what lawyer do you get for a spouse

by Francisco Kovacek 5 min read

You cannot rely on just a divorce lawyer to help you through this morass; you need someone who specializes in this area of the law. This can be a former JAG officer, a retired military lawyer, a Reservist or National Guard attorney, or a legal assistance attorney at a military base.

Full Answer

How do I hire a divorce lawyer?

Mar 31, 2020 · If you find yourself asked to pay off a deceased spouse’s debt, contact A People’s Choice for help. Our compassionate staff has over 35 years of experience, and can help you handle any necessary legal paperwork to administer …

What is a divorce lawyer doing to your life?

Sep 11, 2019 · Divorce lawyer Laura Johns-Bolhouse discusses whether a spouse can be ordered to pay attorney fees. There are a few situations in which a judge can do this. Call 702-914-0400

Do I need a divorce lawyer for alimony?

With collaborative divorce, you and your spouse must both hire attorneys who are specially trained in collaborative law, and you have to commit to avoiding court. This process can be expensive, so it's important to do some research and learn all you can about collaborative divorce before you choose this path.

What should I do if my spouse died without a lawyer?

Jul 16, 2020 · Eligibility. If you are a U.S. citizen, you can file a petition for your foreign-born spouse and, under certain situations, the children of your spouse. To petition for your spouse’s children, they must be unmarried, under 21 years old, and have been under the age of 18 at the time of your marriage to your spouse.


How to deal with a spouse who dies?

When a Spouse Dies: Checklist 1 Arrange for organ donation. 2 Contact immediate family and friends. 3 Consider funeral preparations and inquire about special arrangements for a veteran. 4 Order several certified copies of the death certificate. 5 Secure all personal property belonging to your spouse. 6 Notify the local Social Security office. 7 Look into employment benefits. 8 Stop health insurance coverage 9 Notify life insurance companies and file life insurance claims. 10 Make a list of important bills and contact financial advisors to obtain beneficiary information. 11 Notify mortgage companies and banks. 12 Contact a tax preparer to discuss estate taxes. 13 Close credit card and other charge accounts that are only in your spouse’s name.#N#Take your spouse’s name off joint cards and accounts.#N#Notify credit reporting agencies to reduce the chance of identity theft.

What is single life pension?

Single life benefits consist of monthly payments based on your spouse’s lifetime. On the other hand, a joint and survivor benefit plan provides a monthly payment based on the surviving spouse’s lifetime. You will receive your spouse’s pension if he or she chose the joint and survivor benefit option.

When do you get full retirement benefits?

A surviving spouse will receive full benefits at full retirement age or reduced benefits as early as age 60. Additionally, you may begin receiving benefits as early as age 50 if you became disabled before or within seven years of your spouse’s death.

What to do if your spouse is hiding assets?

Or, if you believe your spouse is actively hiding assets or wasting marital funds, you should contact an attorney to protect your interests.

What is collaborative divorce?

With collaborative divorce, you and your spouse must both hire attorneys who are specially trained in collaborative law, and you have to commit to avoiding court. This process can be expensive, so it's important to do some research and learn all you can about collaborative divorce before you choose this path.

Why does a divorce take longer to resolve?

Fault cases typically take longer to resolve in court because you have to provide admissible evidence and prove to a judge the misconduct occurred and that it caused the divorce.

What is community property?

In community property states, marital property is called community property and is divided equally—in a 50/50 split.

When does alimony end?

It ends when the divorce case is completed and a judge issues another alimony order. Long-term or permanent alimony is reserved for long-term marriages, where one spouse has the financial ability to pay, and the other spouse has a low or no earning capacity.

Can a divorce mediator work?

If you and your spouse disagree about any of your divorce-related issues, mediation might be a good option; it can work even when divorcing spouses clash on meaningful issues. Sometimes spouses are able to work with a mediator and otherwise handle their case themselves.

Is DIY a real possibility?

If your case is relatively simple—for instance, you and your spouse don't have substantial assets or minor children together—and you agree with your spouse on the important issues, DIY is a real possibility.

How to file a motion for divorce?

FILE THE DOCUMENTS AND MAIL COPIES 1 .Before you file the documents with the Court, make two copies of each document, one for your records and one to send to your spouse or his/her attorney. 2 File the original documents with the Court. The Court staff will explain how to get a hearing for your Motion. After you get the hearing date, fill in the bottom section of your Motion, the date and time when the hearing will be. 3 Mail a copy of your MOTION, ORDER, and completed FINANCIAL STATEMENT and a blank FINANCIAL STATEMENT form to your spouse or his/her attorney. Before you mail these copies, make sure that the bottom section of the MOTION has the date, time, and place of the hearing and that you sign and date it with the date that you mail the documents.

Who produced the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court Instructions?

These Instructions and Forms were produced by Greater Boston Legal Services and Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, with the support and approval of the Chief Justice of the Probate and Family Court.

What is retainer in legal?

What is a retainer? A retainer is an amount of money that an attorney may require a client to pay in advance in order for the attorney to begin work on the case. The attorney then uses this money to pay for the services he or she provides and for legal costs and expenses. The attorney may require that the client pay additional money ...

Is a financial statement important in divorce?

This is a very important document which you will sign swearing that it is true . It is important that it is accurate. Take time to get all the relevant documents and make sure it is filled out accurately. Your Financial Statement may be used many times during the divorce proceedings, so you want to make sure that you fill it out correctly.

Can a divorce attorney pay a retainer?

Whether you are the plaintiff or the defendant in a divorce case, the Probate and Family Court can order your spouse to pay a retainer fee for an attorney for you in a divorce case. Chapter 208, section 17 of the General Laws says: “The court may require either party to pay into court for the use of the other party during the pendency ...
