what kind of lawyer do i need for child custody if the child is proved not to be mine

by Edison Padberg 4 min read

What to consider before hiring lawyers for child custody?

The area of family law encompasses a wide variety of issues, including but not limited to: child custody, divorce, spousal support, child visitation, child support, and paternity. Many of the practice areas in family law are related to one another, and experienced family law attorneys are well-versed in representing clients with multiple needs.

When you should hire a child custody lawyer?

Custody arrangements do not determine your legal right to change your child’s last name. Thus, even if you have been awarded sole custody of your child, the court may not allow you to change the child’s last name if the child and other parent have an involved and loving relationship.

When should you hire a child custody lawyer?

A Guardian ad Litem is an attorney that is appointed to be the child’s attorney and speak on behalf of the child’s best interests. They speak to the child and advocate for what the child wants in terms of custody and speak to the Judge on their findings.

How to find a good child custody attorney?

Texas law provides the parent in possession with certain rights. The law also encourages healthy co-parenting that is in the best interest of the child. So does that simply mean if your child has a dance recital during your visitation period, you’re in the right to keep her from going? No, not exactly. It means […]

How do you win a custody battle against a narcissist?

How Do You Win a Custody Case Against a Narcissist? Follow These 9 Steps#1 Remember That You Are Dealing With a Narcissist. ... #2 Take Note of Everything That Happens. ... #3 Stop or Limit Communication. ... #4 Contact Law Enforcement. ... #6 Ensure Your Physical Safety. ... #8 Continue Being Dependable. ... #9 Secure the Right Attorney. ... Stay Calm.More items...•Mar 16, 2021

What age can a child decide not to see a parent in California?

fourteenIn California, the courts consider and give weight to a child's preference when the child is “of sufficient age and ability to voice an intelligent opinion on custody or visitation.” At the age of fourteen, a child can state a custodial preference unless the court believes doing so would be detrimental.Dec 31, 2021

Who has custody of a child born out of wedlock in California?

In California, unmarried mothers have full custody of children born out of wedlock. Unwed mothers do not need to take any legal action to gain custody of their children born out of wedlock. Unmarried fathers do not have legal custody of their children unless they establish legal paternity.Sep 3, 2020

At what age can a child decide which parent to live with in California 2020?

In California, the law allows children age 14 and up to express their parental preference to aid in determining custody. However, no matter the child's age, a judge will consider their preference in evaluating the overall suitability of the custody arrangement.Dec 30, 2021

Do you have to pay child support if you have 50/50 custody in California?

You may have to pay child support even with a 50/50 custody agreement if you are the higher-earning parent. This is because the purpose of a child support order is to maintain the standard of living the child would have had if the divorce had never happened.Apr 30, 2021

How do you win a child custody case in California?

What To Do To Win Child Custody in CaliforniaBe active with your child's education, extracurricular activities, and events. ... Collaborate with your co-parent. ... Give them their own space in your home. ... Exercise your parental rights. ... Support your co-parent's relationship with your child. ... Make a good impression in court.Jan 1, 2021

How does California determine child custody?

California law does not show preference to any one parent in a custody case. Custody decisions are to be made based on the child's best interests. That being said, mothers are historically granted custody more often than fathers, since they are often the caretakers of the children more so than the fathers.Oct 15, 2019

Can a mother keep the child away from the father in California?

Mother. According to family law, the mother automatically gains custody of the child if she is unwed to the father. There is no need for unwed mothers to take legal actions to fight for the child's custodial rights, even the decision to determine the father's role in their child's life.6 days ago

What rights does a father have if he is on the birth certificate in California?

These include being able to have life and health insurance coverage through either parent, the right to receive veteran's and social security benefits, and the right to inherit from both parents. Furthermore, paternity enables children to receive financial support from both parents, married or unmarried.Sep 15, 2019

Can a mother move a child away from the father?

Can a mother move a child away from the father? Under normal circumstances, a mother cannot move a child away from the father. However, if it is in the child's best interest, it will be allowed. It is best to obtain a court order dealing with the parties' parental responsibilities and rights under the circumstances.

At what age does a child need their own room legally in California?

CPS usually does not approve of children of opposite genders sharing rooms after age 5. If one sibling is over the age of 5, it is suggested that they move into their own room. If a family has one child of each gender, the answer to the question would be “yes.”Jun 9, 2021

What makes a parent unfit in California?

In California, an unfit parent is a parent who, through their conduct, fails to provide proper guidance, care, or support to their children. This can include not only a parent's actions but also a home environment where abuse, neglect, or substance abuse is present.May 31, 2021

What Factors Does A Court Consider When Determining Child Custody?

Courts make child custody decisions based on what is in the child’s best interest. Typically, a series of factors are weighed. While the factors va...

What Is The Difference Between Sole and Shared Custody?

If you are given sole custody (or full custody), you have both physical and legal custody of the child. In other words, your child will live with y...

Which Parent Is More Likely to Be Granted Sole Custody – The Father Or The Mother?

In the past, many states applied the “tender years doctrine,” which favored mothers over fathers in custody decisions. However, modern custody laws...

Who Decides Upon Visitation Schedules?

Courts prefer parents to negotiate visitation schedules on their own. In fact, many states require mediation before the court will issue a custody...

Which Parent Is Granted Custody If The Couple Is Not Married and There Is No Court Order?

If parents are unmarried, their custody rights will vary from state-to-state. In some states, an unmarried mother is awarded sole legal and physica...

Can I Bring My Child With Me If I Move Out-Of-State?

Most custody orders do not allow a child to move out-of-state without the court’s permission. Before you move, you should advise the court of your...

Can I Change My Child’S Last Name from The Father’S Surname to My surname?

You cannot legally change a child’s name without a court order. Sometimes, parents will mutually agree to change a child’s last name. If your child...

Can Child Custody Orders Be Changed Or Modified?

Courts recognize that child’s needs and best interests may change over time. While some states impose a waiting period (when custody cannot be modi...

What Is Child Support and What Does It Cover?

Child support is paid to a custodial parent to help cover a child’s daily expenses (such as food, lodging, and clothing). Some states have child su...

Do I Need A Lawyer For Child Custody Issues?

Child custody cases can quickly become complicated and contentious. Most parents benefit from the help of a skilled child custody attorney or famil...

Who Will Get Custody of Our Child?

It depends. In North Carolina child custody is determined by using a standard whereby the judge will determine the best interest of the child.The j...

What Is Joint Custody? What Is Sole Custody?

Joint physical custody is the sharing of the children between the parties. Sole physical custody is whereby one party gets custody of the children...

If Both Parents Share Custody Does Anyone Pay Child Support?

It depends on the parties’ incomes, who pays the health insurance, child care costs, and other expenses on behalf of the child. It also depends on...

Can A Parent Refuse to Allow Visitation If Child Support Is Not Paid?

The appropriate remedy for someone who does not pay their child support is go in front of a judge and have the judge determine the appropriate solu...

When Can My Child Decide Which Parent to Live with?

In North Carolina, there is no set age as to when the court will take into consideration the wishes of the child. Even if the court will take testi...

Do Grandparents Have Custody and Visitation Rights?

Grandparents only have standing to gain custody when they can justify to the court that both parents are unfit or have acted in some other way that...

What Is A Parenting Plan, and Do I Need One?

A parenting plan is a written agreement between the parties about how they will raise their child/children. If the parties are involved in litigati...

If My Separation Agreement Includes Custody/Support Can It Be Included in The Divorce Decree?

Yes, it can be included in the divorce decree. You do this by incorporating your custody/support agreement by reference in the body of the judgment...

What Can I Expect from Temporary Orders?

Temporary orders are meant to put into effect a plan until a more permanent hearing can take place. For temporary orders, the order must state a cl...

When Will Child Custody Be decided?

This depends. If you and the other parent can agree and enter into a Consent Order, then it can be decided as soon as you and the other side come t...