what to take to a divorce lawyer

by Waldo McLaughlin II 6 min read

What Documents Should I Bring To My First Meeting With My Divorce Lawyer? A Checklist.

  • Intake Form. Most family law lawyers have an intake form that gives them a snapshot of the issues and your goals, and gives them important details ...
  • Agreements. If you and your spouse signed a prenuptial agreement or a postnuptial agreement (or if you’ve been working on a separation agreement), ...
  • Previous years’ tax returns (with attachments). There is a lot of information in a tax return that can be helpful to your attorney. If you can, bring ...
  • Last 3 Paystubs (yours and your spouse’s). Like a tax return, pay stubs have crucial information on them (for example: rate of pay, hours worked, ...

Full Answer

What should I bring to my divorce attorney appointment?

While the documents can seem personal, you should feel comfortable enough with your divorce lawyer that you are comfortable sharing – it will help you and your attorney be ready. Here are some of the most useful documents you can bring: Intake Form.

What classes should I take to become a divorce lawyer?

As a budding divorce lawyer, you will have the option to take classes in family law, women and the law, and children's law. As many family lawyers are solo practitioners, you should also consider taking a course on law office management. Depending on your school, as a 2L you should be eligible to start working in the law school clinics.

What documents do I need to file a divorce?

As with the other documents, credit card statements contain a ton of information that can be useful to your attorney – the debt information, of course, but your history of spending (and your spouse’s) can also assist your attorney as you move forward. Text Message History.

How do I go through a divorce without a lawyer?

The legal issues involved in a divorce are numerous and complex, which is why it can be daunting to go through a divorce without legal representation. Contact a local divorce attorney who can answer any questions and help guide you through the divorce process.


How do I prepare for a divorce case?

Divorce ChecklistConsider Whether You Can Resolve Your Divorce Without Court. ... Consider Whether You Need to Hire a Lawyer. ... If You Have Minor Children, Prepare for the New Parenting Arrangement. ... Collect Marriage Documents. ... Compile Important Financial Documents. ... Gather Other Essential Documents. ... Take Steps to Separate Your Life.More items...

What should I ask for in my divorce?

5 Things To Make Sure Are Included In Your Divorce SettlementA detailed parenting-time schedule—including holidays! ... Specifics about support. ... Life insurance. ... Retirement accounts and how they will be divided. ... A plan for the sale of the house.

Why moving out is the biggest mistake in a divorce?

You Can Damage Your Child Custody Claim One of the most significant ways moving out can influence your divorce is when it comes to child custody. If you move out, it means you don't spend as much time with your kids. Not only can this harm your relationship, but it can also damage your custody claim.

What is a wife entitled to in a divorce settlement?

Assets that you have built up or acquired during the period of marriage are known as matrimonial assets or marital assets. These typically include property, pensions, savings, personal belongings, and cash in the bank.

Why is it important to provide a complete and organized file with all documents to your attorney?

It’s important that you provide a complete and very organized file with all documents to your attorney, which will help the negotiation stage of the divorce. "Divorce is one of the greatest upheavals you will ever experience in your life," says former divorce lawyer Brette Sember. "Because the process is so overwhelming, ...

What documents are needed for real estate?

Documents Related to Real Estate 1 Any documents showing the legal description of any real estate owned together or separately. These can be obtained from your mortgage company or bank. 2 Your current mortgage statements on any mortgages you have on real estate property. 3 All documents pertaining to the initial purchase of the real estate. 4 If the real estate has been refinanced, all documents pertaining to the refinance. 5 Tax assessor’s statement (s) pertaining to any and all real estate.

Do you have to disclose debts during divorce?

"All debts entered into during the marriage must be disclosed as part of financial disclosure ," explains Sember. "The court will determine which are marital debts and divide them as part of the divorce ."

Can a divorce court prove truthfulness?

Your spouse might make claims to a mediator or in divorce court, but documents can prove whether they are being truthful. So, you need to provide any documents that tell the story of what has happened in your marriage financially and in any other way.

What is the most contentious aspect of divorce?

Dividing up property a couple has acquired throughout their marriage (also known as marital property) can be one of the most contentious aspects of divorce. Luckily, divorce attorneys can help alleviate some of your legal and financial stresses by advocating for a division of property that works in your favor.

Is divorce exhaustive?

As you can see, the above list extensive -- yet, it is not exhaustive. Every divorce is different since every couple enters and leaves a marriage under different circumstances and with different assets. Therefore, to ensure no property is overlooked, it is always a good idea to have an open and frank conversation with your attorney regarding all ...

Is it a good idea to have an open and frank conversation with your attorney regarding all of the property

Therefore, to ensure no property is overlooked, it is always a good idea to have an open and frank conversation with your attorney regarding all of the property and assets relevant to your case.

Starting Your Divorce Case

Your first divorce consultation will be at your lawyer’s office. At the initial meeting, your attorney will ask lots of questions, listen to the details of your case, and walk you through the divorce process.

What Do I Have to Do in a Divorce?

Don’t think that once you hire a divorce attorney that you can book a month's long vacation. You and your lawyer will need to keep in touch frequently as your divorce progresses. Your lawyer may look to you to provide factual background for the paperwork or “pleadings” filed in your case.

What to do when you get a sense of divorce?

When you get a sense you are heading for divorce, set up an official system that will include documentation, official correspondence, court records, research, notes and more. Make copies for yourself, your attorney and any other members of your team who will benefit from having pertinent information.

What do you include in a divorce affidavit?

Include any memberships, reward points, and other perks that may be considered as assets . If you’re in the dark about your finances, that’s okay. You and your spouse will be required to complete financial affidavits (disclosures) as part of the divorce process.

What information is needed to file a student loan?

Include all information such as balances owed, interest rate, payment schedule and the school, and what period of time you or your spouse received the loan.

Why is it important to make sure you are treated fairly after divorce?

Making sure you are treated fairly is vital to give you the best chance of moving forward in the best possible way after your divorce is finalized. Whether your divorce issues are narrow and simple or complex and multifaceted, you will still need to acquire a fair amount of information to prepare for divorce.

How many bills do you have to pay before divorce?

Before your divorce, you had one house payment, one set of utility bills, one health insurance policy and so forth. Now, you and your spouse will now have two of each of these (and many others) to deal with. This means you’ll need to have a thorough understanding of your current and future expenses.

Can you talk to your spouse after a divorce?

Some couples find it impossible to talk to their spouses after an initial split, and that’s understandable. However, just because you’ve separated, does not mean you are done in your relationship with that person. The better your communication and cooperation are, the quicker and easier your divorce will be.

Do you need a financial analyst for divorce?

Depending on the complexity of your divorce, you may need a lot of documentation to give to your lawyer or Certified Divorce Financial Analyst . The more organized you are upfront will not only save you time and stress, but it will also save you money as well.
