what kind of lawyer do you need to sue

by Braden Jerde 6 min read

A lawsuit lawyer, also known as a civil attorney or litigator, are lawyers that are hired by private individuals and entities to pursue a claim or to defend them in a civil lawsuit. In general, civil lawsuits typically attempt to address and resolve legal issues that affect people and organizations.

What are the 4 types of lawyers?

Bankruptcy Lawyer. Bankruptcy lawyers are experts in the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, and handle insolvency issues for individuals or corporations. ... Business Lawyer (Corporate Lawyer) ... Constitutional Lawyer. ... Criminal Defense Lawyer. ... Employment and Labor Lawyer. ... 6. Entertainment Lawyer. ... Estate Planning Lawyer. ... Family Lawyer.More items...

What are the best things to sue for?

Top 6 Reasons to SueFor Monetary Compensation. You can litigate against an entity who has committed some negligent action through which you suffer an injury. ... For Protecting Your Property. ... For Replacing a Trustee. ... For Getting a Divorce. ... For Enforcing the Terms of a Contract. ... For Discrimination and Harassment.

What are the easiest things to sue for?

The law must support your contention that you were harmed by the illegal actions of another.Bad Debt. A type of contract case. ... Breach of Contract. ... Breach of Warranty. ... Failure to Return a Security Deposit. ... Libel or Slander (Defamation). ... Nuisance. ... Personal Injury. ... Product Liability.More items...

Is suing someone worth it?

Is Going to Court Worth It? Again, it just depends on the specifics of your case. If you have a strong case and a good attorney, suing a person might be worth the costs. But if your case isn't as clear and you don't have a large budget, you may want to think twice before going to court.

Do you need a lawyer to sue someone?

If your case meets the requirements for small claims court, you will usually be able to represent yourself, if you wish. You will save attorneys' fees by doing so. However, you may wish to pay an attorney to coach or advise you on how to prepare your case.

Can I sue for emotional distress?

To prove a psychological injury you must be able to show that you suffered a quantifiable psychological injury as a result of someone else's negligence or failure while in their duty of care.

How do I start a lawsuit?

You start a lawsuit by filing a complaint. In some circumstances, you file a petition or a motion. The court has several complaint forms that you may use in drafting your complaint. The forms are available online and at the Pro Se Intake Unit.

Can you sue anyone for any reason?

A civil lawsuit can be brought against a person, business, organization or even a government that has caused you injury or financial loss. In cases of negligence, anyone can be sued, including a minor. However, it is unlikely that a minor will have the necessary funds to compensate for the damages they may have caused.