what type of lawyer do i get to sue fir custody of grandchildren?

by Prof. Levi Vandervort Sr. 7 min read

If your grandchildren have been taken away from their parents by DCS or CPS, the first thing you must do is seek legal counsel. A skilled family law attorney will be trained to handle CPS cases and can give you the most comprehensive assessment of your options and responsibilities, all while understanding the urgency of your case.]]> Next Post

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Do grandparents need a lawyer for grandparent custody cases?

Dec 14, 2021 · Can grandparents sue for custody of a grandchild? Yes they can. However, if they are to have a higher chance of success it is important to seek help from experienced child custody lawyers in Orland Park who can advise them and enlighten on the documentation they need and the process they need to go through. This article will help you to understand the …

Can a grandparent sue for custody in Texas?

Dec 30, 2021 · Washington. According to Washington law, grandparents do not have legal custody or visitation rights to their grandchildren. At one point, Washington had a law granting grandparents permission to petition for visitation of a child …

Can a grandparent sue a child if the parent dies?

“In the state of Texas, you need to have what is called “standing” under the Texas Family Code in order to sue for custody. For example, you can’t sue for custody of your neighbor’s kids, and there is good reason for that. A family law attorney with experience in grandparent custody cases can tell you if you meet the standing threshold for custody,” Aubrey says.

How can I protect my grandchildren if my child has custody?

Sep 20, 2016 · If your grandchildren have been taken away from their parents by DCS or CPS, the first thing you must do is seek legal counsel. A skilled family law attorney will be trained to handle CPS cases and can give you the most comprehensive assessment of your options and responsibilities, all while understanding the urgency of your case.]]>

Why is emotional abuse more damaging than physical abuse?

Emotional Abuse – at times, this can be more damaging to a child than physical abuse simply because it may take much longer to realize it is happening. This may also be something that is very tough to prove; it may take some type of therapy or counseling to reveal the level of abuse the child is being subject to.

Who is Nicholas Baker?

Nicholas Baker is a practicing family law attorney with over 15-years of experience handling divorce, child custody, child support, and domestic violence matters in the courtroom. Attorney Nicholas Baker believes in providing family law information for individuals so that they can make an informed decision about their own family law matter.

Can grandparents take custody of their children?

In addition, even if the grandparents are able to prove to the court the children should be removed from their current home, custody is not automatically granted to the grandparents. They would still need to prove to the court that the child being with them is in the best interests of the children.

How to get custody of a grandchild?

A constitutionally permissible law that allows a court to award custody to a grandparent often requires the grandparent to: 1 Overcome a presumption that a legal parent acts in the best interest of his or her children 2 Show that it is likely the children will suffer some detriment if custody is awarded to the biological parent (s)

How to protect your grandchildren from abuse?

If your grandchildren are in danger of abuse or neglect it is appropriate to ask state child abuse officials to initiate a protective action and investigation. You can request that the children be placed in your care if they are removed from the biological parents. DO NOT make false or exaggerated reports or claims to try to gain a tactical advantage. The state reporting agencies are aware that people involved in custody disputes do exaggerate and falsify claims of child abuse, and they will develop written records and may write recommendations that subsequently harm those people in court.

Can grandparents visit their children?

SEEK VISITATION. Many states have laws that permit grandparents or step-parents to seek visita tion with children if their relationship is similar to a parent-child relationship or if there is a significant ongoing personal relationship. Be prepared to have your lawyer seek custody and, as an alternative, visitation.

Can a grandparent have custody of their grandchildren?

The evidence that a grandparent must present in such cases varies by jurisdiction. Grandparent custody cases are often very challenging, and grandparents who wish to seek custody of grandchildren should consult with a lawyer who is familiar with third party custody cases. The lawyer can help grandparents fully consider their chances ...

How do grandparents get custody of their children?

The easiest way for grandparents to be awarded custody is through a power of attorney signed by the child’s parents giving the grandparents the authority to decide where the child lives and to make important decisions on behalf of the child.

How long do grandparents have to be in custody?

The grandparents have had possession and have been caring for the child for 6 months or more and have lost possession within 90 days of filing the suit.

What is possessory conservatorship in Texas?

Possessory Conservatorship. Under Texas law in matters involving parents’ vs. grandparents’ child custody, there is another alternative known as possessory conservatorship. This arrangement arises in situations where the grandparents don’t feel the need for full custody, but want to be involved in making decisions about the child’s life.

How many children live with grandparents in Texas?

Consequently, census figures reveal that today, 1 in 10 American children live with a grandparent, and that statistic includes approximately a quarter of a million children in Texas. Generally, courts take the position that parents have the right to care for and determine what is right for their children.

Can grandparents have visitation rights?

Finally, there is also the question of the visitation rights of grandparents, a family law issue that may come up when a marriage ends in separation or divorce. If you are fortunate enough to get along well with one or both the parents, you might work out an informal arrangement giving you visitation rights and allowing you to continue to be a part of your grandchild’s life.

Can grandparents have custody of their grandchildren in Texas?

Child custody laws vary by state, and under Texas law, grandparents do not have any automatic right to custody of their grandchildren. However, the law does allow grandparents to seek custody of grandchildren under certain circumstances.

What are the rights of grandparents in California?

Conditions for grandparent visitation rights include a determination of whether a parent is deceased, the child's parents' marriage has been dissolved or separated, the whereabouts of one or both of the child's parents are unknown, or the child is not residing with either parent. In addition to determining that visitation is in the child's best interests, the court must find that the grandparent has a preexisting and well-established relationship with the grandchild. Adoption does not automatically cut off the visitation rights of grandparents. California courts also try to balance grandparent visitation with the parents' rights. If both parents agree that the court should not grant visitation to a grandparent, the court will then presume that visitation is not in the child's best interest. The grandparent seeking visitation will then have to counter that presumption by demonstrating that the parents are unfit.

How long can a grandparent stay with a child in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania courts may grant visitation to a grandparent if at least one of the child's parents is deceased, the parents are divorced or have been separated for longer than six months, or the child has lived with the grandparent for longer than 12 months. In making a grandparent visitation determination, the court considers the best interest of the child, potential interference with the parent-child relationship, and the contact between the grandparent and grandchild. Adoption cuts off grandparental visitation rights unless the adoption has been granted to a step-parent or another grandparent.

When did Illinois stop grandparent visitation?

In 2002, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled that the Illinois Grandparent Visitation Act violates the Illinois State Constitution. A new visitation statute was passed and became effective on January 1, 2005. Under the new statute, a court can grant visitation to a grandparent if it is in the best interest of the child and the grandparent has been unreasonably denied visitation to the child. A court may not grant visitation to a grandparent if both of the child's parents object to the visitation.

What is the custody statute in Mississippi?

The Mississippi custody statute does not provide a comprehensive list of factors that courts consider when determining the best interest of the child. However, if the child is at least 12 years old, they may choose who takes custody. Conditions for grandparent visitation rights include the court making a determination of whether one of the child's parents is deceased or a parent has had their parental rights terminated. The court must also consider the relationship between the grandparent and grandchild. Adoption cuts off the visitation rights of grandparents unless the adoption is granted to a step-parent or a blood relative.

Can a grandparent adopt a child in Kansas?

Kansas. In Kansas, a court may award visitation rights to a grandparent in a custody order. Adoption cuts off the visitation rights of grandparents unless the grandparent is the parent of a deceased parent of the child and the surviving parent's spouse adopts the child.

What is the custody statute in North Carolina?

The North Carolina custody statute does not provide a specific list of factors that courts use to determine what is in the best interest of the child. A court may grant visitation rights as part of an order determining custody of the child. Adoption cuts off the visitation rights of grandparents unless adoption is granted to a step-parent or blood relative of the child, as long as the grandparent can prove that there is a meaningful and substantial relationship that exists between the grandparent and grandchild.

Can a grandparent have custody of a child in Kentucky?

A court may award a grandparent the same visitation rights as they would award a parent who does not have custodial rights to the child. This only applies if the grandparent's child is deceased and the grandparent has provided child support to the grandchild. Adoption cuts off the visitation rights of grandparents unless the adoption is granted to a step-parent and the grandparent's child has not had his or her parental rights terminated.

Is it good for grandchildren to be with their grandparents?

Grandparents – Know Your Rights. According to Aubrey, “It is really good for grandchildren to be with their grandparents if they can provide more stability. It’s also better and cleaner to get a court order in place, so that mom or dad can’t come pull the child away at any time.

Can grandparents sue for custody?

There are certain reasons for which grandparents can sue to take custody away from the parents and gain primary custody of the child, and there are other situations where they can file to have regular access to the child. When it comes to access, grandparents have to convince the judge, among other things, that it would psychologically ...

Can grandparents take custody of their children?

Most of the time, grandparents will take custody by agreement, where their adult children agree to relinquish custody of the children to them. When this isn’t the case, you would need to meet specific requirements under the custody statute. In addition, it’s also different to sue in order to be granted custody or “primary conservatorship” ...

What is the Supreme Court case about grandparent visitation?

Although each state has its own grandparent visitation laws, the U.S. Supreme Court case, Troxel v. Granville, set some parameters for visitation that are followed in every state. A court must consider a parent’s wishes and reasons for preventing grandparent visitation when deciding whether visits are appropriate.

Can a grandparent get custody of a child if both parents are unfit?

A grandparent may even be able to obtain custody when both parents are living if they are both unfit. A court will always put a child’s best interests first. As a grandparent seeking custody, you’ll bear the burden of proving that a parent is unfit.

Can a grandparent visit a grandchild?

A judge will award a grandparent substantial time with a grandchild if it’s in the child’s best interests. While the rules governing grandparent visitation vary from state to state, generally, a parent must be preventing visits before a grandparent can seek court intervention.

Can a grandparent intervene in a divorce?

Specifically, many states require a grandparent to intervene in a custody proceeding as part of a divorce or separation. Only a few states allow grandparents to file a petition (written request) for visitation that is not a part of a divorce or custody case.

What does the court decide about custody?

In the end, the courts decide custody based on the best interests of the child as the court interprets it. Learn more about grandparents' rights in the child custody process.

What happens to a child when the parent dies?

If the custodial parent dies, the court's first choice is often to place the child with the other parent, even if that parent has not been actively involved in the child's life. The second choice tends to be a close blood relative. If the grandparents are not the only relatives able and willing to care for the child, the court determines who is the best individual to have custody based on the child's best interests.

Can a grandparent be a guardian?

The parents left a will naming the grandparents as guardians. The child wants to live with the grandparents. Courts also consider the grandparents' age, health, and financial situation when assessing how well they can care for their grandchild. State laws vary widely regarding custody and third-party rights. If you feel your grandchild would be ...

Can a third party get custody of a child?

Third parties may be able to obtain custody if both parents are unable or unwilling to care for the child. Some circumstances that warrant placing a child with grandparents might include: Both parents are deemed unfit. Both parents consent to giving the grandparents custody. Drug or alcohol abuse in the child's home.

Can grandparents get custody of their grandchild?

Even in circumstances such as these, grandparents may not get custody if other family members also want the child. One factor that can weigh greatly in the grandparents' favor is if they have been acting as their grandchild's parents prior to seeking custody. Some courts require that the grandparents care for the child for at least one year ...