what to bring to first appointment with divorce lawyer

by Destin Toy 4 min read

5 Things You Should Bring with You to a Divorce Consultation

  • 1 – Bring a List of Questions You Have. As mentioned, this is the perfect time to ask the divorce lawyer about any...
  • 2 – Consider Bringing Pay Stubs. It’s common for divorce attorneys to ask how much money both you and your spouse make.
  • 3 – If You Have Tax Returns, Bring These. Sometimes it’s understandably a...

10 things to bring to your initial consultation with a divorce lawyer
  1. Prepare your Schedule of Assets and Debts. ...
  2. Prepare your Income and Expense Declaration. ...
  3. Prepare a list of questions you want to ask the divorce lawyer. ...
  4. Tax Returns. ...
  5. Self-employment documents. ...
  6. List out the relevant facts about your case.
Feb 5, 2017

Full Answer

What should I bring to my first meeting with my divorce attorney?

If you have decided to file a divorce, or your spouse has filed a divorce against you, your narrative needs to be more detailed — probably three to 10 pages. The next group of items that you will need to bring to your first meeting with you attorney is financial information.

What documents should I bring to my Family Law appointment?

Here are some of the most useful documents you can bring: Intake Form. Most family law lawyers have an intake form that gives them a snapshot of the issues and your goals, and gives them important details about you and your family.

What should I look for when hiring a divorce attorney?

Then make sure your attorney has the know-how to handle the complicated financial analysis that is sure to be a major part of your case. A complex divorce may require an attorney who has practiced law for several years. On the other hand, if you have a simple divorce (no children or assets), a younger attorney may meet all your needs.

What documents do I need to file a divorce?

As with the other documents, credit card statements contain a ton of information that can be useful to your attorney – the debt information, of course, but your history of spending (and your spouse’s) can also assist your attorney as you move forward. Text Message History.


How do I prepare for my first meeting with a lawyer?

Tips For Meeting With Your Lawyer For the First TimeDress To Impress. ... Be Ready To Give Your Attorney Important Information About Yourself. ... Gather Your Evidence And Have It Ready For Your First Meeting. ... Get Your Facts Straight. ... Plan Something You Can Look Forward To For After Your Meeting.

What should you expect when meeting the lawyer for the first time?

To prepare for this first meeting, you should do your homework and collect all the relevant documents you think you many need to present your case such as medical records, witness statements, police reports or receipts. Next, you should write down a summary of any memory you had from the incident.

How should a woman prepare for divorce?

9 Critical Steps Women Should Take To Prepare For DivorceGather your financial records. ... Open a Post Office Box. ... Start putting money away for legal and other professional fees. ... Open a new checking and savings account. ... Open new credit cards in your name only. ... Get a copy of your credit report.

What to prepare before asking for a divorce?

Top 10 Things to Do Before You File For a DivorceNever Threaten to Divorce Until You Are Ready To File. ... Organize Your Documents. ... Focus on Your Children. ... Make Sure You Have Three Months of Financial Resources. ... Obtain the Best Legal Advice You Can Get. ... Make Sure You Have Available Credit.More items...

How do you prepare to talk to a lawyer?

Prepare For Your ConsultationBring all documents. Make copies of all the documents you have collected regarding your case and give these copies to your lawyer.Have notes ready. ... Dress for success. ... Be honest. ... Talk about costs. ... Ask your lawyer questions. ... Understand all documents you sign. ... Keep your own files.More items...

What is initial consultation?

An Initial consultation is a 90 minute consultation for a new client who would like to meet with a psychologist to discuss current issues and/or concerns and talk about strategies and goals for therapy and/or a treatment plan.

What is a wife entitled to in a divorce settlement?

Assets that you have built up or acquired during the period of marriage are known as matrimonial assets or marital assets. These typically include property, pensions, savings, personal belongings, and cash in the bank.

Who suffers the most in a divorce?

menWhile there's no argument that everyone endures the pain of divorce in one way or another, many people may be surprised to hear that, according to research, men have a much more difficult time with a split than women.

What should a woman ask for in a divorce settlement?

You can ask for life insurance, a smaller share of your accumulated debt, more of the family heirlooms or jewelry, or a higher percentage of the retirement funds. Just like women, the men can ask for whatever they feel like they're entitled to within the divorce.

How do you play dirty in a divorce?

Top 10 Dirtiest Divorce TricksServing Papers with the Intent to Embarrass. You're angry with your spouse, and you want to humiliate him or her. ... Taking Everything. ... Canceling Credit Cards. ... Clearing Our Your Bank Accounts. ... Starving Out the Other Spouse. ... Refusing to Cooperate. ... Jeopardizing Employment. ... Meddling in an Affair.More items...•

How do I protect myself financially in a divorce?

How to Financially Protect Yourself in a DivorceLegally establish the separation/divorce.Get a copy of your credit report and monitor activity.Separate debt to financially protect your assets.Move half of joint bank balances to a separate account.Comb through your assets.Conduct a cash flow analysis.More items...•

How long does a divorce take?

On average, it takes 12 months to complete a divorce, from filing the divorce petition to finalizing the judgment. If the case goes to trial, the average time is about 18 months. The average cost of divorce in 2019 was $12,900, which includes $11,300 in attorney's fees and about $1,600 in other expenses.

What to do before a divorce meeting?

Before your first meeting remember the 4Ps. Preparation prevents poor performance. As a matter of fact, remind yourself of the 4Ps throughout the divorce process. Before your first meeting, you need to prepare two documents if at all possible. One is simple biographical information– your full name, address, phone numbers, place of employment, ...

What is the first meeting you have with a divorce attorney?

The first category is when you are unhappy in your marriage, know very little about divorce, and want to gather some basic information so you can make educated decisions about preserving or ending your marriage.

How many pages should a divorce narrative be?

If you have decided to file a divorce, or your spouse has filed a divorce against you, your narrative needs to be more detailed — probably three to 10 pages . The next group of items that you will need to bring to your first meeting with you attorney is financial information.

What is a citation in divorce?

You may have been served with a citation — an official document from the court advising you that you have been sued for divorce and giving you a specific time to respond to the court or ordering you to appear in court on a specific date.

Do you know if you are going to get divorced?

You do not really know whether or not you are going to get divorced. You just want to know what your options are. The second category is when you have made the decision to end your marriage and you are meeting with your divorce attorney for the first time because you want to file a divorce.

What should I expect from my first attorney meeting?

Every attorney hopes that clients will leave their first attorney meeting feeling that the attorney heard and understood their concern and that their lawyer is tuned in to their specific needs. They should also view their lawyer as experienced, competent, and accessible—someone who can guide them through the stressful time ahead.

What happens at your first meeting with a lawyer?

Once you have a contract, you'll schedule your first meeting with your lawyer. What happens at your first meeting depends on what's happening in your divorce case. In some cases, clients hire lawyers after filing for divorce (or receiving divorce papers).

What is alimony homework?

At the end of the first meeting, clients generally leave with homework, which includes learning as much as possible about the couple's finances in terms of assets, liabilities, and ongoing expenses.

What are the emotions of a divorce?

Many, though not all, divorcing clients experience various emotions when their marriage ends, such as fear, anger, hurt, anxiety, or even depression. They may have to endure constant conflict at home; they may be losing sleep or have deep concerns about how their children will handle the impending divorce news.

What are the issues in divorce?

Review relevant divorce-related issues 1 custody of any minor children 2 child support 3 alimony —whether either spouse should pay and if so, how much and for how long, and 4 division of property and debts.

Can a spouse tell if they want divorce?

Yes. Sometimes, spouses aren't completely sure that they want a divorce but want to know what they can expect if they go forward. The law protects all attorney-client communications, and a client's right to privacy is absolute, so divorce clients shouldn't have to worry about their spouses finding out.

Can a divorce lawyer have children?

On the other hand, if you have a simple divorce (no children or assets), a younger attorney may meet all your needs . You can check with the state bar association to determine how long the attorney has practiced law in your state.

What is the goal of a divorce consultation?

When having your divorce consultation, the goal is for you get your questions answered. Likewise, it is also the divorce lawyer’s goal to get a better understanding of your situation so they can best advise on next steps for your divorce. This will also help them to provide timelines and expectations with you.

Do you need a prenuptial agreement to get divorce?

If you have a prenuptial agreement, this something you will certainly want to bring as it will help in preparation of a divorce agreement. In addition to agreements relating to your marriage, if children are involved, you may also consider bringing their birth certificates.

Can you get a no fault divorce in Texas?

In the event you are seeking a “fault divorce,” you’ll want to bring any evidence which is considered incriminating. This may include photos, posts on social media, or any other evidence that provides proof of any abuse, cheating, etc. While Texas does allow for “no fault divorces,” this sort of evidence may create weight in your favor ...

Is divorce difficult?

We understand that facing divorce is difficult. More often than not, it brings with it negative feelings and emotions. But you don’t have to face it alone. If you are facing divorce, we encourage you to schedule a divorce consultation with our firm. At the end of the day, you want a positive outcome in your case.

Why is it important to ask a divorce attorney about their experience?

First, it will test the divorce attorney's knowledge and experience of the divorce process and divorce law. Second, it will educate you on what specifically the attorney can and will do with you to help mitigate the costs. Do not settle for a generic answer.

How to plan your life after a divorce?

If you want to plan your life after a divorce, you should at least have a general idea of how long divorces similar to yours take. This planning will also help you prepare a budget for the cost of divorce. The attorney should truthfully tell you there is no way to predict exactly how long a divorce will take.

What can a divorce attorney do for you?

An experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorney will provide you with the tools to communicate better with your spouse. These tools include how to communicate with your spouse, when to communicate with your spouse and how to diffuse conflict.

What happens if an attorney cannot provide references to former clients?

If an attorney cannot provide you with multiple references to former clients, that attorney may not have much success representing clients. The former clients should also be types of cases similar to yours. I am not referring to you going through a divorce and getting a referral to a prior divorce client.

What is spousal support?

Spousal support, also called alimony, is either temporary or ordered at the final judgment. Most divorce cases include both temporary spousal support and spousal support at the judgment phase. We are not going to go into a lengthy discussion about spousal support.

What should an attorney explain to you?

The attorney should explain to you the importance of the attorney - client relationship and the privilege in communications. The attorney should explain to you how and why you should not disclose attorney - client communications to any third parties or your spouse. This is a complex topic.

How often do attorneys communicate?

The more complex the case, the more the communication will likely take place. A typical case has communication between one to four times per month.
