what makes a better lawyer

by Justine O'Conner 10 min read

  1. Good communication skills. Lawyers must be orally articulate, have good written communication skills and also be good listeners.
  2. Judgement. The ability to draw reasonable, logical conclusions or assumptions from limited information is essential as a lawyer.
  3. Analytical skills. Both the study and practice of law involve absorbing large quantities of information, then having to distil it into something manageable and logical.
  4. Research skills. Similarly, being able to research quickly and effectively is essential to understanding your clients, their needs, and to preparing legal strategies.
  5. People skills. Law is not an abstract practice. Irrelevant of how well someone does academically, at the end of the day lawyers work with people, on behalf of people, ...
  6. Perseverance. “Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.” Even studying to become a lawyer takes a great deal of perseverance and ...
  7. Creativity. The very top lawyers are not only logical and analytical, but they display a great deal of creativity in their problem-solving.

Here are the top 5 qualities of a good lawyer: responsiveness, analytical skills, good research skills, speaking skills, and listening skills. and understand it on the spot. When a case is in session, curveballs will likely be thrown and they have to be able to interpret and respond to them appropriately.

Full Answer

What distinguishes a good lawyer from a bad lawyer?

“Good lawyers treat the client professionally. Great lawyers personalize the relationship by recognizing the unique styles, interests, and needs of the individuals with whom they work. “Good lawyers do their best to keep promises about when work will be completed.

What characteristics make a good lawyer?

These examples could come from a range of places, including a:

  • Part-time job
  • Legal work experience
  • Non-legal work experience
  • Academic studies
  • Social or sporting situations

What does it mean to be a good lawyer?

Part 2 Part 2 of 5: Learning Essential Skills

  1. Practice critical thinking. In order to be a successful lawyer, you must be able to look at a legal issue from all sides in order to come up with ...
  2. Develop your writing skills. Lawyer often underestimate the writing skills that are needed to be a successful lawyer.
  3. Work on your oral communication skills. ...

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What are the signs of a good lawyer?

Unprofessional or unethical behavior can include:

  • Arriving late or failing to show up for important meetings, or missing court dates
  • Making decisions of importance about your case without discussing it with you first
  • Missing filing deadlines, filing paperwork incorrectly or filing the wrong paperwork with the court
  • Refusing to return your calls or messages within a reasonable timeframe

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What makes you a good lawyer?

Below are ten traits that are common to the best lawyers in the United States.Passion for the Job. ... Compassion for Clients. ... Great Communication Skills. ... Willingness to Listen. ... Knowledge of the Law. ... Strong Writing Ability. ... Creativity. ... Good Judgment.More items...•

What are the 3 most important skills that you think a lawyer needs?

As you enter your career, there are several skills you'll want to develop as a lawyer, including:Analytical and research skills. ... Attention to detail. ... Organizational skills. ... Time management. ... Persuasive communication. ... Written communication skills. ... Interpersonal skills. ... Technical skills.More items...•

What are the hard skills of a lawyer?

Top Legal SkillsOral Communication. Language is one of the most fundamental tools of a legal professional. ... Written Communication. ... Client Service. ... Analytical and Logical Reasoning. ... Legal Research. ... Technology Skills. ... Knowledge of Substantive Law and Legal Procedure. ... Time Management.More items...•

What are the four responsibilities of lawyers?

It describes the sources and broad definitions of lawyers' four responsibilities: duties to clients and stakeholders; duties to the legal system; duties to one's own institution; and duties to the broader society.

Why do lawyers need to be constantly availing themselves?

Whether we are reading books or articles, listening to podcasts or the radio, lawyers need to be consistently availing themselves to new ideas, business strategies, marketing tactics or just sources of inspiration. These can either come in short form or long. With constant inputs, lawyer can continually improve themselves and their practices and expand their horizons.

How to become a lawyer as a young lawyer?

For young lawyers, you have to develop good knowledge of your practice area (s), which often takes time to learn beyond the hours that are billable to clients. Then you need to implement systems that will help you stay organized, manage your caseload and communicate regularly with clients.

How many minutes does Richter give lawyers?

Lawyers are notoriously busy folks, but Jeremy W. Richter wants them to give him five minutes of their day to become better at what they do.

Why is it important to make an early evaluation of liability and potential damages?

Make an early evaluation of liability and potential damages – This is key throughout because your client is attempting to evaluate risk and set reserves.

What should lawyers read?

I recommend that lawyers read broadly in whatever interests them. Read for pleasure, but also be analytical as to what makes for enjoyable and consumable writing. The same components that make for good fiction and non-fiction also make for good legal writing.

How to make sure you get paid for a personal injury case?

A personal injury attorney needs to make sure her firm’s name is on the settlement check along with the client, because if it goes into the client’s bank account first, the lawyer is never going to see her share of the money. For firms with individual and small business clients, get a retainer up front, because if you are only billing your clients after the work is done, you are going to end up doing a lot of work for free. For those who have an insurance defense practice like mine, the client gives you billing guidelines with which you have to be compliant; a failure to comply with the structure you’re given will result in you not getting paid, regardless of the quality of the work-product.

What is the idiom for people to do business with?

It’s a familiar but true idiom: People do business with people they know like and trust. According to Anthony Iannarino’s “The Lost Art of Closing,” turning a stranger into a new client involves building trust, creating value, collaborating and delivering exceptional results.

Be the Best You Can Be

I believe that lawyers need to focus on one thing and one thing only, and that is being the best lawyer and counselor we can be and not focus on results. What other people think is irrelevant (pun intended).

No Short Cuts

Lawyers have to communicate what their clients want and not be afraid of being disrespected by being open and honest. The legal system has a specter over its shoulder that if your lawyer doesn’t outfox the opposition they are somehow bad lawyers.

What makes a good lawyer?

So what differentiates a “lawyer” from a “good lawyer”? Here are the top 5 qualities of a good lawyer: responsiveness, analytical skills, good research skills, speaking skills, and listening skills.

What skills do lawyers need?

2. Speaking Skills – All lawyers must be able to speak clearly and concisely. A lot of lawyers are comfortable in front of a large group of people, but they lack the ability to form a logical thought that gets his/her point across. Another aspect of speaking skills is to understand legal terminology.

What happens if you can't understand your lawyer?

If you can’t understand your lawyer, then neither can the jury. 1. Listening Skills – In order to properly understand the case, all lawyers must listen to their clients. Without listening skills, the lawyer will miss pertinent information.

What skills do criminal defense attorneys need?

5. Analytical Skills – All lawyers should be able to look at any situation and analyze it from all points of view. Criminal defense attorneys have to look at the case from the view of the prosecutor, and vice versa. All lawyers must be able to take in large amounts of information at a time, organize it, and understand it on the spot.

What is responsiveness in law?

Responsiveness – This is a skill that not every lawyer has, which a lot of clients find out about quickly. All lawyers should respond to their clients, law partners, secretaries, and anyone else involved in a case.

Do opinions stand up in court?

A lawyer’s opinion does not stand up in court, so it must be backed with facts. That’s where the research and investigation comes in. All lawyers should know how to work with investigators, use online resources, research laws, regulations, and judicial opinions to back their case up.

Can a law school teach you character?

Law schools will teach you some of the skills you need, but they can't teach character. In order to become a "good" lawyer, you have to naturally have certain qualities. Some of these qualities you've discovered within yourself in your time as a law student, but others may need to be worked on.

Why is it important to be a lawyer?

For you to be a successful lawyer enjoying a well-argued discussion with people is a good one, because this shows you are on the right track. This is one of the major characteristics a good lawyer must possess to success in the profession ; as a professional, you are expected to devote part your day to exposing certain fact related to your arguments for the benefit of your client.

What is the skill of a good lawyer?

Persuasion is another skill a good lawyer must possess. Being able to develop this skill can make a difference not only when presenting the case, but also to “convince” the court about your client’s position So, if you are considering to be a good lawyer, you’d better start training your persuasiveness. 3.

What is the virtue of a lawyer?

Persistence is synonymous to this profession and is another great virtue of a good lawyer; as a lawyer is never allowed to surrender. A successful lawyer must be willing to fight to the end to achieve your goals. As we know, all know failure is inevitable, but you will have to be prepared to stand up as many times you fall.

What is the best way to be a lawyer?

Every lawyer must be ready to work with agility to face and overcome any obstacles necessary to achieve his/her objectives. Possessing all these great qualities will make you stand out unique amongst your colleagues. So, take the time to develop yourself and make a different in your society. Advertising.

Why is negotiation important in law?

It is important to have a bargaining skill that will allow you to reach good deals before falling into more cumbersome procedures.

What are the qualities of a good lawyer?

The very top lawyers are not only logical and analytical, but they display a great deal of creativity in their problem-solving.

What are the skills required to be a lawyer?

Lawyers must be orally articulate, have good written communication skills and also be good listeners. In order to argue convincingly in the courtroom before juries and judges, good public speaking skills are essential. Communication and speaking skills can be developed during your studies by taking part in activities such as mooting or general public speaking.

What skills do lawyers need to be able to write?

But it’s not all about projection. To be able to analyse what clients tell them or follow a complex testimony, a lawyer must have good listening skills.

Why is it important to research quickly?

Similarly, being able to research quickly and effectively is essential to understanding your clients, their needs, and to preparing legal strategies.

Why do you have to consider judgements critically?

You must also be able to consider these judgements critically, so that you can anticipate potential areas of weakness in your argument that must be fortified against.

Is law an abstract practice?

Law is not an abstract practice. Irrelevant of how well someone does academically, at the end of the day lawyers work with people, on behalf of people, and the decisions that are made affect people's lives.

Do lawyers have to have evaluative skills?

At times, there will be more than one reasonable conclusion, or more than one precedent applicable to resolving a situation. A lawyer must therefore have the evaluative skills in order to choose which is the most suitable.

What is the skill set of a lawyer?

An even bigger skill set is to be able to talk to each side with their point of view in mind. Reputation and respect.

What does it mean when a lawyer is able to create a great rapport with the judge, the juror?

If a lawyer is able to create a great rapport with the judge, the jurors, his client and all the witnesses and is able to convince them successfully to view his client and his case favourably, he will achieve his desired outcome. There is, of course, another aspect which works well for certain kinds of lawyers.

What is the importance of a sharply focused mind in litigation?

A sharply focused mind and a good sense of where that focus should be at each moment is certainly helpful in litigation. The ability to fit all the pieces of evidence into a story, and then make the story foolproof, if it's your story, and full of holes if it's their story.

How to prepare for a trial?

I will also add: 1 Thorough legal research. (That’s another way of saying preparation, isn’t it?) 2 Thorough fact discovery. (Still another way of saying preparation.) 3 Ability to anticipate weaknesses in your own case. (Still another way of saying preparation.) 4 Ability to anticipate the other side’s moves and plan ways to counter them in advance. (Still another way of saying preparation.) 5 Professional judgment. 6 Ethical conduct.

Is law complicated?

Law is complicated. Laws are complex, convoluted and intertwined. If you know a practice area's statutes, plus the quirks that go along with the statutes, and the cases that interpret them, and the interactions with other areas, you're better than most. If you have the mental ability to parse these things ou.

Is persuading a judge an essential skill?

Some people are persuading juries, some people are persuading judges, others are persuading the IRS auditor, but it's definitely an essential skill. Even if you are primarily writing briefs and summarizing cases, you still have to do it persuasively.

Is a lawyer busy?

Lawyers are busy. Law practice is busy. Many lawyers, great as they are, do not have the ability to say "no" even when they don't have the time to work up a case. Even if you have the best legal mind, but can't get around to returning your client's phone calls, you're not the best lawyer for the job.
