what type of lawyer handles wrongful termination

by Dr. Kara Collins 8 min read

employment attorney

How to find an attorney for wrongful termination?

The New York City wrongful termination lawyers at Levine & Blit, PLLC represent clients who have been illegally fired from their jobs for discriminatory reasons (27) …. The San Diego attorneys at Haeggquist & Eck, LLP are experienced in various areas of employment law and can handle any kind of class action lawsuit.

What does a wrongful termination lawyer do?

If you’re looking for wrongful termination lawyers in my area then I can definitely recommend law firms and solicitors that specialize in this type of law. One of the most popular is the Solicitors Regulation Authority, also known as the SRA.

How to present Your wrongful termination case to an attorney?

A wrongful termination lawyer can help if your employer fires you for an unfair reason. Wrongful termination occurs when your employer breaks an employment agreement with you, violates an employment or anti-discrimination law, or fires you in retaliation for whistle-blowing or for filing a sexual harassment or workers' compensation claim. If you think you were wrongly fired, talk …

What do people get who sue for wrongful termination?

Nov 25, 2021 · An attorney can work with you to review your contract and determine if a stated reason for termination is contemplated by the contract. Employer Policy Violation In most cases, an employer's policies can provide discipline procedures. An attorney can work with you to determine if your employer had a discipline policy it failed to follow.


What should I ask for in a wrongful termination settlement?

Wrongful Termination Average Settlement Amounts Differences in wages or income between the employee's prior and new employment. Loss of job benefits, such as health insurance, pensions, or stock options. Out-of-pocket expenses, such as costs incurred in a job search for new employment.

What makes a termination wrongful?

To be wrongfully terminated is to be fired for an illegal reason, which may involve violation of federal anti-discrimination laws or a contractual breach. For instance, an employee cannot be fired on the basis of her race, gender, ethnic background, religion, or disability.

Can I sue my employer for wrongful termination?

For example, you can definitely sue if your employer for wrongful termination if you were fired for reasons that violate anti-discrimination and whistleblower statutes such as: California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)

Can you get fired without a written warning?

'Summary dismissal' is dismissal without notice and is only allowed for 'gross misconduct'. This is where a situation is serious enough for your employer to dismiss you without warning (for example, for violence).

Tips For Preparing Your wrongful termination Claims Forms

If you are one of the millions of people who are facing wrongful termination in the workplace, then you know just how stressful it can be. Not only are you concerned about losing your job, but you may also be worried about fighting a wrongful termination lawsuit and getting your wrongful termination case properly taken care of.

Wrongful Termination Lawyers in My Area

If you have ever had an issue with a company in your area and feel that they are being unethical, then a good place to start looking for wrongful termination lawyers in my area is the Internet. It’s a great way to find out all the information you need and it will also save you quite a bit of money.

What lawyers for wrongful termination specialize in?

What lawyers for wrongful termination are going to have to do in a typical situation is defend the employee from a company that wants to fire them because they made sexual advances toward a colleague, or discriminated against another individual because of sex. But this is not always the case.

How Can pro bono wrongful termination lawyers Help?

For many years now, pro bono wrongful termination lawyers have worked to help people who have fallen victim to employer negligence and abuse. They are not only there to represent the surviving relatives of a recently killed loved one, but also help people who have been wrongfully fired or discriminated against in the workplace.

What can a wrongful termination lawyer do?

Wrongful termination attorneys will examine the circumstances of your employment termination and analyze if there are grounds for a wrongful termination lawsuit. Many circumstances where employees are fired or laid off seem unfair but are not necessarily unlawful.

What to do if your employer fired you unjustly?

If you believe your employer has fired you unjustly, speak with a wrongful termination attorney to go over your justification for a lawsuit.

What can an attorney do for a termination?

An attorney can work with you to review your contract and determine if a stated reason for termination is contemplated by the contract. In some cases, an employer's policies can provide discipline procedures. An attorney can work with you to determine if your employer had a discipline policy it failed to follow.

What damages can an employee recover from wrongful termination?

In a wrongful termination case, damages that a terminated employee may recover include lost pay, lost benefits, possible emotional distress damages, and potential punitive damages. Additionally, if you prevail against your employer you may be entitled to attorney's fees.

What to do if you are terminated for poor performance?

If you were terminated for poor performance, your attorney will want to review any documents related to your performance during your employment and up until your termination. Performance reviews and employment evaluations are important in determining whether you were treated differently than other employees.

Why do I get fired?

Unlawful reasons for termination include firing in violation of anti-discrimination law, firing as a form of sexual harassment, firing in violation of labor laws, and firing in retaliation for an employee's complaint against the employer.

Can an employer fire someone for a violation of a contract?

An employer can't legally fire anyone for a reason that breaches an employment contract or violates the law. Unlawful reasons for termination include firing in violation of anti-discrimination law, firing as a form of sexual harassment, firing in violation of labor laws, and firing in retaliation for an employee's complaint against the employer.

Can an employer fire an employee for no reason?

Most employees in the U.S. work at-will. In an at-will employment situation, an employer can fire an employee for any legal reason or no reason. However, at-will employees can't be fired for an unlawful reason. Unless an employee has a contract with their employer saying otherwise, most employees in most states are presumed to be at-will employees.

What is Wrongful termination?

The basic definition of wrongful termination in California is the dismissal or firing of an employee for an illegal reason, which may violate federal anti-discrimination laws or a contractual breach. Universally employers are legally prohibited from firing an employee based on any of the following:

What Damages Can I Collect From Proving Wrongful Termination?

There are many types of damages that the court may award for wrongful termination. Some of these include:

How We Approach Wrongful Termination Cases

Initial consultation: Our expert wrongful termination lawyers will speak with you and gather the specifics about your case.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wrongful Termination

The time it takes to settle a wrongful termination case varies widely for each specific case. Our team has won wrongful termination cases in as little time as one month to as long as four years plus. The complexity of the case and the appeal process are common reasons for litigation taking longer than a year.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation With Our Wrongful Termination Lawyers

Contact our office for skilled representation in your wrongful termination case. We provide phone consultations. To speak with an attorney, call us at 833-201-0213 or send our firm an email. We will promptly return all email contacts with a phone call.

What happens if you break a contract?

If your employer broke a promise by firing you, you may be able to collect damages for what’s known as “breach of contract.” Written or oral employment contracts might include limits on the employer’s right to fire the employee (for instance, within a certain time period or for certain reasons). Many states also recognize “implied contracts”—ones that are suggested by the employer’s actions or statements (such as disciplinary policies that give employees the right to certain procedures before being fired).

Can you fire someone for disability?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), another federal law, makes it illegal to fire an employee due to a disability or the need for a disability-related leave. Many states have their own family and medical leave laws or other laws giving the right to protected time off for pregnancy, parenting, or illness.

Can you be fired for family leave?

Under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), employers with 50 or more employees may not fire eligible employees for taking up to 12 weeks of leave each year for certain reasons, including their own or an immediate family member’s serious health condition, or bonding with a new child. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), another federal law, makes it illegal to fire an employee due to a disability or the need for a disability-related leave.

Is it illegal to be fired for wrongful termination?

Many people believe that wrongful termination means being fired for an unfair reason. That’s not exactly right. There are many reasons for being fired that seem unfair but aren't illegal. Most employment is “at will,” which means that employers can generally fire their employees for any reason (or no reason).

What is wrongful termination?

This is termed wrongful termination, wrongful discharge, or wrongful dismissal. There are many scenarios that may be grounds for a wrongful termination lawsuit, including: Firing an employee out of retaliation. Discrimination.

What happens if you are fired without cause?

If you believe you may have been fired without proper cause, our labor and employment attorneys may be able to help you recover back pay, unpaid wages, and other forms of compensation.

What are the forms of unfair labor practices?

Unfair and discriminatory labor practices against employees can take many forms, including wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, refusal to give a reasonable accommodation, denial of leave, employer retaliation, and wage and hour violations.

What is workplace harassment?

When workers are subjected to slurs, assaults, threats, ridicule, offensive jokes, unwelcome sexual advances, or verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, it can be considered workplace harassment. Similar to workplace discrimination, workplace harassment creates a hostile and abusive work environment.

What is defamation in the workplace?

Defamation is generally defined as the act of damaging the reputation of a person through slanderous (spoken) or libelous (written) comments. When defamation occurs in the workplace, it has the potential to harm team morale, create alienation, or even cause long-term damage to a worker’s career prospects.

What does it mean when an employee is forced to tolerate sexual harassment?

For example, an employee may be forced to tolerate sexual harassment from a manager as a condition of their continued employment.

Is it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant?

It is illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or employee on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or age. However, some employers do just that, leading to a hostile and inequitable workplace where some workers are treated more favorably than others.

Speak With A Wrongful Termination Lawyer If You Were Fired

If you were fired and believe that your termination was illegal, an employment attorney who handles wrongful termination cases in Maryland may be able to help.

Types Of Wrongful Termination

A lawyer can help you determine if your firing was allowed under the law, or whether it violated federal laws, Maryland laws or local ordinances related to:

How Do I Choose A Wrongful Termination Attorney?

Consider the following when researching different lawyers and law offices that practice in the field of wrongful termination and employee rights:
