what to ask in a coffee chat with lawyer

by Mrs. Grace Sawayn V 4 min read

Show up a bit early, scope out the most comfortable place available for a conversation, and set up for your conversation. Show up prepared. Bring a set list of premeditated questions, something to take notes with (and on), and a great story to answer the “tell me about yourself” question that will lead off the conversation in one form or another.

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What questions should I ask during a coffee chat?

If you’re ever stuck or feel lost or nervous during a coffee chat, here are some questions that you can ask to keep the conversation alive: 1. How did you get started in your career? I’d love to learn more about what you do and the core components involved.

What should I do after my Coffee Chat?

After your coffee chat, be sure to send a thank you note – it goes on to show that you appreciate them taking the time to meet with you.

How do you conduct a successful LinkedIn coffee chat?

The key to a successful coffee chat is preparation. Research the person you’re meeting – look at their company website and go over their career path by visiting their LinkedIn profile, jot down some key questions you would like to ask, and bring a notepad and a pen to take notes.

What is a coffee chat?

What is a coffee chat? A coffee chat, also known as an informational interview or coffee interview, is an informal, in-person or virtual meeting with an experienced professional to learn more about a specific company, an industry, or that individual’s career path and role.


What do you talk about during coffee chat?

Coffee Chat Questions About Work History & Personal Development. First, you'll want to establish a general context for your mentee. Understanding a bit of their personal work history will help you to ask more intelligent, targeted questions down the line...and give context to their answers.

What are questions to ask lawyers?

Questions to Ask Your Lawyer During a Consultation1) What kind of experience do you have with similar cases?2) What would be your strategy for my case?3) Are there any alternatives to going to court?4) What are my possible outcomes?5) Who will actually handle my case?6) What is my role in my case?More items...•

What are good questions to ask when networking?

Networking: Questions to AskWhat are your primary job responsibilities?What experience did you have to get your job?How long have you worked here?What is your own background and experience?What is a typical work day like?How long is your work day?How much variety is there in your work?More items...

What are good questions to ask a professional?

Questions To Ask: Informational InterviewWhat are your main responsibilities as a...?What is a typical day (or week) like for you?What do you like most about your work?What do you like least about your work?What kinds of problems do you deal with?What kinds of decisions do you make?More items...

What is the hardest question to ask a lawyer?

12 Tough Questions to Ask a LawyerWhat's your opinion of the probate process?Under what conditions do you recommend a Living Trust?How do I protect my children from abusive relatives if something happens to me?Can I keep my kids from controlling their entire inheritance at 18?More items...•

How do I talk to my lawyer?

Tips for Talking to an AttorneyAlways be as honest and candid as possible about the facts of your case. ... Ask questions if you don't understand something that your attorney mentions or explains to you.Approach an attorney about your case as soon as you think you may need one.More items...•

What are the top 5 questions to ask an interviewer?

7 good questions to ask at an interviewCan you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of the role? ... How could I impress you in the first three months? ... Are there opportunities for training and progression within the role/company? ... Where do you think the company is headed in the next five years?More items...

How do you start a conversation on a network?

5 Ways to Start a Conversation at a Networking EventIntroduce Yourself. Walk up to other professionals and say hello. ... Ask the Right Questions. You can start a conversation by asking a question with room for a response. ... Find Common Interests. ... Invite Someone to Walk with You. ... Plan to Reconnect.

What should I ask a consultant?

10 Questions to Ask a Consultant or Business Advisor Before...Are you collaborative? ... Do you have knowledge of our industry? ... Can you tell me about your process for going about work? ... What do you think is the biggest change that has happened in (consultant's sphere of knowledge) the last year?More items...•

What is a powerful question?

Powerful questions are open ended and empower the person responding to choose the direction they take. They create possibilities and encourage discovery, deeper understanding, and new insights. They are curious and non-judgmental as they seek to further learning and connection.

How do you ask for advice example?

Asking for adviceWhat do you suggest / recommend we do this evening?What should I do when I'm in Brighton?What ought I do on Sunday?Could you recommend a good restaurant near here?Could you suggest somewhere to go for a drink?Do you know the quickest way to the train station?More items...•

What are the 3 best questions to ask in an interview?

Top 3 Questions You Should Ask in Every Job InterviewIs this a new role or has this role existed previously with your company? ... Who are the main people and groups I'd be collaborating with? ... What are some of the paths you see in your company for the person who holds this position?

What is a coffee chat?

A coffee chat, also known as an informational interview or coffee interview, is an informal, in-person or virtual meeting with an experienced professional to learn more about a specific company, an industry, or that individual’s career path and role.

Can you have your guest pay for coffee?

It is awkward to have your guest pay for the drink if you’ve asked them to take time out of their schedule and meet you. To avoid confusion, you can email or message them prior to the meeting, specifying that you would like to treat them to coffee.

Can you ask for a job in a coffee interview?

Remember that a coffee or informational interview is not an opportunity to ask for a job, so be very careful how you phrase this question. It is OK to let them know that you’re looking out for career opportunities but do not directly ask for a job.

In Order to Move Forward With Any Lawyer, First Ask These Ten Questions

Think of the consultation as an interview. You’re hiring the lawyer. Put the attorney to the test, starting with this question….

Finding the Right Lawyer Is The First Step in Winning Your Case

You are, after all, as good as your representation. Your lawyer speaks for you. Therefore make sure you speak with that lawyer first to ensure he/she is the right one for the job. Find the best lawyer for you today.

How to avoid a meeting?

Unsuccessful meetings come in a lot of different forms as well. Here are a few examples (basically, the inverse of what was listed above...don’t be that person!): 1 Show up late. If you are running behind, send them a message ASAP and give them an accurate ETA. Apologize when you get there. Or better yet, just show up on time. 2 Show up unprepared. Show up without anything to take notes on, without your computer, without any story to explain the “who you are, what you’ve done, and what you are looking to get into." 3 Provide no context to the conversation. You want to know what a terrible meeting looks like? Don’t prepare, don’t remind the coffee attendee you are meeting why the meeting is even taking place, and wait for the awkward silences in between coffee sips.

What does it mean to be a pro tip at a meetup?

Pro-Tip: If your meeting attendee is active in the tech community, their insight will hopefully leave a few breadcrumbs for you to follow up on. Taking advantage of a meetup/networking event referred over to you will look GREAT for a few reasons:

Why is it important to have a pro tip in a meeting?

Pro-Tip: This is great because your meeting guest is going to feed you 'ammunition' for when you go into your formal interview - where you can suggest that will add value to the team by completing projects that they are unable to achieve right now.

Is networking a fish?

In theory, for the extroverted folks out there, performing at networking opportunities should be comparable to a fish performing in water. For the introverts, the mere mention of the word “networking” can send shivers down their spine and sweat to their palms. Whether you fall into the former bucket or the latter, it really doesn't matter, because practice and preparation are always essential inputs for anyone looking to acquire the outputs of networking (rapport, exposure, job leads, industry knowledge, etc…).

Why you would send someone a coffee chat email

A coffee chat email, or any invitation to connect with another in a professional capacity, is a proactive way to take control of your career development. Sending a message to connect with another professional, be they senior or junior to you, is an appropriate measure to take to facilitate a face-to-face interaction.

5 tips for writing a networking email

Writing a letter requesting to meet with someone in a professional context isn't intimidating if you know a few pointers before you begin writing. Here are five tips you can use when writing your next networking coffee invitation email:

Types of emails inviting a coffee chat

Different emails inviting someone for a coffee chat have different requirements of tone and information. Here are three examples of emails requesting a professional coffee chat:
