what type of lawyer helps with elderly dad's girlfriend trying to take over will and savings

by Kaylin Fahey 3 min read

Why would an older adult need a power of attorney?

Jul 16, 2021 · Last Updated: July 16, 2021. A power of attorney (POA) can be an important element of planning for your elderly parent’s future. It allows another person to take action on your parent’s behalf, ensuring bills get paid and medical decisions can be made in the unfortunate circumstance that your elderly parent is unable to do those things on ...

How can I protect myself from age-related legal issues?

Key terms to know. The financial exploitation of older adults is also known as “financial abuse.”. It is considered a type of elder abuse. It may occur simultaneously with other forms of abuse, such as neglect, emotional abuse, or physical abuse. It’s important to know that although there is some federal involvement in addressing elder ...

Where can I get free power of attorney for seniors?

Nov 01, 2021 ¡ Here are some specific ways an elder care lawyer can help your family. 1. Developing a plan for long-term care. Families are frequently split on the type of care they want for their parents, says Simasko. Without strong emotions influencing them, an elder care attorney can offer an objective opinion to develop a long-term plan.

Why does a family member lie about an aging parent?

Oct 09, 2013 ¡ There are lawyers and social workers who specialize in elder care and solving family problems regarding elder care. I would recommend that you find one and arrange for the whole family to sit down (girlfriend and Dad, siblings) and talk everything through with the lawyer or case worker. They can do a good job of facilitating this type of thing.

What to do if someone is taking advantage of the elderly?

Here are some steps to consider taking:Talk to the older person. ... Gather more information or evidence as to what is occurring. ... Contact the older person's financial institution. ... Contact your local Adult Protective Services (APS) office. ... Contact law enforcement.

What constitutes exploitation of the elderly?

(7) The term “exploitation” refers to the act or process of taking advantage of an elderly person by another person or caregiver whether for monetary, personal or other benefit, gain or profit.

How do you stop someone from taking advantage of the elderly?

What Can I Do If Someone Is Taking Advantage of an Elderly Family Member?Competent vs Incompetent. If the Loved One is incompetent, consider pursuing a guardianship over the Loved One to protect the Loved One.“Bad Actor” ... Revoking Power of Attorney. ... Filing a Lawsuit and reporting the Crime. ... Recourse After Death.Feb 12, 2017

What is elder law in Florida?

Elder Law is defined as any legal issue involving health and personal care planning for the senior population and their caregivers.

Which are examples of financial abuse of the elderly?

Possible signs of elder financial abuse include:Checks or bank statements that go to the perpetrator.Forgeries on legal documents or checks.Large bank withdrawals or transfers between accounts.Missing belongings or property.Mood changes (such as depression or anxiety)New changes to an elder's will or power of attorney.More items...•Jun 1, 2021

What are the two categories of elderly financial abuse crimes?

Financial crimes against the elderly fall under two general categories: fraud committed by strangers, and financial exploitation by relatives and caregivers.

What are the five signs of elder abuse?

What Are the Warning Signs of Elder Abuse?Injuries such as bruises, cuts, or broken bones.Malnourishment or weight loss.Poor hygiene.Symptoms of anxiety, depression, or confusion.Unexplained transactions or loss of money.Withdrawal from family members or friends.Jan 8, 2020

What are the 7 types of elder abuse?

The National Center on Elder Abuse distinguishes between seven different types of elder abuse. These include physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, financial/material exploitation, neglect, abandonment, and self-neglect.

What are signs of elder financial abuse?

What Are the Signs of Financial Elder Abuse?Money Missing From Accounts. Are large amounts of money missing from the elder's investment or bank accounts? ... Unusual Use of Credit Cards. ... Unpaid Bills, Collection Letters, Lack of Food in House. ... Missing Possessions. ... Sudden Changes in an Elder's Mood or Demeanor.

What type of elder abuse is most common?

neglectQuick Facts About Elder Abuse According to the National Council on Aging (NCOA), elders are more likely to self-report financial exploitation than emotional, physical, and sexual abuse or neglect. According to the NCEA, neglect is the most common type of elder abuse.Mar 4, 2020

How do I get power of attorney over my elderly parent?

The first step to getting power of attorney over an elderly parent is to research powers of attorney, understand how these documents work in your s...

What are the four types of power of attorney?

The four types of power of attorney are limited, general, durable and springing durable. Limited and general POAs end when the principal becomes in...

Can I get a power of attorney if my parent has dementia?

No, if your parent already has cognitive impairment, they can’t legally sign the documents required to set up a power of attorney. This is one reas...

What are the disadvantages of a power of attorney?

The biggest drawback to a power of attorney is that an agent may act in a way that the principal would disapprove of. This may be unintentional if...

Is power of attorney responsible for nursing home bills?

As your parent’s power of attorney, you’re responsible for ensuring their nursing home bills are paid for through their assets and income. However,...

Why are older people vulnerable to exploitation?

That’s because plenty of factors other than memory play a role in making an older person vulnerable. Here are some of the key factors that increase the risk of exploitation: Loneliness. Lonely older adults more likely to be receptive to the overtures of a financial predator.

What is elder abuse?

Still, here are some useful general definitions: Definition of Elder Abuse ( per the CDC ): “Elder abuse is an intentional act, or failure to act, by a caregiver or another person in a relationship involving an expectation of trust that causes or creates a risk of harm to an older adult.”.

Is elder abuse considered financial abuse?

It’s important to know that although there is some federal involvement in addressing elder abuse, the definition of what exactly constitutes elder abuse or financial abuse is mainly determined by state law.

Why are new rules being implemented?

As noted above, new rules are being implemented to enable financial professionals to intervene or at least place holds on disbursements, when financial exploitation is suspected. In a few states, financial professionals are mandated to report suspected financial abuse.

What is financial abuse?

Definition of Financial Abuse or Exploitation (per the CDC): “The illegal, unauthorized, or improper use of an older individual’s resources by a caregiver or other person in a trusting relationship, for the benefit of someone other than the older individual.

Is prevention worth a pound?

As is often the case, when it comes to financial exploitation, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The challenge, however, is that taking steps to reduce the chance of exploitation often requires older adults to do two things that most find difficult. Realize that they are at risk.

What is inappropriate influence?

Such “inappropriate” influence can be called “undue influence. ”. It’s an important concept to understand for two reasons.

What is elder law?

According to the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, elder law encompasses many fields of law, with elder law attorneys specializing in numerous areas, which can include: Administration and management of estates and trusts. Elder abuse and fraud. Estate planning, probate, trusts, wills and other financial documents.

Who is Patrick Simasko?

Families are frequently split on the type of care they want for their parents, says Patrick Simasko, a certified elder law attorney in Mount Clemens, Michigan. However, an elder law attorney can advise what is best without emotions influencing decisions.

What can elder law attorneys do?

Elder law attorneys can identify and alert family members to financial exploitation they might otherwise have missed. When Dad and Mom slow down or their health declines, that gives a bad neighbor the opportunity to come over and start ‘helping out’ or an unscrupulous adult child to obtain access to financial accounts, says Simasko.

What is inheritance theft?

Inheritance theft can take many forms, ranging from manipulating the person’s wishes while they’re still alive, to theft and embezzlement that occurs after the death. For blended families, this issue is a common problem, even if the estate in question isn’t worth millions.

Is inheritance theft a problem?

But inheritance theft is an insidious and underreported problem that can cost families dearly. And since inheritance thieves are usually family members, the fallout often is not only about money, but also family ties.

Is fighting against inheritance theft a good offense?

Fighting against an inheritance thief is both exhausting and expensive. It will not necessarily bring back the money that was taken. This is why the best defense against inheritance theft is a good offense:

Why do trusts cause headaches?

When a trust is involved, Rind also cautions beleaguered heirs that trusts can cause increased financial headaches, because “the trust itself is a separate ‘person’ and might need its own attorney. The legal fees get paid out of the trust’s assets, so you could wind up spending the money you are fighting over.”

What happens if you become incapacitated?

If you were to become mentally or physically incapacitated, you would need someone to act as your power of attorney to make financial decisions on your behalf. As with choosing an executor, you need to trust that this individual will follow your wishes, since a power of attorney has control over your assets.

Who is the trustee of a trust?

In the simplest terms, a trust is a financial agreement among three parties: the grantor, who creates and funds the trust; the beneficiary, who receives the assets from the trust; and the trustee, who has a fiduciary duty to responsibly manage the assets in the trust.

Can a family member borrow money from a relative?

Family members who borrowed money from a relative might insist that such loans were gifts after the relative’s death. If there is no loan document in place, the heirs have no recourse to get the money back from the borrower on behalf of the estate. The only way to protect an estate from this kind of hijacking is to insist on loan documents whenever a large amount of money changes hands.