what lawyer firm to contact about methylprednisilone injection meninjitis outbreak

by Helga Schiller Sr. 5 min read

The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan investigated potential lawsuits on behalf of patients who were diagnosed with meningitis following a routine steroid injection.

Can steroid injections cause meningitis?

Across the country, certain batches of a steroid injection given to relieve back pain have sparked an outbreak of meningitis – a potentially deadly infection that causes inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.Oct 8, 2012

Can you get meningitis from an injection?

Knee injections typically don't lead to meningitis, but could cause a more limited infection in the joint itself. Contaminated epidural injections, however, which are given near the spine, can lead to meningitis, because the spinal fluid provides an express route to the brain.Oct 9, 2012

Can a spinal injection cause meningitis?

A recent outbreak of meningitis linked to epidural steroid injections has sparked concern over this common and effective treatment for back pain. Meningitis is inflammation of the meninges, the membranes that cover your spinal cord and brain.Feb 21, 2019

Can an epidural cause meningitis?

Abstract. Acute bacterial meningitis following epidural anesthesia is a rare event. We describe a case in which a young woman received epidural anesthesia for vaginal delivery. The initial attempt at placement of the epidural resulted in entry into the subarachnoid space.

How many people died from meningitis in 2012?

November 26, 2012 — The current case count from the CDC involves 490 cases of fungal meningitis, 12 peripheral joint infections, and 34 deaths in 19 states. In Indiana, 55 people have been diagnosed with meningitis and 5 people have died.

Is meningitis a steroid?

An outbreak of fungal meningitis has been traced to epidural steroid injections from New England Compounding Center. Many illnesses have occurred in six clinics in Indiana. The Indiana Health Department recommends that anyone who has had an epi dural steroid injection (commonly administered in outpatient clinics to treat back pain or joint pain) since May 21, 2012, should contact a physician if they are concerned about meningitis.