what questions to ask a lawyer when getting a divorce when you have a business together

by Keanu McLaughlin 8 min read

You have a divorce with a business involved and you have many questions That is normal. Did you ask yourself one or more of these questions? "Will my spouse really get half of my business?" "How will a court decide what my business is worth?"

Full Answer

What qualities make a good divorce attorney?

If this is something you want to do, you should ask the attorney whether you have the proper basis to make such a request of the court. The attorney should then ask questions to determine if you have the factual and legal basis to do so on an emergency basis or a nonemergency basis.

Can anyone recommend a good divorce lawyer?

Jan 14, 2021 · 1. Ask them to describe their approach to the divorce process. Each lawyer you speak to should have a slightly different answer to this. Sure, the divorce process is the same, in terms of paperwork, but your lawyer’s approach will differ. This open-ended question will give you some insight into the strategies they might employ to get you to the finish line.

Is a divorce attorney really the answer?

Aug 07, 2020 ¡ If you are a business owner and are seriously considering divorce, our Pittsburgh family business attorneys can help you obtain an accurate business valuation as well as assertively defend your ...

What are the best questions to ask a lawyer?

1 Question to Ask A Divorce Lawyer. 1.1 Do You Specialize in Divorce? 1.2 How Long Have You Been Practicing Divorce Law? 1.3 How Will Your Team Work Together on My Case? 1.4 How Will You Achieve My Goals? 1.5 How Long Do You Expect This Process to Take? 1.6 How Much Do You Anticipate My Case Will Cost? What Will I Be Charged For?


Is a business an asset in divorce?

Can a California divorce affect my business? In California, businesses are considered assets and will be divided based on whether or not the business is separate or community property.

How do you separate business together?

The general options for a divorcing couple who co-owns a business include:One party buying the other out or swapping other marital property for the spouse's interest in the business. ... The parties continuing to operate the business together. ... Selling the business.Jun 17, 2020

How a divorce can affect your business?

If the business was started by one spouse before the marriage, then getting a divorce may not impact it if it is able to remain the separate property of the spouse who started the business. The problem is that many businesses lose their status as separate property during the marriage.

What should a woman ask for in a divorce settlement?

5 more things to ask for in a divorce settlement agreement House or the proceeds of a sale. Co-parenting plan. Relationship building. Documentation.Aug 16, 2019

Is a limited company protected from divorce?

How to protect your limited company in a divorce. One effective way of protecting your limited company is to put in place a pre-nuptial agreement or post-nuptial agreement that sets out how the business should be dealt with in the event of relationship breakdown.

How is a business divided in a divorce in Texas?

In Texas, a business started during the marriage with joint funds is "community property" – meaning it's owned equally between the spouses (50/50).

How are business assets divided in divorce?

In most cases - as long as it is possible - the business owner will usually be left with the business, while the other partner will be compensated with a larger share of other assets or maintenance payments. However, in some cases it is possible to split the income or shares to equally provide for both parties.

Can my ex partner claim my business?

If you've lived together as a couple without marrying or entering a civil partnership, and you separate, you don't have an automatic right to make a claim on your ex-partner for a share of any business interests.

How does marriage affect business?

If you start your business during your marriage, all business property is typically marital property. Unless the divorce decree indicates otherwise, any value your business earns after your divorce belongs to you.

What are women's rights in a divorce?

A wife has the legal right to stay in the matrimonial home under any circumstances i.e even after her spouse dies. If there's a case of divorce, the woman may choose to live in her matrimonial home until there is a proper place for her to move in. she can legally stay in that home if she wants to.Mar 14, 2021

What are the four main issues in divorce?

Four Primary Issues in DivorceProperty Division. Almost every marital estate includes assets and debts. ... Spousal Maintenance. ... Custody and Parenting Time. ... Child Support.Jan 24, 2013

What is a non working spouse entitled to in a divorce?

In those situations where one of the spouses in a gray divorce is still working, the non-working spouse is virtually guaranteed to be entitled to a spousal maintenance award unless the income from the assets being divided is so significant that the recipient spouse can meet his or her reasonable needs without financial ...

What is the goal of hiring an attorney?

For many women, the ‘goal’ of hiring an attorney may simply be “get me outta this marriage!” But honing in on what you want your life to look like after the divorce dust has settled can be a useful tool for identifying how you want to work through the process of ending your marriage.

Is it a good idea to talk to a lawyer about divorce?

If you’ve made up your mind and there’s no alternative but divorce, talking to at least a few lawyers is always a good idea. The first consultation is usually always free, so you’ve got nothing to lose. But, you can gain a lot of information during attorney interviews if you head into the conversation armed with the right questions.

Can you represent yourself in divorce?

Most states allow individuals to represent themselves in the divorce process. And, it’s more common than you think: 80 percent of divorces involve at least one party representing themselves. Lots of people go this route – which means you can, too.

Do You Specialize in Divorce?

You need a lawyer that specializes in divorce law or family law. Other lawyers, although they may be competent in certain areas of the law, may not have the expertise to handle your case effectively.

How Long Have You Been Practicing Divorce Law?

In matters of family law, nothing matters more than experience. Lawyers with years of courtroom experience are better equipped to handle your case and provide creative solutions.

How Will Your Team Work Together on My Case?

Most law firms have a team of lawyers and law clerks that handle various cases at once. It’s important that you ask whether several lawyers will collaborate on your case, or if only one lawyer will—the more skillsets working on your case, the better.

How Will You Achieve My Goals?

A competent lawyer should have a detailed plan after your first meeting regarding how they will meet your goals. Otherwise, you can’t be sure whether their services will be effective.

How Long Do You Expect This Process to Take?

Once the lawyer has been informed about the details of your case, they should have an informed opinion regarding how long it might take to seek a resolution. Otherwise, the case might drag on forever and cost you a lot of money.

How Much Do You Anticipate My Case Will Cost? What Will I Be Charged For?

If your lawyer doesn’t have a detailed costing breakdown, you might end up overcharged for their services.

What Is the Easiest Way to Resolve This Divorce?

Misunderstandings abound in the realm of divorce law. Inquire with your lawyer about whether they know of any expedient solutions to resolve the dispute as speedily as possible.

What does an attorney do after divorce?

Your attorney will work to help you get a fair settlement and protect your interests while you work on moving forward with your life after your divorce. While the attorney should be working to resolve the issues as amicably as possible, sometimes court intervention is needed.

Is Arizona a community property state?

Arizona is a community property state, and the separating spouses will split the marital pot equitably. When parties are ethical and open about their financial worth during an amicable divorce, each party will know what debts and assets that the other party has.

Does Arizona require spousal support?

Arizona is one of the states that provides for spousal maintenance under certain circumstances after a divorce. If both parties worked during the marriage and are ending the marriage more or less equally situated, alimony is probably not appropriate but the topic should still be addressed with your attorney.

Do lawyers have to be transparent?

Lawyers are ethically required to be transparent about how much their hourly rate is and their fee structure. Your fee agreement should explain everything you need to know about billing but most importantly you should discuss ways you can save on fees.

How to determine a business' value?

To summarize, you have: 1 The business' value at the time of the marriage, 2 The nature and extent of the operating spouse's contribution of time and money to the business during the marriage, 3 The business' value on the date of separation and/or later at the time of the trial or final resolution, and 4 Other factors.

Why is divorce more complicated?

A divorce that involves a business becomes more complicated as the facts regarding acquisition and contribution toward the business prior to the marriage and after the marriage become more complex. The business' size is less a characterization issue and more a valuation issue, which we will discuss next.

What is goodwill in a divorce?

Other factors are the business' earnings, expenses, profit, assets, debts and liabilities and more factor into the valuation process.

Is homework going away?

The homework is not going away and no matter how much you try to avoid it, you have to do it unless you want to fail that class. If you want to potentially fail at a divorce with a business involved, procrastinate at the valuation process.

What is goodwill in business?

A business' goodwill means the expectation of continued public patronage. Forensic accountants and experts specific to a business' industry help determine a business' goodwill. The more established a business is and the more it relies on its brand or reputation, the greater the goodwill.

What is the personality of a business owner?

The personality of the business owner or operator and especially in service-based businesses. For some businesses, the business owner or operator is the "brand.". The business' past and ongoing earnings. Typically, the greater the earnings, the greater the profit.

What is a 730 forensic accountant?

The court has the power to appoint a forensic accountant to prepare a report on issues such as income available for support (also called controllable cash flow) and business valuation. Such experts are often appointed pursuant to Evidence Code 730. They are sometimes called 730 Evaluators.

1. Experience

It is always important to determine if your potential attorney fills the profile that you are looking for.

2. Advice

Don’t be afraid to ask: “What is a piece of advice you give to every client?”

4. Working Together

You and your attorney will essentially become a team, therefore great communication and clarity of expectations are key to ensure a great outcome.

5. Costs

Finally, but not least important, every firm charges differently, and it might be helpful to understand how that works.

How to prepare for alimony?

Alimony is a numbers game. Sometimes the best way to prepare and present the back alimony case is to play the numbers game using experts. For example, forensic accounting experts and vocational rehabilitative experts can help support or defend an alimony claim.

Who wrote the book "Getting to Yes"?

Have you read “Getting to Yes”? “Getting to Yes,” a book by the authors of the Harvard Negotiation Project, is considered the authority on principled settlement. These guys originated the concept of win-win, later made famous by Stephen Covey and his “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”.

Do cases go to litigation?

The reality is certain cases must go to litigation in order to get the right result. You are vetting not just the transactional experience of your family law attorney, but also their ability to litigate if and when it is required.

Is divorce easy?

Divorce is not easy , and the vast majority of the people that we consult with are not emotionally ready to pull the trigger. Often a driving force is that there are assets, other financial obligations, or even relationships with children that need to be protected, and the jurisdiction of the court needs to be invoked.

Is Florida a legal separation state?

While Florida doesn’t exactly call it a legal separation, the state does offer an alternative for two parties to divide assets and to provide support to one another even without filing a divorce. The separate maintenance actions can give rise to what is in effect a legal separation in Florida.

Is child support based on a formula?

Child support is based on a formula in Florida . But often we have a difficult time getting to a child support number. That’s because while the formula might be straightforward, sometimes finding out the numbers to put into the formula is anything but. My spouse has a business and lies about his income to the IRS.

Why do you need one point of contact when you are going through divorce?

Having one point of contact can make things so much easier .

How many people in the UK don't have a will?

With around 30 million adults in the UK not having a will in place, this is an important question to ask. Often people want to make a new will when they separate. While they are still married, their spouse can have claims on their estate, even if they’re separated.

Is it easy to file for divorce?

Making the decision to file for divorce is never easy. We understand how daunting it can feel to have to approach a divorce lawyer to discuss formally ending your marriage. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 31 questions to ask your divorce lawyer.

Why do you choose a divorce lawyer?

If you choose a your divorce lawyer because you think they’ll do a good job based on your initial meeting, you’ll probably want to make sure it’s them you’ll actually be dealing with as your case progresses rather than another partner or member of the firm.

Should cost be a factor in choosing a divorce lawyer?

While cost shouldn’t be the overall deciding factor when choosing a divorce lawyer, it is important for you to get an idea of likely costs in advance so you can budget accordingly.

Why did two women win a Supreme Court case?

There was a high profile case in the news recently where two women won a Supreme Court fight on the basis that their ex-husbands hadn’t declared their true worth at the time of divorce.

Is divorce beneficial?

There’s no hard and fast rule on this. In some divorce cases it can be beneficial, while in others it can be detrimental to the process . Your lawyer will be able to give you an answer based on your circumstances and their experience.
