what type of lawyer should i get if i'm accuse of harrasment

by Eulah Hahn 9 min read

If you feel like you are a victim of harassment, in any form, you should contact a harassment lawyer so that your options and legal rights can be explained. No individual should live in fear of harassment; there are steps to take to curb incessant obstructions like harassment.

Regardless of whether you are the victim of harassment or the alleged harasser, you should talk to an experienced employment lawyer as soon as possible. Rest assured that your employer has legal counsel offering advice throughout this process, and you should too.

Full Answer

Do I need a lawyer for a harassment case?

Apr 03, 2015 · Consulting with a harassment lawyer is the first step to quell your problem. Although there are a number of types of harassment, you should understand the legal issues associated with the activity before you contact a harassment lawyer. For starters, if you are being harassed over the telephone, having a basic knowledge of the surrounding laws will help …

What should I do if I’m accused of sexual harassment?

The accused in a harassment case may have defenses available to them; you should anticipate possible defenses as you prepare. An attorney can help with case strategy. Some types of claims may need you to file with a governmental agency or department first before you can file a private civil lawsuit for damages.

What happens to people accused of sexual harassment at work?

A hostile work environment is created when any individual in the workplace engages in harassment which makes it impossible for other employees to perform their job duties. This type of harassment includes unwelcome comments which unreasonably interfere with an employee’s work performance and are based upon the employee’s: Race; Color;

Can a person accused of sexual harassment get suspended?

DPP Law’s team of expert sexual offences solicitors have over thirty years of successfully building cases for the defence of individuals accused of harassment or stalking. Read on to see their advice. What is Considered Most of what makes behaviour criminally offensive

What can you do if someone falsely accuses you of harassment?

What to Do If You're Falsely Charged or Accused of HarassmentStay calm and avoid retaliation.Review your employer's harassment policy.Do not confront the accuser.Consult your HR department.Collect your own evidence and notes.Provide your true alibi and witness accounts.Highlight your history.More items...•Sep 13, 2021

How do you win a harassment case?

To win a harassment lawsuit, you'll have to prove each of these elements in court.Protected Characteristic. Legally speaking, harassment is a type of discrimination. ... Offensive Conduct. ... Unwelcome Conduct. ... Severe or Pervasive. ... Terms and Conditions of Employment. ... Get Legal Help.

What are the legal consequences of harassment?

In addition to jail time and fines, penalties for harassment can include court-ordered psychological counseling. Sentences also frequently forbid a defendant from having direct or indirect contact with the victim.

What is considered to be harassment?

Harassment is any unwanted behavior, physical or verbal (or even suggested), that makes a reasonable person feel uncomfortable, humiliated, or mentally distressed.Jun 15, 2021

What happens when you file a police report for harassment?

What Happens When You File a Police Report for Harassment. As step one, the police will investigate the matter. This will typically include studying the evidence that you presented, interviewing witnesses to verify your claims, and reaching out to the person harassing you.

Can I sue for emotional distress?

The courts recognize emotional distress as a type of damage that can be recovered through a civil lawsuit. This means you can sue someone for emotional trauma or distress if you can provide evidence to support your claims.

Can you go to jail for harassment?

If the offence is harassment (putting people in fear of violence) or stalking (involving fear of violence or serious alarm or distress): the maximum sentence is 10 years' custody. if racially or religiously aggravated, the maximum sentence is 14 years' custody.

What are the 3 types of harassment?

Here are three types of workplace harassment, examples, and solutions to help you educate your employees for preventing workplace harassment.Verbal/Written.Physical.Visual.

What are rights that protect you from being harassed?

The laws enforced by EEOC prohibit workplace harassment because of race, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), religion, disability, age (age 40 or older), or genetic information.

Can you sue someone for harassment?

Yes, depending on where it occurred and what the facts are, you can sue for harassment: If you are harassed in the workplace and are a member of a protected class, you may be able to sue for workplace discrimination under federal and state law.Nov 22, 2021

What is unlawful harassment?

Unlawful harassment occurs when employees are subjected to a pattern of unwanted harassment behavior that intimidates, ostracizes, threatens (psychologically or physically), embarrasses, ridicules, unreasonably overburdens or precludes employees from reasonably performing their work because of their race, color, gender ...

Does harassment have to be intentional?

Harassment does not have to be intentional to be against the law. This means that even where a person does not intend their actions to be harassing, it still may amount to harassment according to the law.

What Are The Requirements For A Hostile Work Environment Legal Action?

Courts use several requirements in determining whether or not a working environment is hostile, including: 1. The actions or behavior discriminate...

Can Strict Liability Apply to Hostile Work Environment Harassment?

Strict liability may apply in a hostile work environment case, if the perpetrator is high level, and abuses his power by behaving pervasively. Some...

What Is Sexual Harassment?

Legally, sexual harassment encompasses unwelcome sexual advances, sexual favor requests, and physical or verbal actions that are sexual in nature....

What Is Indirect Harassment?

Indirect harassment can occur anytime another individual is privy to or harmed by the harassment of another person. If a person takes offense to an...

What About Company Harassment Policies?

Companies typically have strict nondiscrimination policies in place to protect itself and its employees. However, if a company is aware of a harass...

Should I Contact A Hostile Work Environment Attorney For Harassment at Work?

No one should have to be subjected to a hostile work environment. If you were victimized at work, consult an employment law attorney immediately. A...

What is the definition of harassment?

Touching the other person’s clothing; Spreading rumors or misinformation about a person’s sexual life; Various other types of conduct. Harassment laws also lay out various employee responsibilities when it comes to workplace harassment.

What is a quid pro quo?

Quid pro quo harassment can also include situations where the higher-ranking employee threatens another worker if they refuse to perform the sexual activity. This can include withholding a promotion, terminating or threatening to terminate the employee, removing benefits, and other actions.

What is sexual harassment in schools?

This includes inappropriate touching, advances, jokes, and other behavior. Harassment can also occur in a manner that violates criminal laws.

What is harassment in the workplace?

Harassment is defined as any behavior that is offensive, demeaning, belittling, or threatening. It can also include behavior that is hurtful, embarrassing, or that seeks to undermine the person, especially in the workplace. Workplace harassment can involve many different parties, including co-workers, employers, managers, supervisors, staff, ...

What to do if you have harassment issues?

If you need assistance with any type of harassment legal issues, whether it’s in the workplace or at home, you may wish to hire a lawyer in your area. Your attorney can instruct you on how to prepare for your case, and can represent you during important court processes.

What are some examples of harassment?

Examples of non-workplace related harassment include: 1 Repeated, unwanted phone calls; 2 Pressure or repeated contact on social media outlets; 3 Stalking or following a person constantly and regularly; 4 Using various threats or coercive language to obtain a certain goal; 5 Issuing threats to a person’s well-being, including threats to their loved ones.

What is sexual communication?

Any type of communication which is of a sexual nature and does not contribute to the type of work involved (for instance, forwarding emails with sexual content ); Pressure or repeated requests for a date, or for sexual activity, especially directed toward a subordinate by a person in authority;

What happens if an employer disciplined an employee?

If the employer disciplines or fires the employee, the employee may have a legal claim against the employer for wrongful termination. The employee's lawyer can advise the employee of his or her rights after the investigation and help protect them.

What can an employment lawyer do for a sexual harassment victim?

An experienced employment lawyer can assist the sexual harassment victim in persuading the employer to conduct a thorough, good faith investigation of the alleged harassment. This is what the law requires, and a lawyer can hold the employer to that obligation. The alleged harasser also wants the employer to investigate the harassment claims ...

What do the alleged victim and the alleged harasser need to know?

Both the alleged victim and the alleged harasser need to know that the determination made by the employer after the investigation is fair and objective. Each of these employees needs their own lawyer to analyze the report of the investigation to make sure that:

What happens if an employer calls an employee a harasser?

An employer who calls an employee a harasser after he or she has been cleared by an investigation may be defaming that employee. An experienced employment lawyer can advise the employee of the actions he or she can take in response to possible defamation by the employer.

What happens after an investigation?

After an investigation, regardless of the findings, the employer must take appropriate action. If the investigator found that harassment occurred, the employer must take effective action to address what happened (such as disciplining the harasser or assigning the victim to a different manager) and to prevent it from happening again.

What happens if an employer finds that an employee made a false report of harassment?

If the employer finds that the reporting employee made an intentionally false report of harassment, the employer may discipline the employee. An experienced employment attorney can monitor the employer's actions after the investigation is concluded to make sure the reporting employee is treated fairly.

What can an employment lawyer do to an employee who reports harassment?

Preventing and/or addressing retaliation. Some employers go so far as to discipline or otherwise retaliate against an employee who reports harassment. An employment lawyer can step in if the employer takes such actions against an employee reporting harassment.

What is hostile work environment?

In short, a hostile work environment is created when anyone in the workplace engages in a type of harassment that makes it impossible for an employee to perform their job duties. This type of harassment generally includes unwelcome comments or conduct based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnacy), national origin, age (40 or older), ...

What does the EEOC look for in a hostile workplace?

When the EEOC investigates a workplace to determine whether a work environment is hostile, they typically make an assessment based upon the following legal elements: Type of Conduct: The EEOC will look at whether the harassing conduct was verbal, physical, or both. Physical threats or intimidation will result in higher penalties for the harasser; ...

What does the EEOC look for in harassment?

The EEOC will look to determine whether the conduct has become a pervasive and long lasting problem , rather than a simple isolated incident.

What are compensatory damages?

These damages typically include claims for lost wages, including back pay and benefits, due to the inability to work. In cases where the hostile work environment caused you to lose your job, compensatory damages will be awarded to help put you back in the same place you would have been had you not lost your job.

What to do after asking an employee to stop their behavior?

After asking the offending employee or employees to cease their behavior, you should also immediately contact management and the HR department to report the issue. This is important, because in order for a case to be successful there must be documented evidence that the problem has been reported.

What is considered discriminatory behavior in the EEOC?

This means that the harassing behavior must be discriminatory against a person’s race, color, religion, sex (including pregnacy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability, genetic information, or any other categories legally protected by the EEOC;

Can an employer be held liable for the actions of an employee?

Can an Employer be Liable for the Actions of an Employee? As mentioned above, if an employer became aware of a situation of a hostile work environment, but failed to further investigate, intervene, or otherwise address the issue, they may also be held liable for the actions of an employee.

What is Considered Most of what makes behaviour criminally offensive

involves the intention behind the actions involved – and those accused often do not believe, or were not aware, that the behaviour for which they were reported could be considered criminally offensive.

Social Media and Stalking and Harassment

The advent of the internet has provided further platforms for stalking and harassment to take place. Bullying or unwanted surveillance via social media or electronic correspondence – otherwise known as cyberstalking, is widespread and difficult to combat as identities are easier to hide online.

Likely Sentence for Stalking and Harassment

Penalties for stalking and harassment can vary depending on the motives behind the actions in question and their impact on the victims involved.

What to do if you are sexually harassed?

If you are caught sexually harassing your co-worker, the right thing to do is to confess and apologize. However, in cases wherein you are falsely accused of sexual harassment, there are specific actions that you can take.

What to do when an investigation is proceeding?

When an investigation is proceeding, know that the best thing to do is to assist in the procedure. While it is natural to be defensive about this, cooperating with investigators shows you have nothing to hide. Your company is also going to conduct the investigation regardless of your presence in the office which makes your cooperation necessary.

Can an employer take you to court for sexual harassment?

There is always a risk for employers to be taken to court when they don’t take corrective actions against an employee accused of sexual harassment. This is why they play safe and opt to terminate the accused employee instead. However, if the real reason is covered up and gets discovered as unlawful, the false harassment claim can lead to employer liability.

Is sexual harassment a problem?

Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious problem as it can happen to anyone and can occur in different ways which can leave people severely traumatized. Numerous high-profile cases have brought to light the prevalence of this issue and have pushed many individuals to speak out against the matter.

Who handles sexual harassment cases?

Companies are required to conduct an investigation whenever an employee reports a sexual harassment incident. The Human Resources department usually handles these cases, but third-party agencies can also help in the investigation.

Is it normal to be attracted to someone from work?

It’s normal to be attracted to someone from work. There are also cases where co-workers have a consensual sexual relationship. But there are companies with policies that forbid co-workers from dating each other, especially between bosses and their staff.

Get informed about your rights, responsibilities, and options

If you are facing what you believe is a false sexual harassment allegation at work, you are likely feeling the weight of stress and concern about how it will end. Getting informed about your rights, responsibilities and options is essential whenever you face a workplace allegation.

Who can be liable for sexual harassment?

Under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth), sexual harassment in the workplace is unlawful. Sexual harassment may be committed by the owner of a business, managers, fellow employees, contractors or people seeking to hold one of those positions.

Examples: Sexual harassment in a workplace context

Seeing examples of what may be sexual harassment assist to illustrate the types of behaviours intended to fall within the meaning of ‘sexual harassment’. Examples of sexual harassment are given in the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld), which includes:

Steps to providing effective responses

Whenever you are faced with a legal question, the quickest way to find an answer to it is to ask somebody who already knows. Following a sexual harassment complaint, particularly one that is unfairly made, there is no single answer as to how to best respond if you are the subject of it.

Challenging the fairness of an investigation

It is not uncommon for people to have misgivings about the fairness of a workplace investigation they may be subject to, yet still ‘hope for the best’ in the belief that it may be held against them if they challenge issues during the investigation. While this is an understandable thought, it can backfire.

Confidential negotiations and settlements

Confidential negotiations regularly occur between parties during a dispute. Generally speaking, attempting to settle a disputed issue through negotiation, which can avoid litigation and claims being filed, may be in the interests of all concerned parties.

Disclosure of the investigation report

Respondents are not always given a copy of the investigation report, nor are they always provided with an opportunity to comment on contradictory evidence or potential adverse findings. In some cases, this can lead to disputes, sometimes for good reason.

Why do lawyers take the accusations lightly?

This is because they often take the accusations lightly. Their innocence tends to blind them from seeing the imminent danger. With such an attitude, they often prison without knowing it. Eventually, the lawyers will have a hard time proving your innocence.

How do plea deals reduce sentences?

Most plea deals tend to reduce your sentence. No matter how good the plea deal is, try and avoid it as much as possible. Any great lawyer will tell you to keep off the plea deal and take your chances. You might end up taking a plea deal, and yet you would have won the case.

What to say when accusing someone of a crime?

Many clients usually say ‘If I just have a few words with the accuser, I may save myself.’ We have never seen that turn out well. Once you are accused, such thoughts should be discarded from your mind immediately. Having any contact with your accuser can make matters worse than they are. By doing that, you will be helping the complainant to build a strong case.

What to say when arrested in court?

During your arrest, the police will read your rights as they handcuff you. The only phrase to pay attention to is ‘You have the right to remain silent.’ As lawyers, we always advise our clients to make use of that rightfully. Keep your mouth completely shut. This is because anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law.

What does a good attorney look for in a case?

A good attorney will look at every angle and collect all the evidence without living any behind. These include text messages, call logs, and anything to prove you are being accused falsely. This is the only way you will be able to prove that you are not the perpetrator.

How to avoid making matters worse?

This is because anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. To avoid making matters worse, simply ask for a lawyer. So far, those are the only words you should utter. Exercising this right will give us an easy time when dealing with the case.

Is false accusation a crime?

Being that false accusation is a crime, you can scare off the accuser. We must make complainant know they will be charged if the accusations are false. We then go ahead and line up the charges they are risking to face. If at all they have no chance of winning the case, they will withdraw their charges.

What happens if you sue for emotional distress?

If you claim emotional distress in a lawsuit, the employer is usually entitled to find out all about any trauma you may have suffered, including physical and sexual abuse, psychological conditions, psychiatric conditions, diseases, divorces, plastic surgeries, accidents, crimes, arrests, and deaths.

Can an employer get your medical records?

The employer can also get your medical and psychiatric records, at least within limits. If the employer finds out that you had any of these other things going on in your life, then it can argue to a judge or a jury that whatever it did to you ( "all of which the Defendant denies") was not that big a deal.

Can a company deny a visit?

The company can easily deny receiving a visit or phone call, but hard for them to say that they did not receive a cert ified letter. If the company does help resolve the problem (whether you liked their solution or not), the company should give you a letter documenting what was done to resolve the issue.

Is HR acting in bad faith?

In most cases, HR is not acting in bad faith, at least in my experience - every organization is different. Even if the HR department or management is truly working against you, you will be able to document that you made every attempt to resolve the problem inside the company before going to court.

Can HR and management meet together?

Document any meetings held with HR and/or management (in some cases, management and HR may meet the employee together). Don't automatically 'accept' any settlement proposed by HR or management, especially if you think the company may have broken the law.

Should an employee speak to an attorney?

While an employee must be honest in any discussions with management and HR, the employee should definitely speak to an attorney sooner than later if they believe in good faith that a legal violation may have occurred. Follow the sage advice stated above - document, document, document - from the very beginning.

Can employment issues be resolved internally?

A lot of employment issues can be resolved internally. The benefit of getting them resolved internally ( if possible) is that you can usually continue working in peace, and - if you have a true "legal" issue - get it resolved before you suffer too much harm.

How Can A Lawyer Help During An Investigation?

  • Allegations of sexual harassment are very serious, regardless of the outcome of the employer's investigation. Employers are, at times, reluctant to conduct as in-depth an investigation of harassment as they should; sometimes they blame the employee alleging harassment and punish him or her. Other employers choose to just discipline or fire the alleged harasser, without properl…
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Assisting The Employees Involved

  • An employee reporting harassment can feel very alone in a difficult, even hostile, process. And, the employee may not know his or her rights or have the confidence to assert them. An employee who is named as a harasser may be treated as a pariah even before any investigation is done. An employer may blow off a fair investigation and just demote or fire the alleged harasser, without …
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Know Your Rights—And Protect Them

  • Regardless of whether you are the victim of harassment or the alleged harasser, you should talk to an experienced employment lawyer as soon as possible. Rest assured that your employer has legal counsel offering advice throughout this process, and you should too.
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