what is a good reson to become a lawyer

by Ida Barrows 10 min read

Lawyers are in a unique position to help individuals, groups, and organizations with their legal problems and to further the public good. Public interest lawyers champion legal causes for the greater good of society and help those in need of legal assistance who might not otherwise be able to afford attorneys.Nov 20, 2019

What do you need to become a good lawyer?

Mar 12, 2014 · Studying law is very challenging, but teaches you a great deal of discipline which is incredibly valuable to you and to future employers - they will already know you're able to work hard and achieve your goals! Being a lawyer is a great opportunity to be an expert in something and use your skills to make a difference to people's lives.

How do I know if I have a good lawyer?

What are the qualities of a good attorney?

What to know before becoming a lawyer?


What is the topmost incentive to become a lawyer?

Thus it can be considered to be the topmost incentive to become a lawyer. Prestige. Law as a career has proved to be a seal of prestige and reputation over generations and time immemorial. Impressive and highly qualified degrees obtained at the end of the courses; a general notion of authority over the others have brought lawyers under ...

How do lawyers affect society?

Lawyers are always in a position different from others, to affect the society in terms of great impact by being thought leaders and agents of change. They can make or break the society, bring about huge changes and hold influential positions in the ruling body of a state, i.e. the Government. Accordingly, lawyers are able to influence ...

Why is it important to fulfill work and satisfaction of the same?

Fulfilment of work and satisfaction of the same is something that makes law as a career starkly different and better than other career options. Additionally, variety of work experience and field to work on is another important incentive that plays an essential role. Each day is filled with something new and interesting.

Is law a career?

Law as a career is nothing short of an extraordinary and exciting endeavour. It is no doubt that successfully becoming a lawyer requires enormous time commitment and financial investment. Adding to that, dealing with long working hours and cranky clients become common daily activities and a part of life.

What are the benefits of being a lawyer?

Flexibility. One of the best perks of being a lawyer is the flexibility it affords, in many different areas. For a start, many people in the legal profession have the ability to set their own fees, choose their hours, and select the clients they want to work with.

Why do lawyers work?

Lawyers are in a position to help protect individuals, groups, companies, and the voiceless — such as children, animals, and the planet. Lawyers have a chance to further the public good and have an impact on the way the world runs. Many people in the legal profession perform pro-bono work during their career.

Is legal a good career?

A legal career can be a wonderful calling and offer a huge amount of opportunities and job satisfaction. Whether you’re trying to work out a path of employment after you leave school, or have been working for years and need a career change, choosing to join the legal industry might be just what you’re looking for.

Is being a lawyer bad?

Being a lawyer, though, doesn’t have to be about bad suits, bad choices, or bad manners. A legal career can be a wonderful calling and offer a huge amount of opportunities and job satisfaction.

Can a lawyer change their specialty?

In addition, the industry is one in which there are dozens of specialised areas to work in. Lawyers can pick and choose the type of subject matter they want to work on during their career, or even change their specialty multiple times if they feel like they want to learn about another field or simply need a new job.

What do lawyers learn?

Through working on cases, you'll research past cases, learn about obscure laws and get to know the intricacies of you specialization.

What do lawyers specialize in?

Most lawyers choose to specialize in one area of law. Your options range from personal injury to real estate law, and whatever specialization you choose, you'll have the chance to learn a lot about that industry. Even within a single specialty, your day-to-day tasks will vary significantly, which keeps your life at work interesting.

How much do lawyers make in 2016?

2016 Salary Information for Lawyers. Lawyers earned a median annual salary of $118,160 in 2016, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. On the low end, lawyers earned a 25th percentile salary of $77,580, meaning 75 percent earned more than this amount. The 75th percentile salary is $176,580, meaning 25 percent earn more.

What happens when you work with clients?

As you work with clients, you'll start to network, which not only expands your business, but also leads to perks in other parts of your life. If you need a reliable contractor, a client can recommend one, for example, or your client may be a foodie who tips you off to a great place to eat in your neighborhood.

What does it mean to work for yourself?

When you work for yourself, you get to play by your rules, and although being a business owner is a lot of work, it is rewarding to know that you're putting money into your own pocket, not the pockets of those who own the law firm where you work.

What is the job growth rate in the legal industry?

Job growth in the legal industry is expected to be at about 13 percent between 2008 and 2018, which is average when considering job growth across all industries. When working for a law firm, your job is very secure as long as you're a good employee, which is not something that can be said for many markets, especially when the economy is bad. People will always need lawyers, and job growth will be even faster than average in some legal areas, such as health care and environmental law.

Who is Allison Boyer?

Allison Boyer has been a content marketing consultant since 2005, and currently runs the food blog The PinterTestKitchen. She was previously the Content Director for New Media Expo, where she helped bloggers and businesses learn about new media. Boyer holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Elizabethtown College.

Why is being a lawyer important?

Being a Lawyer is not only a profession but also helps us to know our potential. Sometimes we don’t even know how much we can do and what are the powers of a commoner. This profession helps us to know our own powers. They also know how to deal with a problem; actually our law has a solution for every problem.

Why should a lawyer be smart?

A lawyer should be smart and should have a very good logical power because this helps them to find evidence and also helps them to have a good verbal battle in the court. Believe me or not but people never like to mess-up with a lawyer because they know they themselves can become the victim.

What is a lawyer 2020?

August 18, 2020. by essaybanyan. A lawyer is a person, in which, people deal with judicial actions and help others to get their rights. They can help people from any kind of social problem. There is a law in every country and one should definitely follow it and when someone disobeys or creates problems for others, ...

How to be successful in a profession?

Do whatever attracts you and this will definitely make you successful one day. When our profession becomes our passion then no one can stop us. Bring that spirit and see the change in yourself. I love to deal with the truth, justice, so I chose this profession. Your reason can be something else to choose yours.

Why is law important?

Like knowledge of your property and its successors, etc. Law helps us to deal with many problems. Sometimes many of us don’t even know what we can do in a particular case and we easily forget it. Actually, a person can even fight for his single penny but very few of us know about the right procedure and we leave it.

Who was the first lawyer in the Bible?

The First-Ever Lawyer. The description of this post was very first mentioned in the Bible and it was ‘Zenas’ the first-ever known Lawyer. Apart from the Bible, the evidence of lawyers can also be seen in Ancient Greece, where the orators use to do the same job.

Who was the first female lawyer?

Whereas there are some worldwide famous females’ in this profession like ‘Arabella Mansfield’ was the first female lawyer in the United States of America; whereas ‘Cornelia Sorabji’ was the first female who was from India and studied Law at Oxford University.

What are the skills of an attorney?

On a fundamental level, attorneys are communicators. They communicate with their clients, they communicate with other parties to the case, and they communicate with the court. Beyond that, lawyers communicate in a wide range of different ways.

How do lawyers persevere?

Finally, successful lawyers know how to persevere. The law is a tough field. There is no reason to sugar coat it; practicing law can be one of the most rewarding and meaningful careers out there, but it’s also a lot of work. As is true with any profession, success requires effort. There will be difficult days. You may be stuck dealing with a client who is making your life unnecessarily hard, an opposing counsel who is being rude for no reason, or a judge who rules the wrong way on a key procedural matter. You may simply be frustrated because you spilled hot coffee on your shirt that morning. It happens. What sets successful attorneys apart from ordinary attorneys is that they know how to persevere through the challenging times to get to the rewarding and meaningful moments that make it all worth it.

What does an attorney do after an accident?

Whether it’s by helping them through a difficult family law matter, protect ing them against false charges , or securing fair financial compensation after an accident, attorneys advocate for people during some of the most challenging times in their life. Lawyers matter.

What is the most underrated trait of an attorney?

Willingness to Listen. One of the most underrated traits shared by almost every successful attorney is a strong ability and willingness to listen. Although strong listening is a part of overall communication skills, it’s important to highlight listening as its own professional trait.

How do lawyers communicate?

A great lawyer knows how to get important ideas across in formal legal writing, in informal emails, in phone conversations, through discussions in official legal settings, and in private conversations.

What is the legal knowledge needed to be an effective corporate litigator?

The legal knowledge needed to be an effective corporate litigator is far different than the legal knowledge needed to help a California couple pursue a private adoption. Great lawyers know their area of practice. Some of this knowledge comes from experience. Some of it comes from education.

What does it mean when you open your ears?

When you truly open up your ears, you will probably recognize that people are giving you even more information that you thought. Listening to your clients, listening to witnesses, listening to your opposing counsel, and listening to the court can be the difference between winning and losing a case.

Why are lawyers so good at their jobs?

Lawyers are in the unusual position of actually being better at their jobs if they have a pessimistic mindset rather than a rosy outlook, according to the ABA. A lawyer’s ability to see everything that could possibly go wrong comes in handy when they’re building an airtight case against the opposition.

How many years of school do I need to become a lawyer?

1. The challenging years of law school. The process of becoming a lawyer isn’t for the faint of heart. The BLS reports that it typically takes seven years of full-time postsecondary education to become a lawyer. This breaks down to four years for a Bachelor’s degree, followed by three years of law school.

How many law school graduates were full time in 2015?

Just 59.2 percent of 2015 law school grads held full-time, long-term jobs as lawyers 10 months after graduation, according to data from the American Bar Association (ABA). This can create a very difficult situation for those who take on substantial student loan debt to pursue their law career.

What is non-billable hours?

Non-billable hours are all those other aspects of a job, like checking e-mail, attending meetings and participating in continuing education.

Is being a lawyer worth it?

Is being a lawyer worth it? That’s something only you can decide. Becoming a lawyer definitely isn’t for everyone. If you decide that the risks don’t outweigh the rewards, you don’t necessarily have to give up your dream of working in the legal field. There are plenty of other career options that may better suit your skills and interests.

Why did I become a lawyer?

I was a scientist before becoming a lawyer. One reason I became a lawyer is that I discovered that my strengths were in analyzing problems and advising others. Being a lawyer can require a wide range of skills and unexpected challenges. To illustrate the range, in one day, a lawyer may have to study the fine print of a form to make sure all the details are correct and also advise her client about the general legal risks of embarking on a particular business strategy.

Is law a fascinating field?

The law is a fascinating field of study. Positive impacts can be made on a daily basis by lawyers. And as stated by Sheila, law is ever changing and therefore, you must be ready to learn on a lifelong basis. I would encourage you to go. It is a privilege in my opinion.

What can I do with a law degree?

Other than becoming a lawyer, law graduates are desirable candidates for various fields such as media and law, academia, commerce and industry, social work, politics and more. You will find that studying law can take you just about anywhere.

What are the skills required to study law?

4. Master critical thinking, strong reasoning and analytical skills. The knowledge and skills gained from studying law facilitate students to analyse both sides of complex situations or problems and to devise the best solution based on strong reasoning and critical thinking. 5. The power to make a difference through law.

What are the qualities of a law graduate?

6. Respect and prestige. Many law graduates are successful in various industries and more became world leaders who are highly respected. The job is not easy but those who uphold justice are most deserving of respect. 7. Awareness of rights and responsibilities.

What are the benefits of studying law?

Law students often work in groups and actively participate in debates or discussions, such environments nurture good self-esteem and confidence. 9. Better communication skills and high adaptability towards various career transitions.

What does it mean to study law?

Studying law offers you the legal education and qualification to ultimately make that significant change.

What do law students learn?

Law students develop the ability to argue from a basis of evidence in a way which can be hard for others to do; this actively cultivates advanced communication skills, keen problem-solving abilities and the capacity for independent thinking.

What is the oldest academic field in the world?

Interestingly, they are world leaders who studied law . One of the oldest academic fields in the world, a law degree is a highly regarded qualification and promises great career opportunities.


Essay 1 (250 Words) - Why I Want to Become A Lawyer?

  • Introduction When we ask achild what he really wants to become, some of them want to be a doctor, whereassome of them want to be an engineer. Similarly, when I was young, I wanted tobecome a lawyer. I like this profession because it is all about getting ourrights. I like to solve other’s problems and I found this profession perfectfor me. My HiddenInspiration When I wasyo…
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