what is a lawyer good for battery defense reddit

by Prof. Vivienne Grady III 5 min read

What do the best criminal defense attorneys do?

Every case is unique and the best criminal defense attorneys weigh all factors to develop a case theory and criminal defense strategy most likely to succeed. Criminal defense strategies are legal arguments and actions taken to get criminal charges dismissed and secure a defendant’s freedom.

Can a defence lawyer be charged with a murder?

A defence lawyer had a client who was convicted on one crime and admitted he also committed a murder. That client was never charged for the murder, but another person was and convicted to a life sentence.

Why can't attorneys come forward with their knowledge of a crime?

The attorneys meanwhile cannot come forward with their knowledge because 1. the confession would be deemed improper evidence and not be allowed, and 2. they would lose their licenses.

Why can't attorneys come forward when the client is already in prison?

The client who was already in prison confessed to his attorneys that he killed the security guard. Prosecution tries and convicts someone who is totally innocent. The attorneys meanwhile cannot come forward with their knowledge because 1. the confession would be deemed improper evidence and not be allowed, and 2. they would lose their licenses.


Why is the US being blamed for the Taliban taking over?

I genuinely want to learn and I'm not talking about it in a "America is the best" mindset but if the United States provided protection for so long and Afghanistan did not create a sustainable plan that did not depend on the US, why are so many people on Reddit blaming America leaving for why the Taliban took over Afghanistan?

Do Americans really have people whose job is to just stand at the entrance of a store and greet people?

I've seen this in movies a lot, often in big stores, and often it seems that is the persons WHOLE job, rather than perhaps store workers who do other things taking turns to do so, or a security guard.

Why did the OP have to pay the attorneys fees?

Judge not only rules totally in favor of the spouse but OP was also ordered to pay part of the attorneys fees due to abuse of process, acting in bad faith, etc which made things more expensive for her.

Is reddit a psychotic power fantasy?

I tend to notice its common on reddit to have this wierd, psycho tic power fantasy going on where you can respond to minor rudeness with immiediate and overwhelming violence and be applauded for it while doing so. A lot of advice in r/legaladvice from "not a lawyer" types seems to advocate blatantly illegal and often violent behavior in reprisal to some pretty minor slights. The mod team is pretty good at taking down these types of comments, but you still see a lot of them.

Is Montana a non-right to work state?

Reminds me of the BOLA where the LAOP was having an employment issue and from Montana, the only non-right to work state, and all the replies were naturally saying the employer can do anything because of right to work.

Did OP take advice from divorce attorneys?

Comes out later that OP actually took that advice & consulted with 30 divorce attorneys. None were able to take the case so spouse has a hard time hiring one. Eventually the spouse & attorney found the thread on reddit and were able to tie the account back to OP.

Did OP get a slap on the wrist?

By looking at OP's history, he says it turned out okay in the end, but he got a slap on the wrist. He also appears to have learned his lesson.
