what kind of lawyer to get if you're injured in a car accident

by Ophelia Runte 10 min read

If you’ve been in a car crash and sustained an injury, it’s important to work with a lawyer who has experience with cases similar to yours. This means hiring a personal injury lawyer who specializes in car accident cases. Hiring a general lawyer – or jack of all trades – is generally not a good idea.

When you suffer an injury in a car accident in California, you need a skilled car accident attorney at your side. Your California car accident lawyer can take over negotiations with the at-fault party's insurance company and fight for every dollar you deserve.

Full Answer

How to find an attorney for a car accident injury?

Feb 05, 2013 · You need a personal injury attorney, or, more generally, a civil litigation attorney. Talk to your insurance company: many insurance policies include coverage for attorney representation in litigation concerning covered events, and the insurer can be very specific about who should be representing you if you want the insurer to pay for your attorney's work.

Is it worth getting a lawyer for a car accident?

Apr 12, 2020 · A car accident lawyer can decide the genuine value of your case and will arrange the legitimate repayment that you merit. This worth ought to have the option to cover all costs related with your car accident. In deciding the estimation of your case, your physical issue legal counselor will think about the accompanying:

When to get an attorney for a car accident?

Jun 21, 2017 · An experienced personal injury attorney can help ensure that you get fair compensation for the damage and injuries you’ve suffered. Your attorney will gather all of the documentation and evidence required by the insurance company, including evidence of damage to your vehicle (and any other property damaged in the accident), medical expenses, and other …

When do you need to hire a car accident lawyer?

Oct 13, 2017 · An auto accident attorney will know exactly what to do to either defend your case or get you the compensation you deserve. Choosing a lawyer who specializes in car accidents or even truck accidents if you were hit by a tractor trailer is a step in the right direction, but you may also want to consider taking this theory further and choosing someone who also has …


Why you should hire a Car Accident Lawyer

Sadly, car accidents are everyday occurrences. In the United States Most personal injury claims are a consequence of a mishap including a car, truck, or other engine vehicle.

The Car Accident Caused Serious Injury or Death

In the event that anybody was seriously harmed or killed in the car accident, contact an experienced accident lawyer immediately. Mishaps including serious real injury or passing can bring about a complicated lawsuit (or different claims).

Multiple Parties Were Involved in the Accident

In the event that you were in a car accident including at least three vehicles, this can muddle the insurance claim settlement and negotiation procedure and lead to numerous claims. A few mishaps include different parties, for example, pedestrians, landowners, or business elements.

An Uninsured Motorist Was Involved in the Accident

In the event that at least one of the parties included didn’t have insurance at the time of the fender bender, you should look for a car accident lawyer immediately.

You need to gather proof about the Accident

In the event that you were hurt in a car accident, you may require a lawyer to assist you to collect and analyze proof that builds up who was at fault and what your injuries are worth.

6. You Have Upcoming Settlement Talks

Most fender bender claims settle before going to trial, which implies that you’ll likely get a settlement offer from the to blame the driver or their insurance agency. Normally, a preposterously low settlement offer.

When is the best time to hire a Lawyer after a car accident?

In the event that you feel that you can benefit by hiring a lawyer, you might be pondering when to employ one. The appropriate response is simple: immediately.

What to Do after a Car Accident

Immediately after an accident occurs, the police and the paramedics (if anyone is injured) should be called. A police report will be important later on because it will include information about the accident and will typically cite who was at fault.

When to Call an Attorney

After you have gone to the hospital, determined the extent of any injuries you may have, and are well enough to go home, the first thing you should do is contact a personal injury attorney.

Why do you need an attorney for an accident?

An attorney will help ensure that you walk away with a fair amount of money from your insurance company. If the insurance company doesn’t want to budge, an attorney’s threat to file a lawsuit may change their minds. It may also be beneficial to hire a lawyer if your accident involved any of the following:

Who specializes in auto accidents?

If you know the extent of your injuries and you’ve yet to hire a lawyer, you can take things a step further by choosing a lawyer who not only specializes in auto accidents, but also specializes in the type of injury you’ve sustained.

Should I get a lawyer for a car accident?

Should I get a lawyer for a car accident that was my fault? If the car accident was your fault, you likely do not need a personal injury attorney. If you caused the accident and suffered injuries, your claim will not be against anyone else. In this case, your insurance company is responsible for providing you with an attorney and defending you. You will not be charged for this service as it is a benefit of carrying insurance. However, it is common for your carrier to raise your rates after a claim.

Do all personal injury law firms have the same marketing?

Take note that not all personal injury law firms are the same. Sometimes firms with the most aggressively advertising campaigns are nothing more than settlement mills. These firms rely mostly on advertising and are only willing to take a disproportionate amount of their cases to trial. There is a mill mentality when handling their claims, and their clients suffer because of it. With no referrals from previous customers, they turn to extensive marketing efforts to gain clients.

What does "let bygones be bygones" mean?

A fender bender accident occurs, the drivers get out, calmly speak to each other, wave goodbye, and go on their way. If you weren’t injured in the accident or had little to no property damage, this is a reasonably easy attitude to take. You may even take on that attitude if you have minor injuries. However, if your injuries are substantial and causing you ongoing problems, you need to take a different attitude, or you will be left covering the expenses on your own. If you genuinely believe that the accident and damages are no big deal, don’t waste your time or an attorney’s time seeking compensation from the at-fault driver.

What is tort insurance?

In tort states, drivers are required to carry liability insurance . If one driver causes an accident with another driver, the injured party (who was not at fault) makes a claim on the other driver’s auto insurance.

Why do insurance companies stress test?

For that reason, the insurance companies will stress test your case against their policyholder as much as they can.

What is Harris Law Firm?

The Harris Law Firm has a history of success securing top settlements and verdicts for our clients; to be sure, we have secured success in car accident litigation and even 18-wheeler crash settlements. We will ensure you are compensated for all your injuries. Give us a call at 877-714-4171 or contact us online. We can help.

Should I hire an attorney to litigate a car accident?

The question you want to know is: Should I hire an attorney to litigate my claim against an at-fault driver. The rule of thumb is this: You can submit a claim if you want and get some money back but if you have serious injuries, you should hire an attorney.

Can Geico be sued?

Their interests are aligned with their policyholder’s and if they do not advocate on behalf of their policyholder, they can be sued for breaching their fiduciary duty and Geico recently found out to the tune of $8.5 million. In addition to having a fiduciary duty to their policyholder, they also run a business.

Can you face it alone if you have been in a car accident?

If you recently been involved in a car accident and have suffered injuries, you shouldn’t face it alone. We want to hear from you, simply fill out the form below and we will contact you to set up a consultation. We just need some brief information:

What to do if you are not in a car accident?

If you got into a car accident that was not your fault, you have a right to hire a lawyer. You may assume that because you did not cause the accident, everything will work out in your favor, but you may need to prove that you did not commit any wrongdoing. While you do not need to seek legal counsel, a car accident lawyer may help you file ...

How to get started on a personal injury case?

We want to get started on your case immediately, so call us as soon as possible. Statutes of limitations may apply for personal injury lawsuits, and they vary from state to state. Call us as soon as possible to ensure your right to compensation. Call or text 800-598-7557 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form.

What information does a police report contain?

A police report may contain information about who the officer who arrived at the scene believed was at fault in the accident, but your personal injury lawyer may be able to make a case against the officer’s findings.

What is Ben Crump Law?

Ben Crump Law, PLLC does not want you to worry about tackling everything yourself after an avoidable accident; we can handle the legal process for you. Focus on Your Health While We Focus on Your Case. You will want to seek medical attention following a car accident, even if you feel fine.

How to contact a lawyer for a free consultation?

For a free legal consultation, call 800-598-7557. What a Lawyer May Do for Your Case. There is no reason you should be paying out-of-pocket expenses for property damage and injuries that someone else caused.

What should a liable party do?

The liable party should face the consequences of acting negligently and pay for the losses you suffered. To demonstrate evidence that you suffered at the hands of the defendant’s carelessness, a lawyer may do the following: Obtain a police report that details how the accident occurred.

Do you have to accept an insurance settlement?

Remember that you do not have to accept the initial settlement an insurance company offers you. If you do, you may lose your rights to pursue a lawsuit to receive fair compensation should your injuries prove more devastating in the future. A car accident lawyer may help you build your case and speak with your insurance company so you can focus on ...

What do you need to prove in an auto accident case?

To establish negligence in an auto tort case, you will need to prove 2 elements: (i) liability for the accident; and (ii) your damages sustained in the accident.

Why do auto accidents settle out of court?

Auto accident claims typically settle out of court because taking a case to trial can be very expensive and time-consuming for both sides. In property damage only cases, the insurance company will have a strong incentive to settle quickly to avoid excessive defense costs.

Can you sue someone for pain and suffering?

The answer is yes. One of the elements of damages for pain and suffering is inconvenience. So, almost invariably, you can sue for damages for the inconvenience and any pain you felt from the crash even if you did not seek medical treatment.

How to file a claim for property damage in an auto accident?

This process typically starts by filing or initiating a “claim” with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. This can be done over the phone, or some insurance carriers have an online claim ...

Can you represent yourself in an auto accident?

You can always represent yourself in any legal matter and this is true in auto accident claims and lawsuits. If you want to file a lawsuit against another driver in a no-injury accident case you can file it on behalf of yourself without an attorney. « Previous | Home | Next ».

Can you sue someone for a car accident?

The answer is yes, but with caveats. Most auto accidents do not result in any physical injuries ( 75% according to the NHTSA ). Even when your vehicle is the only thing that is damaged, you can still file a lawsuit after an auto accident if you were not at fault. This is what is known as a “property damage” auto accident lawsuit.
