what to expect when you see a divorce lawyer

by D'angelo Kling 9 min read

Your lawyer should have some ideas, based upon past experience, as to what you might expect. In addition to answering questions about your personal situation, your lawyer can describe the procedural aspects of getting a divorce, including how the court system works and how long the process may take.

What should I expect from my attorney in a divorce case?

May 17, 2019 · First, find out how much it costs. Ask if there’s a price for the initial consultation, and inquire about the lawyer’s hourly rate and retainer fee …

What should I expect from my lawyer?

May 08, 2019 · Your divorce lawyer should feel comfortable with your emotions. However, lawyers are not therapists, which is why it can be incredibly helpful to have a coach/therapist working with you, so you can remain clear and focused and not lose yourself. KNOW that talking to a divorce attorney is confidential. People often feel embarrassed by their situation.

What questions should I ask my divorce lawyer at the first meeting?

Jul 08, 2019 · What to Expect in a Divorce: 9 Expectations That Will Serve You. 1. No one will care more about your divorce than you do. Your divorce involves your life. You’ve got to stay on top of it. You’ve got to get prepared for it. Most of all, you’ve got to manage it. Sure, your lawyer, your therapist, and your accountant will all help.

Should I talk to a divorce lawyer?

Your lawyer should promptly respond to letters and phone calls and keep you informed of all such communication. Copies of letters should be sent to you within 24 hours of the lawyer's receipt. He or she should notify you about important phone calls—those concerning settlement proposals, for instance—as soon as possible.


Can a divorce lawyer be a therapist?

KNOW that talking to a divorce attorney is confidential. People often feel embarrassed by their situation.

What is the relationship between an attorney and a client?

Your relationship with your attorney is an intimate relationship – you will share details of your life that your closest family members and friends may not know. The confidentiality shared in the attorney-client relationship is important to your attorney’s ability to be your best advocate, and counselor in the divorce process.

Is a perfect marriage a perfect marriage?

The “perfect marriage” isn’t perfect and there is no perfect spouse. Be leery of anyone portraying a perfect marriage. The very best marriages are still made up of two flawed people just trying to figure it all out. Even relationship therapists who have good marriages, frequently have hard marriages.

Who is Kim Bowen?

Deciding whether or not to get divorced will be one of the hardest decisions you’ll ever make. Kim Bowen, the founder of The Marriage Place , shares some tools and insights to help you determine if…

How long does it take for a lawyer to call you back?

If the court hands down any decisions regarding your case, your lawyer should notify you at once. Your attorney should return your calls within 24 hours unless there's some reason why that's impossible—for instance, if she's in court or in the middle of a trial.

Is law an art?

The practice of law is not a science, but it's not exactly an art either. There are certain things your attorney can and should be doing. For some guidelines, refer to the following list: Your lawyer should have an overall plan for your case. This might simply mean that she plans to meet with your spouse's lawyer within ...

Is law a science?

The practice of law is not a science, but it's not exactly an art either. There are certain things your attorney can and should be doing. For some guidelines, refer to the following list: Your lawyer should have an overall plan for your case.

What can a divorce attorney do for you?

An experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorney will provide you with the tools to communicate better with your spouse. These tools include how to communicate with your spouse, when to communicate with your spouse and how to diffuse conflict.

How to plan your life after a divorce?

If you want to plan your life after a divorce, you should at least have a general idea of how long divorces similar to yours take. This planning will also help you prepare a budget for the cost of divorce. The attorney should truthfully tell you there is no way to predict exactly how long a divorce will take.

What is spousal support?

Spousal support, also called alimony, is either temporary or ordered at the final judgment. Most divorce cases include both temporary spousal support and spousal support at the judgment phase. We are not going to go into a lengthy discussion about spousal support.

Is it a good idea to talk to a lawyer about divorce?

If you’ve made up your mind and there’s no alternative but divorce, talking to at least a few lawyers is always a good idea. The first consultation is usually always free, so you’ve got nothing to lose. But, you can gain a lot of information during attorney interviews if you head into the conversation armed with the right questions.

Can you represent yourself in divorce?

Most states allow individuals to represent themselves in the divorce process. And, it’s more common than you think: 80 percent of divorces involve at least one party representing themselves. Lots of people go this route – which means you can, too.

How to hire a lawyer?

Hiring a lawyer also creates a few responsibilities for you as a client. As a client, your lawyer can expect you to the do the following: 1 Abide by the agreements that both of you sign 2 Gather all useful evidence and prepare any timelines that are requested 3 Keep your lawyer informed as to any new evidence that may come to light 4 Keep in mind that your lawyer may have other clients that need his or her time 5 Reply to requests from your attorney in a timely manner 6 Inform your lawyer, in advance, when you will not be able to attend certain hearings or other proceedings 7 Pay your bills on time 8 Not to lie to your attorney, and 9 Keep your relationship with your attorney as a business relationship.

How to communicate with a lawyer?

Lawyer communication, competency, ethics, and fees are important aspects of an attorney-client relationship. As a summary you can expect your lawyer to do the following: 1 Give you advice about your legal situation 2 Keep you informed about your case 3 Tell you what he or she thinks will happen in your case 4 Allow you to make the important decisions regarding your case 5 Give you an estimate about what your case should cost 6 Assist you in any cost-benefit analyses that you may need 7 Keep in communication with you 8 Inform you of any changes, delays or setbacks 9 Give you the information you need to make good decisions, and 10 Prepare you for your case, including deposition and trial preparation.

What are the ethical rules of an attorney?

Although each state has their own set of ethical rules by which attorneys are expected to conduct their business, there are some common themes that run throughout all of them. These ethics rules generally require attorneys to: 1 Maintain the attorney-client privilege 2 Perform their duties to the degree of a reasonably competent attorney 3 Represent their client's interest loyally 4 Work within the bounds of the law 5 Maintain separate bank accounts for client money 6 Not engage in any criminal activities, and 7 Put their client's interests ahead of their own

What are the issues with lawyers?

Disputes regarding attorneys' fees are perhaps the most common problem that clients have with their lawyers. Fee disputes typically arise for many reasons, but the following are the most common: 1 Complaints about bills being too high 2 Disagreements over what kinds of fees would be charged to the client 3 Disagreements over whether an itemized bill would be given 4 Concerns that a lawyer spent too long on a task that should have been relatively easy 5 Argument that because an attorney did a bad job, the bill should be reduced 6 Billing at an attorney's rate for work done by a paralegal or legal secretary 7 Complaints regarding over-charging for time spent on a case.

What is lawyer communication?

Lawyer communication refers to the correspondence and communication between a client and his/her attorney. If you have a lawyer communication problem, you may be wondering if you have a bad attorney or if he or she is doing a poor job on your case. You should know that many states have laws regarding when and how a lawyer must communicate with clients.

What is the most common problem with lawyers?

Disputes regarding attorneys' fees are perhaps the most common problem that clients have with their lawyers. Fee disputes typically arise for many reasons, but the following are the most common:

What is competency in law?

In addition to lawyer communication problems, you may also have problems with the competency of your lawyer's work. Competency relates to the core knowledge and expertise of an attorney in handling a client's legal issue. You should remember that lawyers are not machines and they are just as capable of making a mistake as anyone else ...

Can you get custody of your children if you divorce?

If you have children, their custody situation is probably at the forefront of your mind when getting a divorce. You should know that, absent extreme circumstances, you and your spouse will end up sharing custody of the children. It’s a good idea to sit down and carefully review your work schedule, your children’s schedule, and your other obligations and come up with your desired schedule for custody. If you can come up with a arrangement that gives both you and your spouse time with the children, you’ll be leaps and bounds ahead of most people who file for divorce.

What does a divorce decree mean?

In most jurisdictions, the judge automatically issues an order at the beginning of your divorce case that prohibits you or your spouse from selling, buying, or otherwise encumbering or disposing of any marital property. Courts do this to prevent either spouse from draining the bank accounts, or dissipating the marital estate out of spite.

Can a divorce be granted if only one spouse wants to end the marriage?

The court can grant a divorce even if only one spouse wants to end the marriage. If you’d still like to give marital counseling a try, do so before you file for divorce.
