what type of lawyer for parking lot hit and run

by Dr. Osborne Haag 10 min read

How can a personal injury attorney help after a hit and run?

Additionally, if you are the victim of a hit and run accident, a personal injury attorney will help you determine your best course of action, such as filing a civil lawsuit in order to recover any available damages, and guide you throughout the entire legal process.

Is it against the law to have a hit and run?

The most important thing to remember is that it isn’t against the law to have an accident. The choice to run after hitting another car is illegal and punishable by jail time and fines. Contact Batta Fulkerson if you’ve been involved in a hit and run accident.

What to do if you have an accident in a parking lot?

This includes accidents that occur in parking lots. If the collision involves personal injury, you should call 911. If the collision doesn’t involve personal injury or require an emergency response for any other reason, you should call the direct number for your local police.

Can hitting a parked car turn into a hit and run?

As you're backing up in a parking lot, you accidentally hit a car parked behind you. You get out of your car and see that there's been no serious damage to the vehicles. Are you free to leave? Leaving the accident scene is against the law in every state. Read on to find out how hitting a parked car can turn into a hit and run accident.


What percentage of drivers make phone calls while driving in parking lots?

According to the National Safety Council, 66% of drivers state they would make phone calls while driving in parking lots. Texting, grooming, using social media, emailing, taking videos or watching them, and programming GPS systems are major contributors to pedestrian-related accidents in parking lots.

Why is it important to determine fault in a car accident?

It’s important to determine fault because the car insurance company needs to know what damage to cover and what not to cover. You also need to know if you have grounds for a personal injury claim if you’re injured. The possibility of making a claim is why it’s important not to say anything at the scene of the accident that could suggest you did anything wrong. Even if you believe you’re to blame, don’t admit fault because the outcome of the case could surprise you. Claim investigators will sort out matters and so will your personal injury attorney.

Parking Lot Injury Attorney

Accidents and injuries are common just about anywhere, but a startling percentage of them occur in parking lots. Dark corners, inattentive drivers, and uneven surfaces make parking lots and garages hot spots for assaults and accidents.

Who is at Fault for a Parking Lot Accident or Assault?

A car driver who hits another vehicle in a parking lot is at least mostly at fault for the car accident. They are also liable when they hit a pedestrian.

Parking Lot Hit and Run

After striking a parked car in a parking lot or parking garage, not all drivers stop and leave a note with their information. Additionally, some drivers will flee after hitting a pedestrian in a parking lot. If you or a loved one was the victim of a hit-and-run accident in a parking lot, the experienced attorneys at Hernandez Law Group, P.C.

Parking Lot Injury Statistics

Every year, over 60,000 people are injured and 500 people are killed due to being struck by a car in a parking lot or parking garage.

Texas Parking Lot Accident & Assault Injury Lawyer

If you were the victim of a work accident, car accident, slip and fall, assault, or other incident in a parking lot, contact Hernandez Law Group, P.C. We have the experience needed to make sure that you gain the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

What is the law in California for hitting parked cars?

In California, the law requires drivers who strike parked vehicles to try and find the owner of the vehicle. If money is spent to find you, the fees could come out of your pocket. A fender bender in the parking lot isn’t a big deal. A hit and run is a big deal that costs you a lot.

What happens if you hit a parked car?

When you hit a parked car, you are at fault and responsible for the damages. You need to let your insurance company know immediately after the accident occurs. That’s why you carry liability coverage. Your insurance also pays for damage to your car but this is where the collision coverage kicks in.

What happens if another driver hits your car?

If another driver hits your parked car, don’t give in to their pleas to ‘just let them take care of it’ without their insurance company. Once you miss the opportunity to make your claim, you can end up with no compensation and no rights . The same is true if you were the one who hit a parked car.

Why do people hit and run?

Reasons People ‘Hit and Run’. Even drivers who have had their license for years sometimes misjudge their distance or speed. Some cases involve distracted driving such as texting or the use of alcohol or drugs. Drivers who engage in illegal behaviors at the time of an accident are probably more likely to run.

What does it mean when you hear "hit and run"?

More often, the term brings to mind images of a reckless driver striking another car and then taking off from the scene. The fact is that hit and run accidents are more common than you might think.

How long can you go to jail for a hit and run in California?

Anyone responsible for a hit and run accident in California can be convicted of a misdemeanor. You could spend up to six months in jail or pay a fine of up to $1,000, or both. There are also the points and premium increases on your insurance to worry about.

Why do people run after hitting a car?

The reasons people run after hitting a car range from embarrassment to fear or indifference! Striking a parked car is especially tempting since they think there is no one there to catch them. Some people are so embarrassed that they hit a parked vehicle that they want to pretend it didn’t happen at all.

What to do if you hit an unattended car?

If you hit an unattended, parked car, you should first check if anyone, including yourself, is injured. If so, call for medical help immediately. Next, you need to make a reasonable effort to identify the owner of the vehicle and notify them about what happened.

What is a hit and run accident?

Generally, a hit and run accident is one in which you leave the accident scene before having fulfilled the duties imposed by law, such as rendering aid or giving identification. Be mindful of your state traffic laws because your state may impose fines, penalties, and even jail time if you leave ...

What happens if you don't leave a note after hitting a parked car?

Legal consequences will follow if you fail to leave a note or file a police report after hitting a parked car. In order to protect yourself by minimizing the problems, contact a local car accident lawyer who can explain your legal options and provide advice on how to proceed.

What to do before leaving an accident?

Things to Do Before Leaving the Accident Scene 1 Record the time and location: Before leaving the accident scene, write down the time and exact location of the accident for your record. 2 Call the police: Police will help you to file a police report, which can be used as evidence to your claim or defense. 3 Take accident photos: Get multiple photos of the accident scene, including general views and close-up of the cars. This will help the insurance company to accurately determine the damages. Accident scenes are often easily altered. You don't want to be responsible for any damage you didn't cause. 4 Talk to any witnesses: If anyone witnessed the accident, talk to them, and get details of what they saw and their contact information. 5 Notify your insurance company: It would be beneficial to let your insurance company know what happened as soon as possible, so it can expedite the claims process.

What happens if you leave an accident in a parking lot?

If you leave the scene of an accident in a parking lot without at least leaving a note with your contact information, and the other details listed above, or reporting the accident to the police, you may eventually be charged with “Fail to Report”. In those cases, you may receive a letter or phone call from the police asking you to visit ...

How long can you go to jail for a car accident in Ontario?

Possible jail time of up to six months. Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act states that you must file a police report for motor vehicle accidents that involve one or more of the following criteria. This includes accidents that occur in parking lots. Personal injury. Property damage in excess of $2,000.

Can you be charged for a hit and run in a parking lot?

When You’re Charged With a Hit & Run in a Parking Lot. Another misunderstanding about hit and run charges is that, if you hit a parked car in a parking lot, it’s not always a matter for the police, and there is not necessarily a penalty for a hit and run in a parking lot. Make no mistake, you can be charged if you leave the scene ...

Do you need to send a police officer to the scene of an accident?

The police may choose not to send a police officer to the accident scene and direct you instead to the nearest Collision Reporting Centre. In that case, you do not need to supply the information listed above at the scene of the accident, but you must do so to the officers at the Collision Reporting Centre. If you leave the scene of an accident in ...

Is a hit and run a failure to remain offence?

There are a number of misunderstandings surrounding a hit and run accident, also known as “failure to remain” offence. The stereotype of a driver who is involved in an accident and leaves the scene without stopping is just one reason why a driver may face charges of hit and run.

What causes a car to fall in a parking lot?

They result from parking lots that have cracked and uneven pavement and potholes, debris and other slippery substances, weather conditions like ice and snow, and damaged or cracked wheel stops. Poor Lighting: Sometimes, parking lots have poor lighting in them. These accidents occur and cause trip and falls.

What are the things that are in front of your vehicle when you pull into a parking space?

Property owners are always responsible for their poor signage. Wheel Stops : These are the things that are in front of your vehicle when you pull into a parking space. If cracked pieces of cement fall off onto the pavement, it can pose an accident risk. Visitors in parking lots may not see them and trip over them.
