what is collections performance lawyer

by Eden Cronin 8 min read

A debt collection lawyer is an individual licensed to practice law in a particular jurisdiction who primarily focuses on helping others collect debts. This type of attorney must abide by all the laws and regulations that apply to any other debt collector.

Full Answer

Who is responsible for handling collections in a small law firm?

As a solo attorney or the owner of a small firm, you’re often responsible for handling collections on your own. A lot of attorneys we talk to feel that if they’re honest about how much the representation will cost, they’ll turn clients away. This isn’t true.

Should I hire a lawyer to defend a collection suit?

If you decide to hire the attorney to defend the collection suit, be sure that you sign a retainer agreement. The retainer agreement is a contract that governs your employment relationship with the attorney and should spell out at a minimum the details of the fee arrangement you negotiated.

Can a solo attorney handle collections on their own?

As a solo attorney or the owner of a small firm, you’re often responsible for handling collections on your own. A lot of attorneys we talk to feel that if they’re honest about how much the representation will cost, they’ll turn clients away.

How many attorneys have gone before you for billing and collections?

Thousands of attorneys have gone before you, carving out their own unique billing and collections processes. And we go over this in our law firm survival guide, The Small Firm Roadmap.


What is a collection of lawyers called?

an execution of officers. an eloquence of lawyers. a drunkenship of cobblers. a proud showing of tailors. a skulk of thieves.

What is a collection in legal terms?

The process of seeking money claimed to be owed. Debt collectors must obey federal, State, and New York City laws and rules about what they can and cannot do in the collection process. Collection fees. A fee (or charge) that a debt collector adds to the amount it attempts to collect from a consumer.

How do I respond to a collection letter from a lawyer?

Four Steps to Take if You Received a Debt Collection Letter From a LawyerCarefully Review the Letter to Determine the Claim. ... Consider Sending a Debt Validation Request. ... Gather and Organize All Relevant Financial Documents and Records. ... Be Proactive: Debt Does Not Go Away on its Own.

How does collections process work?

Your debt is sent to a collector. Your creditor hires a collection agency to help collect payment. It may even sell your debt to the agency, which means your creditor no longer has any involvement in the process going forward. You would be working solely with the collection agency to pay back the debt.

Can you go to jail for not paying a court ordered debt?

Not being able to meet payment obligations can make anyone feel anxious and worried, but in most cases, you won't have to worry about serving jail time if you are unable to pay off your debts. You cannot be arrested or go to jail simply for being past-due on credit card debt or student loan debt, for instance.

Do you have to pay collections?

If you refuse to pay a debt collection agency, they may file a lawsuit against you. Debt collection lawsuits are no joke. You can't just ignore them in the hopes that they'll go away. If you receive a Complaint from a debt collector, you must respond within a time frame determined by your jurisdiction.

Should I respond to a collection letter?

You should not ignore a debt collection letter as not responding to them in time (or at all) can lead to the collection agency filing a lawsuit against you. Not only will this result in you being responsible for additional fees, but it can allow them to take legal action to get the funds from you in other ways.

What happens if I don't answer debt collectors?

If you continue to ignore communicating with the debt collector, they will likely file a collections lawsuit against you in court. If you are served with a lawsuit and ignore this court filing, the debt collection company will then be able to get a default judgment against you.

What should you not say to debt collectors?

3 Things You Should NEVER Say To A Debt CollectorAdditional Phone Numbers (other than what they already have)Email Addresses.Mailing Address (unless you intend on coming to a payment agreement)Employer or Past Employers.Family Information (ex. ... Bank Account Information.Credit Card Number.Social Security Number.

What are the stages of collections?

Here is a breakdown of the four main stages of the process:Stage 1: 30 days past due. In this stage, you are behind on your payment. ... Stage 2: 60 days past due. During this stage, your debt is still with your original lender, but contact will become more aggressive and persistent. ... Stage 3: Charge-off status. ... Stage 4: Court.

Can a collection agency take you to court?

Debt collection agencies may take you to court on behalf of a creditor if they have been unable to contact you in their attempts to recover a debt. Before being threatened by court action, the debt collection agency must have first sent you a warning letter.

How do you handle collections?

5 ways to deal with debt collectorsDon't ignore them. Debt collectors will continue to contact you until a debt is paid. ... Get information on the debt. ... Get it in writing. ... Don't give personal details over the phone. ... Try settling or negotiating.

How to respond to a debt collector lawsuit?

The moment that you receive a lawsuit from a debt collector, it is best to call our debt defense lawyers. Time is of the essence with court deadlines. There is a short time to respond to a lawsuit, and the most important thing is to respond before the deadline. Otherwise there will be a default judgment entered, which basically means that nobody responded to the lawsuit and the debt collector will be declared the winner by default. You will have no chance to dispute the debt and the creditor will start collecting immediately. While it is still possible for our debt collection defense attorneys to settle the judgment in a way favorable to you, it gets more and more difficult the longer you let it go – and sometimes, when they are garnishing your wages, the creditor or debt collector will no longer agree to any reduction or reasonable payment terms.

What to do if you are facing a lawsuit from a debt collector?

If you are facing a lawsuit from a debt collector, our debt collection defense attorneys can help you by making sure that the creditors are asking for the right amount and that they actually have the right to collect.

What is the process of debt validation?

There is a specific process called “debt validation” that debt collectors must follow in order to obtain the right to make the collection attempt. Our collection defense attorneys make sure that creditors comply with the law by properly validating the debt.

What happens if a debt collector oversteps the boundaries?

When collectors overstep their boundaries in how they contact you, they could be held liable for the damages they have caused to you. If creditors have engaged in illegal collection practices by resorting to threats and intimidation, this conduct could result in reducing or eliminating the debt owed entirely, in addition to additional damages.

What is debt collection defense?

What is a Debt Collection Defense Attorney? A debt collection defense attorney is a lawyer you turn to when your credit card company files a lawsuit against you for your unpaid balance. While many people believe that they have to pay every penny claimed by their credit card companies in a collection matter, there are thousands ...

What is the FDCPA?

The Federal Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) puts a limit on how the debt collector can contact the debtor. There are limits to how often they can contact the debtor and what they can say during the communication. Some examples of illegal debt collection practices include.

Do debt collectors prey on debtors?

Debt collectors depend on the debtors not knowing what options they have when they receive letters that look threatening and receiving lawsuits. Many collectors prey on debtors being scared and not knowing about their options.

What is debt collection attorney?

A debt collection attorney is a lawyer that helps clients with debt collection lawsuits. An attorney may be able to help you stop the collection agency’s harassing phone calls and work with you to find a solution to fight against the debt collection lawsuit.

Is it important to find a debt collection attorney?

Finding a debt collection attorney is important for your lawsuit, but finding the right attorney is just as important. But it can be hard to do if you don’t know what to look for or what questions to ask.

Can you sue a debt collector for a violation of the FDCPA?

If a collector has broken the law under FDCPA guidelines, you may have the legal right to sue that collector. An attorney who is familiar with FDCPA can help you identify illegal debt collection practices that you may have missed or not even known about and create the appropriate documentation to prove that the violations occurred.

What to do if you hire a lawyer to defend a collection suit?

If you decide to hire the attorney to defend the collection suit, be sure that you sign a retainer agreement. The retainer agreement is a contract that governs your employment relationship with the attorney and should spell out at a minimum the details of the fee arrangement you negotiated.

Why do attorneys have a cap on hourly fees?

By the hour, often with a cap to ensure that you do not pay the attorney more than the lawsuit is worth

How do attorneys charge?

How an attorney charges for services can have a big effect on the cost. Most attorneys will charge for their services in one of three ways: 1 A flat fee, no matter how much time it takes or how the suit is resolved. 2 By the hour, often with a cap to ensure that you do not pay the attorney more than the lawsuit is worth 3 By the result. Usually this fee is based on how much the attorney saves you in the long run. For instance, an attorney may agree to a fee of one third of the difference between the amount of the debt and the settlement amount. If you are sued for $10,000, and settle for $4,000, the attorney will get one third of the difference, or $2,000.

How much is a retainer?

The retainer can range from a nominal amount to thousands of dollars , and is usually based on how much the creditor seeks in the lawsuit and the amount of time the lawyer estimates the case will last.

How to find out if your state has any restrictions on debt collection practices during this national emergency?

To find out if your state has any restrictions on debt collection practices during this national emergency, check your state's official website and look for orders related to the pandemic. The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) website is also a good source of information on consumer matters, including debt collection limitations during the coronavirus outbreak.

What should an attorney discuss with you?

The attorney should also discuss the fee with you, how the attorney charges, what amount will be charged, how you'll be billed, and when the attorney will expect payment. The attorney should explain any additional costs, like court fees and expenses you'll be responsible for, like copy costs, postage, and other charges.

Why is it important to contact an attorney immediately?

Therefore, it's important that you contact an attorney immediately to discuss your rights and whether defending the lawsuit is in your best interests.

How long does it take for an invoice to go to collections?

Invoices typically go to collections after a certain amount of time passes without payment. It’s typical for any organization to wait at least a month or so before they begin the collections process. As a solo attorney or the owner of a small firm, you’re often responsible for handling collections on your own.

Why do law firms need to bill?

A solid law firm billing process can ensure you have the cash flow necessary to meet the demands of your firm.

Does solid billing help with collections?

Although it’s true that solid billing practices can help decrease collections, the need for collections won’t disappear completely. It’s important to have a collections process that helps eliminate frustration for both you and the client.

Is it important to bring cash into a law firm?

The cash you bring into your business is one of the most important tools for growth. In fact, you can’t do much without it. Law firm billing is often a sore subject for many attorneys, however.

Can billing software automate billing?

It’s the only way to keep up. Again, billing software can automate each step in your process for you.

Who is responsible for collections in a law firm?

Law firm accounting and billing departments are responsible for collections, and it sometimes involves the firm administrator or C-level executives for the most delicate or complicated assignments. Below, several Orion Collections Survey respondents share helpful best practice tips for improving collections.

What is the most vexing collection challenge for law firms?

Of these four possible responses, “policy” was the most vexing collections challenge for law firms, with 57 percent of respondents choosing it as their greatest challenge. Second place went to enforcement at 29 percent, followed by tone at 14 percent. Zero respondents chose timing — showing that law firms struggle more with how to convey, and deliver on, their collections message rather than when to send those messages.

What is Orion Law Management?

Curious about how law firms were dealing with the collections conundrum, Orion Law Management conduct ed a study of its clients focused specifically on collections. The 2019 Orion Collections Survey assessed law firms’ greatest challenges and also asked respondents to share their best practices for getting paid.

What is the objective of a collection?

The objective is for the firm to get paid while also treating the client with professionalism and respect. The point of billing provides the client a moment to evaluate the value the firm is bringing and to then acknowledge that value by parting with money.

Is it easy to lose track of collections?

It is all too easy to lose track of collection status when new projects are constantly flowing in throughout the day. However, having an ongoing handle on collections is helpful for both the billing department and lawyers. Lewis & Roberts PLLC Billing Specialist Lisa Holmes suggests: “Run reports often to keep on top of collections. The Aged AR report is great. We also print and distribute this report, by attorney, once a month so that they can also keep collections in mind.”

Is a collection policy difficult?

Survey results show that policy is the most difficult of all collections-related issues for law firms. Even though it’s far from easy, it’s worth investing the time and resources to establish a uniform policy. Katherine Williams, Business Manager at Fowler, Hein, Cheatwood & Williams, says that in addition to setting policy for accounts receivable, firms must “be universal regarding your payment requests both in email content and expectations, and keep GREAT NOTES.”

Can collections get out of control?

Left unchecked, collections can get out of control with clients having several outstanding invoices. This puts you in the awkward position of having to ask for larger amounts of money as invoice totals accumulate. For better results, steadily and tactfully remind clients of past due bills via phone or email before the amount spirals too high.

How long does a collection attorney have to provide a notice of collection?

DO PROVIDE DISCLOSURES: 15 USC 1692g requires a collection attorney to provide this notice within five days after the initial communication with a consumer in connection with the collection of any debt. As a safeguard we recommend that you include the disclosure in the initial communication instead of providing it five days after the initial written communication.

Can a debt collector communicate with third parties?

DO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH THIRD PARTIES: A debt collector may communicate with the consumer unless the debt collector knows that that the Debtor has an attorney.

What is the biggest collection related issue?

Establish a uniform policy. One of the biggest collections-related issues cited in the 2019 Orion Collections Survey was around policy. Many firms do not have a consistent policy that guides their collections process.

Why don't law firms pay bills?

There are many reasons clients may not pay their bills on time. Whether it is due to forgetfulness, negligence, or unclear or incorrect bills, ...

Why are Law Firm KPIs valuable?

Nowadays, you hear every entrepreneur and investor saying “KPI”—so much that you might think of “KPI” as merely a buzzword. But what exactly are KPIs, and why are they important?

Why do law firms fail?

Businesses and law firms alike fail because they pay out more than they bring in. Measuring more than the traditional billable hour metrics can help your firm better understand its current and potential monetary situation.

How often should I monitor KPIs in a law firm?

It can be as easy as assigning a staff member to input the numbers for each predetermined KPI once a month. Then, you can set aside a block of time for yourself to analyze the results, identify patterns (good and bad), and find opportunities for adjustment.

How many hours does a law firm work?

An efficient law firm is a profitable law firm—yet productivity is a huge issue for most, with legal professionals billing an average of just 2.4 hours of an 8-hour day, according to the 2018 Legal Trend Report.

What is the importance of monitoring the performance of pivotal aspects of a firm?

Monitoring the performance of pivotal aspects of your firm can make a major impact on your firm’s revenues, growth, and overall success —but in order to succeed in our changing legal landscape, you must evolve what and how you measure.

Why is firm culture important?

Firm culture KPIs can offer valuable insights on the health of your organization that might otherwise be overlooked—which is important, as office culture can have an impact on clients, and thus your overall business.

What happens when a lawyer receives financial information for the first time?

Lawyers who receive this level of financial information for the first time may make impulsive decisions based on their interpretations of the results. Seeking clarity and a desire for immediate improvement, they can challenge the status quo, and the conversation can turn counter-productive.

Why do law firms give bonuses?

Most law firms use a bonus system to motivate and retain good attorneys. With their own unique values and behaviors they wish to reward, law firms use various subjective and objective methods to determine bonus amounts. While there is no magic formula for creating the perfect bonus plan, the law firms that find the most success are ones ...
