what to ask a lawyer about child custody

by Jocelyn Kuhn 8 min read

Here are some good topics to focus your discussion:

  • The attorney's background and experience
  • How child custody and visitation laws work in your state
  • Advice about the road ahead and possible strategies
  • Nuts and bolts on how your case will be handled by the attorney and firm
  • The attorney's legal fees

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Full Answer

How to find a good child custody attorney?

Establish legal paternity for the child (if necessary) Determine legal custody arrangements ; Define child support payments ; Designate a parenting time schedule ; Set visitation for grandparents and other family members; 9. How does child custody impact child support? From a legal perspective, child custody and child support are two different issues. However, the way you formulate your …

What are good questions to ask an attorney?

Instead, the court considers the child’s wishes and concerns as well as additional factors including: • Each parent’s wishes. • Adjustment to home, school, and community. • Child’s relationships. • Mental and physical health of all family members. • Each parent’s likelihood to honor visitation rights.

How much does it cost for a custody lawyer?

The court may consider factors specific to the child, such as the child’s age, sex and development. The court may also consider how close the child’s bond is to each parent and to siblings. If the child is old enough, his or her preferences may be considered by the court. Courts also look at the lifestyle of each parent to determine which ...

What questions do lawyers ask their clients?

Mar 31, 2020 · Custody Questions: 8 Questions You Should Ask Your Child Custody Lawyer 1. What is the Difference in Physical Custody vs. Legal Custody? If you are given legal custody of your child, you make... 2. What Factors Do the Courts Consider When Deciding on Child Custody Cases? Most courts base their ...


What are some good questions to ask a lawyer?

Questions to Ask Your Lawyer During a Consultation
  • 1) What kind of experience do you have with similar cases?
  • 2) What would be your strategy for my case?
  • 3) Are there any alternatives to going to court?
  • 4) What are my possible outcomes?
  • 5) Who will actually handle my case?
  • 6) What is my role in my case?
Jan 29, 2017

How much is a custody lawyer in California?

Generally, child custody attorneys can charge flat fees anywhere between $3,000 to $20,000. These flat fees will likely be smaller depending on how much mediation is required and the number of court appearances necessary. If finances are an issue, one should consider searching for a pro bono lawyer.Jun 15, 2021

How is child custody determined in California?

California law does not show preference to any one parent in a custody case. Custody decisions are to be made based on the child's best interests. That being said, mothers are historically granted custody more often than fathers, since they are often the caretakers of the children more so than the fathers.Oct 15, 2019

Who pays attorney fees in child custody cases California?

Pursuant to Family Code 2030 et seq., California Family Courts are authorized to make an order requiring any party to litigation to pay a reasonable portion of the opposing party's attorney's fees, so that the latter can maintain or defend a proceeding.

How long does a custody battle take?

There is no standard time frame and it can take between 6 to 12 months to achieve a final order. In most cases, it will take around six to eight weeks from when you first apply for the preliminary court hearing (step 4 above) to take place.Jan 13, 2021

What do judges look for in child custody cases California?

In California, the judges are ultimately concerned with one thing: the child's best interest. Best interest means that family courts will seek a custody arrangement that meets that standard. That said, it's essential to understand what the courts are looking for in a fit parent.Jan 1, 2021

Can a father take a child away from the mother in California?

In California, unmarried fathers can legally take child custody away from the mother if they prove in court that the mother is unfit to care for the child. In these instances, the judge may award sole or primary custody to the father.Sep 3, 2020

How a mother can lose a custody battle?

A mother who is proven to have physically and or psychologically abused her children is highly likely to lose custody of her children. Examples of physical abuse include hitting, kicking, scratching, biting, burning, physical torture, sexual abuse, or any other type of injury inflicted on the child by the mother.