what is the best topic for a lawyer blog

by Brooke Douglas 10 min read

5 lawyer blog topics to write about on your firm’s website

  1. Recent changes in law. First, you can create blogs detailing recent changes in the law. These attract clients confused by misleading news headlines.
  2. Legal advice for your area of specialty. Dishing out legal advice for your area of specialty, such as divorce or criminal defense, is another way to build a strong ...
  3. FAQs. Articles describing frequently asked questions are another excellent blog topic idea. FAQs are so valuable that many lawyers have created dedicated FAQ pages.
  4. Play legal ‘Mythbuster’. Playing the legal ‘Mythbuster’ in your blogs can draw in significant web traffic because myths are so pervasive in the legal industry.
  5. Trial process guides. The trial process is scary and confusing for defendants, to say the least. ...

Here are 11 blog ideas that help lawyers reach the right people:
  • Legal Advice on Specific Practice Areas. ...
  • Step Guides: What to Do Now. ...
  • Recent Changes in Law. ...
  • Case Studies. ...
  • Trial Process Guides. ...
  • 6. Answers to Common Questions. ...
  • Legal Strategy Breakdowns. ...
  • Dispel a Legal Myth.

What is a good topic for a law research paper?

Your topic should have real-life cases to illustrate your points. Law is a popular discipline among humanitarian sciences that have a wide range of research areas. Some common law research areas include business law, commercial law, environmental law, international law, medical law, constitutional law, cyber law, family law and so on.

Should your law firm have a blog?

In 2018, 24% of law firms reported having a blog, so if you aren’t blogging, your competitors probably are. Don’t lose out on prospective clients. Maximize your marketing channels by targeting compelling legal blog topics on your firm’s blog.

What are the best legal blog topics for my website?

These legal blog topics will help you attract the audience you want to target. And that makes for a higher chance of converting website visitors into clients. 3. FAQs Articles describing frequently asked questions are another excellent blog topic idea. FAQs are so valuable that many lawyers have created dedicated FAQ pages.

How do I get more clients with my legal blog?

That’s true for blogs as well. Having the right strategy is key to securing new clients with your blog. Blogging strategies take in-depth industry and competitor analysis, as well as thorough keyword research for search engine optimization. Plus, you’ll need some top legal blog topics to help you target the right audience. 1. Recent changes in law


Which topic is best for blog?

Let's take a look at the most popular types of blogs that exist:Fashion Blogs. Fashion blogs are one of the most popular types of blogs on the internet. ... Food Blogs. Food blogs are another popular blog type. ... Travel Blogs. ... Music Blogs. ... Lifestyle Blogs. ... Fitness Blogs. ... DIY Blogs. ... Sports Blogs.More items...•

Can lawyers have blogs?

In fact, roughly 1 in 4 law firms today maintain a blog, while nearly 3 in 4 attorneys have a professional presence on social media. Although blogging can confer many benefits—fame, fortune, the adulation of your peers—it can also have its drawbacks.

What are the 3 most important skills that you think a lawyer needs?

As you enter your career, there are several skills you'll want to develop as a lawyer, including:Analytical and research skills. ... Attention to detail. ... Organizational skills. ... Time management. ... Persuasive communication. ... Written communication skills. ... Interpersonal skills. ... Technical skills.More items...•

What is a legal topic?

Legal issue or issue of law is a legal question which is the foundation of a case. It requires a court's decision. It can also refer to a point on which the evidence is undisputed, the outcome of which depends on the court's interpretation of the law.

How do I start a law blog?

The following are some pointers to be kept in mind while writing law blogs:Choosing the Right Topic. ... Research. ... Clarity of Thought. ... Language. ... Style of Writing. ... Arguments, Suggestions & Conclusion to have a Proper Basis. ... Case Law Analysis & Discussion. ... Place for Feedback & Active Discussions.

How do you make a law blog?

For lawyers and firms looking to start their own legal blogs, here are five tips that will keep readers coming back for more.KEEP THE SUBJECT MATTER NARROW. ... KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. ... POST REGULARLY. ... CONSIDER ADDING CONTRIBUTORS. ... LET YOUR PERSONALITY AND POINT OF VIEW SHINE THROUGH.

What makes a successful lawyer?

Here are the top 5 qualities of a good lawyer: responsiveness, analytical skills, good research skills, speaking skills, and listening skills. and understand it on the spot. When a case is in session, curveballs will likely be thrown and they have to be able to interpret and respond to them appropriately.

What interests should a lawyer have?

Law (main motivation: serving and protecting society)applying rules and regulations.influencing people.legal matters.persuading people.protecting others.social justice.solving difficult situations.working with those who have lost direction.

What type of person makes a good lawyer?

Below are ten traits that are common to the best lawyers in the United States.Passion for the Job. ... Compassion for Clients. ... Great Communication Skills. ... Willingness to Listen. ... Knowledge of the Law. ... Strong Writing Ability. ... Creativity. ... Good Judgment.More items...•

What are issues in law?

In legal use, an "issue" means a point disputed by parties to a lawsuit. Legal issue may also refer to either a person's lineal descendants or a group of securities offered for sale. An issue of law is a question of how a law is applied rather than a question of fact.

What are common legal issues?

One of the most common legal issues is personal injuries. If you should be injured and the liability lies with a third party, you can hire a lawyer to help you recover damages to cover medical expenses, loss of wages, and pain and suffering. Injuries include motor vehicle accidents, workplace injuries, and dog bites.

What is a lawyers argument called?

Oral arguments are spoken presentations to a judge or appellate court by a lawyer (or parties when representing themselves) of the legal reasons why they should prevail.

News Items

Tying your blog post to current events, recent developments, trends and news headlines will bring relevance and importance to your message and help draw in readers.

Informative Content

Information that guides and informs the user is one of the most effective ways to expand your readership and increase your authority on the web.

Law Firm Announcements

Do you have news within your law firm that you want to share? Feature firm news in a blog post or summarize a press release in your own words and link to the release within your post.

Showcase Your Expertise

Showcasing the talent within your legal team will help you build trust with your reader and convert readers to clients.

Upcoming Events

Discuss upcoming events within your law firm, community or industry. In addition to information about when and where, discuss speaker qualifications, event highlights and why readers should attend.


You can create a list for almost anything. Lists are simple to write and popular with readers.

Interviews and Profiles

Interviews are an easy way to create engaging content. You can create an interview series and include a photo of your interviewee to enhance the post.

Why don't lawyers like blogs?

Many lawyers don’t like the idea of blogging as they don’t want to be mistaken for providing legal advice. One discussion I had recently with a law firm client was on the subject of their personal injury blog. The topic we had given them to write was “do’s and don’ts when talking with an insurance adjuster”. Their hesitation in writing the article was that they didn’t want to give any advice on the matter, because they usually handle this for their clients and its generally a terrible idea for people to talk to the insurance adjuster. There are simply too many situations for the individual talking with an adjuster to go wrong.

How to get more attention for your law firm?

Keeping with the train of thought on press and media, writing articles about newsworthy and high profile cases is a great way to generate more attention for your firm. Commenting or giving your professional opinion about the events, situation or handling of the legal proceedings can draw the media’s eyes to your firm and lead to mentions. It’s unlikely to occur the first time, but eventually this method will position your firm as an authority on these types of topics.

What is SEO for law firms?

Probably the most overlooked part when it comes to SEO (search engine optimization ) for many businesses, including attorneys and law firms is blogging. Blogging regularly for your firm can be an incredible source of new traffic for your firm. When performed correctly, that traffic will translate into a steady source of new clients.

Why is it important to write a blog post?

Writing a blog post about a big case your firm tried and won is important. This is good for media attention, SEO and traffic as well as social proof. Featuring this article on the homepage of your website or landing page can emit a sense of credibility and may generate several more conversions alone.

Why do lawyers need to bring a client to the first meeting?

It also helps both parties (client and law firm) get the most out of the initial consultation by instructing the consultee on what they need to bring to the first meeting so that the lawyer can prepare a snapshot of their case.

What are some good sites to ask legal questions?

When looking for topics and legal questions to answer on your blog, forums can be a great source for ideas. Search law and legal topics on popular forums like Reddit and Quora to find what questions people are asking about online. A unique advantage to this technique is that many forums, including these show ‘view’ or ‘hit’ counts. This indicates how many people viewed the question or topic. This can be a good indicator of the popularity of the question or topic when making a decision on whether to write about it or not.

What are the subcategories of family law?

For instance, if you practice family law, then the subcategories you write about will include: Divorce. Child Custody. Child Support. Spousal Support.

Sometimes, Figuring Out What to Write about is the Hardest Part of Blogging

The benefits of blogging for law firms and lawyers are indisputable.

40. Analysis of recent court decisions

When you are writing for your law firm’s blog, be sure to keep your language natural.

Remember, Effective Legal Blog Writing Takes Time

If you are a busy practicing attorney, the reality is that regular, effective blogging can easily slip through the cracks. It takes a significant amount of time to come up with a blog topic, write the blog, edit it, optimize it, find appropriate images, and post it onto your site.

Why is SEO important for a lawyer?

Law firm SEO is an especially valuable tool because of the exponential and time-oriented growth. You’ll be able to see results for years to come if you implement the right practices. Here are some of the benefits of hosting a legal blog on your website: Improved SEO and organic traffic on your website.

How does SEO help a law firm?

If you’ve been in business or around marketing for any amount of time, you may have heard about SEO or Search Engine Optimization and the benefits that it can have on your website. If you haven’t, make sure that you click that link and learn more. Law firm SEO is an especially valuable tool because of the exponential and time-oriented growth. You’ll be able to see results for years to come if you implement the right practices. Here are some of the benefits of hosting a legal blog on your website: 1 Improved SEO and organic traffic on your website. 2 Develop relationships with potential and existing customers. 3 Become an industry leader by providing valuable information to consumers. 4 Provide value and education for your readers. 5 Offer resources and a place to keep information that you can send to potential customers. 6 Generate leads for your business.

How to avoid legal blog pitfalls?

You can avoid a lot of the pitfalls of starting a legal blog by hiring the right law firm SEO agency. SEO agencies save you time and money by creating a blogging strategy that works from the start—no need for trial and error on your own.

What is the best way to build a blog?

2. Legal advice for your area of specialty. Dishing out legal advice for your area of specialty , such as divorce or criminal defense, is another way to build a strong foundation for your blog. For example, if you practice elder law.

Why are mythbusting blogs important?

Either way, myth-busting blogs help target important keywords and positions your firm as an industry leader.

How to start a blog?

Create goals. The last thing you want is an aimless blog. Clear goals, such as increased web traffic or authoritative blogs to share with clients, drive a blog forward. So before you start blogging, remember to define your goals and create a content strategy to match. Follow a publishing schedule.

How to find related topics in Google?

By inputting a question word plus a keyword in the Google search bar, you can discover related topics .

What makes a blog successful?

Most successful blogs have one thing in common, consistency. If you want your blog to secure prospective clients, creating a publishing schedule makes for a consistent, quality blog. And that leads to more web traffic, which we know means more client leads. Write more and include more pictures.

What is keyword research?

Keyword research is a critical aspect of search engine optimization (SEO). It involves finding important topics and keywords that your target audience searches for. Then, you create content that targets those keywords in your blog, improving your ranking in search engines. Create goals.

How to start a legal blog?

As with anything, one of the most important parts of starting a niche legal blog is simply to get started. Don’t worry about every post being perfect: It’s more important to start getting posts out there so that you can learn as you go. Follow these steps, and you’ll be well on your way: 1 Get a blog (WordPress is probably one of the best blogging platforms) and give it a name that makes sense. Your law firm name or practice area is a good place to start. 2 Sit down with a notepad and write down your areas of expertise and law-related topics that you’re interested in. Start with five. If you actually like what you’re writing about, blogging becomes a much easier (and dare we say more fun) process. Seriously. 3 Set yourself a deadline every week to get a post up. Consistency will help you keep up your writing habit. 4 Get posting. Be professional and all that, but also let your personality permeate your writing. This is your blog and your space to share information with people who know nothing about you. How do you want your law firm’s brand (and your personal brand) to come across?

Why is it important to have a blog?

Having a blog can help with your website SEO, and by extension, help potential clients find you online. However, Kevin is adamant that this isn’t what’s most important. Lawyers should worry less about SEO and more about writing quality posts.

How to keep track of what's going on in your area of practice?

Kevin suggests using news aggregators or Twitter lists to keep track of what’s going on in spaces related to your area of practice, sharing the news, and adding your commentary. If you do very well at it, your side of the story may even be picked up by news outlets.

Is a blog too broad?

A blog that simply focuses on a specific practice area, such as employment, tax, or environmental law, would be too broad. Focusing on a small geographical area would be better bet. For instance, Kevin pointed to Kysa Crusco of Bedford, New Hampshire, who’s done extraordinarily well building her name as a family lawyer in her small city through her New Hampshire Family Law Blog.

Is a law firm website a blog?

Well, there’s a way that accomplishes all this—and more. It’s simple. It makes your law firm’s website easier to find online by people who are looking for legal services . And it costs you nothing. Yes, you guessed it: it’s a blog. Whether you work with hundreds of lawyers in Big Law or work for yourself, your law firm should be actively blogging.

Is blogging a conversation?

For Kevin, however, “blogging is not about thinking of things to write … blogging is a conversation.”. By keeping an eye on current events related your niche and adding your commentary, he says you’ll never be stuck for a subject to write on, even if you’re blogging about an extremely focused topic.


News Items

  • Tying your blog post to current events, recent developments, trends and news headlines will bring relevance and importance to your message and help draw in readers. 1. New court ruling 2. New legislation that impacts your practice 3. Breaking industry news 4. Trends in the law or within your industry/practice area 5. New case law or developments in...
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Informative Content

  • Information that guides and informs the user is one of the most effective ways to expand your readership and increase your authority on the web. 1. Case law analysis 2. Answers to client questions 3. FAQs (these can be broken up by practice area) 4. Case studies 5. Fee information 6. Process pages (for example, steps in the criminal process) 7. Statutory analysis (explain what th…
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Law Firm Announcements

  • Do you have news within your law firm that you want to share? Feature firm news in a blog post or summarize a press release in your own words and link to the release within your post. 1. New attorney 2. New practice group 3. New office 4. Moving office locations 5. Recent court win 6. Recent deal/transaction/closing 7. New technology 8. Awards and recognition 9. Pro bono and c…
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Showcase Your Expertise

  • Showcasing the talent within your legal team will help you build trust with your reader and convert readers to clients. 1. Case studies 2. Attorney and staff spotlights 3. Q&A’s 4. Success stories 5. Recent victories
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Upcoming Events

  • Discuss upcoming events within your law firm, community or industry. In addition to information about when and where, discuss speaker qualifications, event highlights and why readers should attend. 1. CLEs 2. Seminars 3. Conferences 4. Webinars 5. Podcasts 6. Pro bono or community service events 7. Special events (for example, new firm opening or client holiday party)
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  • You can create a list for almost anything. Lists are simple to write and popular with readers. 1. Top 5 ways … 2. 10 Reasons why… 3. Top secrets to… 4. 5 Favorite… 5. 10 mistakes…
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Interviews and Profiles

  • Interviews are an easy way to create engaging content. You can create an interview series and include a photo of your interviewee to enhance the post. 1. Profiles of local judges 2. Interviews with industry experts 3. Client success profiles
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Further Learning

  • Are you interested in learning more about legal marketing? Head on over to our SEO Guidelines & Best Practicespage. Our guide will teach you the do’s and don’ts for law firm SEO along with what we include in our SEO plans.
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