what to ask when meeting with a divorce lawyer

by Alva Kirlin 4 min read

Some common questions to ask a prospective divorce lawyer may include:

  • do you have experience with cases like mine, specifically?
  • do you know my state or county's specific rules and laws in this case?
  • how long have you practiced in this field of law?
  • are you comfortable taking my case?
  • do you have experience with my judge or my ex-spouse's attorney?
  • do you have special certifications through your state bar association?

Ten Questions to Ask a Divorce Attorney
  • Do you specialize in divorces, or are divorces just a part of your practice? ...
  • What is your strategy for my case? ...
  • How long do you take to return phone calls? ...
  • Will anyone else in your office be working on my case? ...
  • How will you charge me?

Full Answer

What you should know before contacting a divorce attorney?

  • take photographs of every item and photograph sets of small items, such as dinner ware, together
  • use the front page of that day's newspaper in every photograph in order to create a "time stamp," which avoids any claims that the photo was taken at an earlier ...
  • keep your photos in a safe, protected place

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What are some questions to ask a divorce attorney?

If you want to hire a specific attorney, they’ll probably give you a contract and might need a deposit in order to take on your case. Before they can file anything, they’ll require a lot of information, hence, before meeting them, ensure that you ask about what they’ll need for the claim. 5. “Who Should Move Out?”

How do I find a good divorce lawyer?

Method 3 Method 3 of 3: Choosing an Attorney

  1. Make appointments with prospective divorce attorneys. Don’t just choose the first attorney you find.
  2. Prepare for your divorce attorney appointment. Before meeting or having a phone consultation with the attorneys on your list, you should prepare for the appointments.
  3. Gather all the information and documents you were asked to bring to your consultation. ...

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How to know if a divorce lawyer is good?

  • Does your attorney explain the divorce process to you?
  • Does your attorney meet procedural timelines?
  • Is your attorney prepared?
  • Does your attorney communicate with you?
  • Who's the decision maker for important issues?


What questions should I ask when getting a divorce?

Questions to ask a divorce attorney on the first visit about communicationHow often will we communicate about my case? ... How will we communicate with each other? ... What communication should I have with my spouse about the issues you and I discuss? ... How can I keep communication between my spouse and me amicable?More items...

What should a wife ask for in a divorce settlement?

5 Things To Make Sure Are Included In Your Divorce SettlementA detailed parenting-time schedule—including holidays! ... Specifics about support. ... Life insurance. ... Retirement accounts and how they will be divided. ... A plan for the sale of the house.

What to prepare before asking for a divorce?

Top 10 Things to Do Before You File For a DivorceNever Threaten to Divorce Until You Are Ready To File. ... Organize Your Documents. ... Focus on Your Children. ... Make Sure You Have Three Months of Financial Resources. ... Obtain the Best Legal Advice You Can Get. ... Make Sure You Have Available Credit.More items...

How do you prepare for an attorney meeting?

Tips For Meeting With Your Lawyer For the First TimeDress To Impress. ... Be Ready To Give Your Attorney Important Information About Yourself. ... Gather Your Evidence And Have It Ready For Your First Meeting. ... Get Your Facts Straight. ... Plan Something You Can Look Forward To For After Your Meeting.

Why moving out is the biggest mistake in a divorce?

You Can Damage Your Child Custody Claim One of the most significant ways moving out can influence your divorce is when it comes to child custody. If you move out, it means you don't spend as much time with your kids. Not only can this harm your relationship, but it can also damage your custody claim.

Who loses more in a divorce?

Marriage is connected to a longer lifespan for both men and women. While both genders see a rise in deaths following divorce, the rate for men is 1,773 per 100,000, compared to 1,096 for women.

How do I protect myself financially in a divorce?

How to Financially Protect Yourself in a DivorceLegally establish the separation/divorce.Get a copy of your credit report and monitor activity.Separate debt to financially protect your assets.Move half of joint bank balances to a separate account.Comb through your assets.Conduct a cash flow analysis.More items...•

How do you play dirty in a divorce?

Top 10 Dirtiest Divorce TricksServing Papers with the Intent to Embarrass. You're angry with your spouse, and you want to humiliate him or her. ... Taking Everything. ... Canceling Credit Cards. ... Clearing Our Your Bank Accounts. ... Starving Out the Other Spouse. ... Refusing to Cooperate. ... Jeopardizing Employment. ... Meddling in an Affair.More items...•

Does it make a difference who files for divorce first?

Filing for divorce first does not give you any inherent rights over your spouse. One benefit is that if the specific facts of your case warrant, you could have a choice of which county—and sometimes which state — to file the paperwork in. To be clear, you cannot just file in any ol' location.

What do you wear to meet with a lawyer?

The standard attire for meeting with you lawyer should be business casual. Wear dress pants, a nice shirt or top. Women should wear a conservative dress or skirt. Nothing too revealing.

What is it called when you meet with a lawyer?

All attorneys meet with prospective clients in what is called an initial consultation. This is a first meeting between you and the lawyer to help you both decide whether you want to work together in an attorney-client relationship.

What is initial consultation?

An Initial consultation is a 90 minute consultation for a new client who would like to meet with a psychologist to discuss current issues and/or concerns and talk about strategies and goals for therapy and/or a treatment plan.

Why is it important to ask a divorce attorney about their experience?

First, it will test the divorce attorney's knowledge and experience of the divorce process and divorce law. Second, it will educate you on what specifically the attorney can and will do with you to help mitigate the costs. Do not settle for a generic answer.

What can a divorce attorney do for you?

An experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorney will provide you with the tools to communicate better with your spouse. These tools include how to communicate with your spouse, when to communicate with your spouse and how to diffuse conflict.

What happens if an attorney cannot provide references to former clients?

If an attorney cannot provide you with multiple references to former clients, that attorney may not have much success representing clients. The former clients should also be types of cases similar to yours. I am not referring to you going through a divorce and getting a referral to a prior divorce client.

What is spousal support?

Spousal support, also called alimony, is either temporary or ordered at the final judgment. Most divorce cases include both temporary spousal support and spousal support at the judgment phase. We are not going to go into a lengthy discussion about spousal support.

What happens if an attorney does not have a solid command of the law?

If the attorney does not have a solid command of the law on these issues, he or she may lack the experience you need. This is especially true if you expect your divorce to be contested and high conflict. Questions to ask a divorce attorney on the first visit about the divorce process. 1.

What should an attorney explain to you?

The attorney should explain to you the importance of the attorney - client relationship and the privilege in communications. The attorney should explain to you how and why you should not disclose attorney - client communications to any third parties or your spouse. This is a complex topic.

How often do attorneys communicate?

The more complex the case, the more the communication will likely take place. A typical case has communication between one to four times per month.

How to prepare for alimony?

Alimony is a numbers game. Sometimes the best way to prepare and present the back alimony case is to play the numbers game using experts. For example, forensic accounting experts and vocational rehabilitative experts can help support or defend an alimony claim.

How to know if you're getting a reasonable deal?

This requires a lot of trust, so the best thing you can do is check the attorney out thoroughly at the beginning of the process, so you understand how you guys will work together.

What is the greatest tragedy in divorce cases?

The greatest tragedy in divorce cases is when a custody battle spirals out of control for months or even years. The attorneys have a lot of say in controlling or mitigating some of the emotional responses in these cases and keeping things under control.

What is single pot divorce?

Divorce cases are ”single pot” cases, where the monies spent on the case can correspondingly lead to a decrease in money available for the parties. Cost-benefit analysis is required at every stage of the game.

What is a good deal in a case?

Even if your case does not step foot in a courtroom, it’s good to have an understanding of how the law works to get a basic idea of what is a good deal in your case. Of course, a good deal also accounts for subjective things like your particular needs or your spouse’s particular needs.

Is divorce easy?

Divorce is not easy , and the vast majority of the people that we consult with are not emotionally ready to pull the trigger. Often a driving force is that there are assets, other financial obligations, or even relationships with children that need to be protected, and the jurisdiction of the court needs to be invoked.

Can an attorney handle a high conflict case?

It’s just the stark reality of life that no attorney can handle a caseload that is 100% high-conflict. High-conflict cases tend to take up a disproportionate amount of time, energy, and emotional resources.

What Information Do You Need from Me?

Many spouses have years of unpacking to do when it comes to explaining their relationship and their reasons for divorce. There is a time and place for this, but it’s generally not during the first meeting with your attorney. Instead of spilling your guts when your time with the attorney is likely limited, let them guide the conversation.

What Can I Do to Decrease My Divorce Expenses?

Unfortunately, the reality is that divorce can be expensive. Trying to get a bargain divorce can end in disaster. However, talking with your Illinois divorce attorney upon your initial meeting about what you can do to decrease your legal costs is a wise move.

What is the Illinois Divorce Process Like?

Even though no two divorces are the same, they generally follow a similar process. Your Illinois divorce lawyer should be able to evaluate your specific circumstances and tell you what to expect during your own divorce process. Generally, the process includes:

What Should I Do Next?

Finally, ask your Illinois divorce lawyer what steps you need to take next. It’s likely time for you to make some decisions.

Schedule Your Consultation with an Illinois Divorce Attorney Today

The sooner you can meet with an experienced Illinois divorce lawyer, the more informed you will be to make critical decisions about your divorce. Contact the Goodman Law Firm today to receive your confidential divorce consultation.

Is divorce a stressful time?

Few events in life can be as stressful and traumatic as a divorce. Along with riding an emotional roller coaster, you face significant legal and family consequences. During a divorce, it is essential to have an experienced divorce lawyer who can help you navigate this uncertain time and achieve the outcome you deserve.

Can a divorce cost more than amicable?

A high-conflict divorce can cost significantly more than an amicable divorce. To increase the costs, a spouse may disagree on child custody, child support, alimony and the division of debts and assets.

What is the most contentious aspect of divorce?

Dividing up property a couple has acquired throughout their marriage (also known as marital property) can be one of the most contentious aspects of divorce. Luckily, divorce attorneys can help alleviate some of your legal and financial stresses by advocating for a division of property that works in your favor.

Is divorce exhaustive?

As you can see, the above list extensive -- yet, it is not exhaustive. Every divorce is different since every couple enters and leaves a marriage under different circumstances and with different assets. Therefore, to ensure no property is overlooked, it is always a good idea to have an open and frank conversation with your attorney regarding all ...

Is it a good idea to have an open and frank conversation with your attorney regarding all of the property

Therefore, to ensure no property is overlooked, it is always a good idea to have an open and frank conversation with your attorney regarding all of the property and assets relevant to your case.

What to do before a divorce meeting?

Before your first meeting remember the 4Ps. Preparation prevents poor performance. As a matter of fact, remind yourself of the 4Ps throughout the divorce process. Before your first meeting, you need to prepare two documents if at all possible. One is simple biographical information– your full name, address, phone numbers, place of employment, ...

What is the first meeting you have with a divorce attorney?

The first category is when you are unhappy in your marriage, know very little about divorce, and want to gather some basic information so you can make educated decisions about preserving or ending your marriage.

How many pages should a divorce narrative be?

If you have decided to file a divorce, or your spouse has filed a divorce against you, your narrative needs to be more detailed — probably three to 10 pages . The next group of items that you will need to bring to your first meeting with you attorney is financial information.

What is a citation in divorce?

You may have been served with a citation — an official document from the court advising you that you have been sued for divorce and giving you a specific time to respond to the court or ordering you to appear in court on a specific date.

Do you know if you are going to get divorced?

You do not really know whether or not you are going to get divorced. You just want to know what your options are. The second category is when you have made the decision to end your marriage and you are meeting with your divorce attorney for the first time because you want to file a divorce.
