when in a custody case if one has a lawyer does the state have to provide a lawyer in ky

by Katelyn Medhurst 4 min read

A lawyer is not required for child custody cases, making it easy to eschew hiring legal representation if you are facing a child custody case. Lawyers can gum up the works, increase hostility between two parents and maybe even drive a permanent wedge between them. And of course, their fees are not usually cheap.

Full Answer

Do you need a family law attorney for child custody cases?

Feb 14, 2022 · You do not need a lawyer to file for custody. However, custody cases are often complicated, and a lawyer can help you through it. It also may be difficult for you to file the proper paperwork without the help of a lawyer. Also, if the other parent has a lawyer, it will be particularly helpful if you have a lawyer as well.

Why choose mymyers law firm for child custody?

However, custody issues are complicated, and parties frequently benefit from the help of a lawyer. Unfortunately, you do not have a right to have a lawyer appointed for you in a civil case, but you may be able to talk to a lawyer for free or get a low-cost consultation for legal advice.

Can two states handle a custody case at the same time?

The child’s birth certificate, Any existing custody orders or parenting plans, Information about the child’s safety and welfare, Information about the other parent’s ability and willingness to parent, and. Any relevant communications between you and the other parent. This information will help the lawyer evaluate and understand your child ...

Can a parent file a custody action in a different state?

A lawyer is not required for child custody cases, making it easy to eschew hiring legal representation if you are facing a child custody case. Lawyers can gum up the works, increase hostility between two parents and maybe even drive a permanent wedge between them.

What are the child custody laws in Ky?

Under Kentucky law, the judge is generally supposed to assume that joint custody and equally shared parenting time is in the best interest of the child unless a party convinces the judge otherwise.

At what age can a child choose which parent to live with in Kentucky?

In fact, courts should consider the wishes of a six-year-child AND a 16-year-old child. From a practical standpoint, however, family law judges in Louisville and Oldham County are probably going to give more weight to the wishes of a 16-year-old than the desires of a six-year-old.Oct 11, 2017

At what age can a child choose which parent to live with in Indiana?

age 14
When can my child decide which parent to live with? Until your child reaches the age of 18, the court will make a determination as to custody. However, at age 14, consideration is given to the child's wishes by the court when making this determination.

Is Kentucky a mother or father state?

As of new guidelines passed in 2018, Kentucky is the only U.S. state that defaults to joint child custody in cases involving divorce or unmarried parents. This new law mandates equal parenting time and legal custody unless one or both parents have a history of abuse.Apr 9, 2020

What are the 4 types of child neglect?

  • Physical Neglect. The failure to provide necessary food, clothing, and shelter; inappropriate or lack of supervision.
  • Medical Neglect. The failure to provide necessary medical or mental health treatment.
  • Educational Neglect. ...
  • Emotional Neglect.
Dec 27, 2018

What makes a parent unfit in Kentucky?

Factors Judges Use to Determine if a Parent is Unfit

The safety, health, and welfare of the child. Evidence of a history of abuse or violence against the child, another child, the child's other parent, or another romantic partner. A parent's history of substance abuse, including drugs and alcohol.
May 26, 2021

At what age can a child refuse visitation in Alabama?

There is no specific age when Alabama courts must consider a child's opinion. Instead, the judge in each case must determine whether the child is mature enough to have a reasonable preference.

How is child custody determined in Indiana?

To determine sole or joint custody, the court considers certain factors: Suitability and fitness of each parent. Physical and emotional environment in each parent's home. Living proximity between parents.Jan 6, 2020

Can a 7 year old decide which parent to live with?

In law, there is no fixed age that determines when a child can express a preference as to where they want to live. However, legally, a child cannot decide who they want to live with until they are 16 years old. Once a child reaches the age of 16, they are legally allowed to choose which parent to live with.

Do fathers have rights in Kentucky?

Unmarried Fathers Rights in Kentucky

If a child is born between two unmarried people, then the father does not have any rights to custody or visitation, until paternity is established. Paternity can be established by signing a Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity (VAP) or by genetic testing.
Nov 7, 2017

Does a mother have more rights than a father?

However, it remains a common misconception that mothers have more rights than fathers. In fact, if each parent has parental responsibility for a child, their rights and responsibilities are equal.Apr 24, 2019

Do you have to pay child support if you have joint custody in Kentucky?

Will I have to pay child support if we do 50/50 custody? Although 50/50 custody can eliminate the need for child support, that's rarely the case in Kentucky. Instead, the parent who earns more income usually has to pay at least some child support to the lower-earning parent.Feb 27, 2019

Reasons to Hire an Attorney

On the other side, an attorney can serve as a capable liaison between you and your ex-spouse, diffusing personal attacks each side may launch against each other, possibly torpedoing a potentially favorable ruling.

What About the Cost of Hiring an Attorney?

That may be the number one reason people choose not to hire an attorney. But if you are short funds and would like a lawyer’s expertise, you do have options.

What to ask a lawyer about child custody?

What Should I Ask My Lawyer About Child Custody? 1 Objectivity: You have an obvious stake in the outcome of the child custody decision. A family law attorney is an objective professional, hired to be your advocate and to promote your interests. They also act as a buffer between you and the other party or you and your spouse’s attorney. 2 Expertise: Family law attorneys handle custody cases frequently and will have insider knowledge that you cannot get without this experience. You will benefit from hiring an experienced attorney who knows how to protect your interests.

How to handle a child custody case?

A family law attorney can help guide you through every challenge of your child custody case. Some challenges include managing: 1 Discovery: The information-gathering process. Your attorney can help you better organize the information and present it in a format that is most favorable to you. 2 Court: Your attorney can advise you on how to navigate the court system and how to conduct yourself in court during a child custody case. Since you may be dealing with a very stressful and emotionally draining situation, their guidance could be crucial. 3 Aggressive attorneys: If the other attorney is known to be aggressive in proceedings, your attorney can prepare you for that. Your attorney will also help you prepare for the type and intensity of questions that you might face from the other attorney during your mediation, negotiation or a court hearing. 4 Experts: Your attorney can also advise you about whether you should spend the money on a custody evaluator or guardian ad litem, or whether you should take other necessary steps to strengthen your child custody case.

How to get a court order for a child?

Here are some things to keep in mind to make sure that you end up with an order that is truly in the best interests of your child: 1 Get organized. When you present information to the other parent, the other attorney or the court, it needs to be clear. If you organize your information, it makes it more likely that it will be persuasive and accepted. 2 Tell your story. Without any irrelevant information, present your picture of what is in your child’s best interests, using facts and the law to support your position. 3 Be patient. If issues are contentious then it may be a long, drawn-out process including mediation, negotiation and court appearances. 4 Be flexible. Prepare to tell your story, but allow some flexibility in your options. Provide alternatives for resolution of the matter.

Who is responsible for child support?

One parent is usually the custodial parent, and the other is typically responsible for basic child support payments and has visitation or parenting time. The order commonly addresses the child support amount to be paid as well. Because the stakes are so high, disputes over child custody and visitation and parenting time are common.

What is custody case?

Custody cases and decisions are fraught with emotion and disagreement. They are emotionally challenging and financially challenging cases. To ensure that your interests are protected, hire an experienced family law attorney to guide you through the process.

What can an attorney do for you?

Your attorney can help you better organize the information and present it in a format that is most favorable to you. Court: Your attorney can advise you on how to navigate the court system and how to conduct yourself in court during a child custody case. Since you may be dealing with a very stressful and emotionally draining situation, ...

How to organize information for a child?

Without any irrelevant information, present your picture of what is in your child’s best interests, using facts and the law to support your position. Be patient.

What is mediation in divorce?

Mediation involves a neutral attorney who helps couples reach an agreement in a divorce. The mediator doesn’t represent either spouse and can’t give legal advice. Instead, mediators help couples identify the issues that need to be resolved and create an agreement that comports with the law. Mediation is another alternative to handling ...

What is the best way to handle a divorce?

Instead, mediators help couples identify the issues that need to be resolved and create an agreement that comports with the law. Mediation is another alternative to handling a divorce on your own. Although there are a lot of self-help resources out there, divorce can be a daunting process. Mediation is confidential and even if you ...

What can an attorney do for a child?

An attorney can also use their experience to present your case before the judge in a clear and compelling fashion and communicate with the other side so that personal emotions don’t get in the way of what’s best for your child.

Is divorce hard to handle?

Posted by Matthew Myers on June 15, 2016. When you’re going through a divorce, it can be hard to handle the stress and emotional turmoil. Often, the legal aspects of divorce tend to get tangled up with the emotional and personal issues that led to the end of the relationship, and arguments over child custody only complicate the situation further.

Is divorce hard?

When you’re going through a divorce, it can be hard to handle the stress and emotional turmoil. Often, the legal aspects of divorce tend to get tangled up with the emotional and personal issues that led to the end of the relationship, and arguments over child custody only complicate the situation further.

What factors are considered when determining custody?

When judges determine custody, they must consider various factors, including your (or your ex’s) reasons for moving, the child’s ties to the community, your relationship with the child’s other parent, and ultimately what custody arrangement best meets the child’s needs.

Can a parent change custody of a child in Texas?

For example, if a child lives in Texas with one parent and the other parent lives in Mississippi, only the Texas court can make changes to the custody order.

What is the home state of a child?

The “home state”—which refers to the state where the child has resided for the past 6 months—has priority over the jurisdiction of any other state. For example, if you and your child’s other parent lived in Kansas for the past 3 years, but last week you relocated to Washington with your child, Kansas is still considered the child’s home state, ...

What is the UCCJEA?

Nearly every state has adopted the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA). Under the Act, parents can only file a custody action in a child’s home state. The “home state”—which refers to the state where the child has resided for the past 6 months—has priority over the jurisdiction of any other state. ...

Valarie A McNeice

If you are not satisfied with your attorney, you should consult with other attorneys until you find the right one. You need an attorney in a custody battle. It is unlikely that you can be successful on your own. Should you pay an attorney that isn't making a difference? I wouldn't.

Brian Paul Halloran

If you don't like your plumber or mechanic, you fire them. Same with your lawyer. We're not special in that regard, just make sure you follow your contract provisions with them regarding representation and termination.

Nicole Prebeck

I would agree with my colleague. If you're not satisfied with your current attorney, you can fire him/her and either represent yourself (which I do not recommend doing) or hire a new attorney, which I strongly recommend. Either way, you would need to formally terminate services with your current attorney, which should be done in writing.

What is de facto custody in Kentucky?

De Facto Custodians in Kentucky. If the child involved in the custody case is under the age of three, a de facto custodian can be determined . This person is anyone who has been the primary caregiver and financial supporter of the child for a period of six months or more. For any child or children over the age of three, ...

What is the best way to decide custody of a child?

When making a child custody decision, the judge will always do what he or she determines is in the best interest of the child or children involved. This gives the judge a broad degree of discretion when making a decision and will base the choices on a number of different factors that may include: 1 The custody desires of both parents as well as any de facto custodian that has been identified 2 The custody desires of the child or children involved 3 The relationship between the child or children and both parents, as well as the relationship between the child or children and any identified de facto custodian 4 The relationship between the child or children involved and any siblings they may have living with either of the parents 5 The child or children’s involvement in different activities or aspects of their school, church, community, and in their current home 6 The mental health factors of the child or children, both parents, and any identified de facto custodian that may affect custody 7 Both parents’ ability to be a proper caregiver for the child or children including their parenting ability and how they can nurture/support the child or children 8 If either parent has any history of domestic violence

How to modify a custody agreement?

In order to prove that a child custody agreement modification needs to be made, the requesting parent will need to prove the following to the standards set by the family court judge: 1 A significant change has occurred to prompt the request for modification 2 The modification will benefit the child or children in some way 3 The changes/disruptions the child or children will endure will be offset by the proposed benefits they will experience due to the modification

How long does a child have to be a custodian?

For any child or children over the age of three, a de facto custodian is anyone who has been a primary caregiver, financial supporter, and has lived with the child for a period of one year or more.

What is joint custody in court?

Family court systems will always strive to award a joint custody agreement, whether it is something the parents agreed on outside of court or something that is decided in the court room. If a joint custody agreement is found to be of the highest benefit to the child or children involved , this will likely be the judgment.

What is the relationship between a child and his parents?

The relationship between the child or children and both parents, as well as the relationship between the child or children and any identified de facto custodian. The relationship between the child or children involved and any siblings they may have living with either of the parents. The child or children’s involvement in different activities ...

Can a child custody agreement be modified?

As the child or children get older and their or the parents’ situations change, it is possible for a modification to the child custody agreement to be necessary. Generally, if both parents agree on the proposed change, they will just need to notify the court that the change has occurred and it will be made legally binding. Child custody agreement modifications become more difficult when one parent does not agree to the change and the issue needs to be heard during a court case to be resolved.