what kind of lawyer handles false arrest

by Mr. Cristobal Williamson 7 min read

Full Answer

When can I sue police for false arrest?

YES A person can sue for false arrest of they have been arrested without proper legal authority and denied of their freedom. To succeed in a claim against a person whether it is a security company, police or private citizen it must be proven that there was no probable cause for the arrest.

How to sue for wrongful arrest?

a motion to suppress whatever evidence was obtained from the false arrest, a lawsuit against the officer and department, demanding an injunction, and; a lawsuit against the officer and department, demanding monetary damages. By filing a complaint with the police department, a victim can demand the officer face repercussions for their false arrest. In the most egregious cases, the officer could get fired.

Can you sue after a wrongful arrest?

You can sue for wrongful arrest if you can prove the arrest was wrongful, either because you are innocent or because the arresting officer had no reason to be suspicious. But simply declaring your innocent won’t be enough.

Can police be sued for false arrest?

Both police and private citizens can be held liable for making a false arrest. Police can be sued for monetary damages by the victim in a civil rights lawsuit. When police have illegally arrested someone, the victim can also file a complaint with the police department. What is the crime of false arrest?


What is the tort of false arrest?

Often overlapping with false imprisonment, the intentional tort of false arrest involves someone being held against their will or taken into custody without consent or a legal justification. This can give rise to a civil claim for damages.

Can you sue for false arrest in Texas?

Both police and private citizens can be held liable for making a false arrest. Police can be sued for monetary damages by the victim in a civil rights lawsuit. When police have illegally arrested someone, the victim can also file a complaint with the police department.

What are the elements of false imprisonment?

Elements of a False Imprisonment Claim To prove a false imprisonment claim as a tort in a civil lawsuit, the following elements must be present: There was a willful detention; The detention was without consent; and. The detention was unlawful.

Can you claim for wrongful arrest?

If you have recently been taken into custody, and you suspect that the arresting officers did not have just cause, used excessive force or arrested you purely because of your appearance or background, you may be able to make wrongful or unlawful arrest claims.

How do you defend yourself against false accusations?

These are:seek the help of a criminal defense attorney,conduct a pre-file investigation,gather evidence to support your side of the story,obtain evidence to impeach the accuser, and.take a private polygraph test.

Who is liable for false imprisonment?

Generally, the tort of false imprisonment must be intentional. A person is not liable for false imprisonment unless his or her act is done for the purpose of imposing a confinement or with knowledge that such confinement, to a substantial certainty will result from it. for this tort, Malice is irrelevant .

What two conditions must exist for a false imprisonment action to succeed?

He or she must have been totally deprived of liberty; this deprivation must have been against his or her will; and it must be caused by the defendant.

What are the remedies for false imprisonment?

There are three remedies for false imprisonment, which include damages, habeas corpus and self -help. Being a tort, the basic remedy for false imprisonment is an action for damages which can be due to physical or mental suffering, loss of reputation or even malicious intent on behalf of the defendant.

What Constitutes A “False Arrest?”

Someone who intentionally and wrongfully limits or restricts another person’s personal freedoms, against the victim’s consent, commits the crime of...

False Arrest Committed by The Police

When most people think about the police committing false arrest, they think it refers to an arrest that was not supported by evidence. But this is...

Responses to False Arrests and Bad Arrests: A Big Difference

In the first example just above, the police arrested a person on a warrant issued as a result of fabricated statements. In legal lingo, this is kno...

False Arrest Committed by Private Persons

A private person, such as a private security guard, can also commit the crime of false arrest. Someone who restrains someone else, without that per...

Civil Damages For False Arrest

People who have valid claims of false arrest may also bring a civil lawsuit against the person who restrained them. Their argument is that they hav...

What is false arrest?

False arrest, sometimes known as false imprisonment or wrongful arrest, occurs when someone wrongfully holds you against your will or takes you into custody. Both private persons and law enforcement agents can commit this crime when they act beyond or outside of the scope of their authority. False arrest is a crime and a civil harm, enabling ...

What to do if you are arrested without a basis?

If you believe you've been detained or arrested without a basis (or if you believe the police are acting outside their proper authority), you need to speak to a local criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. You should never make any statements or file a complaint with police or investigators until you've had a chance to speak to an attorney. If you believe your rights have been violated, or you need someone to represent you against criminal charges, a local attorney who has experience representing clients in local courtrooms is the only person you should talk to for legal advice.

What is a civil rights lawsuit called?

These civil rights lawsuits are known as "Section 1983 " suits because they are named after the federal law, United States Code Section 1983, which authorizes them.

Is kidnapping a false arrest?

Kidnapping is closely related to false arrest because both involve an unlawful detention of a victim. Kidnapping is also a more serious crime because the kidnapper intends to harm the victim, hold that person for ransom, or otherwise facilitate the commission of a felony offense.

Can a released defendant sue for a person's arrest?

Also, the released defendant might be able to sue that person for any harm suffered as a result of the arrest. Just as importantly, even though the defendant knew that the basis for the arrest was untrue, he would have had no right to physically resist the arresting officers.

Can a defendant be arrested for making false statements?

The released defendant can't sue the police for unlawful arrest, but the person making the false statements might be arrested for making false statements, swearing a false oath, or even false imprisonment.

Can police be arrested without authority?

But this is not the standard for measuring whether the police have falsely arrested someone. To be guilty of false arrest, the police must act without authority, or beyond the scope of their powers. For example, imagine someone whom the police arrest based on another person's sworn statement.

What is wrongful imprisonment lawyer?

A Wrongful Imprisonment Lawyer will be needed to defend your case appropriately. The opposing council in your case will go to great lengths to prove there was voluntary consent, claim shopkeeper’s rights, or citizen’s arrest as a defense against your false imprisonment claim.

Can false imprisonment be traumatizing?

Experiencing false and wrongful imprisonment can be traumatizing. Sometimes it’s so confusing that you may not fully know if what happened to you qualifies as false imprisonment. For example, if it’s a loved one or even a law enforcement officer who has committed the offense against you, it may be difficult to question or understand the abuse ...

What defenses do you use in a false imprisonment case?

Standard defenses usually apply in a false imprisonment case. These can include self-defense (they confined the person in order to avoid being attacked) and coercion (i.e., being forced to confine the plaintiff by another person who is threatening to harm them if they don’t).

Why is false imprisonment a crime?

This is due to concerns over kidnapping and detaining children without parental consent.

Can you bring a civil suit for false imprisonment?

For someone to bring a civil suit for a false imprisonment claim there are several elements that must be proved. A person can be guilty of false imprisonment if the person: Of these elements of proof, the last one is particularly important. The plaintiff needs to be aware of their confinement.

Can a victim escape in order for false imprisonment?

In some jurisdictions, the victim cannot have a reasonable means of escape in order for false imprisonment to occur. Also, note acts of omission can also form the basis for false imprisonment (such as intentionally failing to unlock a door if a person is trapped inside).

Is detention willful or unlawful?

The detention was unlawful and willful. Of these elements of proof, the last one is particularly important. The plaintiff needs to be aware of their confinement. So, if for example they are asleep when confined and unaware of the situation, the defendant likely won’t be found guilty of false imprisonment.

Is false imprisonment a felony?

False imprisonment is a common-law felony and a tort. Any person that intentionally restricts another from any kind of movement or freedom without their consent can be liable for false imprisonment.

What is a wrongful arrest case?

There is also a special kind of wrongful arrest case which is called retaliatory prosecution. A false arrest claim is where the police (or occasionally someone other than the police) physically detains a person without probable cause or another legally justifiable reason. This can also be called false imprisonment.

Why do we work with criminal counsel?

One final note – we work with your criminal counsel to assure that everything goes smoothly in the underlying criminal case, so that you do not lose a potential wrongful prosecution case. Criminal counsel are an important part of our referral network, and we always respect them and the job they do for you.

How to have a civil claim for malicious prosecution?

In order to have a valid civil claim for malicious prosecution, you first have to prevail (win) in the underlying criminal case. Not every failed criminal prosecution results in a malicious prosecution – but the Dyller Law Firm will evaluate your case and determine if you were maliciously prosecuted.

What happens if you are subject to malicious prosecution?

If you were subject to malicious prosecution, the Dyller Law Firm will vigorously fight for you to get you the compensation you deserve. Retaliatory prosecution is when a person is arrested or charged with a crime or with a summary offense because the person exercised his or her rights.

What is Dyller Law Firm?

The Dyller Law Firm represents clients who were wrongfully arrested. There are variations in the technical terms for these cases, but they are frequently called false arrest, malicious prosecution or wrongful arrest. There is also a special kind of wrongful arrest case which is called retaliatory prosecution.

Why was the Boston police detective arrested?

An innocent man was arrested by Boston police detectives and charged with trafficking cocaine. The client alleged that the police officers lied about finding cocaine. One of the detectives was indicted in federal court for conspiracy to violate civil rights; he pled guilty and went to prison. The plaintiff alleged that the City of Boston was legally responsible for the detective's actions because it failed to properly supervise him and other officers, enabling them to file false affidavits in support of search warrants and to arrest people without probable cause in order to steal money from the criminal defendants. The case settled.

Who was the officer who forced the girls to remove their clothes in the open?

We represented two teenage girls who, in separate incidents, were forced by Wareham police officer Scott Flanagan (who was under the supervision of Sergeant Jeffrey Perry) to remove their clothing in the open for his personal gratification. The officer pled guilty to violating the girls' civil rights.

Why was Marcos Freitas fired?

Marcos Freitas. Somerville police officer Marcos Freitas was terminated for untruthfulness and conduct unbecoming a police officer. Freitas’s misconduct first surfaced in August 2008, when he took a polygraph test a part of his application to the police department in Austin, Texas.

What is the constitutional right to not be subjected to excessive force by law enforcement officers?

UNREASONABLE OR EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE, OR POLICE BRUTALITY. Every person has the constitutional right not to be subjected to unreasonable or excessive force by law enforcement officers. However, a police officer has the right to use force that is objectively reasonable to make an arrest or that is necessary for self-defense.

What happened to the man who was beaten by police?

After a police pursuit, a man was pulled from his car and brutally beaten by Falmouth and Massachusetts police officers. He sustained a broken jaw, which required several operations to repair, as well as fractures to his cheekbone and his ribs.

Can civil suits be used against police?

Civil suits do not directly result in discipline of police officers. Discipline is imposed only by an internal police investigation. However, on rare occasions, a civil lawsuit can contribute to police officers losing their jobs. Some internal police investigations have found that officers should be fired because they lied at their depositions for civil lawsuits. Three officers we sued have been fired for untruthfulness.

Do You Need a Wrongful Arrest Attorney?

You may have a case against a business or retailer that falsely or unreasonably accused you of committing a crime, when in fact, you committed no crime at all. You may have a case against a law enforcement agency for failing to properly investigate the claim against you.

Thomas Creech is a False Arrest Attorney

The Thomas Creech Law Offices handles cases involving wrongful arrest. In fact, as a former prosecutor who has handled many criminal cases, attorney Thomas Creech knows when a person should not have been arrested. Let us at the Thomas Creech Law Offices put our knowledge and experience to use in representing you in your case.
