what to expect when talking to a lawyer about hospital lawsuit

by Francisca Kuphal 8 min read

If you sue a hospital, the hospital will defend itself with an entire team of attorneys. If you want your lawsuit to be successful and get the most money for your claim, it will help to have a lawyer on your side. Look for a personal injury attorney who has experience filing (and hopefully winning) lawsuits similar to yours.

Full Answer

Do I need to hire a lawyer to sue a hospital?

Do I Need to Hire a Lawyer to Sue a Hospital? If you were injured while receiving treatment or care at a hospital, you should consult with a skilled and knowledgeable personal injury attorney. An experienced personal injury attorney can help determine who is at fault and against whom the lawsuit should be filed.

What happens when a lawsuit is filed against a hospital?

The hospital and its staff may be required to review and revise their standards for practice and operating procedures. Large class action suits may result in investigations into the hospital’s overall safety standards. There may also be product recalls if the lawsuit involved defective or faulty drugs or medical devices.

How do I bring a medical malpractice lawsuit against a hospital?

Here's what you'll need to do to bring a medical malpractice lawsuit against a hospital. 1. Act Before The Statute of Limitations Deadline Passes 2. Discuss the Case With a Medical Malpractice Attorney 3. Determine Whether the Hospital Itself (and Not an Independent Contractor) Was Actually Negligent 4. Obtain Medical Records

How long do you have to sue for hospital negligence?

Dangerous or negligent actions by hospital staff (reusing equipment or needles, leaving floors wet, stealing or abusing medications) Discrimination (a staff member refusing to treat you do to your race, sexual orientation, your nation of origin, etc.) You generally have between two to six years to sue for hospital negligence.

What is the most common lawsuit in healthcare?

What Are the Most Common Medical Malpractice Claims?Misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis.Failure to treat.Prescription drug errors.Surgical or procedural errors.Childbirth injuries.

What are the steps in a medical malpractice lawsuit?

10 Steps of a Medical Malpractice LawsuitStep 1: Initial Consultation. ... Step 2: Gather Records. ... Step 3: In-House Investigation. ... Step 4: Select Expert Witnesses. ... Step 5: Pre-Trial Phase. ... Step 6: Settlement Negotiations. ... Step 7: Trial. ... Step 8: Jury Deliberations and Verdict.More items...

How long does a medical negligence claim take to be settled?

One can expect a minimum of 3 – 4 years from the date of instituting a claim against a medical practitioner/hospital to date of finalisation of the claim.

What is the first element of a malpractice case that must be proven?

To do so, four legal elements must be proven: (1) a professional duty owed to the patient; (2) breach of such duty; (3) injury caused by the breach; and (4) resulting damages. Money damages, if awarded, typically take into account both actual economic loss and noneconomic loss, such as pain and suffering.

What to do if you think you have a medical malpractice case?

If you think you have a medical malpractice case, the first order of business is usually finding a medical malpractice lawyer who will represent you and will make sure you get the best possible outcome. Most lawyers will be happy to meet with you to discuss your situation and your potential case (free of charge), ...

What do lawyers need to know about medical malpractice?

The lawyer needs to know everything about your potential medical malpractice case, and will want a lot of details. Any legal case must be based on the facts, and medical malpractice lawsuits are no exception. It's best to prepare beforehand so that you can give the lawyer all necessary facts. That means:

What does a medical malpractice lawyer need to do?

A medical malpractice lawyer will ultimately need to request medical records from every single health care provider you saw for the condition.

What does a good lawyer do?

A good lawyer will want to investigate your case and gather all pertinent information before speaking to issues like those. If a lawyer tells you at your first meeting that you've got a great case and it's worth a million dollars, you probably want to keep shopping around.

What documents are needed for malpractice?

Relevant documents in any malpractice case include the following: any medical records and letters from doctors that you might happen to have in your possession. medical bills. photographs of your condition, if relevant. the name, contact information, and policy number for your health insurer.

Do lawyers have good social skills?

Some great lawyers do not have good social skills. They might be brusque with their clients in private, but fantastic in front of a jury. Other lawyers might be great hand-holders, but only average lawyers. You have to decide what's important to you. Get tips on finding the right lawyer for your medical malpractice case.

What happens if you sue a doctor?

When you sue the doctor or hospital, you will often be dealing with their insurance company. In rare cases, a doctor may lose their license or go to jail. Or, a hospital could be shut down. But generally, you are suing their insurance company to compensate you for your suffering.

How long do you have to sue a hospital for negligence?

Discrimination (a staff member refusing to treat you do to your race, sexual orientation, your nation of origin, etc.) You generally have between two to six years to sue for hospital negligence. This is called the statute of limitations, and it varies by state.

What do you need to prove medical malpractice?

You may need medical records, dates, records of the job-related mistakes, and more to help prove your case. Your personal injury attorney will handle the medical malpractice lawsuit and will tell you exactly what they need. Without their expertise, it can be hard to know what information is relevant.

What to do if you are told something is wrong?

If your instincts are telling you something is wrong, then you should investigate your case. A personal injury lawyer is going to be the best person to have on your side when you seek justice from a hospital — you deserve justice when a hospital makes a mistake with your illness or injury.

What happens if a hospital gives you the wrong treatment?

If a hospital gives you the wrong treatment, their staff makes the wrong call, or a loved one dies in their care, you may have options to sue. Although medical professionals may be the ones who actually made the mistake, the hospital is responsible for its employees and their training. If, however, the doctor who injured you is an independent ...

What is a negligent action in healthcare?

Dangerous or negligent actions by hospital staff (reusing equipment or needles, leaving floors wet, stealing or abusing medications) Wrongful death of a family member.

Why was Duke University Hospital sued?

Duke University Hospital was sued in 2003 for never checking the blood type of an organ donor and the recipient before surgery. Rhode Island Hospital performed operations on the wrong part of three patients' heads in 2007. In a 1995 case, the wrong leg was amputated during surgery.

How is a hospital lawsuit different from a malpractice suit?

Hospital lawsuits are different from malpractice suits against an individual doctor, as proceeding in the lawsuit against a corporation is different than suing an individual. For example, when initiating a lawsuit against an individual, you may serve them directly with your lawsuit.

What are some examples of hospital lawsuits?

Some common examples of a hospital lawsuit include but may not be limited to: Emergency room malpractice; Refusing to admit or treat a patient without adhering to proper denial protocol;

What is medical malpractice?

Medical malpractice refers to the negligence of a healthcare professional resulting in the injury of a patient with whom they have, or previously had, a professional relationship. Under the corporate negligence doctrine, the hospital itself may be held responsible for a mistake made by a doctor or other staff employed by the hospital.

What is hospital lawsuit?

In general, hospital lawsuits are personal injury lawsuits arising from injuries suffered by a patient. Those injuries are usually based on negligence, or a failure to use reasonable care which results in the damage or injury of another person. Negligence is based on a person’s failure to do something, rather than their actual actions.

What is hospital negligence?

Hospital negligence may be direct, such as: Losing, mishandling, or unlawfully transferring confidential patient records. Disregard of proper medical care standards. Due to the specific nature of a hospital environment, injuries that result in a lawsuit against the hospital often involve different areas of the law.

Why are hospitals being sued?

Lawsuits are filed against hospitals for a wide variety of reasons. As previously mentioned, negligence and malpractice are the most common. Some lawsuits may be for small or one-time incidents, while others are for larger or more far-reaching incidents.

What is negligence in medical malpractice?

Negligence is based on a person’s failure to do something, rather than their actual actions. However, lawsuits against hospitals may involve various legal claims and theories besides negligence. Lawsuits involving hospitals are most commonly related to some sort of medical malpractice.

How long does it take to get a lawsuit against a hospital?

This is generally 2-3 years from the date of the injury or when the injury was discovered. However, it can be more or less time depending on what your state requires for bringing a lawsuit against hospitals. For example, say you underwent back surgery on August 1, 2020 and were paralyzed as a result.

How long does it take to sue a hospital for medical malpractice?

The medical malpractice statute of limitations for your state is 3 years, and in this situation it would start running on the date of your surgery. As such, you would have until August 1, 2023 to sue the hospital for medical malpractice.

What is the most common legal theory used to sue a hospital?

The most common legal theory used to sue a hospital is medical malpractice. Medical malpractice is when a medical professional acts negligent when treating a patient and they are injured as a result. These individuals will be held to a higher standard of care, which will depend on their type of profession/job title.

How many states have medical malpractice lawsuits?

As of 2020, 29 states have damages caps for medical malpractice lawsuits. The other 21 states do not set any cap for medical malpractice damages. Sometimes it is a blanket cap while other times it will just apply to a certain type of lawsuit or category of damages.

Why do estates file wrongful death lawsuits?

The reason an estate may wish to bring a wrongful death lawsuit is to hold the parties responsible for the person’s death accountable and to compensate the person’s beneficiaries for any losses that resulted. Some available damages include loss of companionship, loss of household services, and funeral expenses.

What are the legal theories against hospitals?

Other theories where a hospital could be a named defendant include products liability, wrongful death, and discrimination.

What happens if a doctor makes a mistake?

If a doctor or other staff member makes a mistake then the hospital can still be found liable as their employer. This is known as vicarious liability. However, if the doctor is not directly employed by the hospital but instead works on a contract or floating basis, then the hospital may not be an appropriate defendant.

How much does it cost to file a lawsuit?

Although it can cost anywhere between $100 and $500 to file a lawsuit, in many if not most cases, there’s no need to pay any money upfront. (As these types of cases are usually taken on contingency.) That said, the patient may be required to pay a small fee to the hospital to acquire their medical records.

What is medical negligence?

Medical negligence. 2. Medical malpractice (A very specific type of negligence.) 3. Wrongful death (If a loved one died because of negligence.) If your reason falls into one of these categories and you want to sue your hospital, use the steps below to get the ball rolling.

Can you sue a hospital for treating you poorly?

To successfully sue the hospital for treating you poorly, you have to meet the right criteria. If the negligence of the hospital results in clear damage to your physical health, mental health, or financial health, you may have a good case. But as the patient, you must demonstrate how (as well as to what extent) you were harmed due to ...

Is it easier to sue a hospital for malpractice?

In fact, about 93% of malpractice cases do not go to trial, and instead, are settled out of court. In these cases, it’s not nearly as difficult to sue the hospital as you might think. Now, to prove malpractice, it’s mandatory to demonstrate ...

Can you sue a hospital?

And yes, the answer is yes: You can sue your hospital. And win. Naturally, you need a good reason. If you have one, you’ve probably already graduated from “ I want to sue the hospital” to “ how can I sue the hospital?”. If that’s the case, you’re in the right place. Because we’re going to cover precisely that.

Can a hospital settle a malpractice case?

For malpractice cases, 9 times out of 10, the hospital will settle out of court. If they do, your attorney, the hospital and you will reach an agreement and settle for a fair sum of money.

Prepare to react to a medical malpractice lawsuit

One of my colleagues is being sued for medical malpractice. After he was notified of the lawsuit, his lawyer immediately advised him of some things he should and should not do. Can you help me understand what those might be?

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How many medical malpractice cases result in no payment?

Unfortunately, more than 80% of medical malpractice cases result in no payment towards the injured patient or their loved ones. Going through a settlement case hearing will take a lot of time. This is because there will be a lot of evidence to be read.

How long does it take to file a lawsuit?

It takes, on average, 16.5 months to file a lawsuit, and another 27.5 months to get to a resolution. The questions that you’ll be asked are, sometimes, created to confuse, irritate, or catch you off guard.

What is medical malpractice?

Medical malpractice is when a doctor or a healthcare facility causes an injury to a patient through negligent practice of their standard procedures. Ask a lawyer, and they will say that medical malpractice takes place when there is a violation of the recognized “standard of care”, which is the kind of care that is carried out by all medical ...

What happens if there is no proof of negligence?

If there’s an injury, but there’s no proof of negligence, then, you’re better off forgetting about the case. This holds true even for an obvious case, such as obstetrical malpractice. This is when a grave mistake during labour, delivery, or right after the birth has caused severe or fatal injuries to the newborn.

How long does it take for a tribunal to receive papers?

The tribunal (jury) usually receives the papers two weeks before the hearing date. Just imagine the hours you’ll need to spend on gathering all the necessary pieces of information and reading them, not to mention the hours of deliberating for a settlement.

Is malpractice a cheap deal?

Pursuing a medical malpractice case is no cheap deal, not to mention, stressful. As mentioned above, patients must provide credible evidence. If the damages are not evident, the cost of pursuing may not even be worth it, and may be greater than the ultimate recovery.

Does an attorney pay for a lawsuit?

In most arrangements, the attorney will initially pay for the lawsuit costs. If the patient wins, the attorney will deduct the costs from the winnings, then, split the rest based on the agreed contingent fee. Aside from attorney fees, the most expensive cost is for the expert witnesses.

How long does it take for a medical malpractice case to settle?

Medical malpractice cases are rarely settled immediately after a deposition. Instead, they may proceed for several months or even years before an offer is made. Some are not settled until just before the trial commences.

What happens if you fail to appear in court?

Should you fail to appear, the defendant may petition the court for recovery of any expenses incurred as a result. There may also be other sanctions imposed by the court for failure to appear as well.

How long does a medical malpractice deposition take?

Depending on how long your deposition was, this could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Once your attorney receives the deposition, it will be reviewed, and then notes made about the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Your lawyer may also determine additional discovery is needed or ask to depose other witnesses to fill in gaps in your testimony.

Why do attorneys badger witnesses?

Since a medical malpractice deposition is a little less formal than a court trial, attorneys will sometimes intentionally badger witnesses in an effort to rattle them. It’s important to maintain your composure throughout the deposition so as not to fall into this trap.

How are depositions used in court?

Depositions are transcribed and put into a written or electronic format that can be reviewed at another time. Statements made during a deposition may later be used to impeach your testimony. If you subsequently give conflicting testimony in court, attorneys for the practitioner could refer to a statement you made during your deposition in order to make your credibility seem questionable. Since having your testimony impeached could be detrimental to your case, it’s important to properly prepare ahead of time to prevent this from happening.

What is medical malpractice insurance?

Medical malpractice insurance companies are also involved, which means a number of parties must communicate with one another before a settlement can be reached.

What to do if you make an incorrect statement in a deposition?

Should you later determine you have made an incorrect statement, clarify it if possible before the deposition ends. If you realize it after a deposition is over with, notify your attorney immediately so that the proper steps can be taken to officially correct your testimony.