"what questions to ask when looking for a divorce lawyer"

by Julian Kovacek 10 min read

  1. Do you specialize in divorces, or are divorces just a part of your practice? How long have you been practicing family law? ...
  2. What is your strategy for my case? How long will it take to resolve my case?
  3. How long do you take to return phone calls? ...
  4. Will anyone else in your office be working on my case? ...
  5. How will you charge me? ...

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Full Answer

What should you look for in a divorce attorney?

  • Financial negotiations
  • Real estate
  • Trauma from domestic violence
  • Child school and education issues
  • Child Support and custody
  • Alimony (spousal support)

What does it take to become a divorce lawyer?

Becoming a divorce lawyer takes seven years of formal higher education, including a four-year bachelor’s degree and a three-year law degree. Read on to learn more about required education, skills and career statistics. Is becoming a lawyer difficult? 1. The challenging years of law school. The process of becoming a lawyer isn’t for the ...

What to discuss with your divorce lawyer?

What to Discuss With Your Divorce Lawyer

  • Child-Related Issues. Obviously, this will not apply if you and your spouse have no kids together, but if you do, this will likely be at the forefront of your mind.
  • Asset Division. If a couple has no children, then their main issue will likely be asset division. ...
  • Alimony. ...
  • Documents to Have Ready. ...
  • Seek Legal Help. ...

What are the best questions to ask a lawyer?

Don’t hesitate to ask your attorney questions such as:

  • What is the timeline of this process?
  • What sort of paperwork must I have prepared for closing?
  • What do I need to arrange with my bank/ mortgage lender?
  • What available funds must I have in my bank account?

Why is it important to ask a divorce attorney about their experience?

How to plan your life after a divorce?

What can a divorce attorney do for you?

What happens if an attorney cannot provide references to former clients?

What should an attorney explain to you?

How often do attorneys communicate?

Why do you use "likely" in divorce?

See more

Top 14 Questions To Ask A Divorce Lawyer ( At The First Meeting)

However, it isn’t uncommon for experienced attorneys to leave your case for less experienced lawyers. If your case is complex and needs the input of multiple attorneys, you should be meeting everyone who would be working on your case.

26 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Divorce Attorney - Brides

These 26 questions will help you determine if a divorce attorney can handle your divorce case. Hiring a lawyer who's right for you is key.

How to prepare for alimony?

Alimony is a numbers game. Sometimes the best way to prepare and present the back alimony case is to play the numbers game using experts. For example, forensic accounting experts and vocational rehabilitative experts can help support or defend an alimony claim.

How to know if you're getting a reasonable deal?

This requires a lot of trust, so the best thing you can do is check the attorney out thoroughly at the beginning of the process, so you understand how you guys will work together.

What is the greatest tragedy in divorce cases?

The greatest tragedy in divorce cases is when a custody battle spirals out of control for months or even years. The attorneys have a lot of say in controlling or mitigating some of the emotional responses in these cases and keeping things under control.

What is a good deal in a case?

Even if your case does not step foot in a courtroom, it’s good to have an understanding of how the law works to get a basic idea of what is a good deal in your case. Of course, a good deal also accounts for subjective things like your particular needs or your spouse’s particular needs.

Is divorce easy?

Divorce is not easy , and the vast majority of the people that we consult with are not emotionally ready to pull the trigger. Often a driving force is that there are assets, other financial obligations, or even relationships with children that need to be protected, and the jurisdiction of the court needs to be invoked.

Can an attorney handle a high conflict case?

It’s just the stark reality of life that no attorney can handle a caseload that is 100% high-conflict. High-conflict cases tend to take up a disproportionate amount of time, energy, and emotional resources.

Do divorce lawyers go to trial?

The reality is that divorce attorneys need to both be able to “get the deal done” and go to trial and win when a resolution cannot be reached. Divorce attorneys are both transactional and trial lawyers.

1- Do you know my partner in any way?

The last thing you want happening is your lawyer not performing to their bests due to emotional attachments with your spouse.

2- How many divorce cases were you able to settle without court proceedings?

Taking divorce cases to court only prolongs it unnecessarily. Most times, the only effect of taking a divorce to court is elevated fees.

3- How many divorce cases have you handled?

The divorce attorney is offering a service. Most service providers don’t get it right at the first attempt. While they get better over time, you don’t want to be a source of experience to the lawyer.

4- Will another lawyer be taking up my case at any point in time?

After conducting tons of research and asking tens of questions, you’ve decided to settle on a divorce lawyer.

5- Can I access all of my documents at will?

Your documents are all yours, and there are no reasons why your attorney should be keeping them away from you. A typical answer to this question should be a resounding yes.

6- Are there any hidden costs?

Most times, you may have to pay extra costs if the divorce process meets a specific condition.

7- What are the available means of communication?

Good divorce lawyers are excellent communicators. They must be available to answer your questions at any time while reaching you for information if need be.

Here are the top fifteen interview questions to ask a divorce attorney

There are many different questions to ask a divorce lawyer. You should always interview several divorce lawyers before choosing one, and bring some questions with you to your first meeting. This guide will help.

Here are the top fifteen interview questions to ask a divorce lawyer

What areas of law do you practice? This will ensure the lawyer actually specializes in divorce and family law. Lawyers that practice in multiple areas of the law probably do not have the requisite expertise you need.

How long does it take to see a divorce lawyer?

The simple answer to this is that they will take between 1 – 2 hours if your divorce lawyer is going to do a proper job. When coming to see your divorce lawyer, for the first time, it really is prudent for you to draw up a list of questions that you would like to ask. These should include the following:-.

What are the aspects of divorce?

There are many aspects to a divorce which in essence include the divorce itself, the financial settlement, all aspects relating to that and children. A good divorce lawyer will be prepared to answer each of these questions in turn at length and give you a very good idea of exactly how the divorce, children and financial aspects ...

How long do you have to wait to hire a lawyer?

Now, you might need to hire a lawyer immediately if your spouse has already filed for a divorce, however, if you are the one thinking about filing it, you could wait for several days, weeks, or months before making a decision. If you want to hire a specific attorney, they’ll ...

Is divorce stressful?

The entire process of getting a divorce is stressful, complex, and extremely difficult for all parties involved. However, by talking to your lawyer and asking them the aforementioned questions, they’ll be able to explain what you’ll have to expect during the process, as well as how it will look like.

Is divorce expensive?

You probably already know that the entire process of getting a divorce is expensive, which is why most people worry about their finances. The expenses you’ll have will depend on a wide range of things including how complex your case is, whether there is custody of the kids involved, as well as how well you can work with your spouse during the divorce.

Is it stressful to get divorced?

Getting a divorce is always extremely stressful for everyone involved, and the situation gets even more serious and daunting when there are children involved. So, if you are feeling uncertainty and denial as you prepare to meet with your divorce lawyer for the very first time, know that it is not unusual and that it happens to everyone.

What to do if you haven't settled your divorce?

If you haven’t settled this with your partner, then ask your lawyer before hiring them about your chances of getting the custody of your child (ren). Understand the factors considered by state judges when deciding which parent should get the custody. Sometimes custody battles can extend the divorce proceedings.

What to expect if you have gone through a divorce?

Unless you’ve gone through a divorce before, chances are you are unaware of what lies ahead and what to expect. Divorce proceedings vary from state-to-state, and the duration of your case will depend on your situation and how cooperative you and you ex-spouse are.

What to do if you don't want to go to trial?

If you don’t want to go to trial, ask your lawyer about an alternative dispute resolution process – such as arbitration or mediation. If you and your spouse are good candidates for alternative dispute resolution, then you just might be able to reduce the financial and emotional cost of divorce. 9.

Why is it important to ask someone about their experience in family law?

This is especially important if you believe your divorce is going to be difficult or contested.

Can a lawyer who doesn't practice family law lose your case?

Plus, the latter have more experience in and out of the courtroom when handling family law matters. However, that doesn’t mean that a lawyer who doesn’t practice family/divorce law will lose your case.

Can a custody battle extend a divorce?

Sometimes custody battles can extend the divorce proceedings . You may have to concede some matters so you can wrap up the case quickly. Ask your lawyer when it’s in your favor to settle and where you might benefit from challenging the issue.

Why do you choose a divorce lawyer?

If you choose a your divorce lawyer because you think they’ll do a good job based on your initial meeting, you’ll probably want to make sure it’s them you’ll actually be dealing with as your case progresses rather than another partner or member of the firm.

Should cost be a factor in choosing a divorce lawyer?

While cost shouldn’t be the overall deciding factor when choosing a divorce lawyer, it is important for you to get an idea of likely costs in advance so you can budget accordingly.

Can juggling work and divorce take its toll?

Juggling work, a family and a divorce can really takes its toll on people. If you’d prefer to work remotely with your lawyer, this is a question worth asking at your initial meeting. 21.

Is it easy to file for divorce?

Making the decision to file for divorce is never easy. We understand how daunting it can feel to have to approach a divorce lawyer to discuss formally ending your marriage. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 31 questions to ask your divorce lawyer.

Is divorce beneficial?

There’s no hard and fast rule on this. In some divorce cases it can be beneficial, while in others it can be detrimental to the process . Your lawyer will be able to give you an answer based on your circumstances and their experience.

Why is it important to ask a divorce attorney about their experience?

First, it will test the divorce attorney's knowledge and experience of the divorce process and divorce law. Second, it will educate you on what specifically the attorney can and will do with you to help mitigate the costs. Do not settle for a generic answer.

How to plan your life after a divorce?

If you want to plan your life after a divorce, you should at least have a general idea of how long divorces similar to yours take. This planning will also help you prepare a budget for the cost of divorce. The attorney should truthfully tell you there is no way to predict exactly how long a divorce will take.

What can a divorce attorney do for you?

An experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorney will provide you with the tools to communicate better with your spouse. These tools include how to communicate with your spouse, when to communicate with your spouse and how to diffuse conflict.

What happens if an attorney cannot provide references to former clients?

If an attorney cannot provide you with multiple references to former clients, that attorney may not have much success representing clients. The former clients should also be types of cases similar to yours. I am not referring to you going through a divorce and getting a referral to a prior divorce client.

What should an attorney explain to you?

The attorney should explain to you the importance of the attorney - client relationship and the privilege in communications. The attorney should explain to you how and why you should not disclose attorney - client communications to any third parties or your spouse. This is a complex topic.

How often do attorneys communicate?

The more complex the case, the more the communication will likely take place. A typical case has communication between one to four times per month.

Why do you use "likely" in divorce?

I use the word "likely" because there are facts you may not know and which may surprise you during the divorce.