when a lawyer does a cease and desist order

by Domenick Wolf 4 min read

Who Can Issue A Cease And Desist Order? Anyone can send a ceaseand desist letter. An attorney does not have to be involved. However, an attorney can advise complainants on whether their rights have been violated and if they have legal and meritorious rights to send a cease and desist letter.

A cease-and-desist letter provides notice that legal action may and will be taken if the conduct in question continues. Such letters are usually written by attorneys and are often sent to stop alleged or actual infringement of intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, trademarks, and patents.

Full Answer

What is a cease and desist order?

A lawyer who is considering sending out a cease and desist letter on behalf of their client must satisfy the above preconditions so that their capability as a lawyer is not called into question. Although, anyone can write a cease and desist letter, an attorney can assist with determination which legal rights were violated and how you can pursue further legal action if necessary.

Can a cease and desist letter be backed by a court?

Jan 26, 2022 · A “cease and desist order” is essentially an order or judgment from an administrative agency or judicial court where a person is ordered to put an end to a certain type of conduct. To obtain a cease and desist order, you must file a civil lawsuit against the other party, present a motion to the court, satisfy the legal requirements for a C&D order, and get the court …

What happens if the other party does not obey a cease and desist?

Jun 23, 2020 · The main difference is in terms of legality. Letters have almost no legal standing. Orders do. A cease and desist order is granted by a court. It serves as a temporary injunction. The party that receives the order must stop what they're doing until a trial can be held. After the trial, a permanent injunction may be ordered. Reasons to request a cease and desist order include: Libel

What is a cease and desist injunction?

Summary cease and desist order – This is issued before a judicial proceeding or a hearing. Final cease and desist order – The order becomes a final cease and desist order when the recipient of the summary order fails to request a hearing before a certain period. Contents of a Cease and Desist Order. The first step to obtaining a cease and desist order is to file a lawsuit with the …


What are the consequences of a cease and desist?

Failing to comply with a cease and desist order means that the violator could pay civil fines or damages. In some cases, particularly those involving harassment, continuing harassing activities could result in jail time.

How effective is a cease and desist letter?

While a cease and desist letter doesn't have a legal effect in and of itself, it's often a good way to begin the process of stopping someone from engaging in an activity that is harming you in some way. Such documents are easy to write and, unless you hire an attorney to write them, usually quite cost-effective.

Is a cease and desist letter legally binding?

You do have the option of taking the matter to court if the recipient doesn't comply with your request, and the letter can act as proof that you made a good faith effort to resolve the problem. If your lawsuit is successful, courts may issue a legally binding cease and desist order.Mar 9, 2022

What happens if you refuse a cease and desist letter?

If you ignore it, the attorney who sent the letter will eventually file a lawsuit in federal court against you for trademark infringement and/or copyright infringement. This action may not happen right away. You might even think you are out of danger.Nov 13, 2020

Can a cease and desist letter be considered harassment?

A cease and desist harassment letter is a written document that demands the recipient stop a certain behavior immediately. This behavior is constituted as harassment in some way.

Can you send cease and desist by email?

Cease and desist letters can be sent through email, mail, and through an attorney. However you choose to send the letter, make sure that you have a receipt that shows it was delivered to the recipient. Send physical mail through certified mail so you receive a time-stamp on when it was delivered.

Can cease and desist be verbal?

Don't Depend on a Verbal Request Mailing your cease and desist letter also gives you a paper trail to be sure the collection agency is following the law.

Do you have to send a cease and desist before suing?

Can I Sue Without Issuing a Cease and Desist? Yes, you can file a civil suit without writing and sending a cease and desist. However, issuing the notice has benefits. First, it can begin negotiations to settle the matter without a court battle.

Is a cease and desist a threat?

A trademark cease and desist letter is one that is meant to be threatening. A cease and desist notice letter or a trademark notice letter is fundamentally different. It is far less threatening and its goal is to put someone on notice of your trademark rights.Dec 29, 2011

How do you respond to a false cease and desist letter?

There are two main responses to a cease and desist letter: accepting or refusing the claims. By accepting the claims, you are agreeing to stop using the trademark. You may have to sign an agreement, but no further legal action will be taken against you. If you deny the claims, you will likely want a lawyer.May 28, 2021

What is the difference between a cease and desist order and a cease and desist letter?

A cease and desist order is different from a cease and desist letter. The main difference is in terms of legality. Letters have almost no legal standing. Orders do. A cease and desist order is granted by a court. It serves as a temporary injunction.

What is the purpose of cease and desist?

However, it fulfills an important function in the legal process. It establishes that you have told the offender about their violation. They now cannot claim they didn't know they were in violation.

What should a cease and desist letter include?

There are a few items every cease and desist letter should include. First, explain your rights. Second, detail how your rights are being violated. Finally, you must include a command to stop the actions you are being harmed by.

What happens if you send a cease and desist letter?

Issuing a cease and desist notice under the wrong circumstances can cause legal troubles for the sender. If there are threats involved in the letter, it can amount to extortion, blackmail or other crimes. In addition, if the violation turns out to be false, the party receiving the letter can sue for a judgement.

What is a cease and desist notice?

Use a cease and desist notice if you want to issue a formal warning to someone to stop doing what they're doing. This includes using your property, harassing you, or illegally using your trademarks. Usually, but not always, a cease and desist is the first formal step following an informal notification.

What is the first step to take to address these issues?

Engaging in illegal or suspicious activity that involves someone's work. The first step that you can take to address these issues is to send a cease and desist letter.

Why do we need a cease and desist?

It also often stops the offending behavior without the need to take it any further.

What Is a Cease and Desist Order?

A cease and desist order is issued by an administrative agency that demands the recipient to stop engaging in certain acts. This document is used in labor and employment disputes, security law, education administration, and other areas of the law. In most cases, an administrative judge will decide whether to issue a cease and desist order or not.

Contents of a Cease and Desist Order

The first step to obtaining a cease and desist order is to file a lawsuit with the court. After that, the recipient will have the opportunity to respond. The court will then make the decision based on the facts presented by both sides. The content of a cease and desist order will include the following:

Cease and Desist Order vs Cease and Desist Letter

The cease and desist order is not to be confused with the cease and desist letter. There are significant differences between the two.

Should You Write a Defamation Cease and Desist Letter?

If you don't want to go to court yet, you have the option of writing a cease and desist letter! Sending the letter can be a proper first step to resolving the dispute or in finding out if there are legal rights violated. If you decide to draft a cease and desist letter on your own, there are some considerations that you need to take such as:

DoNotPay Can Draw Up A Defamation Cease and Desist Letter for You in Minutes!

To ensure the proper tone and technical accuracy of a cease and desist letter, it is recommended to have a legal expert help with the drafting or review. However, this also comes with prohibitively expensive fees. That is where DoNotPay can help.

What Else Can DoNotPay Do?

DoNotPay doesn’t stop at helping you write cease and desist letters. The AI-powered robot lawyer can help you with day-to-day issues such as cancelling subscriptions, creating passport photos, appealing parking tickets, and so much more! Here's what else we offer:

What is a cease and desist order?

An official order handed down by a government agency or court directing a person or entity to stop doing something immediately is called a “cease and desist order.”. Such an order effectively places an injunction on the person or entity that prohibits the named activity as suspicious or illegal. Cease and desist orders may also be issued ...

Why do people use cease and desist letters?

Some people view the use of cease and desist letters as a form of intimidation that has the ability to silence or obstruct people who are not familiar with the law. This is because such a demand letter implies that the recipient is engaging in some type of illegal activity, and will be punished if he does not stop.

What information should be included in a cease and desist letter?

Information that should be included in every cease and desist letter includes: The sender’s name, address, and phone number. The name and address of the individual or entity to whom the letter is being sent. The date of the letter. A clear statement of the actions the sender is demanding be stopped. A clear demand that the action be stopped.

What type of court action is required for harassment?

Just what type of court action is required depends on the specific circumstances. For example, obtaining a cease and desist order for harassment may actually require an application for a restraining order. In the event the matter evolves to this stage, it is a good idea to consult an experienced attorney.

How long does it take to respond to a cease and desist letter?

When sending a cease and desist letter, it is customary to allow 10-15 days for the recipient to respond. This allows the recipient time to receive and review the letter, consider their legal rights, and return the letter with a response.

What is a letter demanding that an individual stop harassing activities?

Harassment – A letter demanding that an individual stop harassing activities should include the dates of the harassment, a description of the unwanted actions, and the date on which further action will be taken if the harassment does not stop.

What is the right to sue for declaratory judgment?

Right to sue for declaratory judgment – threatening to take action on an alleged, yet untrue violation of law may give the receiving party the right to sue in civil court for a judgment that no violation in fact exists. This may, in turn, become a complaint of defamation.

Canada Cease and Desist Ordinances

The Canadian ordinances have clear-cut guidelines on the filing and enforcing of cease and desist orders. Generally, there are four common goal types of cease and desist letters and court orders in Canada: Debt collection, Trademark, General, and Copyright Infringement.

UK Laws

In the UK, cease and desist orders aren’t unusual. Like Canada, the United Kingdom regards the cease and desist order as a consequential approach for non-compliance to the cease and desist letter. However, most individuals seek the court’s injunction to warn the opposing party of pending legal action.

USA Cease and Desist Orders

The United States of America legislation regards cease and desist templates as a legal measure to stop a subject, business, or organization from harassing or infringing on an individual. The American jurisdiction accommodates two types of cease and desist documents; drafted letters and court-issued orders.

Australia Laws

The Australian federal code is adept when it comes to the protection of its citizens. The Australian ordinances regard the cease and desist documents as a precaution to stop any activity lest a legal proceeding follows. Essentially, cease and desist letters are the first attempt at settling disputes between two parties outside a court of law.

What Is a Cease and Desist Letter?

By definition, a cease and desist letter is an official document that is formally drafted. This letter contacts an organization or individual in order to request an end to a specific infringing action, as well as future restraint of the same.

What Is a Cease and Desist Letter Used for?

Here are four vital examples when cease and desist letters are most frequent, along with their specific types of features:

Key Takeaways

What is a cease and desist order? It’s a legal judgment that sets an injunction on an offender’s actions.

How to Write a Cease and Desist Letter

After checking what options you have, and you conclude that a cease and desist note will be effective to stop the unfavorable activity, you have to compose a letter. When this decision is made, it is highly suggested to have those things in mind when you write it.

Sending a Cease and Desist Letter

There are many ways you can send a cease and desist; popular methods are in person, through the mail, by email, or through an attorney. Regardless of how you choose to send your letter, you should keep a record of delivery.


It’s important to understand the difference between a cease and desist letter and order, especially regarding legal validity. The first one is not enforceable and mirrors the point of view of an individual; the letter is a great tool to warn an offender of the legal consequences that can take place if they don’t stop.
