what questions to ask my worksers comp lawyer on my concern of mmi and no able to work

by Prof. Marge Conroy MD 5 min read

What questions should I ask before hiring a workers comp attorney?

May 22, 2017 · A workers’ compensation attorney in Santa Rosa can help you decide when the time is right to settle. 9. Can I bring a lawsuit? Workers’ compensation is usually the exclusive remedy for a work injury. That means generally, you cannot sue your employer in court, even if the injury was your employer’s fault.

When does my workers’ compensation case end when I reach MMI?

Insurance companies are concerned with their bottom line and want to settle with you for as little as possible even if you are entitled to much more based on your injuries. An experienced workers’ comp attorney will guide you on what you may be entitled to. 2. What Is Your Success Rate? Ask any potential attorney what their success rate is.

What should I tell my doctor about my workers’ compensation case?

As an injured employee going through the workers comp claim process, you know that the weeks, months, and even years after a work accident are filled with stressful situations and strange terms and acronyms. One term you’ve probably heard from your workers comp claim adjuster, nurse case manager, treating physician or lawyer is MMI. MMI stands for Maximum Medical …

When do you not need a lawyer for a workers comp claim?

Jul 16, 2019 · One of the most important questions to ask a workers compensation lawyer is whether he offers a free consultation. Many attorneys do this as a courtesy to a potential client but it’s better to ask and not assume. How Many Years Have You Practiced. Another vital question to ask an attorney is how long he has practiced as a workers compensation lawyer.

What has not reached maximum medical improvement?

It simply means that the condition is not expected to continue to improve with further medical treatment. Reaching MMI is a critical decision point in the life of a workers' compensation claim.Oct 15, 2020

What is the impairment rating for shoulder surgery?

impairment rating anyone can receive for a full-thickness rotator cuff tear is seven percent under Table 15-5, page 403.Aug 18, 2011

Which situation would not be covered by workers compensation?

Intentional acts: When a worker intentionally causes their workplace injuries or illnesses, they are not covered under a Workers' Comp insurance policy. Illegal activities: Employee injuries due to illegal activities at the worksite are not covered by an organization's Workers' Compensation insurance policy.

What comes after QME report?

Settlement After QME & What Happens After QME Report The QME has 30 days from your examination to issue a medical report. If you have an attorney, the QME will send a copy of the report to your lawyer and the claims administrator.

What percent disability is shoulder injury?

Importantly, the minimum rating for any total shoulder replacement is 30 percent for the dominant arm and 20 percent for the non-dominant arm.Aug 6, 2019

How much is my shoulder injury worth?

How Much is a Shoulder Injury Worth?INJURYAVERAGE AWARDAVERAGE % DISABLEMENTShoulder only$25,37816.39%Shoulder + Neck$29,3236.04% (shoulder) 11.56% (neck)Shoulder + Neck + Lower Back$23,6883.13% (shoulder) 11.08% (neck) 2.30% (lower back)Shoulder + Lower Back$26,2653.53% (shoulder) 10.05% (lower back)4 more rows

What qualifies as an injury on duty?

An accident must be reported when an employee meets with an accident arising out of and in the course of employment resulting in a personal injury for which medical treatment is required. Written or verbal notice of an injury at work is to be given to the employer before the completion of the shift.

What is not a work-related injury?

Usually, injuries that happen on an employee's lunch break are not considered work-related. For example, you probably can't claim workers' comp for spraining your ankle while walking to a deli to pick up your lunch (or lunch for your coworkers).

Should an employee be able to recover compensation if his or her own negligence was the cause of the injury?

The minimum requirement for recovering workers' compensation is that the injury is work-related. As long as you have evidence that your injury occurred at work or was directly caused by your role, and you complete the necessary processes, you should be able to receive benefits.Oct 14, 2019

Can I get disability after workers comp settlement?

Individuals who settle a workers' comp claim do not forfeit their legal rights to SSDI. There will be an offset if combined benefits exceed 80% of a person's average current earrings before disability began.Feb 24, 2022

What is a good impairment rating?

This is usually a percentage. A worker with a 0 percent rating is expected to do any basic tasks with no problem and is considered to have no impairment. A worker with a rating of more than 50 percent is considered totally impaired and likely has problems performing basic everyday tasks.

What is the next step after a QME?

What Happens After the QME Writes a Report? The QME report is then used to determine a permanent disability rating. A rating is a percentage that estimates how much your disability has impacted your future earning capacity.May 8, 2019

We Help You Resolve Your Workers Comp Case When You Reach Maximum Medical Improvement For Your Work Injury

Virginia workers’ compensation has many acronyms. If you have received an Award Order from the Workers’ Compensation Commission and have been recei...

Who Decides That I’Ve Reached MMI For My Work Injury?

Only a medical doctor or osteopathic doctor can determine MMI. In workers’ compensation the treating doctor usually determines MMI. The workers’ co...

What Happens When I Reach MMI in My Workers Compensation Case?

Your workers’ compensation case does not end when you reach MMI. In fact, it is just getting started in a sense. MMI is the point where you and you...

What If I Disagree With My Doctor’S Determination That I’Ve Reached Maximum Medical Improvement For My Workers Comp Injury?

Sometimes doctors throw in the towel too early and state that a patient has reached MMI even though there may be other treatment or surgical proced...

What If My Injuries, Condition, and Symptoms Get Worse After I’Ve Reached Maximum Medical Improvement?

I’ve represented many injured employees whose symptoms worsened after their doctor told them they had reached MMI. This is why I suggest waiting at...

A Workers’ Comp Attorney to Guide You When You’Ve Reached MMI in Virginia

Reaching MMI is one of the most important milestones in workers’ compensation claims. After you’ve reached MMI an attorney can help you determine t...

What happens if you are injured on the job?

If you were injured on the job and you need medical treatment or are unable to work, you might be eligible for workers' compensation to help cover your medical expenses and lost wages.

Can you sue your employer for a car accident?

Generally, you can't sue your employer for personal injury after a workplace injury, even if the accident was your employer's fault. However, if there was a third party involved in the accident, such as another driver in the case of a work-related car accident, or a defective product such as in the case of an equipment-related injury, you may be able to sue the third party for damages.

Can employers deny workers comp claims?

Unfortunately, many employers and their insurance companies do what they can to limit or deny workers' comp claims. That means you need to take precautions to protect your work injury claim.

How to contact MMI for workers comp?

To protect your legal rights and to give yourself the best chance of getting every benefit and dollar you’re owed when you reach MMI, call me for a free consultation: (804) 251-1620 or (757) 810-5614.

What does MMI mean in workers compensation?

MMI stands for Maximum Medical Improvement. Reaching MMI is an important milestone in workers compensation. MMI has a role in determining many things, such as: Whether you can return to your pre-injury job. Whether you have permanent restrictions that limit you to light duty work for the rest of your career.

What does MMI mean in medical terms?

Put another way, MMI means that your recovery from your work injury has leveled and you are as good as you are going to get. You may have some change in your treatment and disability status over time, but no significant improvement or worsening of your condition is expected.

What does MMI mean?

For many of you, MMI does not mean that you have recovered completely and are back to normal. While some of you may be able to return to your baseline level of functioning after a work accident, many of you have injuries that plateaued before you returned 100% to your pre-accident state.

What is an IME?

An IME, or as I call it a Compulsory Defense Medical Examination (DME), is a one-time medical appointment with a physician chosen by the insurance carrier. Under the Workers Compensation Act your employer or its insurer can force you to attend one IME per medical specialty per year.

How to contact a Virginia workers comp attorney?

And if you have any questions, or are looking for a top-rated workers comp attorney in Virginia call me for a free consultation: (804) 251-1620 or (757) 810-5614.

What is percentage impairment?

The percentage impairment is used to obtain additional benefits under workers comp. Your permanent work restrictions. Your attorney will compare your permanent restrictions to your pre-injury job duties to determine if there are job tasks you are no longer able to perform because of your work injuries.

What are the benefits of workers compensation in California?

In California, workers’ compensation provides five basic benefits: medical care, temporary disability, permanent disability, supplemental job displacement, and death benefits. After reviewing the details of your case, your attorney will be able to tell you exactly which benefits you’re entitled to.

Do you have to settle a workers comp case before trial?

However, if your claim is denied or your employer refuses to provide the benefits to which you’re entitled, it’s more likely that you’ll have a hearing.

What is a Workers Compensation Lawyer

A workers compensation lawyer specializes in cases for people with a workers compensation claim. Workers compensation laws protect people injured or disabled while working.

Should You Hire a Workers Compensation Lawyer

If you’ve never experienced a serious injury, resulting in disability, you may not know what to do. A workers compensation lawyer is experienced and knows the steps for securing a settlement. He will explain the necessary tasks from filing the claim to receiving your recovery.

Important Questions to Ask Your Workers Compensation Lawyer

When considering to hire an attorney you should take your time to find the right professional. Compose a list of questions to ask a workers comp lawyer. If you are unsure of what questions to ask then do some research online. Or speak with someone you know who went through the process of hiring an attorney.

Do You Offer Free Consultations

One of the most important questions to ask a workers compensation lawyer is whether he offers a free consultation. Many attorneys do this as a courtesy to a potential client but it’s better to ask and not assume.

How Many Years Have You Practiced

Another vital question to ask an attorney is how long he has practiced as a workers compensation lawyer. Again every case is different as are the laws for each state. Yet if your claim is complicated it’s better to hire a seasoned attorney.

What Fees Do I Pay

Everyone wants to know what they need to pay to receive service. For many people, the ability to secure legal representation hinges on whether they can afford it. Thankfully workers compensation lawyers usually use a contingency fee.

What is a Contingency Fee

A contingent fee arrangement is when “the lawyer agrees to accept a fixed percentage (often one third) of the recovery, which is the amount finally paid to the client,” according to the American Bar Association.

What to ask a workers comp lawyer?

This is one of the most important questions to ask a workers’ comp lawyer and it goes without saying. Workers’ comp is insurance that almost all employers are required to purchase. It is a safety net for people hurt on-the-job. Notice of injury must occur within 90 days. A claim must occur within 2 years. Both notice and claim can be oral so simply telling a manager or supervisor should be enough. If an employer refuses to start a claim, send Form WC-117 to the Agency.

How much does a workers comp lawyer charge in Michigan?

Here is a common question to ask a workers’ comp lawyer. Michigan law sets a maximum fee at 15% of the first $25,000.00 and 10% on the remainder of any settlement. Disabled employees currently receiving workers’ comp benefits pay as little as 10%. A compromised voluntary payment or successful award at trial can result in a fee up to 30%. There should be no fee unless workers’ comp benefits are successfully obtained.

What percentage of wages should be paid to disabled employees?

Employees who are disabled are entitled to receive weekly wage loss checks. The amount paid should equal 80% of their after-tax average weekly wage. A good rule of thumb is 60% of gross wages. Watch out for unfair reductions based upon “wage earning capacity.”

Can you file for workers comp in Michigan?

A legal process exists for dispute resolution. Medical and vocational evidence can be used to show that workers’ comp benefits should be paid. Do not start a case without speaking with an experienced workers’ comp lawyer.

Can workers comp be disputed?

Getting hurt on-the-job is very stressful. Workers’ comp benefits can be disputed at any time. We believe knowledge is power, and injured workers should understand their legal rights. Here are our top 10 questions to ask a workers’ comp lawyer.

Can you trade workers comp benefits for cash?

Workers’ comp benefits can be traded for a lump sum cash payment. How much depends upon the extent of disability and future medical needs. Multiple the comp rate by 52 to get an annual amount. Cost of future medical treatment can also be estimated. Use these values to negotiate with the insurance company. This should always be part your list of questions to ask a workers’ comp lawyer.

How long can you see a doctor after a work injury?

Everything. Especially if it’s your personal doctor. From the moment you suffer a work-related injury and seek immediate medical treatment, you should let all medical providers who treat you know that you were injured on the job. In Pennsylvania, the employer’s insurance company can limit payment to a specific list of physicians of their choosing during the first 90 days of your recovery, but only if your Employer provided you with a written list of physicians after the injury. After 90 days, you can see whatever physician you like as long as you give the insurance company five days’ notice that you’re changing your physician. If you need surgery, however, you can see any doctor you choose at any time for a consultation. But if you choose to have surgery, the Insurance company can try to compel you to have surgery with their doctor if the surgery is within the first 90 days of treatment AND the Employer provided you with a written list of approved physicians after the injury. If you were not provided with a written list of approved physicians, you may be able to treat with any doctor of your own choosing at any time.

How long does a workers comp claim last?

And depending upon the severity of your injury, those benefits could last anywhere from a few weeks to a lifetime. But you might not know how to file a workers’ comp claim, deal with an insurance company claim adjuster or mandatory doctors’ visits or how to gather all the information you need to make a claim.

What is Frommer D'Amico?

All the attorneys at Frommer D’Amico specialize in workers’ compensation issues. We do our best to provide individual attention to each one of our clients, take their calls, answer their questions in a timely fashion, help with unpaid medical bills or late benefit checks and handle any major litigation that results from a workers’ compensation claim.

What is the job of a workers compensation lawyer?

The job of a workers’ compensation lawyer is to help you make decisions, prepare your case, assist with gathering all your documentation and guide you through the landscape of filing a workers’ compensation claim. But before you hire this kind of attorney, you should ask many questions to help you select the right one.

How much do workers compensation lawyers charge in Pennsylvania?

In Pennsylvania, all workers’ compensation lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. The maximum attorneys’ fee they can charge is 20 percent of your weekly benefits for a specific period of time.

What to do before returning to work?

Before you return to work, you and your attorney should work with your employer on a plan that will allow you to work within the restrictions. You should give a copy of the restrictions to both your employer and the company’s workers’ compensation representative.

What happens if you work outside your restrictions?

If you work outside your restrictions or do something extra, the employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company may use it as a reason to argue that you’re in better health than your doctor has stated and will try to end your workers’ compensation benefits. 4.