what to brong to the lawyer when getring divroced

by Shea Stroman 9 min read

Find the common information your divorce attorney will need below. 1. Your basic information: full name, date of birth, and social security number. 2. Contact information such as an address, landline/cell phone number, and email address. 3.

10 things to bring to your initial consultation with a divorce lawyer
  • Prepare your Schedule of Assets and Debts. ...
  • Prepare your Income and Expense Declaration. ...
  • Prepare a list of questions you want to ask the divorce lawyer. ...
  • Tax Returns. ...
  • Self-employment documents. ...
  • List out the relevant facts about your case.
Feb 5, 2017

Full Answer

What are some secrets your divorce lawyer might not want you to know?

One of the secrets that your divorce lawyer might not want you to know is that divorce proceedings are not used punitively. Sometimes, parties want to stick it to their soon to be ex-spouse as recompense for something they did.

How do I go through a divorce without a lawyer?

The legal issues involved in a divorce are numerous and complex, which is why it can be daunting to go through a divorce without legal representation. Contact a local divorce attorney who can answer any questions and help guide you through the divorce process.

How do I choose a divorce attorney?

A lot goes into choosing a divorce attorney. It is wise to interview three attorneys before you decide which to hire. During the interview process, you can learn about the attorney’s experience, their fees, and get a feel for whether or not you think the two of you could have a good working relationship.

How can I save my divorce attorney time?

If you've decided to retain legal counsel, you can help save your divorce attorney time (and save yourself some money) by gathering important legal and financial documents together before the initial consultation.

Why is it important to provide a complete and organized file with all documents to your attorney?

What is a copy of a check ledger?

Do you have to disclose debts during divorce?

Can a divorce court prove truthfulness?

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What to prepare before asking for a divorce?

Top 10 Things to Do Before You File For a DivorceNever Threaten to Divorce Until You Are Ready To File. ... Organize Your Documents. ... Focus on Your Children. ... Make Sure You Have Three Months of Financial Resources. ... Obtain the Best Legal Advice You Can Get. ... Make Sure You Have Available Credit.More items...

How do I prepare for a divorce case?

Divorce ChecklistConsider Whether You Can Resolve Your Divorce Without Court. ... Consider Whether You Need to Hire a Lawyer. ... If You Have Minor Children, Prepare for the New Parenting Arrangement. ... Collect Marriage Documents. ... Compile Important Financial Documents. ... Gather Other Essential Documents. ... Take Steps to Separate Your Life.More items...

What should I ask for in my divorce?

5 Things To Make Sure Are Included In Your Divorce SettlementA detailed parenting-time schedule—including holidays! ... Specifics about support. ... Life insurance. ... Retirement accounts and how they will be divided. ... A plan for the sale of the house.

What is a wife entitled to in a divorce settlement?

Assets that you have built up or acquired during the period of marriage are known as matrimonial assets or marital assets. These typically include property, pensions, savings, personal belongings, and cash in the bank.

How long does a divorce take?

On average, it takes 12 months to complete a divorce, from filing the divorce petition to finalizing the judgment. If the case goes to trial, the average time is about 18 months. The average cost of divorce in 2019 was $12,900, which includes $11,300 in attorney's fees and about $1,600 in other expenses.

Why moving out is the biggest mistake in a divorce?

You Can Damage Your Child Custody Claim One of the most significant ways moving out can influence your divorce is when it comes to child custody. If you move out, it means you don't spend as much time with your kids. Not only can this harm your relationship, but it can also damage your custody claim.

Who loses more in a divorce?

Marriage is connected to a longer lifespan for both men and women. While both genders see a rise in deaths following divorce, the rate for men is 1,773 per 100,000, compared to 1,096 for women.

How do I protect myself financially in a divorce?

How to Financially Protect Yourself in a DivorceLegally establish the separation/divorce.Get a copy of your credit report and monitor activity.Separate debt to financially protect your assets.Move half of joint bank balances to a separate account.Comb through your assets.Conduct a cash flow analysis.More items...•

9 Things You Should NEVER Do During Divorce - The Good Men Project

Divorce is a complicated and emotional time. You often make mistakes during your divorce that you pay for in the future. Here is a list of the 9 things you should never do during a divorce: 1.

Fidelity Divorce Document Checklist

Utilities Gas, electricity, and oil Trash/recycling Water and sewer Phone, cable, and internet Security services Dependents Childcare (child support, daycare, etc.) Education expenses (college savings, tuition bills, etc.) Extracurricular expenses (sports, activities, etc.) Pet care (food, vet, daycare, etc.) Child support court order

How to prepare for divorce?

2. Prepare your Income and Expense Declaration. The Income and Expense Declaration is the other document included in the Declaration of Disclosure. The IED includes the party’s income, expenses, and must include recent pay stubs of the person filling out the form. 3. Prepare a list of questions you want to ask the divorce lawyer.

How to contact divorce attorney in Irvine?

If you have an initial consultation with our divorce law office in Irvine, feel free to call us in advance at (949) 955-9155 and we will email the form to you. 8. Information about the other party.

Why do you need an extra copy of a divorce decree?

Documents and evidence that might be important. Often times dissolution of marriage cases are filed because one or both spouses were not acting properly toward the other party or the children of the marriage.

What is the most important document in a divorce in California?

The Schedule of Assets and Debts is one of the most important documents in any California divorce case. Every party in every divorce case in California has to complete this form before their dissolution of marriage will be granted by the court.

What is the most contentious aspect of divorce?

Dividing up property a couple has acquired throughout their marriage (also known as marital property) can be one of the most contentious aspects of divorce. Luckily, divorce attorneys can help alleviate some of your legal and financial stresses by advocating for a division of property that works in your favor.

Is divorce exhaustive?

As you can see, the above list extensive -- yet, it is not exhaustive. Every divorce is different since every couple enters and leaves a marriage under different circumstances and with different assets. Therefore, to ensure no property is overlooked, it is always a good idea to have an open and frank conversation with your attorney regarding all ...

Is it a good idea to have an open and frank conversation with your attorney regarding all of the property

Therefore, to ensure no property is overlooked, it is always a good idea to have an open and frank conversation with your attorney regarding all of the property and assets relevant to your case.

What is the most contentious aspect of divorce?

Dividing up property a couple has acquired throughout their marriage (also known as marital property) can be one of the most contentious aspects of divorce. Luckily, divorce attorneys can help alleviate some of your legal and financial stresses by advocating for a division of property that works in your favor.

Is divorce exhaustive?

As you can see, the above list extensive -- yet, it is not exhaustive. Every divorce is different since every couple enters and leaves a marriage under different circumstances and with different assets. Therefore, to ensure no property is overlooked, it is always a good idea to have an open and frank conversation with your attorney regarding all ...

How to deal with divorce emotionally?

If you have the financial means, it can help to speak with a therapist or other mental health professional. At the very least, speak with friends who have been through divorce. Let your family and friends know that you’ll be leaning on them for advice and moral support. Being emotionally stable will better prepare you to make smart decisions as your divorce progresses.

What does a divorce decree mean?

In most jurisdictions, the judge automatically issues an order at the beginning of your divorce case that prohibits you or your spouse from selling, buying, or otherwise encumbering or disposing of any marital property. Courts do this to prevent either spouse from draining the bank accounts, or dissipating the marital estate out of spite.

What should be included in a marital estate?

Include real property, cars, retirement accounts, bank accounts and other assets, as well as any mortgages, notes, credit cards, and other debts. This can give you an idea of what you and your spouse will split, and you can start working on your desired division of the marital estate.

Should I close my credit cards before filing for divorce?

Depending on how you and your spouse handle your joint financial accounts and credit cards, your attorney may advise you to close the accounts or leave them the same. You don’t want to be in a situation where your spouse has the ability to run up bills in your name or drain the bank accounts – both circumstances may take the entire divorce to sort out. Your attorney can best advise you about whether you should divide the accounts in half, close them, or leave them the same before filing for divorce.

Can I have a relationship with my spouse before divorce?

Additionally, a judge may consider money you spend on a paramour dissipation of the marital estate, and could require you to reimburse your spouse for those expenditures. In any case , it typically doesn’t help your case to have started another relationship before your divorce has been filed. In some states you can begin a relationship after filing for divorce; speak with your attorney about how the court will view dating before your divorce is complete. See Divorce and Dating for more information.

Can I get a divorce without a balance sheet?

You can’t decide your financial goals for your divorce without having an accurate picture of your assets and debts. While it’s not usually necessary to hire an accountant prior to filing for divorce, it’s a good idea to put together a simple balance sheet showing all of your assets and debts.

Can I get divorced if only one spouse wants to end the marriage?

Once you’ve served your spouse with divorce papers, it can be difficult to go back on that decision, even if you’ve changed your mind. The court can grant a divorce even if only one spouse wants to end the marriage. If you’d still like to give marital counseling a try, do so before you file for divorce.

What are some secrets that a divorce lawyer may not want to share with you?

Below are twenty secrets that a divorce lawyer may not want to share with you. 1. It's going to cost more than you bargained for. It's not always the case—but more often than not, the costs associated with your divorce will often be higher than your lawyer's original estimate.

How to choose a divorce attorney?

There are several things to look for when choosing a divorce attorney. You want to choose someone who is experienced, respected, competent, and affordable. If they are proving to not be a good fit though, change them. Because you can, even if the reason is that you don't get on with him or her. Bear in mind however that if an attorney has worked on your case, you'll have to pay her/him for their time. Also, it might damage your case to change attorney's when you are close to a court ordered deadline, so only do it after careful consideration.

How do divorce lawyers save money?

That you'll save money and heartache by being organized. Divorce lawyers often charge by the hour. If you take responsibility for being as organized as possible, not only are you likely to walk away from your marriage with a more acceptable outcome, you'll probably save some money too.

What is mediation in divorce?

Mediation is a process whereby you and your spouse sit down with a neutral third party to negotiate several important areas of divorce. It's a low-cost way to address practically any other disagreement you and your spouse may have. While the mediator's decision is not binding, it allows a neutral party to provide their perspective on how divorce related issues should be addressed. However, mediation can only be a useful tool if you and your spouse can come to an broad agreement.

What does it mean to be uncontested in divorce?

An uncontested divorce means that you and your spouse agree child custody, spousal support, child support, visitation, and division of property. If you find that there is no need to fight over these things, you've already saved yourself thousands of dollars.

What is fault based divorce?

Fault-based divorce is when one spouse committed an act that gives legal justification to the ending of the marriage. These acts include adultery, a felony conviction, cruelty, or desertion.

How to start a divorce?

One of the best and simplest ways to do that is to start a divorce file. In this file, keep every bit of paper that could have an effect on how your divorce proceedings. Gather copies of all important financial documents and access to all account information. Keep it organized and easy to navigate.

Personal Information

1. Your basic information: full name, date of birth, and social security number.

Financial Information

29. A list of all joint and separate bank accounts, savings accounts, C.D.’s, Credit Union accounts, Savings Bonds and Stocks and Mutual Funds.

How much does a divorce cost?

It's no secret that divorce can be expensive. In fact, according to Narris, the average cost of legal fees in a divorce is an astounding $15,000! One way to cut down on these expenses is to use a mediator.

What is a DOS in divorce?

Typically, the court uses a formal date of separation (DOS) to determine property division and the value of certain assets. "If you are expecting a large increase in the value of a major asset upon a certain occasion, be mindful of that when you decide to initiate the divorce," said Narris. 23.

Why is divorce so stressful?

Some people even see divorce as a way to seek revenge on a spouse by seizing money and assets. Although divorce can bail you out of an unhappy marriage, it can also milk you for all you are worth if you don't know your rights.

How long does it take to get divorced in Arkansas?

Arkansas takes the longest amount of time at 540 days. If you live in one of these states, you and your spouse might want to consider relocating to expedite the divorce process.

Which states have the most lenient divorce laws?

Some States Are Better for Getting a Divorce. According to the government research site InsideGov, the five states with the easiest and most lenient divorce laws are Alaska, South Dakota, Wyoming, Iowa and Washington.

Do you have to have a brokerage account before filing for divorce?

According to Luna, it's important to make sure you have the current statement for your spouse's brokerage account before announcing and filing for the divorce. After all, a deceitful spouse could very easily liquidate the account with no paper trail by neglecting to cash checks until later.

Can ex spouses write off alimony?

A Former Spouse Can Be a Great Tax Shield. People who pay alimony are rarely grateful for the opportunity. However, ex-spouses can actually help you out come tax time . According to Narris, people who pay alimony to their exes can write it off as a tax deduction.

How to speed up divorce?

For some couples, divorce is often a long and painful process. But it doesn’t have to be. Your divorce can move forward amicably and at a reasonable pace. Even spouses who drag their feet in a divorce don’t necessarily control the process. You and your attorney can discuss ways to get your divorce going ...

What happens if you don't respond to a divorce petition?

Your spouse’s failure to respond will be treated as an agreement to your terms. You’ll have to prove to the court that you provided your spouse with proper notice of the divorce.

How long does it take for a divorce to be uncontested?

However, in most cases one spouse files and serves a divorce complaint and the other spouse has 20 or so days to file a response.

Do divorces take time?

Couples with more complicated assets and custody issues usually have longer and more expensive divorces. Some aspects of a divorce simply take time. For example, in many states there’s a mandatory waiting period in a contested divorce.

Can a divorce petition be filed in your favor?

However, your spouse’s failure to file a response to the divorce petition can actually work in your favor. After you’ve served your spouse with a divorce complaint and the response deadline has passed, you can seek a default judgment. In a default judgment, a judge can grant you exactly what you requested in the divorce petition.

Why is it important to provide a complete and organized file with all documents to your attorney?

It’s important that you provide a complete and very organized file with all documents to your attorney, which will help the negotiation stage of the divorce. "Divorce is one of the greatest upheavals you will ever experience in your life," says former divorce lawyer Brette Sember. "Because the process is so overwhelming, ...

What is a copy of a check ledger?

If you or your spouse work for cash, copies of check ledgers that will show any expenses paid during the marriage. A copy of any financial statements or statements of net worth prepared by you or your spouse for the purpose of securing bank loans or for any other purpose.

Do you have to disclose debts during divorce?

"All debts entered into during the marriage must be disclosed as part of financial disclosure ," explains Sember. "The court will determine which are marital debts and divide them as part of the divorce ."

Can a divorce court prove truthfulness?

Your spouse might make claims to a mediator or in divorce court, but documents can prove whether they are being truthful. So, you need to provide any documents that tell the story of what has happened in your marriage financially and in any other way.
