what to ask for from a lawyer when settlimg a case

by Meda Gerhold 5 min read

When you are deciding whether to keep litigating or try to settle, ask your attorney what the cost of taking the case to trial is likely to be. Court reporters, witness fees, and of course your attorney’s own fees, can quickly add up to be more than the case is likely to recover even if you are successful. Second, trials are public events.

5 Questions to Ask Before Accepting a Settlement
  • Will It Be Enough For My Medical Bills? ...
  • Is It Compensating for the Wages I Lost? ...
  • How Will It Impact a Claim for Punitive Damages? ...
  • Is It Including Property Damage? ...
  • Am I being Compensated For Trauma?

Full Answer

How long can My Lawyer Hold my settlement check?

When your case finally settles, you will probably want to ask how long your lawyer can hold your settlement check. After several months or years of legal proceedings, you deserve to get paid, especially if you have bills piling up.

What should I do when I get close to a settlement?

Once you get close to a settlement, start drafting a release form ahead of time so it’s ready once you reach an agreement. Next, you should work with your lawyer to figure out your liens and bills while the defendant processes the release form. Finally, make sure you respond to your lawyer’s requests quickly to avoid delays.

How can a personal injury attorney help you negotiate a settlement?

Within these legal limits, a personal injury attorney can help you decide how much to ask for, and what offer to accept. Just as the defendant takes a risk by allowing the lawsuit to proceed, you also risk losing your opportunity to receive compensation, which makes settlement negotiations especially important.

Can My Lawyer give me an advance on my pending settlement?

If you need your settlement check and your lawyer cannot give you an advance on your pending settlement, consider applying for a lawsuit loan from Nova Legal Funding. A lawsuit loan, also known as pre-settlement funding, is a cash advance given to a plaintiff in exchange for a portion of their settlement.


What should I ask for in a settlement?

The following items will be factored in to a potential settlement:Past and future medical bills.Rehabilitation costs.Pain and suffering.Therapy.Lost wages and/or future income.

How do you negotiate a settlement?

Identify, gather and produce the most important information early. Settlement negotiations are most effective at the proverbial sweet spot, when each side has the information it believes it needs to make a judgment about settlement but before discovery expenses allow the sunk costs mentality to take hold.

Can I negotiate a settlement claim?

Indeed, it means you're ready to demand the compensation you deserve for your suffering and losses. If you are determined to seek fair compensation for your losses, you must be prepared to negotiate with the insurance company (or, more specifically, the claims adjuster) to get what you want.

What is the usual result of a settlement?

After a case is settled, meaning that the case did not go to trial, the attorneys receive the settlement funds, prepare a final closing statement, and give the money to their clients. Once the attorney gets the settlement check, the clients will also receive their balance check.

How do you ask for more money in a settlement?

Send a Detailed Demand Letter to the Insurance Company Because the insurance company will likely reply with an offer for an amount lower than what you've asked for in the demand letter, you should ask for between 25 and 100 percent more than what you would be willing to settle for.

How much should I offer in a settlement agreement?

The rough 'rule of thumb' that we generally use to determine the value of a reasonable settlement agreement (in respect of compensation for termination of employment) is two to three months' gross salary (in addition to your notice pay, holiday pay etc., as outlined above).

How much pain and suffering should I ask for?

For example, if you had $50,000 in medical costs and other hard costs, and your suffering was rated at about a 3, then the pain and suffering damages should come to about $150,000 (3 x $50,000 = $150,000).

How do you respond to a low settlement offer?

Steps to Respond to a Low Settlement OfferRemain Calm and Analyze Your Offer. Just like anything in life, it's never a good idea to respond emotionally after receiving a low offer. ... Ask Questions. ... Present the Facts. ... Develop a Counteroffer. ... Respond in Writing.

How do lawyers negotiate settlements?

The negotiation process typically starts with your lawyer providing a written proposal for settlement to the insurance adjuster or the defendant's lawyer. The adjuster or lawyer will respond to your lawyer either in writing or over the phone.

How long does settlement usually take?

Generally, settlement usually takes place around 6 weeks after contracts are exchanged. Your conveyancer or solicitor can check and negotiate the settlement period with the seller. You'll need to have budgeted and have money to cover settlement, including: legal costs.

How long after settlement do I get my money?

If your matter settles electronically, the funds should appear in your nominated account within a couple of hours after settlement. However, PEXA does recommend allowing a maximum of 24 hours just in case banking delays occur.

How are settlements paid out?

A structured settlement can be paid out as a single lump sum or through a series of payments. Structured settlement contracts specify start and end dates, payment frequency, distribution amounts and death benefits.

1. Have you completely recovered from your injuries?

One of the main factors before accepting a settlement is whether or not your mind and body have completely recovered from the accident. This means taking into account any future medical expenses that you may incur such as physical therapy, mental therapy, future doctor visits, rehabilitation treatments, etc.

2. Are past and future lost wages included?

Lost wages from the accident are the responsibility of the at fault party. If you were not able to work for months after your accident because of your injuries, those costs are recoverable. Many insurance companies will try to leave that part out because most people don’t know that they can be compensated for any lost wages past and future.

3. Are you being compensated for pain and suffering?

Non-economic damages are essentially costs accrued from things that don’t have an exact number on them to calculate. This means things such as pain and suffering, mental health issues, loss of loved ones, etc.

4. Is property damage fully covered in the settlement?

Property damages should also be fully covered in your settlement.

5. Will this settlement affect eligibility to claim punitive damages?

In some cases, the settlement may include a punitive damage exemption clause that keeps the negligent party from being liable for paying punitive damages. This is a sneaky clause that can end up leaving a lot of money on the table if it’s not caught before signing your agreement.

6. Did the offer come before you know all of the expenses involved?

If your settlement offer came very quickly after the accident, it’s highly likely that you don’t know ALL of the costs involved yet since personal injury lawsuit timelines differ on a case by case basis.

Areas We Serve

We serve clients injured anywhere throughout the state of Colorado, but we focus on residents of these areas: Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs, Fountain, Briargate, Monument, Black Forest, Pueblo, Canon City, Larkspur, Security-Widefield, Peyton, Falcon, Calhan, Castle Rock, Teller County, El Paso County, Elbert County, Park County, Douglas County and beyond..

What to ask your attorney about a settlement?

Once your attorney reviews the case with you and suggests what the optimal settlement should be you might ask her if she believes your chances of securing a higher settlement would be greater if instead of settling you proceed to trial.

What to do after reviewing a settlement?

After you have reviewed your entire file with your attorney, look into her eyes and ask her if the settlement she is suggesting is the best settlement possible with the facts and evidence in her possession. Once she tells you the amount, be satisfied.

Do you get a personalized case evaluation from a licensed attorney?

The above is general information. Laws change frequently, and across jurisdictions. You should get a personalized case evaluation from a licensed attorney.

Do attorneys get paid when you do?

Remember, even though your attorney probably worked as hard as she could and used her legal abilities to the fullest, she still also only gets paid when you do. And even then her fee is on a contingency basis. With that understood there is a built in incentive for her to settle your case for the highest amount possible.

Is our response legal advice?

Disclaimer: Our response is not formal legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. It is generic legal information based on the very limited information provided. Do not rely upon the information in our response, or anywhere else on this site, when deciding the proper course of a legal matter. Always get a personalized case review from a local attorney.

Does attorney fees go up during trial?

Remember, expenses come off the top of the gross settlement amount, then the lawyer gets her fee, then you get what remains.

What to ask a company about settlement?

You should also ask about the amount of charges and what you will owe over time. Remember, the company will recoup not only the actual amount of the funding made, but also any applicable charges. By asking these questions before hand, you won’t be caught off guard by the amount the company claims from your settlement.

What happens if you are a plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit and you need cash while your case is?

So what happens if you are a plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit and you need cash while your case is pending? You could ask friends or family for a loan. You could try to get a personal loan. In a worst-case scenario, you could borrow against the equity in your house, pull funds from your retirement fund or try to rely on credit cards. Or perhaps you heard about lawsuit settlement funding and you’re intrigued by this option.

What happens if a plaintiff prevails in court?

If the plaintiff prevails in court or reaches a settlement with the responsible party, payment to the funding company (including applicable charges) gets paid from the proceeds.

What happens when a company decides the applicant is qualified?

If the company decides the applicant is qualified, his or her attorney and the funding company negotiate the terms of the funding – such as the amount of the funding, as well as any charges. All parties to the agreement then sign a contract.

How does a legal funding company determine the likelihood of a case being settled?

Based on the information supplied by the applicant and his or her lawyer, the company determines the likelihood of the case being settled in the plaintiff’s favor, and the probable settlement amount. Because the company will assume some financial risk, it will only take applicants with the most promising cases.

What is settlement funding?

A lawsuit settlement funding, which is also known as pre-settlement funding, is a viable means of financial relief for many plaintiffs in personal injury lawsuits. This type of transaction can be used to alleviate financial stress while a case is pending.

What to do if you can't find the information you need online?

If you can’t find the relevant information online, call the company to ask about application fees (if any). Although many companies don’t require these fees, those that do may be willing to waive them in certain circumstances.

What to look for in a conflict search?

Make sure your counsel performs a conflict search not only to see if the firm represents the party who is suing you, but also to search for names of your competitors, suppliers, customers, or anyone else you might be uncomfortable having represented by the same firm representing you. While you still may want to use that firm, you can request that your attorney take precautions to segregate your information from other attorneys in the firm who represent those other clients with whom you may have a concern

Do you have to preserve documents in a lawsuit?

Any business-related lawsuit will require you to preserve documents potentially relevant to the dispute. Make sure you discuss this with your counsel at the first meeting and make sure your counsel understands how to preserve your electronic documents and what the extent of the preservation will be. Your attorney should understand how your IT system works and any routine document destruction policies. You should also discuss sending preservation notices to the other side if you believe the other side may not be preserving documents needed for the litigation.

Who can send back questions to the claim representative?

The team manager and his boss, the divisional manager, may send back questions for the claim representative to ask of the defense counsel. In turn, the defense counsel may need to call the IME doctor or accident reconstruction expert with those same questions. So the process to obtain settlement authority, particularly in the six figures, can take an enormous amount of time.

How to help the defense attorney with her first report to the carrier?

Touch devices users can use touch and swipe gestures . 1. Help the defense attorney with her first report to the carrier. The claim representative for every insurance carrier sends the claims file to its defense attorney, perhaps preceded by a phone call to let the defense attorney know the file is coming.

Why do you call a deposition at 2 hours?

There also seems to be an emerging trend to call the deposition at the two hour mark – either due to the plaintiff attorney’s alleged conflict with another appointment, or the plaintiff’s unspecified health condition. I’ve even heard of needing to pick up kids – whether plaintiff’s or plaintiff counsel’s kids. Since the deposition is noticed for the full day, please let your client know that both of you will need to block out the full day so the deposition may be completed. When the deposition ends early, defense counsel is already in her office and can move on to other work. However, defense counsel is unable to complete her summary and report to the carrier, so she cannot get the case ready for settlement when the deposition abruptly ends for the day because plaintiff or plaintiff counsel has to leave early.

What does the defense counsel do in a carrier case?

So, in the very beginning, the carrier asks the defense counsel to help him set reserves, and to determine what else is needed before the case is ready to be evaluated and settled. When defense counsel makes that first call to you, please take the time to pull your file and provide her with an understanding of the nature and extent of plaintiff’s injuries (names of health-care providers, amount of medical specials, wage loss information), as well as a settlement demand.

How long does it take for a defense counsel to send out a subpoena?

Then, defense counsel can send out subpoenas, and wait another 30 days for the records. That means your client’s deposition is further delayed, since defense counsel needs to review the records to prepare for the deposition.

How to file a claim with insurance carrier?

1. Help the defense attorney with her first report to the carrier. The claim representative for every insurance carrier sends the claims file to its defense attorney, perhaps preceded by a phone call to let the defense attorney know the file is coming. Some carriers send the file without any cover letter, while others send ...

What is the defense attorney's job?

The defense attorney reviews the file, summarizing any medical records and bills. The report for the carrier is done in a standard format: Statement of the Facts (description of the automobile accident, fire loss, etc.); Liability (police officer’s conclusion as well as each party’s version); Injuries, Damages (medical specials, wage loss, property damage and other); Evaluation and Discovery Plan with Budget.

Why is it important to engage in mediation before trial?

It is important to engage in such discussions in good faith in order to comply with the judge’s order or local rules, even if the case ultimately goes to trial.

Can a lawyer be a settlement counsel?

In some instances, it makes the most sense to pursue settlement options and a hardline trial strategy simultaneously. On occasion, businesses will choose to hire trial counsel as well as a separate attorney to serve as settlement counsel. By doing so, the original attorney hired to try the case can focus on continuing to be aggressive and competitive, while the settlement counsel can strike a more conciliatory and neutral tone with opposing lawyers. However, while this practice is a growing trend, we believe it is still possible for a good attorney to make it clear that trial is a real option and a real threat while still leaving the door open for negotiations. Most attorneys understand how the game is played, and most courts require parties to engage in settlement negotiations or mediation before arriving to trial. It is important to engage in such discussions in good faith in order to comply with the judge’s order or local rules, even if the case ultimately goes to trial.

Why does my lawyer take so long to settle my case?

First, the insurance company might be dragging out your case and delaying the case. Second, your lawyer might not be making your case a top priority. Third, medical bills, police reports, autopsy reports, or other documents might not be available yet.

Why is my legal case taking so long to settle?

It can be frustrating when your legal case is taking a long time to settle. It may be caused by your lawyer not taking the proper steps quickly enough, but many times it also has to do with outside forces or the defense. However, you also always have the legal option of getting a free second opinion with our law firm.

Why is my case taking so long?

Stage Of Your Case. Many times the reason why your case might be taking so long, might relate to the stage your case is in. For example, if you are still seeking medical treatment, it may sometimes be difficult for your attorney to settle your case without knowing how much the exact medical bills cost or what the total of your medical liens total ...

How long does it take to get a copy of a case file?

If a client is switching to our law firm, we can typically request their entire case file from their previous lawyer quickly and get a copy of their file sent to us within just a few hours or a couple of days without you even needing to contact that lawyer ever again.

Can you get a lien on a cash advance?

Sometimes cases take a long time, but in many instances there can be ways to speed up the process. In addition, many times it may be possible to get a cash advance lien beforehand while you are waiting for your case to settle. This may be able to put some money in your pocket while you let the attorneys do continue working on your case.

What happens when you get a settlement check?

When you finally reach a settlement, there are a few more things you and your lawyer need to do before the defendant gives your lawyer the check. Even so, once the check reaches your lawyer, there are a few obligations they must attend to before they give you the final balance.

What form do you sign to get a settlement?

The first form you have to sign to get your settlement is a release form. This form is a legally binding agreement stating that you will not pursue further legal action against the defendant for your specific case. Most defendants or insurance companies won’t give you a settlement check unless you sign the release form. However, if you have concurrent lawsuits against the same defendant for a different matter, you don’t have to stop pursuing those claims.

How long does it take to settle a liens claim?

It’s usually easy to settle liens, unless the government has a lien against your settlement. If you have any liens from a government-funded program like Medicare or Medicaid, it takes months to resolve them. Your lawyer also uses your settlement check to resolve any bills related to your lawsuit.

What is structured settlement?

Unlike a regular settlement that pays the settlement amount in full, a structured settlement is when a defendant pays the settlement amount over time. These types of settlements usually occur when the case involves a minor or if there was a catastrophic injury that requires extensive ongoing medical care.

How long does it take for a settlement check to be delivered?

While many settlements finalize within six weeks, some settlements may take several months to resolve.

How to speed up the delivery of a settlement check?

Once you get close to a settlement, start drafting a release form ahead of time so it’s ready once you reach an agreement.

What is a lawsuit loan?

A lawsuit loan, also known as pre-settlement funding, is a cash advance given to a plaintiff in exchange for a portion of their settlement. Unlike a regular loan, a lawsuit loan doesn’t require a credit check or income verification. Instead, we examine applicants based on the strength of their case.

What is the purpose of pursuing a personal injury claim?

What is the purpose of pursuing a claim after being involved in a personal injury accident? When you pursue a personal injury claim, the goal is to hold the liable party accountable for his or her actions, which contributed to the harm that you suffered. When you pursue a claim, you are fighting to hold the liable party financially accountable for the harm that you suffered – that could include medical expenses, lost earnings, and pain/suffering among other things. In most cases, financial liability is transferred to an insurance company which then pays the victim. Recovering monetary compensation does not magically reverse the harm that was suffered; however, it can help the victim and his or her entire family move forward with their lives (in addition to covering the different costs and losses associated with the accident). The purpose of pursuing a claim is to recover the compensation that you are rightfully owed. When a lawyer is urging you to stop treatment, the potential value of your case will decrease. When a lawyer is urging you to agree to a settlement, you might be agreeing to an amount that is significantly less than what further negotiations or even a trial could reach. By closing your case before you recover the maximum amount of compensation available for recovery, your lawyer is essentially asking you to conform to a mediocre case outcome .

Can you sue someone for personal injury?

After suffering a personal injury accident caused by the negligent or reckless actions of others, it is possible for victims and their families to pursue claims. If you were involved in a personal injury accident, you might have already filed your claim with an attorney – you might be on track towards recovering the compensation that you deserve. However, you might encounter some difficulties throughout the legal process. Specifically, you and your attorney might not agree on how to proceed with your case. For instance, your lawyer might want you to stop medical treatment and close your case. Your lawyer might also want you to agree to a settlement while you are thinking about refusing to settle. These issues are normal; in many cases, lawyers and their clients do not see eye to eye. Lawyers are supposed to put their clients’ best interests first; they can recommend specific actions, but the final decision is always the clients’. In some cases, lawyers and clients can simply not come to an agreement – it is even possible for lawyers to be motivated by personal reasons (e.g. they want to close a case because they are tired of dealing with it, or they want to reach a settlement to simply close the case and move on). Victims of personal injury accidents that are not in agreement with their lawyers regarding their case have the option to seek second opinions from other lawyers. There is no guarantee that another lawyer will agree with your reasoning, but it could help clarify whether your lawyer is rushing to settle or close your case for no valid reason. Some common questions that arise when there is no agreement between clients and their attorneys include the following:

Can My Lawyer Settle My Case Without My Consent?

Can my lawyer settle my case and not tell me? A lawyer is not allowed to settle a case without the clients’ strict consent. As mentioned above, the client is the party that makes all final decisions – attorneys are simply there to offer recommendation and guidance. If you do not want to settle your case, there is no way that your attorney can settle without telling you. Doing so would represent an ethical violation. It would also represent a violation of a duty of care owed to clients, specifically a fiduciary duty of care (when someone with knowledge/experience on a matter is expected to give honorable advice or guidance but takes advantage of their superior position for their own benefit. It is possible for your attorney to try to settle your case without your consent; however, you will eventually be needed to sign final documents. As soon as you find out that your attorney tried to settle your case without your approval, you must file a complaint with the State Bar and contact the insurance adjuster handling your claim to inform them of the situation (that you did not consent to the settlement agreement and that the attorney no longer represents you). Depending on the circumstances that follow, the insurance adjuster will deal with you directly or with your new attorney – and you could make a decision regarding a settlement on your own terms.
