what to do when husband lies to divorce lawyer

by Felipa Schoen 4 min read

First, you or your attorney can confront your spouse (or your spouse's attorney) to let them know you can disprove the statement with evidence. If you would like to keep your divorce case civil, you can ask your spouse to correct the lie and continue with your divorce without informing the court.

Full Answer

How do you deal with a lying spouse in a divorce?

The Proven Lie. If your spouse has lied during the divorce process, and you have proof, there are a few ways you can proceed. If you're feeling particularly generous or compassionate, you can speak with your spouse and basically say, "I've got proof …

How do lawyers gather information in a divorce case?

A lying spouse might fail to disclose assets, discount the value of assets, fail to report self-employed income, or exaggerate expenses. They are attempting to mislead the court so that they benefit unfairly. Misrepresentations can lead to a contempt of court citation for your spouse, but we will need to present proof that your spouse is lying.

What happens if your ex spouse lies to get a divorce?

A spouse who lies about the existence of an asset during the divorce process intends to hide that asset from division. Lying about existence of an asset usually means the asset must be easy to hide. For example, it is difficult to lie about the existence of a house, as compared to a bank account. Here is how you deal with the spouse who lies ...

What to do if your spouse lies about the value of property?

Sep 17, 2021 · The most effective solution to expose a dishonest party is to hire a skilled attorney. Divorce attorneys have the resources necessary to request documentation, participate in depositions, subpoena records, and locate hidden assets that can support your claim that falsehood has occurred.


How do I deal with my husband lying about divorce?

7 Tips for Dealing With a Compulsive Liar in a Divorce
  1. Hire a divorce attorney. It is essential to have an experienced family law attorney on your side. ...
  2. Provide helpful guidance to your divorce lawyer. ...
  3. Gather evidence. ...
  4. Minimize contact with your spouse and use caution. ...
  5. Keep a journal. ...
  6. State the truth. ...
  7. Be patient.

When your spouse lies during divorce?

Punishment for committing perjury could result in probation, fines, or a prison sentence up to 5 years. If your spouse's deceit doesn't warrant a criminal investigation, the judge in your divorce case could still find your spouse in contempt of court, which could result in fines or time in jail.

How do you expose a liar in Family court?

There are steps that another person can take whether a party or an observer to inform the court of lies.
  1. Provide Testimony. A person who knows that someone else has lied to the court may be called as a witness by the adverse party. ...
  2. Cross-Examination. ...
  3. Provide Evidence. ...
  4. Perjury. ...
  5. Jury Instruction. ...
  6. Legal Assistance.

Why do people lie in divorce?

Unfortunately, we have handled many divorces where the other side submits false or highly misleading information to the court. Often, spouses lie to seek an edge in a contested divorce. Maybe they want more time with the children or more spousal support than they should have. Lying about finances is also fairly common.Feb 20, 2021

How do you fight a narcissist in a divorce?

Divorcing a Narcissist
  1. Don't Even THINK That Your Divorce Will Be Amicable. ...
  2. Get a Strong, but Reasonable, Divorce Lawyer. ...
  3. Get a Therapist. ...
  4. Assemble Your Support Team BEFORE You Divorce. ...
  5. Get EVERYTHING in Writing! ...
  6. Stay Out of Court as Much as You Can. ...
  7. Find Ways Your Narcissistic Spouse Can “Win” ...
  8. Pick Your Battles Wisely.

How do narcissists deal with divorce?

In a narcissist's mind, they do not fail; they do not make mistakes. Therefore, your spouse will place the blame for the divorce squarely on your shoulders. A narcissist will use whatever resources they can to protect their self-inflated ego.May 12, 2021

Does a judge know when someone is lying?

First, with proper cross-examination, judges can usually tell when a person is being dishonest because people often lie without thinking about it all the way through. As a result, in my experience, it is generally easy to poke holes in a person's story.

How do you spot a liar in court?

First of all, liars have difficulty maintaining eye contact with the person asking the questions. If the witness looks up at the ceiling while thinking of an answer, or looks down at the floor, they are liying every time. When a witness covers his mouth with his hand, he is about to lie.

Can a lawyer tell you to lie?

The American Bar Association's Model Rules of Professional Conduct states that a lawyer “shall not knowingly make a false statement of material fact.” In other words, lawyers aren't supposed to lie--and they can be disciplined or even disbarred for doing so.Nov 30, 2009

How do you deal with a difficult spouse in a divorce?

Red Flag: How to deal with divorcing a difficult husband
  1. Stop listening to him and giving him power over you. ...
  2. Hire an attorney, and listen to his/her advice. ...
  3. Make a plan, and don't deviate—regardless of his behavior. ...
  4. Be a good parent and a good person. ...
  5. Get help if you need it.
Sep 14, 2016

How do you divorce a liar?

Divorcing a Compulsive Liar
  1. Don't: Settle for Mediation. Mediation can save you time and money — if both you and your spouse are honest, calm, and mature. ...
  2. Do: Seek as Much Evidence as Possible. The more documentation you obtain, the better. ...
  3. Don't: Assume It's Personal. ...
  4. Do: Stick to Your Convictions.
Dec 5, 2018

Can I divorce for lying?

But if you do lie to the court then there could be very serious consequences if you are found out, in addition to you being denied a divorce. In the course of the proceedings the person seeking a divorce will have to sign a statement of truth, confirming that everything they said in their divorce petition was true.Aug 15, 2018

What is the purpose of disclosure in divorce?

As part of a divorce, each spouse must make financial disclosures , including reporting what property they own. There is a simple reason for this. The judge uses this information when dividing marital property and debts, as well as when deciding child support and alimony/spousal support. A lying spouse might fail to disclose assets, ...

Is mental health a lie?

When it comes to mental health, you might undergo an examination to show you do not have any condition. Of course, it’s not a “lie” if you really have struggled with addiction or mental health issues in the past. These are also not subjects you should hide, either.

What is a deposition in divorce?

A deposition is a process in which your attorney questions your spouse about any topic related to the divorce. In a deposition, your spouse must answer the questions under oath and in the presence of the court reporter who types every word anyone speaks on the record.

Does California have a domestic violence law?

California law broadly defines domestic violence so it does not limit it to physical abuse. Lying about domestic violence a spouse committed may also result in a domestic violence hearing, especially if the victim filed a domestic violence restraining order.

What happens if there is no abuse?

If there is no abuse, there is often a complete absence of witnesses or evidence of any kind. While the absence of any independent evidence does not mean there is no abuse, it is uncommon for there to be no evidence. If a spouse abuses the other spouse for years, the abused spouse likely spoke with someone about it.

Maintaining Professionalism

Regardless of whether your spouse simply stretches the truth or blatantly lies to the court during the divorce settlement, it is crucial that you remain professional. This means avoiding petty attacks against your spouse or losing your temper in front of the judge or mediator.

Recording Keeping and Divorce Settlement Lies

One of the few ways to prove that your spouse is lying during the divorce settlement is to provide records that outline the facts in dispute. Although you may not be able to produce documents to back up some allegations--such as adultery or other socially-inappropriate behavior, keep a log of everything false that your spouse says about you.

Retaining Professional Representation

When you are dealing with a spouse who is willing to lie to attorneys and the court, protecting your rights can be difficult without an attorney. Unless you go through the proper channels to out your spouse's lies, you can make yourself look vindictive or petty, even if your intentions are only bringing out the truth.

Settlements Based on Perjury

If your spouse commits perjury--that is, if he or she lies under oath--there is little that you can personally do to challenge these statements aside from presenting any evidence that contradicts his or her statements. In other words, you cannot personally bring criminal charges against your spouse.

Common Divorce Settlement Lies

During your divorce, you may deal with various types of lies, but some of the most common involve money and adultery. In contentious divorces, disgruntled spouses may present the following lies:

Find Help with Your Divorce Settlement

http://www.mediate.com/articles/denny.cfm#N#Information on choosing a divorce mediator, plus a directory of professional mediators in all 50 U.S. states.

How Common Are Lies During Divorces?

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

What happens if you lie to a judge?

Judges strive for impartiality when presiding over cases, but if you’re caught in a lie, it’s conceivable—if not likely—that a judge will view anything you say in the future with a degree of suspicion. Judges may give no indication that this is how they’re thinking. But because the chance exists, you’ve put yourself in a position where you’re virtually forced to go above and beyond what you’d normally need to do to regain credibility. You don’t need that additional burden.

What is lying in court?

Lying in a court document is basically lying under oath. If you do it, you’ve perjured yourself. How a court chooses to deal with it depends on the particular judge and, frequently, how egregious the lie is.

What is the process of obtaining information from your spouse?

If you believe that your spouse doesn't have all of the required information or that your spouse is hiding information about assets from you, you or your attorney can use a process called “divorce discovery." Through formal discovery, attorneys can gather relevant information by sending the spouses and third parties written requests for documents, written questions (interrogatories) and/or requests for oral testimony (deposition subpoenas).

Why is "to the best of your knowledge and belief" included in divorce papers?

The phrase “to the best of your knowledge and belief” is included in court documents because courts realize that honest mistakes are bound to happen. If it appears that one spouse made an inaccurate statement unintentionally, a judge isn't likely to hold it against that spouse. That’s not to say it won’t impact the divorce, especially if the inaccuracy relates to a significant issue. But the court normally won’t penalize the spouse personally. If, however, the representation made is knowingly false—a judge can sanction (punish) the spouse with monetary fines or worse.

What is a divorce petition?

When most people hear the term “divorce documents,” they think of the documents required to open and complete the case, including a divorce petition (complaint), which is filed with the court to initiate the process, and the final judgment granting the divorce. But the term encompasses far more than that.

What are motions in divorce?

If there’s a dispute about certain issues during the divorce, such as temporary alimony, child support, or a parenting time schedule, attorneys will file written “motions” with the court, requesting court intervention. These motions, and responses to them, are almost invariably accompanied by supporting written statements (called declarations or affidavits) from the spouses. These affidavits are signed under oath.

What are some common divorce delay tactics?

A spouse who does not want to cooperate with a divorce proceeding has many options at their disposal to delay progress. Some of the more common ways to stall handling their participation in the process include:

What are your options when you are facing stalling tactics during your Maryland divorce?

Understand that we have seen this behavior countless times before. That is why we tell our clients to let us handle it. More times than not, a client who attempts to bring his or her former partner to the table, when that partner is purposely attempting to delay, will not be successful.

What happens when your spouse lies?

When your spouse lies, the objective is always the same. They do not want you to know to avoid an argument. This is true whether they are talking about your new hairstyle or another woman. They want to save themselves the trouble of having to deal with you and your reaction to the truth. So before you consider yourself a victim ...

Why do people lie?

Learning the truth is the real reason why people lie. They want to avoid the difficulties that would arise if their partners learn the truth, they would rather lie than expose themselves. Liars are aware of the consequences of their partners finding out the truth.

What is a marriage based on?

Share on Whatsapp. Marriages are based on open communication, trust, and a common goal. Love, romance, and other sweet unicorns and rainbows lose their novelty after the first few years and are eventually replaced by security and comfort. But If your partner is always lying to you, then that foundation of comfort and security is replaced with doubt.
