what would you put as your major if you want to be a lawyer
by Caleb Mosciski Jr.
Published 3 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
5 min read
You have to major in an academic subject, such as Political Science, Math, Philosophy, and so on. Unlike premed, there are no prerequisite courses you must take in order to be considered for law school.
Young adults who want to become lawyers should consider majoring in political science in college. With a political science degree, you'll get a solid foundation in how the government is structured, how laws work, and who has power. These are all critical if you want to work in the law.Jan 3, 2022
Jun 20, 2016 · Coursework should include English, history, foreign language, public speaking, government, philosophy, economics, mathematics and computer science among others are useful. With that in mind, certain majors do seem somewhat common among pre-law students including Political Science, History, Philosophy and Business.
What degrees should I major in to become a lawyer?
Oct 27, 2010 · Unless you want to teach I'd stay away from History, English, etc. Business, Psychology, Accounting are useful and practical. If the college has a pre-law take it as a minor. If not, just load up your electives with criminal related courses such as Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Intro to Justice System, etc.
What are the best majors for lawyers?
Jun 13, 2021 · If you're trying to decide on a major that will best prepare you for law school, then you may want to choose a major that stresses logic, analytical skills, reading comprehension, and writing skills. These are all attributes you need to do well on the LSAT and in law school.
Do you need a bachelors degree to become a lawyer?
If Law in your place can be studied at the undergraduate level, then clearly it’s the qualifying law degree that should be done. For instance, that would be the LL.B. (Hons) degree (3–4 years) in the UK. Update:— If Law in your place is done in a ‘single …
What majors are common for pre-law students?
With that in mind, certain majors do seem somewhat common among pre-law students including Political Science, History, Philosophy and Business. If one is interested in a particular aspect of law (which you stated you are but did not specify which aspect) then they may find related courses helpful.
Is an accounting degree good for law?
A: An accounting degree is really a good background for almost any type of law practice. Any type of corporate or securities law and tax law are definitely good choices. Also, large accounting firms hire lawyers with accounting backgrounds, and often send them back to school while they are working to get an LLM in tax.
Is international law a small part of law school?
International law coursework will inevitably be a relatively small proportion of your curriculum in law school. Upon graduating, your career prospects will probably not be greatly enhanced by your language skills, but instead will have much more to do with the quality of the law school you attended and your class rank.
Is law practice competitive?
If you are skilled in these areas, you may succeed well. Law practice is highly competitive, and success tends to be merit-based and also somewhat "political.". You may also wish to think seriously about what it means to you to envy or admire "top" performers.
Is language skills important interpersonally?
But your language abilities, though immensely valuable interpersonally, will most likely prove somewhat less valuable than other assets you will need to secure an international commercial or transnational (inter -governmental) practice .
What is the LSAT test?
The LSAT tests for critical thinking skills rather than subject matter expertise. Law schools look for candidates with abstract thinking skills, the ability to interpret written texts, and high reading comprehension. They want candidates that have fine reasoning abilities, the ability to think logically. Notice how all majors have students that ...
Why do lawyers need an English major?
The English major is a very popular major for law school because of its immediately obvious benefits: advanced reading comprehension and persuasive writing skills. Students of the English major study dense and complex literature and are then required to process the information, make connections and create organized analytical arguments and defend positions. In this light, the critical thinking skills required of English majors mirror the skills required by law students. Strong reading and writing skills are required by all lawyers, so the English major is a no-brainer when it comes to selecting a major for law school.
What are the skills required for an English major?
In this light, the critical thinking skills required of English majors mirror the skills required by law students.
What is psychology major?
Through the psychology major’s coursework, students develop a solid understanding of how people can make correct or incorrect judgments that can lead to things like stereotyping, prejudice, or discrimination. Psychology courses also teach students how to network and prepare for negotiations.
What is the study of human behavior and the mental processes that fuel how people interact with each other and the world around them
Psychology is the study of human behavior and the mental processes that fuel how people interact with each other and the world around them. Since law is a system designed to govern human behavior, psychology can help lawmakers understand what kind of laws will have positive effects on society.
Why is sociology a good major?
Sociology is a great major for potential law students because it studies the big picture of society. It looks at the social issues we face in our society like poverty, economic justice, racial discrimination, and LGBT rights. Sociology looks at the way the law can help, and how to develop solutions to fight inequality. In this light, sociology is a great area of focus for students that hope to one day end up using the law to affect public policy.
What is political science?
Political science is the study of government systems, political behavior, and how the judicial system works. This is where a political science degree shows its advantage in law school. Students in this field often have a better understanding of how laws are created and executed as well as the history behind them.
Getting Into Law School
Your grade point average and Law School Admission Test score are the most important parts of your law school application. Major in something you love, other than baseball, so that you have the incentive to get that 4.0. Your LSAT score comes in a close second.
Succeeding in Law School
Law students spend long hours reading and understanding complex material, so high level reading skill are very important. Similarly, most courses are graded on the basis of one written exam at the end, so writing well is also essential in every course you will take.
Getting Started in Practice
After graduating from law school, you will need to pass the bar exam. As long as you’ve graduated from law school, neither your undergraduate major nor your grades will matter at this point. Once you pass the bar exam, you’ll need a job.
Staying in Business
Lawyers reinvent themselves all the time. Tax lawyers sidestep into finance, litigators follow the market into sub-specialties, prosecutors decide to write crime fiction. The time when lawyers settled into a groove and stayed there for forty years is gone. To be versatile, you’ll need a methodology for learning new skills and information quickly.
What is the best language for pre-law students?
English is another famous choice for pre-law students, since so much reading and writing is required to perform well in this field. Learning to synthesize a lot of content and becoming sensitive to careful word choice will make you a stronger applicant and a better lawyer. 4. History. Admitted Students: 2,657.
Is it easy to get into law school?
Graduates go on to be judges, prosecutors, professors, legislators, mediators, and so much more. But getting into law school is no easy matter.
Is there a law school major?
Beyond taking these steps, there is no single best major for law school. You can major in absolutely anything and apply to law school. However, there are schools and programs that do a better job of preparing you for graduate study.
What Major Should You Pick If You Want to Become a Lawyer
My question involves criminal law for the state of: Ohio. I just want to ask if I am planning to become a criminal lawyer, and I am in my first year of college, what would be the best choice for a major?
Re: What Major Should You PIck If You Want to Become a Lawyer
You can theoretically pick any major you want. I suggest choosing a major in an area that interests you, and follow with a minor in pre-law (if available). You may decide that the law in not for you and you'll want a degree that you can use in a field that interests you. Unless you want to teach I'd stay away from History, English, etc.
Re: What Major Should You PIck If You Want to Become a Lawyer
My question involves criminal law for the state of: Ohio. I just want to ask if I am planning to become a criminal lawyer, and I am in my first year of college, what would be the best choice for a major?
Re: What Major Should You PIck If You Want to Become a Lawyer
My husband teaches Political Science - he gets a lot of potential lawyers as students.
What is the average LSAT score for an economics major?
For those interested, there were 632 applicants who majored in pre-law, and they had an average LSAT score of 148 and an acceptance rate of 64%.
What is the average LSAT score?
To help put the LSAT information into context, the LSAT is scored on a scale from 120-180. The average score is about 150. The median score for top 25 law schools is over 160, and for top 10 law schools, it's over 170. Major. Number of Applicants.
What are the best pre-law majors for law school?
Popular pre-law majors that are great preparation for law school include philosophy/classics, economics, political science, history, English, and engineering.
Why is a good GPA important in law school?
While many college students have a few semesters when they slack off or settle for mediocrity, you need to maintain a high GPA throughout your undergraduate years.
Why is extracurricular important?
Furthermore, extracurricular activities can facilitate your personal development and give you a better idea of what you want to do in the future. If you know you want to be a lawyer, your extracurricular activities can help you decide what type of law you want to practice.
What is a good pre-law program?
A good pre-law program should also give you an advantage when you enter law school. For example, law schools generally teach by using the Socratic Method, a style of teaching in which the professor asks questions and you learn through classroom discussion.
What is a pre-law major?
The term "pre-law" refers to any course of study by an undergraduate college student to prepare for law school. A few colleges have a specific pre-law major for those students who intend to go to law school, but you can major in any subject and still enter law school, as long as you successfully complete college and get a bachelor's degree.
DegreeDazed Member
What bachelor's is best to get into law school? My friend says that an English degree is fine, but I'm not sure about that. Should you get a degree in communications or is there a pre-law degree somewhere?
NorCal Active Member
An undergraduate degree in English is usually the best choice from what I understand. Its not mandatory, you can major in anything, but I've been told it helps.
TEKMAN Semper Fi!
I agree with NorCal, because attorney requires high level of language communications. However, also depends what kind of law you want to practice. If you want to be an Intellectual Property Lawyer, Science and Engineering would be recommended. If you plan to do Taxation Law, then Finance/Accounting.
atrox79 New Member
I don't know too much about law school but I know lots of people who major in English, Philosophy, Political Science & History for their undergrad degrees with the goal of going on to get a J.D..
Psydoc New Member
According to a local judge, who I was on a high school career panel with, "the best degree for law school is a degree that will allow you make a living doing something you enjoy if you fail to get into or out of law school." Makes a lot of sense to me.
Hokiephile New Member
Anything that requires you to do a lot of reading, writing, and thinking. Engineers and scientists often have trouble at first because they're used to more concrete thinking. I teach law students and they mostly have abysmal reading and writing skills, so work on those. Don't avoid classes because they require a lot of reading or a research paper.
CalDog New Member
Law school admissions are heavily controlled by two factors: LSAT score and GPA. So if the only consideration is law school admissions, then it could be argued that: "the best major for law school is the one that will maximize your GPA."
Examining how the past has helped to shape and define our present—here in the United States and around theworld—will help you put into context our current justice system and laws. From a practical standpoint, history majors are also tasked with lots of research and writing and must learn to draw conclusions base…
Having a strong command of written and verbal skills will take you far as an attorney whether you're writing, researching or speaking in court. Analyzing great works of literature and historical texts from various cultures and time periods is great practice for the hours you'll spend in the law library.
Philosophy majors delve deep into the study of logic, ethics, and morality—areas of thought that also happen to be the cornerstones of law. You'll debate with classmates, present arguments and do a lot of research to support your case, which is not all that different from what lawyers do to prepare for court.
Of all majors, this may be the closest to a "law school" curriculum as you can get. In this major, you'll study political systems, public policy, international relations and the relationship between government, the law, and individual rights, among other things. You're required to analyze various written documents and data sets (think ancient texts to social media posts) and will learn to thin…
General business knowledge can be applied in almost any industry, and that holds true for aspiring attorneys as well. A business major is a good option for those who plan to go into corporate law. That said, be sure to supplement business fundamentals with humanities and liberal arts electives so you can train your analytical and critical thinking muscles, as well as pra…
Consider majoring in a discipline that is related to the type of law you want to practice. Since you don't have to declare a specialty during law school, building a background as an undergraduate i...
Choose a major or take electives that are heavy on research and writing. As mentioned earlier, those are the critical skills that will help you most in law school.
Consider majoring in a discipline that is related to the type of law you want to practice. Since you don't have to declare a specialty during law school, building a background as an undergraduate i...
Choose a major or take electives that are heavy on research and writing. As mentioned earlier, those are the critical skills that will help you most in law school.
Whichever academic route you take, maintaining a strong GPA is essential if you aim to attend a selective law school program.
Average LSAT Score: 153.8 Average GPA: 3.39 The most popular major of law school candidates is political science. There’s a reason why many successful politicians are lawyers—the link between law and political theory is very strong. Political science is the study of government systems, political behavior, and how t…
Average LSAT Score: 152.59 Average GPA: 3.35 Want to understand why people think, believe, and act the way they do? Psychology is the study of human behavior and the mental processes that fuel how people interact with each other and the world around them. Since the law is a system designed to govern human behavior, psychology can help lawmakers understand what ki…
Average LSAT Score: 145.90 Average GPA: 3.22 Criminal justice is a natural fit for law school since coursework focuses on criminal justice topics. These programs often include courses on court proceedings, the correction systems, and many other aspects of the legal system. Criminal justice degrees emphasize strong research, analysis, and writing skills which are a necessity in l…
Average LSAT Score: 155.25 Average GPA: 3.42 The English major is a very popular major for law school because of its immediately obvious benefits: advanced reading comprehension and persuasive writing skills. Students of the English major study dense and complex literature and are then required to process the information, make connections and create organized analytical …
Average LSAT Score: 156.22 Average GPA: 3.45 A significant part of being a lawyer is understanding past precedent on different legal cases in the past. Is it any surprise then that history is a great major for law students? History studentsnot only study the events of the past, but also study the way different legal systems have evolved, court rulings, treaties, and other leg…
Average LSAT Score: 158.93 Average GPA: 3.47 Economics is a topic that has drastically altered the shape of the law. This is because many laws are enacted to adjust and correct economic behavior by businesses and individuals in the marketplace. Legal studies focus on topics that are rooted in economic analysis—torts, contracts, property rights, antitrust, business organizations, …
Average LSAT Score: 157.53 Average GPA: 3.43 The granddaddy of all mind-stretching mental exercises, philosophy is a fantastic major that builds a student’s ability to think critically and argue. Law is heavily based on philosophical elements like ethics, and human nature—subjects that are commonly taught in a philosophy major. Philosophy is a difficult major. It requires stude…
Average LSAT Score: 150.71 Average GPA: 3.29 Sociology is a great major for potential law students because it studies the big picture of society. It looks at the social issues we face in our society like poverty, economic justice, racial discrimination, and LGBT rights. Sociology looks at the way the law can help, and how to develop solutions to fight inequality. In this light, sociology …
Average LSAT Score: 151.2 Average GPA: 3.32 Students with a passion for writing, public speaking, or negotiation often gravitate to the communications major. This major focuses on team building, organizational communication, and conflict management as well as developing critical thinking skills. These are all transferable skills when it comes to transitioning into law stu…
Average LSAT Score: 148.4 Average GPA: 3.21 When it comes to college admissions, the name of the game is usually to stand out from among your peers. There is no better way to stand out from the pack of law school applicants than with a science degree. While the degree may seem completely irrelevant to law, different areas of scientific study lend themselves well to specialize…
We put together this list based on 2 important main types of data: the number of students admitted to law school with a certain major, and the average LSAT score of the students with that major.
Students admitted to law school from this major last year:1,327 Average LSAT score of admitted students (out of 180):150.7 Sociology majors have to be comfortable scrutinizing data and writing long papers. Both the critical thinking and writing skills that this major cultivates can be leveraged in law school. Consider this major if the social dynamics of groups interest you, and you enjoy b…
Admitted Students:1,496 Average LSAT Score:154.2 This group of majors tends to be fairly writing-heavy and attracts students with the focus to spend hours reading. It’s a great pick if you love art and literature but also want to prepare yourself for a legal career.
Admitted Students:1,858 Average LSAT Score:157.5 Traditionally, philosophy is considered the ultimate pre-law major. In this field, you wrestle deeply with logic and reasoning as you consider questions about knowledge, existence, and other fundamental concepts. The same skills directly improve a lawyer’s ability to do their job well.
Admitted Students:2,220 Average LSAT Score:145.9 If you love to be hands-on with the justice system, this may be the major for you. No field of study gives you more exposure to law prior to law school. That said, notice how much lower the average LSAT score is relative to other majors. It is not considered as academically rigorous as theoretical disciplines. If you want to set yourse…
Admitted Students:2,373 Average LSAT Score:158.9 Economics offers the perfect blend of quantitative and qualitative experience. Additionally, this field prepares you to be an effective lawmaker and advocate for sound monetary policy. Understanding capital is vital for understanding large portions of tax law and federal regulation.
Admitted Students:2,564 Average LSAT Score:155.3 English is another famous choice for pre-law students, since so much reading and writing is required to perform well in this field. Learning to synthesize a lot of content and becoming sensitive to careful word choice will make you a stronger applicant and a better lawyer.
Admitted Students:2,657 Average LSAT Score:156.2 Understanding the past is critical for interpreting law for two reasons. First, it establishes precedent, and knowing how legal cases have been resolved in the past is central to our understanding of how to decide current cases. Second, a grounding in the past helps you zoom out and understand the broader social context for a piec…
Admitted Students:2,904 Average LSAT:151.2 This category is a catch-all for niche majors not commonly represented among law school applicants. The fact that this category has the third highest number of students accepted shows that you can successfully apply to law school from any major.
Admitted Students:2,960 Average LSAT Score:152.6 Psychology is the third social science to make an appearance on this list, and that is no surprise. This field blends history, reading, writing, and quantitative analysis together, making graduates in this field well-equipped to approach law from almost any angle. Consider becoming a Psychology major if you are fascinated by how peo…