what to expect from a divorce lawyer

by Edwin Krajcik 9 min read

What to expect from great divorce attorneys

  1. Extensive courtroom litigation experience. Great divorce attorneys are not paper tigers. ...
  2. Excellent communicators. Great divorce attorneys are excellent communications. ...
  3. Avoiding wasteful litigation. Great divorce attorneys tell clients when litigation makes sense and when it does not. ...
  4. Quality paperwork, filed and served on time. ...

Full Answer

What to expect from the average divorce attorney?

What to expect from great divorce attorneys. Great divorce attorneys have the following qualities. 1. Extensive courtroom litigation experience . Great divorce attorneys are not paper tigers. Their courtroom experience is what sets them apart from the majority of other attorneys. Great divorce attorneys have substantial experience handling evidentiary hearings including but not limited to …

What should I expect during my first meeting with my divorce lawyer?

Aug 19, 2021 · A good divorce attorney will review your situation and assess your goals to help you determine the best approach to your divorce case. Depending on the complexity of your divorce and you and your spouse’s willingness to cooperate with one another, your attorney can also help you take advantage of alternative dispute resolution like mediation to streamline your …

What can a divorce attorney do for You?

Mar 08, 2022 · A divorce lawyer is an attorney that has experience with negotiating divorce settlements and working through legal issues related to separation and marriage termination. Here are some topics of conversation to consider when meeting with your divorce lawyer: Where the kids go depends on age and circumstance

What should I expect after filing for divorce?

Nov 11, 2017 · After gathering information about your case, the attorney will discuss any potential issues that you may face during the divorce, such as custody and parenting time. Financial aspects will also be discussed, including child support, alimony, equitable distribution, college tuition, real estate, debts and other assets.


Why Should I Hire a Divorce Attorney?

It is technically possible to complete your divorce without legal counsel, but you are more likely to end up with a divorce order that does not truly serve your interests. You may also encounter problems with your divorce proceedings that you are unsure how to address.

What to Expect from an Attorney in the Early Stages of Divorce

Once you have filed for divorce or your spouse has filed for divorce, time becomes a critical factor. You need to act quickly when it comes to gathering necessary documentation and navigating the early stages of your case.

Do I Need a Lawyer for Divorce Mediation?

Many divorcing couples throughout the US choose divorce mediation in lieu of traditional divorce litigation because of the many benefits this form of alternative dispute resolution can provide. First and foremost, divorce mediation saves time and money.

How Can an Attorney Help?

Divorce is a multifaceted issue, and you can rely on your attorney to support you with:

Help from Attorneys Post-Divorce

When you hire an experienced and reliable attorney to represent you in your divorce, you can typically expect ongoing support once you have completed the divorce process and have your divorce decree in hand.

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Legal separation and divorce are often conflated. While similar, these two legal processes are different and serve different purposes. If you are having troubles in

What information do divorce attorneys need?

Along with the details of your case, the divorce attorney will also gather some basic personal information, including your: address, phone number and email address. The attorney will also want to gather background information, which may include:

What are the issues that a divorce attorney will discuss?

After gathering information about your case, the attorney will discuss any potential issues that you may face during the divorce, such as custody and parenting time. Financial aspects will also be discussed, including child support, alimony, equitable distribution, college tuition, real estate, debts and other assets.

How to get divorce information?

Along with the details of your case, the divorce attorney will also gather some basic personal information, including your: address, phone number and email address. The attorney will also want to gather background information, which may include: 1 The date of the marriage 2 Employment information of both spouses 3 Names and ages of the children 4 Income information, including assets and debts 5 Whether or not there was a prenuptial agreement in place

What is the purpose of a divorce consultation?

The main purpose of the consultation is to discuss your case. Essentially, you are having a conversation with the lawyer about your pending divorce, and you should be the one doing most of the talking.

What is the first consultation?

The initial consultation is a great opportunity to get a “feel” for the attorney and determine whether he or she is a good fit for you. Asking questions can help you gauge the attorney’s competence and whether you will get along well.

What Are the Basics of Having a Divorce Attorney?

Divorce can be complicated. Luckily, you don’t have to go through it alone. Seeking an experienced divorce attorney such as the ones at Bickford Blado & Botros will help you understand the different aspects that go into getting a divorce and will help you get through all the particulars.

What Is a Divorce Attorney and Why Do I Need One?

A divorce attorney, otherwise known as a divorce lawyer, is a legal professional hired to assist clients through a divorce. Your lawyer will know the ins and outs of all aspects of a divorce, including division of property, custody issues, annulments, and more.

What Will My Initial Consultation With My Attorney Be Like?

Many people are nervous about their first consultation with their attorney. Sometimes, the news of a divorce may still be fresh in a client’s mind, and they are still grieving the relationship. Other times, the client is eager to get the process started. Regardless of where you are in the process, you need compassionate and professional legal help.

What Kinds of Questions Will My Attorney Ask on Our First Meeting?

It’s important to remember to trust your attorney to help you through this process.

What Does My Attorney Do at Trial?

Divorces must go in front of a judge to be approved when there are disagreements. Your attorney will present your side of the situation, your settlements, and your unresolved issues. Your attorney is there to help you get the best possible outcome from this process and will fight for what you deserve.

Find the Right Divorce Attorney Today

Divorce can be an extremely stressful time, and concerns about assets and children add to this anxiety. With all the complications that can arise throughout the divorce, it is important to have someone who knows about all aspects of it.

What to expect in divorce court?

In general, you should expect: The family law judge will have other matters on calendar in addition to yours.

What to expect when divorcing an abusive spouse?

You should expect when divorcing an abusive spouse that there will likely be a need for domestic violence prevention act restraining orders. If the domestic violence is of a recent origin and there is a present need for protection, the need for a restraining order becomes more immediate.

What is the difference between a self employed spouse and a W-2 employee?

The major difference between divorcing a self-employed spouse and one that is a W-2 employee, is that a self-employed spouse has a greater opportunity to hide income or fail to accurately report it. What you should expect when divorcing a self-employed spouse is more due diligence in evaluating his or her income.

What is smart negotiation?

Smart negotiations are the key to more money in each of your pockets. Whether the court deals with it at the end or whether you come to a settlement, you should expect that you and your spouse will need to negotiate who gets the house or, if you do not agree, who intends to buy the other one out.

What information do forensic accountants need?

You should expect that the forensic accountant will need information provided to him or her so that the accountant can properly evaluate the business and this information includes: The business' profit and loss statements, Balance sheets,

What happens if my spouse owns a business?

If the spouse who owns the business is not cooperative in producing information, the family court is often involved. This may lead to significant litigation, depending on the lack of cooperation.

What happens if you don't settle in California?

While settlement is of course preferred, if you two cannot settle, you should expect that issues will be litigated through the California divorce process, discovery will be completed, business valuations will be done and ultimately the case will proceed to trial.
