what kind of lawyer is a ssd lawyer

by Evalyn Altenwerth 10 min read

What does a Social Security Disability lawyer do Social security disability lawyers (also known as social security administration attorneys or social security disability appeal attorneys) are specialized in the social security disability process and the relevant laws and statutes governing the process.

A disability attorney is a lawyer who specializes in helping those who are unable to work get access to the disability benefits that they need.

Full Answer

Why do you need a SSD lawyer?

Our attorneys and legal staff help you with your appeal by:

  • Gathering medical records and reports
  • Gathering evidence for your claim
  • Determining the best course of action for your claim
  • Gathering documents from your Social Security file
  • Talking with your doctor about your condition and how it makes you unable to work

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How much does a Social Security disability lawyer cost?

Social Security disability lawyers are paid a percentage of back-due benefits they win for clients. In our survey, the average amount lawyers received was $3,750. When people got an SSDI or SSI award after a hearing, the average fee was $4,600.

When to talk to a Social Security disability lawyer?

  • Reconsideration. In a reconsideration appeal, your file moves on to someone else, not the person who made the original adverse decision. ...
  • Hearing with an administrative law judge (ALJ). After the reconsideration, you still might not be happy with the determinations made in your case. ...
  • Review by the Appeals Council. ...
  • Filing a lawsuit in federal court. ...

What is SSD law?

Social Security Disability law is the area of law surrounding federal social security programs. Federal law determines who may apply for benefits from these programs and what benefits an applicant can receive. Social security lawyers create social security laws, manage these programs as government administrators and represent clients who make claims.


What is an SSD in law?

Social Security Disability Insurance is a federal program that pays benefits to injured and disabled workers and certain members of their family if the worker is "insured," meaning that they worked a required amount of time and paid Social Security taxes. Compare with supplemental security income.

What is the most a disability lawyer can charge?

$6,000First, the basics: Federal law generally limits the fees charged by Social Security disability attorneys to 25% of your backpay, or $6,000, whichever is lower. Back payments are benefits that accrued while you were waiting for Social Security to approve your case.

How does SSDI calculate back pay?

Calculating SSDI Back Payments Count the months between your EOD and application date to determine retroactive months. The number of months between the EOD and approval date, minus the five-month waiting period, plus the retroactive months, times your monthly payment equals the total amount of back pay due.

How far does SSI back pay go?

Retroactive benefits might go back to the date you first suffered a disability—or up to a year before the day you applied for benefits. For SSI, back pay goes back to the date of your original application for benefits.

What is the difference between SSI and SSDI?

The major difference is that SSI determination is based on age/disability and limited income and resources, whereas SSDI determination is based on disability and work credits. In addition, in most states, an SSI recipient will automatically qualify for health care coverage through Medicaid.

Is SSDI taxable?

Social Security disability is subject to tax, but most recipients don't end up paying taxes on it. Social Security disability benefits (SSDI) can be subject to tax, but most disability recipients don't end up paying taxes on them because they don't have much other income.