnesses can be harmful or helpful, your attorney will decide if witness testimony is necessary to win your case. Your lawyer may be interested in asking your caregivers or former employers to write letters in support of your disability.

Can an attorney represent you?

You must answer all of your attorney's questions as honestly as you can—even if the questions are embarrassing or you feel ashamed of the answers. Otherwise, your attorney cannot represent you effectively. Remember that your attorney is not there to judge you, but to help you win your claim.

Can an attorney judge you?

Remember that your attorney is not there to judge you, but to help you win your claim. Also, keep in mind that anything you say to your attorney is privileged. This means that your attorney can only share information with others that you want him or her to share.

Can a disability attorney meet with you?

Most disability attorneys speak with their clients by phone, but you can ask your attorney to meet you in person if you wish. Before your pre-hearing meeting or phone conference, your attorney will have reviewed your file and determined what issues still need to be addressed.
